"""Variational Quantum Algorithms generation and optimization"""
import types
import random
import numpy as np
from qutip import basis, tensor, Qobj, qeye, expect
from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.linalg import expm_frechet
from .operations import gate_sequence_product
from .compat import to_scalar
class VQA:
Optimizes free parameters to generate :obj:`.QubitCircuit` instances
based on Variational Quantum Algorithms.
Accepts :obj:`.VQABlock` elements instead of :obj:`~.operations.Gate` elements,
which allows for easy parameterization of user-defined circuit elements.
Includes methods for parameter optimization and generators of
:obj:`.QubitCircuit` instances.
num_qubits: int
number of qubits used by the algorithm
num_layers: int, optional
number of layers used by the algorihtm
cost_method: str
method used to compute the cost of an instance of the circuit
constructed by fixing its free parameters. Can be one of `OBSERVABLE`,
#. If `OBSERVABLE` is set, then the attribute
``VQA.cost_observable`` needs to be specified as a ``Qobj``.
The cost of the circuit is the expectation value of this observable
in the final state.
#. If `STATE` is set, then ``VQA.cost_func`` needs to be specified
as a callable that takes in a quantum state, as a ``Qobj``, and
returns a float.
#. If `BITSTRING` is set, then ``VQA.cost_func`` needs to be
specified as a callable that takes in a bitstring and returns
a float.
def __init__(self, num_qubits, num_layers=1, cost_method="OBSERVABLE"):
self.num_qubits = num_qubits
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.blocks = []
self.user_gates = {}
self._cost_methods = ["OBSERVABLE", "STATE", "BITSTRING"]
self.cost_method = cost_method
self.cost_func = None
self.cost_observable = None
if self.num_qubits < 1:
raise ValueError("Expected 1 or more qubits")
if not isinstance(self.num_qubits, int):
raise TypeError("Expected an integer number of qubits")
if self.num_layers < 1:
raise ValueError("Expected 1 or more layer")
if not isinstance(self.num_layers, int):
raise TypeError("Expected an integer number of layers")
if self.cost_method not in self._cost_methods:
raise ValueError(
f"Cost method {self.cost_method} not one of "
def get_block_series(self):
Ordered list of circuit blocks, including layer repetitions,
from first applied to last applied.
blocks = [*self.blocks]
for _ in range(1, self.num_layers):
for block in list(filter(lambda b: not b.initial, self.blocks)):
return blocks
def add_block(self, block):
Append a :obj:`.VQABlock` instance to the circuit, and update the
user_gates dictionary if necessary.
block: VQABlock
if not = "U" + str(len(self.blocks))
if in list(map(lambda b:, self.blocks)):
raise ValueError("Duplicate Block name in blocks dict")
self.user_gates[] = lambda angles=None: block.get_unitary(
def get_free_parameters_num(self):
Compute the number of free parameters required
to evaluate the circuit.
num_params: int
Number of free circuit parameters
initial_blocks = list(filter(lambda b: b.initial, self.blocks))
layer_blocks = list(filter(lambda b: not b.initial, self.blocks))
n_initial_params = sum(
list(map(lambda b: b.get_free_parameters_num(), initial_blocks))
n_layer_params = (
sum(list(map(lambda b: b.get_free_parameters_num(), layer_blocks)))
* self.num_layers
return n_initial_params + n_layer_params
def construct_circuit(self, angles):
Construct a circuit by specifying values for each
free parameter.
angles: list of float
A list of dimension (n,) for n free parameters in the circuit
circ: :obj:`.QubitCircuit`
circ = QubitCircuit(self.num_qubits)
circ.user_gates = self.user_gates
i = 0
for layer_num in range(self.num_layers):
for block in self.blocks:
if block.initial and layer_num > 0:
if block.is_native_gate:
circ.add_gate(block.operator, targets=block.targets)
n = block.get_free_parameters_num()
arg_value=angles[i : i + n] if n > 0 else None,
i += n
return circ
def get_initial_state(self):
initial_state: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Initial circuit state
initial_state = basis(2, 0)
for _ in range(self.num_qubits - 1):
initial_state = tensor(initial_state, basis(2, 0))
return initial_state
def get_final_state(self, angles):
Evaluate the circuit by specifying each circuit parameter
angles: list of float
A list of dimension (n,) for n free parameters in the circuit
final_state: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`.
