import pytestimport osimport shutilimport numpy as npfrom pathlib import Path from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit, CircuitSimulatorfrom qutip_qip.circuit.texrenderer import TeXRendererfrom qutip import ( tensor, Qobj, ptrace, rand_ket, fock_dm, basis, rand_dm, bell_state, ket2dm, identity, sigmax,)from qutip_qip.qasm import read_qasmfrom qutip_qip.operations import ( Gate, gates, Measurement, gate_sequence_product,)from qutip_qip.transpiler import to_chain_structurefrom qutip_qip.decompose.decompose_single_qubit_gate import _ZYZ_rotation import qutip as qp def _op_dist(A, B): return (A - B).norm() def _teleportation_circuit(): teleportation = QubitCircuit( 3, num_cbits=2, input_states=["q0", "0", "0", "c0", "c1"] ) teleportation.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[1]) teleportation.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[2], controls=[1]) teleportation.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) teleportation.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[0]) teleportation.add_measurement("M0", targets=[0], classical_store=1) teleportation.add_measurement("M1", targets=[1], classical_store=0) teleportation.add_gate("X", targets=[2], classical_controls=[0]) teleportation.add_gate("Z", targets=[2], classical_controls=[1]) return teleportation def _teleportation_circuit2(): teleportation = QubitCircuit( 3, num_cbits=2, input_states=["q0", "0", "0", "c0", "c1"] ) teleportation.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[1]) teleportation.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[2], controls=[1]) teleportation.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) teleportation.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[0]) teleportation.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[2], controls=[1]) teleportation.add_gate("CZ", targets=[2], controls=[0]) return teleportation def _measurement_circuit(): qc = QubitCircuit(2, num_cbits=2) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=[0], classical_store=0) qc.add_measurement("M1", targets=[1], classical_store=1) return qc class TestQubitCircuit: """ A test class for the QuTiP functions for Circuit resolution. """ @pytest.mark.parametrize( ["gate_from", "gate_to", "targets", "controls"], [ pytest.param("SWAP", "CNOT", [0, 1], None, id="SWAPtoCNOT"), pytest.param("ISWAP", "CNOT", [0, 1], None, id="ISWAPtoCNOT"), pytest.param("CSIGN", "CNOT", [1], [0], id="CSIGNtoCNOT"), pytest.param("CNOT", "CSIGN", [0], [1], id="CNOTtoCSIGN"), pytest.param("CNOT", "SQRTSWAP", [0], [1], id="CNOTtoSQRTSWAP"), pytest.param("CNOT", "SQRTISWAP", [0], [1], id="CNOTtoSQRTISWAP"), pytest.param("CNOT", "ISWAP", [0], [1], id="CNOTtoISWAP"), ], ) def testresolve(self, gate_from, gate_to, targets, controls): qc1 = QubitCircuit(2) qc1.add_gate(gate_from, targets=targets, controls=controls) U1 = qc1.compute_unitary() qc2 = qc1.resolve_gates(basis=gate_to) U2 = qc2.compute_unitary() assert _op_dist(U1, U2) < 1e-12 def testSNOTdecompose(self): """ SNOT to rotation: compare unitary matrix for SNOT and product of resolved matrices in terms of rotation gates. """ qc1 = QubitCircuit(1) qc1.add_gate("SNOT", targets=0) U1 = qc1.compute_unitary() qc2 = qc1.resolve_gates() U2 = qc2.compute_unitary() assert _op_dist(U1, U2) < 1e-12 def testFREDKINdecompose(self): """ FREDKIN to rotation and CNOT: compare unitary matrix for FREDKIN and product of resolved matrices in terms of rotation gates and CNOT. """ qc1 = QubitCircuit(3) qc1.add_gate("FREDKIN", targets=[0, 1], controls=[2]) U1 = qc1.compute_unitary() qc2 = qc1.resolve_gates() U2 = qc2.compute_unitary() assert _op_dist(U1, U2) < 1e-12 def testadjacentgates(self): """ Adjacent Gates: compare unitary matrix for ISWAP and product of resolved matrices in terms of adjacent gates interaction. """ qc1 = QubitCircuit(3) qc1.add_gate("ISWAP", targets=[0, 2]) U1 = qc1.compute_unitary() qc0 = qc1.adjacent_gates() qc2 = qc0.resolve_gates(basis="ISWAP") U2 = qc2.compute_unitary() assert _op_dist(U1, U2) < 