

Test Coverage
# The name is short because we mostly care how it appears in the pull request
# "checks" dialogue box - it looks like
#     Tests / ubuntu-latest, python-3.9, defaults
# or similar.
name: Tests

    [push, pull_request]

    # The slightly odd shell call is to force bash to read .bashrc, which is
    # necessary for having conda behave sensibly.  We use bash as the shell even
    # on Windows, since we don't run anything much complicated, and it makes
    # things much simpler.
    shell: bash -l -e {0}

    name: ${{ matrix.os }}, python${{ matrix.python-version }}, ${{ matrix.case-name }}
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      MPLBACKEND: Agg  # Explicitly define matplotlib backend for Windows tests
      fail-fast: false
        os: [ubuntu-latest]
        # Test other versions of Python in special cases to avoid exploding the
        # matrix size; make sure to test all supported versions in some form.
        python-version: ["3.11"]
        case-name: [defaults]
        numpy-requirement: [">=1.22"]
        scipy-requirement: [">=1.8"]
        coverage-requirement: ["==6.5"]
        # Extra special cases.  In these, the new variable defined should always
        # be a truth-y value (hence 'nomkl: 1' rather than 'mkl: 0'), because
        # the lack of a variable is _always_ false-y, and the defaults lack all
        # the special cases.
          # Python 3.10, no mkl, scipy 1.9, numpy 1.23
          # Scipy 1.9 did not support cython 3.0 yet.
          # cython#17234
          - case-name: no mkl
            os: ubuntu-latest
            python-version: "3.10"
            scipy-requirement: ">=1.9,<1.10"
            numpy-requirement: ">=1.23,<1.24"
            condaforge: 1
            oldcython: 1
            nomkl: 1
            pytest-extra-options: "-W ignore:dep_util:DeprecationWarning"

          # Python 3.10, no cython, scipy 1.10, numpy 1.24
          - case-name: no cython
            os: ubuntu-latest
            python-version: "3.10"
            scipy-requirement: ">=1.10,<1.11"
            numpy-requirement: ">=1.24,<1.25"
            oldcython: 1
            nocython: 1

          # Python 3.11 and recent numpy
          # Use conda-forge to provide Python 3.11 and latest numpy
          # Ignore deprecation of the cgi module in Python 3.11 that is
          # still imported by Cython.Tempita. This was addressed in
          # https://github.com/cython/cython/pull/5128 but not backported
          # to any currently released version.
          - case-name: Python 3.11
            os: ubuntu-latest
            python-version: "3.11"
            condaforge: 1
            scipy-requirement: ">=1.11,<1.12"
            numpy-requirement: ">=1.25,<1.26"
            conda-extra-pkgs: "suitesparse"  # for compiling cvxopt

          # Python 3.12 and latest numpy
          # Use conda-forge to provide Python 3.11 and latest numpy
          - case-name: Python 3.12
            os: ubuntu-latest
            python-version: "3.12"
            scipy-requirement: ">=1.12,<1.13"
            numpy-requirement: ">=1.26,<1.27"
            condaforge: 1
            pytest-extra-options: "-W ignore:datetime:DeprecationWarning"
            # Install mpi4py to test mpi_pmap
            # Should be enough to include this in one of the runs
            includempi: 1

          # Mac
          # Mac has issues with MKL since september 2022.
          - case-name: macos
            # setup-miniconda not compatible with macos-latest presently.
            # https://github.com/conda-incubator/setup-miniconda/issues/344
            os: macos-12
            python-version: "3.11"
            condaforge: 1
            nomkl: 1

          # Windows. Once all tests pass without special options needed, this
          # can be moved to the main os list in the test matrix. All the tests
          # that fail currently seem to do so because mcsolve uses
          # multiprocessing under the hood. Windows does not support fork()
          # well, which makes transfering objects to the child processes
          # error prone. See, e.g., https://github.com/qutip/qutip/issues/1202
          - case-name: Windows
            os: windows-latest
            python-version: "3.11"

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
          auto-update-conda: true
          python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
          channels: ${{ matrix.condaforge == 1 && 'conda-forge' || 'defaults' }}