Final state of the circuit after evaluation
circ = self.construct_circuit(angles)
initial_state = self.get_initial_state()
final_state =
return final_state
def _sample_bitstring_from_state(self, state):
Use probability amplitudes from state after measurement
in computational basis to sample a bitstring.
state: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
bitstring: str
Formatted binary string with length corresponding to
dimension of input state
E.g. the state 1/sqrt(2) * (|0> + |1>)
would return 0 and 1 with equal probability.
num_qubits = int(np.log2(state.shape[0]))
outcome_indices = list(range(2**num_qubits))
probs = [abs(i.item()) ** 2 for i in state]
outcome_index = np.random.choice(outcome_indices, p=probs)
return format(outcome_index, f"0{num_qubits}b")
def evaluate_parameters(self, angles):
Evaluate a cost for the circuit, based on the VQA cost
method defined.
angles: list of float
A list of dimension (n,) for n free parameters in the circuit
cost: float
final_state = self.get_final_state(angles)
if self.cost_method == "BITSTRING":
if self.cost_func is None:
raise ValueError(
"To use BITSTRING as the cost method, please"
" specify the attribute cost_func"
return self.cost_func(
elif self.cost_method == "STATE":
if self.cost_func is None:
raise ValueError(
"To use STATE as the cost method, please"
" specify the attribute cost_func"
return self.cost_func(final_state)
elif self.cost_method == "OBSERVABLE":
if self.cost_observable is None:
raise ValueError(
"To use OBSERVABLE as the cost method, please"
" specify the attribute cost_observable"
return expect(self.cost_observable, final_state)
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised cost method: {self.cost_method}")
def optimize_parameters(
Run VQA optimization loop
initial: str or list of floats, optional
Initialization method for the free parameters.
If a list of floats of dimensions (n,) for n free parameters
in the circuit is given, then these are taken to be the initial
conditions for the optimizer. Otherwise if a string is given:
* (Default) "random" will randomize initial free parameters
between 0 and 1.
* "ones" will set each initial free parameter to a value of 1.
method: str or callable, optional
Method to give to ``scipy.optimize.minimize``
use_jac: bool, optional
Whether to compute the jacobian or not. If computed, it will be
passed to the optimizer chosen by ``method``, regardless of if
the method is gradient-based or not.
Note that derivatives of unitaries generated by
``ParameterizedHamiltonian`` are calculated with the
Frechet derivative of the exponential function,
using ``scipy.linalg.expm_frechet``.
layer_by_layer: bool, optional
Grow the circuit from a single layer to ``VQA.num_layers``. At each
step, hold the parameters found for previous layers fixed.
bounds: sequence or `scipy.optimize.Bounds`, optional
Bounds to be passed to the optimizer. Either
#. Instance of `scipy.optimize.Bounds`
#. Sequence of ``(min, max)`` tuples corresponding to each
free parameter.
constraints: list of `Constraint`
See `scipy.optimize.minimize` documentation.
result: :obj:`.OptimizationResult`
The optimized angles and final state.
n_free_params = self.get_free_parameters_num()
# Set initial circuit parameters
if isinstance(initial, str):
if initial == "random":
angles = [random.random() for i in range(n_free_params)]
elif initial == "ones":
angles = [1 for i in range(n_free_params)]
raise ValueError("Invalid initial condition string")
elif isinstance(initial, list) or isinstance(initial, np.ndarray):
if len(initial) != n_free_params:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected {n_free_params} initial parameters"
f"but got {len(initial)}."
angles = initial
raise ValueError(
"Initial conditions were neither a list of values"
" nor a string specifying initialization."
# Run the scipy minimization function
if layer_by_layer:
max_layers = self.num_layers
n_params = 0
params = []
for layer_num in range(1, max_layers + 1):
print(f"Optimizing layer {layer_num}/{max_layers}")
self.num_layers = layer_num
n_tot = self.get_free_parameters_num()
# subset initialization parameters
init = angles[n_params:n_tot]
def layer(a, p):
return self.evaluate_parameters(np.append(p, a))
if use_jac:
def layer_jac(a, p):
return self.compute_jac(
np.append(p, a), list(range(n_params, n_tot))
layer_jac = None
res = minimize(
params = np.append(params, res.x)
n_params += n_tot - n_params
angles = params
res = minimize(
jac=self.compute_jac if use_jac else None,
options={"disp": False},
angles = res.x
final_state = self.get_final_state(angles)
result = OptimizationResult(res, final_state)
return result
def get_unitary_products(self, propagators):
Return two ordered lists of propagators in the circuit.
Useful for modifying individual propagators and computing
the product with these modifications. For example, to modify
U_k in a product of N unitaries, one could take
U_prods_back[N - 1 - k] * modified_U_k * U_prods[k]
U_prods: list of :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Ordered list of [identity, U_0, U_1, ... U_N]
U_prods_back: list of :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Ordered list of [identity, U_N, U_{N-1}, ... U_0]
U_prods = [qeye([2 for _ in range(self.num_qubits)])]
U_prods_back = [qeye([2 for _ in range(self.num_qubits)])]
for i, _ in enumerate(propagators):
U_prods.append(propagators[i] * U_prods[-1])
U_prods_back.append(U_prods_back[-1] * propagators[-i - 1])
return U_prods, U_prods_back
def cost_derivative(self, U, dU):
Returns partial derivative of cost function (in observable
mode) with respect to the parameter in the block's unitary.
Assuming a block unitary of the form e^{-iH * theta}, this
will return d/(d theta) of the cost function in terms of
an observable.
U: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Block unitary
dU: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Partial derivative of U with respect to its parameter
dCost: float
Partial derivative of cost with respect to block's parameter
if self.cost_observable is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"cost_derivative function only "
"implemented for observable cost "
init = self.get_initial_state()
obs = self.cost_observable
dCost = (init.dag() * dU.dag()) * obs * (U * init) + (
init.dag() * U.dag()
) * obs * (dU * init)
dCost = to_scalar(dCost)
return np.real(dCost)
def compute_jac(self, angles, indices_to_compute=None):
Compute the jacobian for the circuit's cost function,
assuming the cost function is in observable mode.
angles: list of float
Circuit free parameters
indicies_to_compute: list of int, optional
Block indices for which to use in computing the jacobian.
By default, this is every index (every block).
jac: (n,) numpy array of floats
if indices_to_compute is None:
indices_to_compute = list(range(len(angles)))
circ = self.construct_circuit(angles)
propagators = circ.propagators()
U = gate_sequence_product(propagators)
U_prods, U_prods_back = self.get_unitary_products(propagators)
# subtract one for the identity matrix
n = len(U_prods) - 1
def modify_unitary(k, U):
return U_prods_back[n - 1 - k] * U * U_prods[k]
jacobian = []
i = 0
for k, block in enumerate(self.get_block_series()):
n_params = block.get_free_parameters_num()
if n_params > 0:
if i in indices_to_compute:
dBlock = block.get_unitary_derivative(
angles[i : i + n_params]
dU = modify_unitary(k, dBlock)
jacobian.append(self.cost_derivative(U, dU))
i += n_params
return np.array(jacobian)
def export_image(self, filename="circuit.png"):
Export an image of the circuit.
filename: str, optional
The name of the exported file
circ = self.construct_circuit(
[1 for _ in range(self.get_free_parameters_num())]
f = open(filename, "wb+")
print(f"Image saved to ./{filename}")
class ParameterizedHamiltonian:
Hamiltonian with 0 or more parameterized terms.