1e-12 def test_add_gate(self): """ Addition of a gate object directly to a `QubitCircuit` """ qc = QubitCircuit(6) qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) test_gate = Gate("SWAP", targets=[1, 4]) qc.add_gate(test_gate) qc.add_gate("TOFFOLI", controls=[0, 1], targets=[2]) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[3]) qc.add_gate(test_gate, index=[3]) qc.add_1q_gate("RY", start=4, end=5, arg_value=1.570796) qc.add_1q_gate("RX", qubits=[3], arg_value=-1.570796) # Test explicit gate addition assert qc.gates[0].name == "CNOT" assert qc.gates[0].targets == [1] assert qc.gates[0].controls == [0] # Test direct gate addition assert qc.gates[1].name == test_gate.name assert qc.gates[1].targets == test_gate.targets # Test specified position gate addition assert qc.gates[3].name == test_gate.name assert qc.gates[3].targets == test_gate.targets # Test adding 1 qubit gate on [start, end] qubits assert qc.gates[5].name == "RY" assert qc.gates[5].targets == [4] assert qc.gates[5].arg_value == 1.570796 assert qc.gates[6].name == "RY" assert qc.gates[6].targets == [5] assert qc.gates[6].arg_value == 1.570796 Trailing whitespace # Test adding 1 qubit gate on qubits [3] assert qc.gates[7].name == "RX" assert qc.gates[7].targets == [3] assert qc.gates[7].arg_value == -1.570796 dummy_gate1 = Gate("DUMMY1") inds = [1, 3, 4, 6] qc.add_gate(dummy_gate1, index=inds) # Test adding gates at multiple (sorted) indices at once. # NOTE: Every insertion shifts the indices in the original list of # gates by an additional position to the right. expected_gate_names = [ 'CNOT', # 0 'DUMMY1', # 1 'SWAP', # 2 'TOFFOLI', # 3 'DUMMY1', # 4 'SWAP', # 5 'DUMMY1', # 6 'SNOT', # 7 'RY', # 8 'DUMMY1', # 9 'RY', # 10 'RX', # 11 ] actual_gate_names = [gate.name for gate in qc.gates] assert actual_gate_names == expected_gate_names dummy_gate2 = Gate("DUMMY2") inds = [11, 0] qc.add_gate(dummy_gate2, index=inds) # Test adding gates at multiple (unsorted) indices at once. expected_gate_names = [ 'DUMMY2', # 0 'CNOT', # 1 'DUMMY1', # 2 'SWAP', # 3 'TOFFOLI', # 4 'DUMMY1', # 5 'SWAP', # 6 'DUMMY1', # 7 'SNOT', # 8 'RY', # 9 'DUMMY1', # 10 'RY', # 11 'DUMMY2', # 12 'RX', # 13 ] actual_gate_names = [gate.name for gate in qc.gates] assert actual_gate_names == expected_gate_names def test_add_circuit(self): """ Addition of a circuit to a `QubitCircuit` """ def customer_gate1(arg_values): mat = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.complex128) mat[0, 0] = mat[1, 1] = 1.0 mat[2:4, 2:4] = gates.rx(arg_values) return Qobj(mat, dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]]) qc = QubitCircuit(6) qc.user_gates = {"CTRLRX": customer_gate1} qc = QubitCircuit(6) qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) test_gate = Gate("SWAP", targets=[1, 4]) qc.add_gate(test_gate) qc.add_gate("TOFFOLI", controls=[0, 1], targets=[2]) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[3]) qc.add_gate(test_gate, index=[3]) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=[0], classical_store=[1]) qc.add_1q_gate("RY", start=4, end=5, arg_value=1.570796) qc.add_gate("CTRLRX", targets=[1, 2], arg_value=np.pi / 2) qc1 = QubitCircuit(6) qc1.add_circuit(qc) # Test if all gates and measurements are added assert len(qc1.gates) == len(qc.gates) # Test if the definitions of user gates are added assert qc1.user_gates == qc.user_gates for i in range(len(qc1.gates)): assert qc1.gates[i].name == qc.gates[i].name assert qc1.gates[i].targets == qc.gates[i].targets if isinstance(qc1.gates[i], Gate) and isinstance( qc.gates[i], Gate ): assert qc1.gates[i].controls == qc.gates[i].controls assert ( qc1.gates[i].classical_controls == qc.gates[i].classical_controls ) elif isinstance(qc1.gates[i], Measurement) and isinstance( qc.gates[i], Measurement ): assert ( qc1.gates[i].classical_store == qc.gates[i].classical_store ) # Test exception when qubit out of range pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, qc1.add_circuit, qc, start=4) qc2 = QubitCircuit(8) qc2.add_circuit(qc, start=2) # Test