[pytest]markers = slow: Mark a test as taking a long time to run, and so can be skipped with `pytest -m "not slow"`. repeat(n): Repeat the given test 'n' times. requires_cython: Mark that the given test requires Cython to be installed. Such tests will be skipped if Cython is not available.filterwarnings = error ; ImportWarning: PyxImporter.find_spec() not found ignore:PyxImporter:ImportWarning ; DeprecationWarning: Please use `upcast` from the `scipy.sparse` namespace ignore::DeprecationWarning:qutip.fastsparse*: ignore:matplotlib not found:UserWarning ignore:the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib:DeprecationWarning ignore:Dedicated options class are no longer needed, options should be passed as dict to solvers.:FutureWarning ignore::DeprecationWarning:qiskit.utils.algorithm_globals: