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Test Coverage
from collections.abc import Iterable
import numbers
import os
import numpy as np
import qutip
from qutip import basis, Qobj
from qutip.measurement import measurement_statistics
from .gates import expand_operator
__all__ = ["Measurement"]
class Measurement:
Representation of a quantum measurement, with its required parameters,
and target qubits.
name : string
Measurement name.
targets : list or int
Gate targets.
classical_store : int
Result of the measurment is stored in this
classical register of the circuit.
def __init__(self, name, targets=None, index=None, classical_store=None):
Create a measurement with specified parameters.
self.name = name
self.targets = None
self.classical_store = classical_store
self.index = index
if not isinstance(targets, Iterable) and targets is not None:
self.targets = [targets]
self.targets = targets
for ind_list in [self.targets]:
if isinstance(ind_list, Iterable):
all_integer = all(
[isinstance(ind, numbers.Integral) for ind in ind_list]
if not all_integer:
raise ValueError("Index of a qubit must be an integer")
def measurement_comp_basis(self, state):
Measures a particular qubit (determined by the target)
whose ket vector/ density matrix is specified in the
computational basis and returns collapsed_states and probabilities
(retains full dimension).
state : ket or oper
state to be measured on specified by
ket vector or density matrix
collapsed_states : List of Qobjs
the collapsed state obtained after measuring the qubits
and obtaining the qubit specified by the target in the
state specified by the index.
probabilities : List of floats
the probability of measuring a state in a the state
specified by the index.
n = int(np.log2(state.shape[0]))
target = self.targets[0]
if target < n:
op0 = basis(2, 0) * basis(2, 0).dag()
op1 = basis(2, 1) * basis(2, 1).dag()
measurement_ops = [op0, op1]
raise ValueError("target is not valid")
measurement_ops = [
expand_operator(op, dims=[2] * n, targets=self.targets)
for op in measurement_ops
# qutip-v5
measurement_tol = qutip.settings.core["atol"] ** 2
except AttributeError:
# qutip-v4
measurement_tol = qutip.settings.atol**2
states, probabilities = measurement_statistics(state, measurement_ops)
probabilities = [
p if p > measurement_tol else 0.0 for p in probabilities
states = [
s if p > measurement_tol else None
for s, p in zip(states, probabilities)
return states, probabilities
def __str__(self):
str_name = ("Measurement(%s, target=%s, classical_store=%s)") % (
return str_name
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def _repr_latex_(self):
return str(self)
def _to_qasm(self, qasm_out):
Pipe output of measurement to QasmOutput object.
qasm_out: QasmOutput
object to store QASM output.
"measure q[{}] -> c[{}]".format(
self.targets[0], self.classical_store