In general, computes a unitary as
:math:`U = e^{H_0 + p_1 H_1 + P_2 H_2 + \\dots}`
parameterized_terms: list of :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Hamiltonian terms which each require a unique parameter
constant_term: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Hamiltonian term which does not require parameters.
def __init__(self, parameterized_terms=[], constant_term=None):
self.p_terms = parameterized_terms
self.c_term = constant_term
self.num_parameters = len(parameterized_terms)
if len(self.p_terms) == 0 and self.c_term is None:
raise ValueError(
"Parameterized Hamiltonian " "initialised with no terms given"
def get_hamiltonian(self, params):
if not len(params) == self.num_parameters:
raise ValueError(
f"params should be of length {self.num_parameters}"
f"but was {len(params)}"
# Match each p_term with a parameter
H_tot = sum(param * H for param, H in zip(self.p_terms, params)) + (
self.c_term if self.c_term else 0
return H_tot
class VQABlock:
Component of a :obj:`.VQA`. Can return a unitary, and take
derivatives of its own unitary. Forms a :obj:`~.operations.Gate` in the
:obj:`.QubitCircuit` generated by the :obj:`.VQA`.
operator: :obj:`qutip.Qobj` or Callable or str
If given as a :obj:`qutip.Qobj`, assumed to be a Hamiltonian with
a single global parameter.
If given as a Callable, assumed to take in a parameter, and return
a unitary operator.
If given as a str, assumed to reference a native QuTiP gate from
is_unitary: bool, optional
Specifies that the operator was already in Unitary form,
and does not need to be exponentiated, or take a parameter.
name: str, optional
Name of the block. This will be used in the custom
``user_gates`` dict of the circuit. If not provided,
a name will be generated as "U"+str(len(VQA.blocks)).
targets: list of int, optional
The qubits targetted by the gate. By default, applied
to all qubits.
initial: bool, optional
Whether or not to repeat this block in layers. For example,
this should be True if this block is only used for
circuit initialization.
def __init__(
self.operator = operator
self.is_unitary = is_unitary = name
self.targets = targets
self.initial = initial
self.is_native_gate = False
self.num_parameters = 0
if isinstance(operator, Qobj):
if not self.is_unitary:
self.num_parameters = 1
elif isinstance(operator, str):
self.is_native_gate = True
if targets is None:
raise ValueError("Targets must be specified for native gates")
elif isinstance(operator, ParameterizedHamiltonian):
self.num_parameters = operator.num_parameters
elif isinstance(operator, types.FunctionType):
self.num_parameters = 1
raise ValueError(
"operator should be either: Qobj | function which"
" returns Qobj | ParameterizedHamiltonian"
" instance | string referring to gate."
def get_free_parameters_num(self):
return self.num_parameters
def get_unitary(self, angles=None):
Return the block unitary.
angles: list of float, optional
Block free parameters. Required if the block has free parameters.
# Qobj unitary or zero-parmeters function returning Qobj unitary
if angles is None:
if self.is_unitary:
return self.operator
raise ValueError("No angles were given and block was not unitary")
if len(angles) != self.get_free_parameters_num():
raise ValueError(
f"Expected {self.get_free_parameters_num()} angles"
f" but got {len(angles)}."
# Case where the operator is a string referring to an existing gate.
if self.is_native_gate:
raise TypeError("Can't compute unitary of native gate")
# Function returning Qobj unitary
if isinstance(self.operator, types.FunctionType):
# In the future, this could be generalized to multiple angles
unitary = self.operator(angles[0])
if not isinstance(unitary, Qobj):
raise TypeError("Provided function does not return Qobj")
return unitary
# ParameterizedHamiltonian instance
if isinstance(self.operator, ParameterizedHamiltonian):
return (-1j * self.operator.get_hamiltonian(angles)).expm()
# If there's no other specification, treat operator as Hamiltonian
if len(angles) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Expected one angle for singly-parameterized Hamiltonian."