      - name: Install QuTiP and dependencies
        # In the run, first we handle any special cases.  We do this in bash
        # rather than in the GitHub Actions file directly, because bash gives us
        # a proper programming language to use.
        # We install without build isolation so qutip is compiled with the
        # version of cython, scipy, numpy in the test matrix, not a temporary
        # version use in the installation virtual environment.
        run: |
          # Install the extra requirement
          python -m pip install pytest>=5.2 pytest-rerunfailures  # tests
          python -m pip install matplotlib>=1.2.1  # graphics
          python -m pip install cvxpy>=1.0 cvxopt  # semidefinite
          python -m pip install ipython  # ipython
          python -m pip install loky tqdm  # extras
          python -m pip install "coverage${{ matrix.coverage-requirement }}" chardet
          python -m pip install pytest-cov coveralls pytest-fail-slow

          if [[ -z "${{ matrix.nomkl }}" ]]; then
            conda install blas=*=mkl "numpy${{ matrix.numpy-requirement }}" "scipy${{ matrix.scipy-requirement }}"
          elif [[ "${{ matrix.os }}" =~ ^windows.*$ ]]; then
            # Conda doesn't supply forced nomkl builds on Windows, so we rely on
            # pip not automatically linking to MKL.
            pip install "numpy${{ matrix.numpy-requirement }}" "scipy${{ matrix.scipy-requirement }}"
            conda install nomkl "numpy${{ matrix.numpy-requirement }}" "scipy${{ matrix.scipy-requirement }}"
          if [[ -n "${{ matrix.conda-extra-pkgs }}" ]]; then
            conda install "${{ matrix.conda-extra-pkgs }}"
          if [[ "${{ matrix.includempi }}" ]]; then
            # Use openmpi because mpich causes problems. Note, environment variable names change in v5
            conda install "openmpi<5" mpi4py
          if [[ "${{ matrix.oldcython }}" ]]; then
            python -m pip install cython==0.29.36 filelock
            python -m pip install cython filelock

          python -m pip install -e . -v --no-build-isolation

          if [[ "${{ matrix.nocython }}" ]]; then
            python -m pip uninstall cython -y

      - name: Package information
        run: |
          conda list
          python -c "import qutip; qutip.about()"
          python -c "import qutip; print(qutip.settings)"

      - name: Environment information
        run: |
          uname -a
          if [[ "ubuntu-latest" == "${{ matrix.os }}" ]]; then
              free -h

      - name: Run tests
        # If our tests are running for longer than an hour, _something_ is wrong
        # somewhere.  The GitHub default is 6 hours, which is a bit long to wait
        # to see if something hung.
        timeout-minutes: 60
        run: |
          if [[ -n "${{ matrix.openmp }}" ]]; then
            # Force OpenMP runs to use more threads, even if there aren't
            # actually that many CPUs.  We have to check any dispatch code is
            # truly being executed.
            export QUTIP_NUM_PROCESSES=2
          if [[ "${{ matrix.includempi }}" ]]; then
            # By default, the max. number of allowed worker processes in openmpi is
            # (number of physical cpu cores) - 1.
            # We only have 2 physical cores, but we want to test mpi_pmap with 2 workers.
            export OMPI_MCA_rmaps_base_oversubscribe=true
          pytest -Werror --strict-config --strict-markers --fail-slow=300 --durations=0 --durations-min=1.0 --verbosity=1 --cov=qutip --cov-report= --color=yes ${{ matrix.pytest-extra-options }} qutip/tests
          # Above flags are:
          #  -Werror
          #     treat warnings as errors
          #  --strict-config
          #     error out if the configuration file is not parseable
          #  --strict-markers
          #     error out if a marker is used but not defined in the
          #     configuration file
          #  --timeout=300
          #     error any individual test that goes longer than the given time
          #  --durations=0 --durations-min=1.0
          #     at the end, show a list of all the tests that took longer than a
          #     second to run
          #  --verbosity=1
          #     turn the verbosity up so pytest prints the names of the tests
          #     it's currently working on
          #  --cov=qutip
          #     limit coverage reporting to code that's within the qutip package
          #  --cov-report=
          #     don't print the coverage report to the terminal---it just adds
          #     cruft, and we're going to upload the .coverage file to Coveralls
          #  --color=yes
          #     force coloured output in the terminal

      - name: Upload to Coveralls
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
          COVERALLS_FLAG_NAME: ${{ matrix.os }}-${{ matrix.python-version }}-${{ matrix.case-name }}
          COVERALLS_PARALLEL: true
        run: coveralls --service=github

    name: Verify Towncrier entry added
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Install Towncrier
        run: |
          python -m pip install towncrier

      - name: Verify Towncrier entry added
        if: github.event_name == 'pull_request'
          BASE_BRANCH: ${{ github.base_ref }}
        run: |
          # Fetch the pull request' base branch so towncrier will be able to
          # compare the current branch with the base branch.
          # Source: https://github.com/actions/checkout/#fetch-all-branches.
          git fetch --no-tags origin +refs/heads/${BASE_BRANCH}:refs/remotes/origin/${BASE_BRANCH}
          towncrier check --compare-with origin/${BASE_BRANCH}
          towncrier build --version "$(cat VERSION)" --draft

    name: Finalise coverage reporting
    needs: cases
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: python:3-slim
      - name: Finalise coverage reporting
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
        run: |
          python -m pip install coveralls
          coveralls --service=github --finish