Showing 325 of 325 total issues

Line too long (82 > 79 characters)

    method : str {'clenshaw', 'iterative', 'laguerre', 'fft'}, default: 'clenshaw'
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Module level import not at top of file

from .core import *
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Module level import not at top of file

from .wigner import *
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Line too long (106 > 79 characters)

    A non-list iterable will not be treated as a list by flatten. For example, flatten would treat a tuple
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Ambiguous variable name 'l'

def unflatten(l, idxs):
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Never use the characters 'l', 'O', or 'I' as variable names.

In some fonts, these characters are indistinguishable from the
numerals one and zero. When tempted to use 'l', use 'L' instead.

Okay: L = 0
Okay: o = 123
Okay: i = 42
E741: l = 0
E741: O = 123
E741: I = 42

Variables can be bound in several other contexts, including class
and function definitions, 'global' and 'nonlocal' statements,
exception handlers, and 'with' and 'for' statements.
In addition, we have a special handling for function parameters.

Okay: except AttributeError as o:
Okay: with lock as L:
Okay: foo(l=12)
Okay: for a in foo(l=12):
E741: except AttributeError as O:
E741: with lock as l:
E741: global I
E741: nonlocal l
E741: def foo(l):
E741: def foo(l=12):
E741: l = foo(l=12)
E741: for l in range(10):
E742: class I(object):
E743: def l(x):

Continuation line over-indented for visual indent

           spin_state(j, j)
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Continuation lines indentation.

Continuation lines should align wrapped elements either vertically
using Python's implicit line joining inside parentheses, brackets
and braces, or using a hanging indent.

When using a hanging indent these considerations should be applied:
- there should be no arguments on the first line, and
- further indentation should be used to clearly distinguish itself
  as a continuation line.

Okay: a = (\n)
E123: a = (\n    )

Okay: a = (\n    42)
E121: a = (\n   42)
E122: a = (\n42)
E123: a = (\n    42\n    )
E124: a = (24,\n     42\n)
E125: if (\n    b):\n    pass
E126: a = (\n        42)
E127: a = (24,\n      42)
E128: a = (24,\n    42)
E129: if (a or\n    b):\n    pass
E131: a = (\n    42\n 24)

Whitespace before ':'

            full_data_matrix[blk_rx : blk_rx+blk_sz, blk_cx : blk_cx+blk_sz] =\
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Avoid extraneous whitespace.

Avoid extraneous whitespace in these situations:
- Immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
- Immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon.

Okay: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam( ham[1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam(ham[ 1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam(ham[1], { eggs: 2})
E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2} )
E202: spam(ham[1 ], {eggs: 2})
E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2 })

E203: if x == 4: print x, y; x, y = y , x
E203: if x == 4: print x, y ; x, y = y, x
E203: if x == 4 : print x, y; x, y = y, x

Module level import not at top of file

from .dispatch import Dispatcher
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/data/ by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Line too long (80 > 79 characters)

            'tqdm' uses the python module of the same name and raise an error if
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/solver/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Missing whitespace after ':'

        "progress_kwargs": {"chunk_size":10},
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/solver/ by pep8

Each comma, semicolon or colon should be followed by whitespace.

Okay: [a, b]
Okay: (3,)
Okay: a[1:4]
Okay: a[:4]
Okay: a[1:]
Okay: a[1:4:2]
E231: ['a','b']
E231: foo(bar,baz)
E231: [{'a':'b'}]

Line too long (82 > 79 characters)

    c_ops : list of (:obj:`.QobjEvo`, :obj:`.QobjEvo` compatible format), optional
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/solver/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def

    f = lambda x: x * x
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/piqs/ by pep8

Compound statements (on the same line) are generally discouraged.

While sometimes it's okay to put an if/for/while with a small body
on the same line, never do this for multi-clause statements.
Also avoid folding such long lines!

Always use a def statement instead of an assignment statement that
binds a lambda expression directly to a name.

Okay: if foo == 'blah':\n    do_blah_thing()
Okay: do_one()
Okay: do_two()
Okay: do_three()

E701: if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
E701: for x in lst: total += x
E701: while t < 10: t = delay()
E701: if foo == 'blah': do_blah_thing()
E701: else: do_non_blah_thing()
E701: try: something()
E701: finally: cleanup()
E701: if foo == 'blah': one(); two(); three()
E702: do_one(); do_two(); do_three()
E703: do_four();  # useless semicolon
E704: def f(x): return 2*x
E731: f = lambda x: 2*x

Module level import not at top of file

from .entropy import *
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Module level import not at top of file

from .continuous_variables import *
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Place imports at the top of the file.

Always put imports at the top of the file, just after any module
comments and docstrings, and before module globals and constants.

Okay: import os
Okay: # this is a comment\nimport os
Okay: '''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
Okay: r'''this is a module docstring'''\nimport os
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nelse:\n\tpass\nimport y
try:\n\timport x\nexcept ImportError:\n\tpass\nfinally:\n\tpass\nimport y
E402: a=1\nimport os
E402: 'One string'\n"Two string"\nimport os
E402: a=1\nfrom sys import x

Okay: if x:\n    import os

Line too long (95 > 79 characters)

            raise ValueError("Length of supplied dims does not match the number of subspaces.")
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (80 > 79 characters)

            between this operator and B is returned instead of the diamond norm.
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/core/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (82 > 79 characters)

        e0 = eigenvectors.adjoint() @ _data.one_element_dense((N, 1), (0, 0), 1.0)
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/solver/integrator/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Line too long (90 > 79 characters)

            evolution approximation. If the defaut 0 is given, the dimension is calculated
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/solver/integrator/ by pep8

Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

There are still many devices around that are limited to 80 character
lines; plus, limiting windows to 80 characters makes it possible to
have several windows side-by-side.  The default wrapping on such
devices looks ugly.  Therefore, please limit all lines to a maximum
of 79 characters. For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings or
comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended.

Reports error E501.

Whitespace before ')'

        np.fill_diagonal(M, np.abs(M.diagonal()) + np.sqrt(2) * N )
Severity: Minor
Found in qutip/ by pep8

Avoid extraneous whitespace.

Avoid extraneous whitespace in these situations:
- Immediately inside parentheses, brackets or braces.
- Immediately before a comma, semicolon, or colon.

Okay: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam( ham[1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam(ham[ 1], {eggs: 2})
E201: spam(ham[1], { eggs: 2})
E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2} )
E202: spam(ham[1 ], {eggs: 2})
E202: spam(ham[1], {eggs: 2 })

E203: if x == 4: print x, y; x, y = y , x
E203: if x == 4: print x, y ; x, y = y, x
E203: if x == 4 : print x, y; x, y = y, x

Ambiguous variable name 'l'

    for l in range(k - 1):

Never use the characters 'l', 'O', or 'I' as variable names.

In some fonts, these characters are indistinguishable from the
numerals one and zero. When tempted to use 'l', use 'L' instead.

Okay: L = 0
Okay: o = 123
Okay: i = 42
E741: l = 0
E741: O = 123
E741: I = 42

Variables can be bound in several other contexts, including class
and function definitions, 'global' and 'nonlocal' statements,
exception handlers, and 'with' and 'for' statements.
In addition, we have a special handling for function parameters.

Okay: except AttributeError as o:
Okay: with lock as L:
Okay: foo(l=12)
Okay: for a in foo(l=12):
E741: except AttributeError as O:
E741: with lock as l:
E741: global I
E741: nonlocal l
E741: def foo(l):
E741: def foo(l=12):
E741: l = foo(l=12)
E741: for l in range(10):
E742: class I(object):
E743: def l(x):