return (-1j * angles[0] * self.operator).expm()
def get_unitary_derivative(self, angles, term_index=0):
Compute the derivative of the block's unitary with respect to its
free parameter, assuming it is of the form :math:`e^{-i \\theta H}`
for a free parameter theta. If the block's operator is a
:obj:`ParameterizedHamiltonian`, use the Frechet derivative of the
exponential function.
angle: list of float
free parameters to take derivatives with respect to
term_index: int, optional
Index of Parameterized Hamiltonian term that specifies the matrix
direction in which to take the derivative.
derivative: float
if self.is_unitary or self.is_native_gate:
raise ValueError(
"Can only take derivative of block specified "
"by Hamiltonians or ParameterizedHamiltonian instances."
if isinstance(self.operator, ParameterizedHamiltonian):
arg = -1j * self.operator.get_hamiltonian(angles)
direction = -1j * self.operator.p_terms[term_index]
return Qobj(
expm_frechet(arg.full(), direction.full(), compute_expm=False),
if len(angles) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Expected a single angle for non-"
"ParameterizedHamiltonian instance."
return self.get_unitary(angles) * -1j * self.operator
class OptimizationResult:
Class for results of :obj:`.VQA` optimization loop.
res: scipy results instance
final_state: :obj:`qutip.Qobj`
Final state of the circuit after optimization.
def __init__(self, res, final_state):
self.res = res
self.angles = res.x
self.min_cost =
self.nfev = res.nfev
self.final_state = final_state
def _highest_prob_bitstring(self, state):
Return the bitstring associated with the
highest probability amplitude measurement state.
num_qubits = int(np.log2(state.shape[0]))
index = np.argmax(abs(state.full()))
return format(index, f"0{num_qubits}b")
def get_top_bitstring(self):
Return the bitstring associated with the highest probability
measurement outcome
bitstring: str
bitstring in the form :math:`|x_0x_1...x_n>` where each
:math:`x_i` is 0 or 1 and n is the number of qubits of the system.
return "|" + self._highest_prob_bitstring(self.final_state) + ">"
def __str__(self):
return (
"Optimization Result:\n"
+ f"\tMinimum cost: {self.min_cost}\n"
+ f"\tNumber of function evaluations: {self.nfev}\n"
+ f"\tParameters found: {self.angles}"
def _label_to_sets(self, S, bitstring):
Convert bitstring to string representation of
two sets containing elements of the problem instance.
S: list of float
Problem instance
bitstring: str
sets: str
String representation the two sets.
s1 = []
s2 = []
for i, c in enumerate(bitstring.strip("|").strip(">")):
if c == "0":
return (str(s1) + " " + str(s2)).replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}")
def plot(self, S=None, label_sets=False, top_ten=False, display=True):
Plot probability amplitudes of each measurement
outcome of a state.
S: list of float, optional
Problem instance
min_cost: str, optional
The minimum cost found by optimization
label_sets: bool, optional
Replace bitstring labels with sets referring to the inferred
output of the combinatorial optimization problem. For example
a bitstring :math:`|010>` would produce a set with the first and
last elements of S, and one with the second element of S.
top_ten: bool, optional
Only plot the ten highest-probability states.
display: bool, optional
Display the plot with the pyplot method
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except Exception:
print("could not import matplotlib.pyplot")
state = self.final_state
min_cost = self.min_cost
num_qubits = int(np.log2(state.shape[0]))
probs = [abs(i.item()) ** 2 for i in state]
bitstrings = [
"|" + format(i, f"0{num_qubits}b") + ">"
for i in range(2**num_qubits)
if top_ten and len(probs) > 10:
threshold = sorted(probs)[-11]
top_probs = []
top_bitstrings = []
for i, prob in enumerate(probs):
if prob > threshold:
bitstrings = top_bitstrings
probs = top_probs
if label_sets:
labels = [
self._label_to_sets(S, bitstring) for bitstring in bitstrings
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
tick_label=labels if label_sets else bitstrings,
ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=30)
ax.set_xlabel("Measurement outcome")
"Measurement Outcomes after Optimisation. "
f"Cost: {round(min_cost, 2)}"
if display: