import pytestimport numpy as npfrom pathlib import Pathimport warnings import qutipfrom qutip_qip.qasm import read_qasm, circuit_to_qasm_strfrom qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuitfrom qutip import tensor, rand_ket, basis, rand_dm, identityfrom qutip_qip.operations import cnot, ry, Measurement, swap @pytest.mark.parametrize(["filename", "error", "error_message"], [ pytest.param("command_error.qasm", SyntaxError, "QASM: post is not a valid QASM command."), pytest.param("bracket_error.qasm", SyntaxError, "QASM: incorrect bracket formatting"), pytest.param("qasm_error.qasm", SyntaxError, "QASM: File does not contain QASM 2.0 header")])def test_qasm_errors(filename, error, error_message): filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename with pytest.raises(error) as exc_info: read_qasm(filepath) assert error_message in str(exc_info.value) def check_gate_defn(gate, gate_name, targets, controls=None, classical_controls=None, classical_control_value=None): assert gate.name == gate_name assert gate.targets == targets assert gate.controls == controls assert gate.classical_controls == classical_controls assert gate.classical_control_value == classical_control_value def check_measurement_defn(gate, gate_name, targets, classical_store): assert gate.name == gate_name assert gate.targets == targets assert gate.classical_store == classical_store @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(Missing whitespace around operator "ignore:Information about individual registers"+ " is not preserved in QubitCircuit")def test_qasm_addcircuit(): filename = "test_add.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename qc = read_qasm(filepath) assert qc.N == 2 assert qc.num_cbits == 2 check_gate_defn(qc.gates[0], "X", [1]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[1], "SNOT", [0]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[2], "SNOT", [1]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[3], "CNOT", [1], [0]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[4], "SNOT", [0]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[5], "SNOT", [1]) check_gate_defn(qc.gates[6], "SNOT", [0], None, [0, 1], 0) check_measurement_defn(qc.gates[7], "M", [0], 0) check_measurement_defn(qc.gates[8], "M", [1], 1) def test_custom_gates(): filename = "test_custom_gates.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename qc = read_qasm(filepath) unitaries = qc.propagators() assert (unitaries[0] - unitaries[1]).norm() < 1e-12 ry_cx = cnot() * tensor(identity(2), ry(np.pi/2)) assert (unitaries[2] - ry_cx).norm() < 1e-12 @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(Missing whitespace around operator "ignore:Information about individual registers"+ " is not preserved in QubitCircuit")def test_qasm_teleportation(): filename = "teleportation.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename teleportation = read_qasm(filepath) final_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[2]) initial_measurement = Measurement("start", targets=[0]) state = tensor(rand_ket(2), basis(2, 0), basis(2, 0)) _, initial_probabilities = initial_measurement.measurement_comp_basis(state) teleportation_results = teleportation.run_statistics(state) states = teleportation_results.get_final_states() probabilities = teleportation_results.get_probabilities() Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. for i, state in enumerate(states): final = state prob = probabilities[i] _, final_probabilities = final_measurement.measurement_comp_basis(final) np.testing.assert_allclose(initial_probabilities, final_probabilities) assert prob == pytest.approx(0.25, abs=1e-7) def test_qasm_str(): expected_qasm_str = ('// QASM 2.0 file generated by QuTiP\n\nOPENQASM 2.0;' '\ninclude "qelib1.inc";\n\nqreg q[2];\ncreg c[1];\n\n' 'x q[0];\nmeasure q[1] -> c[0]\n') simple_qc = QubitCircuit(2, num_cbits=1) simple_qc.add_gate("X", targets=[0]) simple_qc.add_measurement("M", targets=[1], classical_store=0) assert circuit_to_qasm_str(simple_qc) == expected_qasm_str def test_export_import(): qc = QubitCircuit(3) qc.add_gate("CRY", targets=1, controls=0, arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("CRX", targets=1, controls=0, arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("CRZ", targets=1, controls=0, arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("CNOT", targets=1, controls=0) qc.add_gate("TOFFOLI", targets=2, controls=[0, 1]) # qc.add_gate("SQRTNOT", targets=0) qc.add_gate("CS", targets=1, controls=0) qc.add_gate("CT", targets=1, controls=0) qc.add_gate("SWAP", targets=[0, 1]) qc.add_gate("QASMU", targets=[0], arg_value=[np.pi, np.pi, np.pi]) qc.add_gate("RX", targets=[0], arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("RY", targets=[0], arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("RZ", targets=[0], arg_value=np.pi) qc.add_gate("SNOT", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("X", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("Y", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("Z", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("S", targets=[0]) qc.add_gate("T", targets=[0]) # qc.add_gate("CSIGN", targets=[0], controls=[1]) # The generated code by default has a inclusion statement of # qelib1.inc, which will trigger a warning when read. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") read_qc = read_qasm(circuit_to_qasm_str(qc), strmode=True) props = qc.propagators() read_props = read_qc.propagators() for u0, u1 in zip(props, read_props): assert (u0 - u1).norm() < 1e-12 def test_read_qasm(): filename = "w-state.qasm" filepath = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename filename2 = "w-state_with_comments.qasm" filepath2 = Path(__file__).parent / 'qasm_files' / filename2 qc = read_qasm(filepath) qc2 = read_qasm(filepath2) assert True def test_parsing_mode(tmp_path): mode = "qiskit" qasm_input_string = ( 'OPENQASM 2.0;\n\ncreg c[2];' '\nqreg q[2];cx q[0],q[1];\n' ) with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record_warning: read_qasm( qasm_input_string, mode=mode, strmode=True, ) assert "Unknown parsing mode" in record_warning[0].message.args[0] mode = "predefined_only" qasm_input_string = ( 'OPENQASM 2.0;\ninclude "qelib1.inc"\n\ncreg c[2];' '\nqreg q[2];swap q[0],q[1];\n' ) with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record_warning: circuit = read_qasm( qasm_input_string, mode=mode, strmode=True, ) assert ( "Ignoring external gate definition in the predefined_only mode." in record_warning[0].message.args[0] ) mode = "external_only" file_path = tmp_path / "custom_swap.inc" file_path.write_text( "gate cx c,t { CX c,t; }\n" "gate swap a,b { cx a,b; cx b,a; cx a,b; }\n" ) qasm_input_string = ( 'OPENQASM 2.0;\ninclude "' + str(file_path) + '"\ncreg c[2];' '\nqreg q[2];swap q[0],q[1];\n' ) circuit = read_qasm( qasm_input_string, mode=mode, strmode=True, ) propagator = circuit.compute_unitary() fidelity = qutip.average_gate_fidelity(propagator, swap()) pytest.approx(fidelity, 1.0) circuit = read_qasm( qasm_input_string, strmode=True, ) propagator = circuit.compute_unitary() fidelity = qutip.average_gate_fidelity(propagator, swap()) pytest.approx(fidelity, 1.0)