if all gates are added assert len(qc2.gates) == len(qc.gates) # Test if the positions are correct for i in range(len(qc2.gates)): if qc.gates[i].targets is not None: assert qc2.gates[i].targets[0] == qc.gates[i].targets[0] + 2 if ( isinstance(qc.gates[i], Gate) and qc.gates[i].controls is not None ): assert qc2.gates[i].controls[0] == qc.gates[i].controls[0] + 2 # Test exception when the operators to be added are not gates or measurements qc.gates[-1] = 0 pytest.raises(TypeError, qc2.add_circuit, qc) def test_add_state(self): """ Addition of input and output states to a circuit. """ qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_state("0", targets=[0]) qc.add_state("+", targets=[1], state_type="output") qc.add_state("-", targets=[1]) assert qc.input_states[0] == "0" assert qc.input_states[2] is None assert qc.output_states[1] == "+" qc1 = QubitCircuit(10) qc1.add_state("0", targets=[2, 3, 5, 6]) qc1.add_state("+", targets=[1, 4, 9]) qc1.add_state("A", targets=[1, 4, 9], state_type="output") qc1.add_state("A", targets=[1, 4, 9], state_type="output") qc1.add_state("beta", targets=[0], state_type="output") assert qc1.input_states[0] is None assert qc1.input_states[2] == "0" assert qc1.input_states[3] == "0" assert qc1.input_states[6] == "0" assert qc1.input_states[1] == "+" assert qc1.input_states[4] == "+" assert qc1.output_states[2] is None assert qc1.output_states[1] == "A" assert qc1.output_states[4] == "A" assert qc1.output_states[9] == "A" assert qc1.output_states[0] == "beta" def test_add_measurement(self): """ Addition of Measurement Object to a circuit. """ qc = QubitCircuit(3, num_cbits=2) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=[0], classical_store=1) qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) qc.add_gate("TOFFOLI", controls=[0, 1], targets=[2]) qc.add_measurement("M1", targets=[2], classical_store=0) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[1], classical_controls=[0, 1]) qc.add_measurement("M2", targets=[1]) # checking correct addition of measurements assert qc.gates[0].targets[0] == 0 assert qc.gates[0].classical_store == 1 assert qc.gates[3].name == "M1" assert qc.gates[5].classical_store is None # checking if gates are added correctly with measurements assert qc.gates[2].name == "TOFFOLI" assert qc.gates[4].classical_controls == [0, 1] @pytest.mark.parametrize("gate", ["X", "Y", "Z", "S", "T"]) def test_exceptions(self, gate): """ Text exceptions are thrown correctly for inadequate inputs """ qc = QubitCircuit(2) pytest.raises(ValueError, qc.add_gate, gate, targets=[1], controls=[0]) def test_globalphase_gate_propagators(self): qc = QubitCircuit(2) qc.add_gate("GLOBALPHASE", arg_value=np.pi / 2) [gate] = qc.gates assert gate.name == "GLOBALPHASE" assert gate.arg_value == np.pi / 2 [U_expanded] = qc.propagators() assert U_expanded == 1j * qp.qeye([2, 2]) [U_unexpanded] = qc.propagators(expand=False) assert U_unexpanded == 1j * qp.qeye([2, 2]) def test_single_qubit_gates(self): """ Text single qubit gates are added correctly """ qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_gate("X", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("CY", targets=[1], controls=[0]) qc.add_gate("Y", targets=[2]) qc.add_gate("CS", targets=[0], controls=[1]) qc.add_gate("Z", targets=[1]) qc.add_gate("CT", targets=[2], controls=[2]) qc.add_gate("CZ", targets=[0], controls=[0]) qc.add_gate("S", targets=[1]) qc.add_gate("T", targets=[2]) assert qc.gates[8].name == "T" assert qc.gates[7].name == "S" assert qc.gates[6].name == "CZ" assert qc.gates[5].name == "CT" assert qc.gates[4].name == "Z" assert qc.gates[3].name == "CS" assert qc.gates[2].name == "Y" assert qc.gates[1].name == "CY" assert qc.gates[0].name == "X" assert qc.gates[8].targets == [2] assert qc.gates[7].targets == [1] assert qc.gates[6].targets == [0] assert qc.gates[5].targets == [2] assert qc.gates[4].targets == [1] assert qc.gates[3].targets == [0] assert qc.gates[2].targets == [2] assert qc.gates[1].targets == [1] assert qc.gates[0].targets == [0] assert