from copy import deepcopyfrom ..circuit import QubitCircuit __all__ = ["to_chain_structure"] Function `to_chain_structure` has a Cognitive Complexity of 141 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.def to_chain_structure(qc, setup="linear"): """ Method to resolve 2 qubit gates with non-adjacent control/s or target/s in terms of gates with adjacent interactions for linear/circular spin chain system. Parameters ---------- qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit` The circular spin chain circuit to be resolved setup: Boolean Linear of Circular spin chain setup Returns ------- qc : :class:`.QubitCircuit` Returns QubitCircuit of resolved gates for the qubit circuit in the desired basis. """FIXME found # FIXME This huge block has been here for a long time. # It could be moved to the new compiler section and carefully # splitted into smaller peaces. qc_t = deepcopy(qc) qc_t.gates = [] swap_gates = [ "SWAP", "ISWAP", "SQRTISWAP", "SQRTSWAP", "BERKELEY", "SWAPalpha", ] N = qc.N for gate in qc.gates: if == "CNOT" or == "CSIGN": start = min([gate.targets[0], gate.controls[0]]) end = max([gate.targets[0], gate.controls[0]]) if setup == "linear" or ( setup == "circular" and (end - start) <= N // 2 ): i = start while i < end:Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. if start + end - i - i == 1 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 0: # Apply required gate if control and target are # adjacent to each other, provided |control-target| # is even. if end == gate.controls[0]: qc_t.add_gate(, targets=[i], controls=[i + 1] ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i] ) Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif ( start + end - i - i == 2 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 1 ): # Apply a swap between i and its adjacent gate, # then the required gate if and then another swap # if control and target have one qubit between # them, provided |control-target| is odd. qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1]) if end == gate.controls[0]: qc_t.add_gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i + 2] ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, targets=[i + 2], controls=[i + 1] ) qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) i += 1 else: # Swap the target/s and/or control with their # adjacent qubit to bring them closer. qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) qc_t.add_gate( "SWAP", [start + end - i - 1, start + end - i] ) i += 1 elif (end - start) < N - 1: """ If the resolving has to go backwards, the path is first mapped to a separate circuit and then copied back to the original circuit. """ temp = QubitCircuit(N - end + start) i = 0 while i < (N - end + start):Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. if ( N + start - end - i - i == 1 and (N - end + start + 1) % 2 == 0 ): if end == gate.controls[0]: temp.add_gate(, targets=[i], controls=[i + 1] ) else: temp.add_gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i] ) Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif ( N + start - end - i - i == 2 and (N - end + start + 1) % 2 == 1 ): temp.add_gate("SWAP", targets=[i, i + 1]) if end == gate.controls[0]: temp.add_gate(, targets=[i + 2], controls=[i + 1] ) else: temp.add_gate(, targets=[i + 1], controls=[i + 2] ) temp.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) i += 1 else: temp.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) temp.add_gate( "SWAP", [N + start - end - i - 1, N + start - end - i], ) i += 1 j = 0 for gate in temp.gates:Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if j < N - end - 2: if in ["CNOT", "CSIGN"]: qc_t.add_gate(, end + gate.targets[0], end + gate.controls[0], ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, [end + gate.targets[0], end + gate.targets[1]], ) elif j == N - end - 2: if in ["CNOT", "CSIGN"]: qc_t.add_gate(, end + gate.targets[0], (end + gate.controls[0]) % N, ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, [ end + gate.targets[0], (end + gate.targets[1]) % N, ], ) else: if in ["CNOT", "CSIGN"]: qc_t.add_gate(, (end + gate.targets[0]) % N, (end + gate.controls[0]) % N, ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, [ (end + gate.targets[0]) % N, (end + gate.targets[1]) % N, ], ) j = j + 1 elif (end - start) == N - 1: qc_t.add_gate(, gate.targets, gate.controls) elif in swap_gates: start = min([gate.targets[0], gate.targets[1]]) end = max([gate.targets[0], gate.targets[1]]) if setup == "linear" or ( setup == "circular" and (end - start) <= N // 2 ): i = start while i < end:Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if start + end - i - i == 1 and (end - start + 1) % 2 == 0: qc_t.add_gate(, [i, i + 1])Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif (start + end - i - i) == 2 and ( end - start + 1 ) % 2 == 1: qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) qc_t.add_gate(, [i + 1, i + 2]) qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) i += 1 else: qc_t.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) qc_t.add_gate( "SWAP", [start + end - i - 1, start + end - i] ) i += 1 else: temp = QubitCircuit(N - end + start) i = 0 while i < (N - end + start):Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.
Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. if ( N + start - end - i - i == 1 and (N - end + start + 1) % 2 == 0 ): temp.add_gate(, [i, i + 1]) Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. elif ( N + start - end - i - i == 2 and (N - end + start + 1) % 2 == 1 ): temp.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) temp.add_gate(, [i + 1, i + 2]) temp.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) i += 1 else: temp.add_gate("SWAP", [i, i + 1]) temp.add_gate( "SWAP", [N + start - end - i - 1, N + start - end - i], ) i += 1 j = 0 for gate in temp.gates:Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if j < N - end - 2: qc_t.add_gate(, [end + gate.targets[0], end + gate.targets[1]], ) elif j == N - end - 2: qc_t.add_gate(, [ end + gate.targets[0], (end + gate.targets[1]) % N, ], ) else: qc_t.add_gate(, [ (end + gate.targets[0]) % N, (end + gate.targets[1]) % N, ], ) j = j + 1 else: # This gate can be general quantum operations # such as measurement or global phase. qc_t.add_gate(gate) return qc_t