

5 hrs
Test Coverage
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from itertools import combinations

from .dense import Dense, from_csr
from .csr import CSR
from .properties import isherm as _isherm
from qutip.settings import settings

__all__ = [
    'eigs', 'eigs_csr', 'eigs_dense',
    'svd', 'svd_csr', 'svd_dense',

def _orthogonalize(vec, other):
    cross = np.sum(np.conj(other) * vec)
    vec -= cross * other
    norm = np.sum(np.conj(vec) * vec)**0.5
    vec /= norm

if settings.eigh_unsafe:
    def eigh(mat, eigvals=None):
        val, vec = scipy.linalg.eig(mat)
        val = np.real(val)
        idx = np.argsort(val)
        val = val[idx]
        vec = vec[:, idx]
        if eigvals:
            val = val[eigvals[0]:eigvals[1]+1]
            vec = vec[:, eigvals[0]:eigvals[1]+1]
        same_eigv = 0
        for i in range(1, len(val)):
            if abs(val[i] - val[i-1]) < 1e-12:
                same_eigv += 1
                for j in range(same_eigv):
                    _orthogonalize(vec[:, i], vec[:, i-j-1])
                same_eigv = 0
        return val, vec

    def eigvalsh(a, eigvals=None):
        val = scipy.linalg.eigvals(a)
        val = np.sort(np.real(val))
        if eigvals:
            return val[eigvals[0]:eigvals[1]+1]
        return val
    eigh = scipy.linalg.eigh
    eigvalsh = scipy.linalg.eigvalsh

def _eigs_dense(data, isherm, vecs, eigvals, num_large, num_small):
    Internal functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenstates for a dense
    N = data.shape[0]
    kwargs = {}
    if eigvals != 0 and isherm:
        kwargs['subset_by_index'] = (
            [0, num_small-1] if num_small else [N-num_large, N-1]
    if vecs:
        driver = eigh if isherm else scipy.linalg.eig
        evals, evecs = driver(data, **kwargs)
        driver = eigvalsh if isherm else scipy.linalg.eigvals
        evals = driver(data, **kwargs)
        evecs = None

    _zipped = list(zip(evals, range(len(evals))))
    evals, perm = list(zip(*_zipped))

    if vecs:
        evecs = np.array([evecs[:, k] for k in perm]).T

    if not isherm and eigvals > 0:
        if vecs:
            if num_small > 0:
                evals, evecs = evals[:num_small], evecs[:, :num_small]
            elif num_large > 0:
                evals = evals[(N - num_large):]
                evecs = evecs[:, (N - num_large):]
            if num_small > 0:
                evals = evals[:num_small]
            elif num_large > 0:
                evals = evals[(N - num_large):]
    return np.array(evals), evecs

def _eigs_csr(data, isherm, vecs, eigvals, num_large, num_small, tol, maxiter):
    Internal functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenstates for a sparse
    N = data.shape[0]
    big_vals = np.array([])
    small_vals = np.array([])
    evecs = None

    remove_one = 0  # 0: remove none, 1: remove smallest, -1: remove largest
    if eigvals == (N - 1):
        # calculate all eigenvalues and remove one at output if using sparse
        # 1: remove the smallest, -1, remove the largest
        remove_one = 1 if (num_small > 0) else -1
        eigvals = 0
        num_small = num_large = N // 2
        num_small += N % 2

    if vecs:
        if isherm:
            if num_large > 0:
                big_vals, big_vecs = sp.linalg.eigsh(data, k=num_large,
                                                     which='LA', tol=tol,
            if num_small > 0:
                small_vals, small_vecs = sp.linalg.eigsh(
                    data, k=num_small, which='SA',
                    tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)

            if num_large > 0:
                big_vals, big_vecs = sp.linalg.eigs(data, k=num_large,
                                                    which='LR', tol=tol,
            if num_small > 0:
                small_vals, small_vecs = sp.linalg.eigs(
                    data, k=num_small, which='SR',
                    tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)

        if num_large != 0 and num_small != 0:
            evecs = np.hstack([small_vecs, big_vecs])
        elif num_large != 0 and num_small == 0:
            evecs = big_vecs
        elif num_large == 0 and num_small != 0:
            evecs = small_vecs
        if isherm:
            if num_large > 0:
                big_vals = sp.linalg.eigsh(
                    data, k=num_large, which='LA',
                    return_eigenvectors=False, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
            if num_small > 0:
                small_vals = sp.linalg.eigsh(
                    data, k=num_small, which='SA',
                    return_eigenvectors=False, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
            if num_large > 0:
                big_vals = sp.linalg.eigs(
                    data, k=num_large, which='LR',
                    return_eigenvectors=False, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
            if num_small > 0:
                small_vals = sp.linalg.eigs(
                    data, k=num_small, which='SR',
                    return_eigenvectors=False, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)

    evals = np.hstack((small_vals, big_vals))
    if isherm:
        evals = np.real(evals)