qc.gates[6].controls == [0] assert qc.gates[5].controls == [2] assert qc.gates[3].controls == [1] assert qc.gates[1].controls == [0] def test_reverse(self): """ Reverse a quantum circuit """ qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_gate("RX", targets=[0], arg_value=3.141, arg_label=r"\pi/2") qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=[1], controls=[0]) qc.add_measurement("M1", targets=[1]) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[2]) # Keep input output same qc.add_state("0", targets=[0]) qc.add_state("+", targets=[1], state_type="output") qc.add_state("-", targets=[1]) qc_rev = qc.reverse_circuit() assert qc_rev.gates[0].name == "SNOT" assert qc_rev.gates[1].name == "M1" assert qc_rev.gates[2].name == "CNOT" assert qc_rev.gates[3].name == "RX" assert qc_rev.input_states[0] == "0" assert qc_rev.input_states[2] is None assert qc_rev.output_states[1] == "+" def test_user_gate(self): """ User defined gate for QubitCircuit """ def customer_gate1(arg_values): mat = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.complex128) mat[0, 0] = mat[1, 1] = 1.0 mat[2:4, 2:4] = gates.rx(arg_values).full() return Qobj(mat, dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]]) def customer_gate2(): mat = np.array([[1.0, 0], [0.0, 1.0j]]) return Qobj(mat, dims=[[2], [2]]) qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.user_gates = {"CTRLRX": customer_gate1, "T1": customer_gate2} qc.add_gate("CTRLRX", targets=[1, 2], arg_value=np.pi / 2) qc.add_gate("T1", targets=[1]) props = qc.propagators() result1 = tensor(identity(2), customer_gate1(np.pi / 2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(props[0].full(), result1.full()) result2 = tensor(identity(2), customer_gate2(), identity(2)) np.testing.assert_allclose(props[1].full(), result2.full()) def test_N_level_system(self): """ Test for circuit with N-level system. """ mat3 = qp.rand_unitary(3) def controlled_mat3(arg_value): """ A qubit control an operator acting on a 3 level system """ control_value = arg_value dim = mat3.dims[0][0] return tensor(fock_dm(2, control_value), mat3) + tensor( fock_dm(2, 1 - control_value), identity(dim) ) qc = QubitCircuit(2, dims=[3, 2]) qc.user_gates = {"CTRLMAT3": controlled_mat3} qc.add_gate("CTRLMAT3", targets=[1, 0], arg_value=1) props = qc.propagators() final_fid = qp.average_gate_fidelity(mat3, ptrace(props[0], 0) - 1) assert pytest.approx(final_fid, 1.0e-6) == 1 init_state = basis([3, 2], [0, 1]) result = qc.run(init_state) final_fid = qp.fidelity(result, props[0] * init_state) assert pytest.approx(final_fid, 1.0e-6) == 1.0 @pytest.mark.repeat(10) def test_run_teleportation(self): """ Test circuit run and mid-circuit measurement functionality by repeating the teleportation circuit on multiple random kets """ teleportation = _teleportation_circuit() state = tensor(rand_ket(2), basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0)) initial_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[0]) _, initial_probabilities = initial_measurement.measurement_comp_basis( state ) teleportation_sim = CircuitSimulator(teleportation) teleportation_sim_results = teleportation_sim.run(state) state_final = teleportation_sim_results.get_final_states(0) final_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[2]) _, final_probabilities = final_measurement.measurement_comp_basis( state_final ) np.testing.assert_allclose(initial_probabilities, final_probabilities) def test_classical_control(self): qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=2) qc.add_gate( "X", targets=[0], classical_controls=[0, 1], classical_control_value=1, ) result = qc.run(basis(2, 0), cbits=[1, 0]) fid = qp.fidelity(result, basis(2, 0)) assert pytest.approx(fid, 1.0e-6) == 1 qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=2) qc.add_gate( "X", targets=[0], classical_controls=[0, 1], classical_control_value=2, ) result = qc.run(basis(2, 0), cbits=[1, 0]) fid = qp.fidelity(result, basis(2, 1)) assert pytest.approx(fid, 1.0e-6) == 1 def test_runstatistics_teleportation(self): """ Test circuit run_statistics on teleportation circuit """ teleportation = _teleportation_circuit() final_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[2]) initial_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[0]) original_state = tensor(rand_ket(2), basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0)) _, initial_probabilities = initial_measurement.measurement_comp_basis( original_state ) teleportation_results = teleportation.run_statistics(original_state) states = teleportation_results.get_final_states() probabilities = teleportation_results.get_probabilities() Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. for i, state in enumerate(states): state_final = state prob = probabilities[i] _, final_probabilities = final_measurement.measurement_comp_basis( state_final ) np.testing.assert_allclose( initial_probabilities, final_probabilities ) assert prob == pytest.approx(0.25, abs=1e-7) mixed_state = sum(p * ket2dm(s) for p, s in zip(probabilities, states)) dm_state = ket2dm(original_state) teleportation2 = _teleportation_circuit2() final_state = teleportation2.run(dm_state) _, probs1 = final_measurement.measurement_comp_basis(final_state) _, probs2 = final_measurement.measurement_comp_basis(mixed_state) np.testing.assert_allclose(probs1, probs2) def test_measurement_circuit(self): qc = _measurement_circuit() simulator = CircuitSimulator(qc) labels = ["00", "01", "10", "11"] for label in labels: state = bell_state(label) simulator.run(state) if label[0] == "0": assert simulator.cbits[0] == simulator.cbits[1] else: assert simulator.cbits[0] != simulator.cbits[1] def test_circuit_with_selected_measurement_result(self): qc = QubitCircuit(N=1, num_cbits=1) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=0) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=0, classical_store=0) # We reset the random seed so that # if we don's select the measurement result, # the two circuit should return the same value. np.random.seed(0) final_state = qc.run(qp.basis(2, 0), cbits=[0], measure_results=[0]) fid = pytest.approx(qp.fidelity(final_state, basis(2, 0))) assert fid == 1.0 np.random.seed(0) final_state = qc.run(qp.basis(2, 0), cbits=[0], measure_results=[1]) fid = pytest.approx(qp.fidelity(final_state, basis(2, 1))) assert fid == 1.0 def test_gate_product(self): filename = "qft.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / "qasm_files" / filename qc = read_qasm(filepath) U_list_expanded = qc.propagators() U_list = qc.propagators(expand=False) inds_list = [] for gate in qc.gates: if isinstance(gate, Measurement): continue else: inds_list.append(gate.get_all_qubits()) U_1, _ = gate_sequence_product( U_list, inds_list=inds_list, expand=True ) U_2 = gate_sequence_product( U_list_expanded, left_to_right=True, expand=False ) np.testing.assert_allclose(U_1.full(), U_2.full()) def test_wstate(self): filename = "w-state.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / "qasm_files" / filename qc = read_qasm(filepath) rand_state = rand_ket(2) state = tensor( tensor(basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0)), rand_state ) fourth = Measurement("test_rand", targets=[3]) _, probs_initial = fourth.measurement_comp_basis(state) simulator = CircuitSimulator(qc) result = simulator.run_statistics(state) final_states = result.get_final_states() result_cbits = result.get_cbits() for i, final_state in enumerate(final_states): _, probs_final = fourth.measurement_comp_basis(final_state) np.testing.assert_allclose(probs_initial, probs_final) assert sum(result_cbits[i]) == 1 _latex_template = r"""\documentclass[border=3pt]{standalone}\usepackage[braket]{qcircuit}\begin{document}\Qcircuit @C=1cm @R=1cm {%s}\end{document}""" def test_latex_code_teleportation_circuit(self): qc = _teleportation_circuit() renderer = TeXRenderer(qc) latex = renderer.latex_code() assert latex == renderer._latex_template % "\n".join( [ r" & \lstick{c1} & \qw & \qw & \qw & \qw" r" & \qw \cwx[4] & \qw & \qw & \ctrl{2} & \qw \\ ", r" & \lstick{c0} & \qw & \qw & \qw & \qw" r" & \qw & \qw \cwx[2] & \ctrl{1} & \qw & \qw \\ ", r" & \lstick{\ket{0}} & \qw & \targ & \qw & \qw" r" & \qw & \qw & \gate{X} & \gate{Z} & \qw \\ ", r" & \lstick{\ket{0}} & \gate{{\rm H}} & \ctrl{-1} &" r" \targ & \qw & \qw & \meter & \qw & \qw & \qw \\ ", r" & \lstick{\ket{q0}} & \qw & \qw & \ctrl{-1} &" r" \gate{{\rm H}} & \meter & \qw & \qw & \qw & \qw \\ ", "", ] ) def test_latex_code_classical_controls(self): qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=1, reverse_states=True) qc.add_gate("X", targets=0, classical_controls=[0]) renderer = TeXRenderer(qc) latex = TeXRenderer(qc).latex_code() assert latex == renderer._latex_template % "\n".join( [ r" & & \ctrl{1} & \qw \\ ", r" & & \gate{X} & \qw \\ ", "", ] ) qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=1, reverse_states=False) qc.add_gate("X", targets=0, classical_controls=[0]) renderer = TeXRenderer(qc) latex = TeXRenderer(qc).latex_code() assert latex == renderer._latex_template % "\n".join( [ r" & & \gate{X} & \qw \\ ", r" & & \ctrl{-1} & \qw \\ ", "", ] ) H = Qobj( [[1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)], [1 / np.sqrt(2), -1 / np.sqrt(2)]] ) H_zyz_gates = _ZYZ_rotation(H) H_zyz_quantum_circuit = QubitCircuit(1) H_zyz_quantum_circuit.add_gates(H_zyz_gates) sigmax_zyz_gates = _ZYZ_rotation(sigmax()) sigmax_zyz_quantum_circuit = QubitCircuit(1) sigmax_zyz_quantum_circuit.add_gates(sigmax_zyz_gates) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "valid_input, correct_result", [(H_zyz_gates, H), (sigmax_zyz_gates, sigmax())], ) def test_add_gates(self, valid_input, correct_result): circuit = QubitCircuit(1) circuit.add_gates(valid_input) result = gate_sequence_product(circuit.propagators()) assert result == correct_result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "valid_input, correct_result", [(H_zyz_quantum_circuit, H), (sigmax_zyz_quantum_circuit, sigmax())], ) def test_compute_unitary(self, valid_input, correct_result): final_output = valid_input.compute_unitary() assert isinstance(final_output, Qobj) assert final_output == correct_result def test_latex_code(self): qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=1, reverse_states=True) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=0, classical_store=0) exp = ( " & & \\qw \\cwx[1] & \\qw \\\\ \n & & \\meter & \\qw \\\\ \n" ) renderer = TeXRenderer(qc) assert renderer.latex_code() == renderer._latex_template % exp def test_latex_code_non_reversed(self): qc = QubitCircuit(1, num_cbits=1, reverse_states=False) qc.add_measurement("M0", targets=0, classical_store=0) exp = ( " & & \\meter & \\qw \\\\ \n & " + "& \\qw \\cwx[-1] & \\qw \\\\ \n" ) renderer = TeXRenderer(qc) assert renderer.latex_code() == renderer._latex_template % exp @pytest.mark.skipif( shutil.which("pdflatex") is None, reason="requires pdflatex" ) def test_export_image(self, in_temporary_directory): from qutip_qip.circuit.texrenderer import CONVERTERS qc = QubitCircuit(2, reverse_states=False) qc.add_gate("CSIGN", controls=[0], targets=[1]) if "png" in CONVERTERS: file_png200 = "exported_pic_200.png" file_png400 = "exported_pic_400.png" qc.draw("latex", "png", 200, file_png200.split(".")[0], True) qc.draw("latex", "png", 400.5, file_png400.split(".")[0], True) assert file_png200 in os.listdir(".") assert file_png400 in os.listdir(".") assert os.stat(file_png200).st_size < os.stat(file_png400).st_size if "svg" in CONVERTERS: file_svg = "exported_pic.svg" qc.draw("svg", file_svg.split(".")[0], True) assert file_svg in os.listdir(".") def test_deprecation_warning(self): # Make them available for backward compatibility. with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): from qutip_qip.circuit import Gate, Measurement Gate("X", 0) def test_circuit_chain_structure(self): """ Test if the transpiler correctly inherit the properties of a circuit. """ qc = QubitCircuit(3, reverse_states=True) qc.add_gate("CNOT", 2, 0) qc2 = to_chain_structure(qc) assert qc2.reverse_states is True assert qc2.input_states == [None] * 3