    _zipped = list(zip(evals, range(len(evals))))
    evals, perm = list(zip(*_zipped))

    if vecs:
        evecs = np.array([evecs[:, k] for k in perm]).T

    # remove last element if requesting N-1 eigs and using sparse
    if remove_one == 1:
        evals = evals[:-1]
        if vecs:
            evecs = evecs[:, :-1]
    elif remove_one == -1:
        evals = evals[1:]
        if vecs:
            evecs = evecs[:, 1:]

    return np.array(evals), evecs

def _eigs_check_shape(data):
    if data.shape[0] != data.shape[1]:
        raise TypeError("Can only diagonalize square matrices")

def _eigs_fix_eigvals(data, eigvals, sort):
    N = data.shape[0]
    if eigvals == N:
        eigvals = 0
    if eigvals > N:
        raise ValueError("Number of requested eigen vals/vecs must be <= N.")
    if sort not in ('low', 'high'):
        raise ValueError("'sort' must be 'low' or 'high'")

    # set number of large and small eigenvals/vecs
    if eigvals == 0:  # user wants all eigs (default)
        num_small = num_large = N // 2
        num_small += N % 2
    else:  # if user wants only a few eigen vals/vecs
        num_small, num_large = (eigvals, 0) if sort == 'low' else (0, eigvals)
    return eigvals, num_large, num_small

def eigs_csr(data, /, isherm=None, vecs=True, sort='low', eigvals=0,
             tol=0, maxiter=100000):
    Return eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a CSR matrix.  This specialisation
    may take some extra keyword arguments in addition to the full documentation
    specified in :func:`.eigs`.

    This method is typically slower and less accurate than the dense eigenvalue
    solver; you probably want that, unless memory concerns deem it impossible.

    Extra keyword arguments
    tol : float (0)
        Tolerance for sparse eigensolver.  Sufficiently small tolerances (such
        as 0) cause the solver to use machine precision.
    maxiter : int (100_000)
        Max number of iterations used by sparse eigensolver.
    if not isinstance(data, CSR):
        raise TypeError("expected data in CSR format but got "
                        + str(type(data)))
    if data.shape[0] < 4:
        # For small matrix, the sparse solver can't compute all eigenvalues.
        return eigs_dense(from_csr(data), isherm, vecs, sort, eigvals)
    eigvals, num_large, num_small = _eigs_fix_eigvals(data, eigvals, sort)
    isherm = isherm if isherm is not None else _isherm(data)
    evals, evecs = _eigs_csr(data.as_scipy(), isherm, vecs, eigvals,
                             num_large, num_small, tol, maxiter)

    if vecs and isherm:
        i = 0
        while i < len(evals):
            num_degen = np.sum(np.abs(evals - evals[i]) < (2 * tol or 1e-14))
            # orthogonalize vectors 1 .. k with respect to the first, then
            # 2 .. k with respect to the second, and so on. Relies on both the
            # order of each pair and the ordering of pairs returned by
            # combinations.
            for k, l in combinations(range(num_degen), 2):
                _orthogonalize(evecs[:, i+l], evecs[:, i+k])
            i += num_degen

    if sort == 'high':
        # Flip arrays around.
        if vecs:
            evecs = np.fliplr(evecs)
        evals = evals[::-1]
    return (evals, Dense(evecs, copy=False)) if vecs else evals

def eigs_dense(data, /, isherm=None, vecs=True, sort='low', eigvals=0):
    Return eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a Dense matrix.  Takes no special
    keyword arguments; see the primary documentation in :func:`.eigs`.
    if not isinstance(data, Dense):
        raise TypeError("expected data in Dense format but got "
                        + str(type(data)))
    eigvals, num_large, num_small = _eigs_fix_eigvals(data, eigvals, sort)
    isherm = isherm if isherm is not None else _isherm(data)
    evals, evecs = _eigs_dense(data.as_ndarray(), isherm, vecs, eigvals,
                               num_large, num_small)
    if sort == 'high':
        # Flip arrays around.
        if vecs:
            evecs = np.fliplr(evecs)
        evals = evals[::-1]
    return (evals, Dense(evecs, copy=False)) if vecs else evals

from .dispatch import Dispatcher as _Dispatcher
import inspect as _inspect

# We use eigs_dense as the signature source, since in this case it has the
# complete signature that we allow, so we don't need to manually set it.
eigs = _Dispatcher(eigs_dense, name='eigs', inputs=('data',), out=False)
eigs.__doc__ =\
    Return eigenvalues and (optionally) eigenvectors for a data-layer object.

    Some particular specialisations of this function may take additional
    keyword arguments (such as the CSR solver).  See their particular
    docstrings for details on those.

    data : Data
        Input matrix
    isherm : bool, optional
        Indicate whether the matrix is Hermitian or not.  There are special
        Hermitian eigenvalue and -vector solvers for this case, which will take
        care of orthonormalisation and ensuring better accuracy.  If this is
        not specified either way, it will be calculated from the data.
    vecs : bool, optional (True)
        Whether the eigenvectors should be returned as well.
    sort : {'low', 'high'}, optional
        Sort the output of the eigenvalues and -vectors ordered by the relevant
        size of the real part of the eigenvalue from 'low' to high or from
        'high' to low.  If not all of the eigenvalues are requested, this
        influences which eigenvalues will be found.
    eigvals : int, optional
        Number of eigenvalues and -vectors to return.  If `0`, then returns

    eigenvalues : np.ndarray
        The requested eigenvalues, sorted in the expected order.  The dtype is
        `np.complex128`, unless `isherm=True`, in which case it will be
    eigenvectors : Data
        Only if `vecs=True`.  An array of the eigenvectors corresponding to the
        order of the eigenvalues.
    (CSR, eigs_csr),
    (Dense, eigs_dense),
], _defer=True)

def svd_csr(data, vecs=True, k=6, **kw):
    Singular Value Decomposition:

    ``data = U @ S @ Vh``

    Where ``S`` is diagonal.

    data : Data
        Input matrix
    vecs : bool, optional (True)
        Whether the singular vectors (``U``, ``Vh``) should be returned.
    k : int, optional (6)
        Number of state to compute, default is ``6`` to match scipy's default.
    **kw : dict
        Options to pass to ``scipy.sparse.linalg.svds``.

    U : Dense
        Left singular vectors as columns. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
        shape = (data.shape[0], k)
    S : np.ndarray
        The ``k``'s largest singular values.
    Vh : Dense
        Right singular vectors as rows. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
        shape = (k, data.shape[1])

    .. note::
        svds cannot compute all states at once. While it could find the
        largest and smallest in 2 calls, it has issues converging with when
        solving for the smallest (finding the 5 smallest in a 50x50 matrix
        can fail with default options). It should be used when not all states
        are needed.
    out = scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(
        data.as_scipy(), k, return_singular_vectors=vecs, **kw
    if vecs:
        u, s, vh = out
        return Dense(u, copy=False), s, Dense(vh, copy=False)
    return out

def svd_dense(data, vecs=True, **kw):
    Singular Value Decomposition:

    ``data = U @ S @ Vh``

    Where ``S`` is diagonal.

    data : Data
        Input matrix
    vecs : bool, optional (True)
        Whether the singular vectors (``U``, ``Vh``) should be returned.
    **kw : dict
        Options to pass to ``scipy.linalg.svd``.

    U : Dense
        Left singular vectors as columns. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
    S : np.ndarray
        Singular values.
    Vh : Dense
        Right singular vectors as rows. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
    out = scipy.linalg.svd(
        data.to_array(), compute_uv=vecs, **kw
    if vecs:
        u, s, vh = out
        return Dense(u, copy=False), s, Dense(vh, copy=False)
    return out

svd = _Dispatcher(
        _inspect.Parameter('data', _inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY),
        _inspect.Parameter('vecs', _inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD),
svd.__doc__ =\
    Singular Value Decomposition:

    ``data = U @ S @ Vh``

    Where ``S`` is diagonal.

    data : Data
        Input matrix
    vecs : bool, optional (True)
        Whether the singular vectors (``U``, ``Vh``) should be returned.

    U : Dense
        Left singular vectors as columns. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
    S : np.ndarray
        Singular values.
    Vh : Dense
        Right singular vectors as rows. Only returned if ``vecs == True``.
# Dense implementation return all states, but sparse implementation compute
# only a few states. So only the dense version is registered.
    (Dense, svd_dense),
], _defer=True)

del _Dispatcher
del _inspect