

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.App
Description: Abstract from platform for app initialization.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, RankNTypes #-}

module Flaw.App
  ( withApp
  , runApp
  , exitApp
  , AppGraphicsSystemId(..)
  , AppConfig(..)
  , AppWindow
  , AppInputManager
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Data.Typeable

import Flaw.BinaryCache
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Graphics

-- platform-specific imports

#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)

import Flaw.Graphics.WebGL
import Flaw.Input.Web
import Flaw.Js
import qualified Flaw.Window.Web.Canvas as Web


import Flaw.Graphics.Vulkan

#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_DX11)
import Flaw.Graphics.DirectX11
import Flaw.Graphics.DXGI

#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_GL)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Win32
import Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Sdl

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Flaw.Input.Win32
import Flaw.Window.Win32
import Flaw.Input.Sdl
import Flaw.Window.Sdl


-- platform-specific type synonyms
#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
type AppWindow = Web.Canvas
type AppInputManager = WebInputManager
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
type AppWindow = Win32Window
type AppInputManager = Win32InputManager
type AppWindow = SdlWindow
type AppInputManager = SdlInputManager

-- | Supported graphics systems.
data AppGraphicsSystemId
  = AppGraphicsSystemVulkan
  | AppGraphicsSystemDirectX11
  | AppGraphicsSystemOpenGL
  | AppGraphicsSystemWebGL

data AppConfig where
  AppConfig :: BinaryCache c =>
    { appConfigTitle :: !T.Text
    , appConfigWindowPosition :: !(Maybe (Int, Int))
    , appConfigWindowSize :: !(Maybe (Int, Int))
    , appConfigNeedDepthBuffer :: !Bool
    , appConfigBinaryCache :: !c
    , appConfigDebug :: !Bool
    -- | Graphics systems in order to try.
    , appConfigGraphicsSystems :: ![AppGraphicsSystemId]
    } -> AppConfig

instance Default AppConfig where
  def = AppConfig
    { appConfigTitle = T.pack "flaw app"
    , appConfigWindowPosition = Nothing
    , appConfigWindowSize = Nothing
    , appConfigNeedDepthBuffer = False
    , appConfigBinaryCache = NullBinaryCache
    , appConfigDebug = False
    , appConfigGraphicsSystems =
#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
      AppGraphicsSystemWebGL :
      AppGraphicsSystemVulkan :
#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_DX11)
      AppGraphicsSystemDirectX11 :
#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_GL)
      AppGraphicsSystemOpenGL :

-- | Initialized graphics system.
data GraphicsSystem where
  GraphicsSystem :: Presenter p s c d => s -> d -> c -> p -> GraphicsSystem

-- | Application callback.
type AppCallback = forall p s c d. Presenter p s c d => AppWindow -> d -> c -> p -> AppInputManager -> IO ()

-- | Init application.
-- This function must be called from main thread, and it doesn't return until windowing system
-- is shut down. It forks a new lightweight thread and calls the callback provided in it.
-- That complexity comes from demands of various windowing systems.
withApp :: AppConfig -> AppCallback -> IO ()
withApp AppConfig
  { appConfigTitle = title
  , appConfigWindowPosition = maybeWindowPosition
  , appConfigWindowSize = maybeWindowSize
  , appConfigNeedDepthBuffer = needDepthBuffer
  , appConfigBinaryCache = binaryCache
  , appConfigDebug = debug
  , appConfigGraphicsSystems = graphicsSystemsIds
  } callback = do

#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)

  windowSystemVar <- newEmptyMVar
  void $ forkIO $ withBook $ \bk -> do
    windowSystem <- book bk $ takeMVar windowSystemVar

    -- initialize input manager
#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
    window <- Web.initCanvas windowSystem title
    inputManager <- initWebInput window
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    window <- book bk $ createWin32Window windowSystem title maybeWindowPosition maybeWindowSize
    inputManager <- initWin32Input window
    window <- book bk $ createSdlWindow windowSystem title maybeWindowPosition maybeWindowSize needDepthBuffer
    inputManager <- initSdlInput window

    -- initialize specified graphics system
      initGraphics graphicsSystemId = case graphicsSystemId of
#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
        AppGraphicsSystemWebGL -> do
          let _ = (maybeWindowPosition, maybeWindowSize, binaryCache, debug)
          (graphicsSystem, graphicsDevice, graphicsContext, presenter) <- book bk $ webglInit window needDepthBuffer
          return $ GraphicsSystem graphicsSystem graphicsDevice graphicsContext presenter
        AppGraphicsSystemVulkan -> do
          graphicsSystem <- book bk $ initVulkanSystem title
          graphicsDevices <- book bk $ getInstalledDevices graphicsSystem
          graphicsDevice <- book bk $ newVulkanDevice graphicsSystem $ fst $ head graphicsDevices
          throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "vulkan not implemented yet"
#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_DX11)
        AppGraphicsSystemDirectX11 -> do
          graphicsSystem <- book bk $ dxgiCreateSystem
          graphicsDevices <- book bk $ getInstalledDevices graphicsSystem
          (graphicsDevice, graphicsContext) <- book bk $ dx11CreateDevice (fst $ head graphicsDevices) binaryCache debug
          presenter <- book bk $ dx11CreatePresenter graphicsDevice window Nothing needDepthBuffer
          return $ GraphicsSystem graphicsSystem graphicsDevice graphicsContext presenter
#if defined(FLAW_APP_SUPPORT_GL)
        AppGraphicsSystemOpenGL -> do
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
          graphicsSystem <- book bk createOpenGLWin32System
          graphicsDevices <- book bk $ getInstalledDevices graphicsSystem
          (graphicsContext, presenter) <- book bk $ createOpenGLWin32Presenter (fst $ head graphicsDevices) window binaryCache debug
          graphicsSystem <- book bk createOpenGLSdlSystem
          graphicsDevices <- book bk $ getInstalledDevices graphicsSystem
          (graphicsContext, presenter) <- book bk $ createOpenGLSdlPresenter (fst $ head graphicsDevices) window binaryCache debug
          return $ GraphicsSystem graphicsSystem graphicsContext graphicsContext presenter
        _ -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "unsupported graphics system"

      -- try to initialize graphics systems in order
      tryInitGraphics (graphicsSystemId : restGraphicsSystemsIds) =
        catch (initGraphics graphicsSystemId) $ \SomeException {} -> tryInitGraphics restGraphicsSystemsIds
      tryInitGraphics [] = throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "no graphics system can be initialized"

    GraphicsSystem _graphicsSystem graphicsDevice graphicsContext presenter <- tryInitGraphics graphicsSystemsIds
    callback window graphicsDevice graphicsContext presenter inputManager

  -- run window system
#if defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS)
  Web.runWebWindowSystem windowSystemVar
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
  runWin32WindowSystem windowSystemVar
  runSdlWindowSystem debug windowSystemVar

-- | Run app loop.
-- To exit loop, call `exitApp`.
{-# INLINE runApp #-}
runApp :: (Float -> IO ()) -> IO ()
runApp step = do
    f lastTime = do
      currentTime <- getCurrentTime
      let frameTime = fromRational $ toRational $ diffUTCTime currentTime lastTime
      step frameTime
      f currentTime
  veryFirstTime <- getCurrentTime
  catch (f veryFirstTime) $ \ExitAppException -> return ()

{-# INLINE exitApp #-}
exitApp :: IO ()
exitApp = throwIO ExitAppException

data ExitAppException = ExitAppException deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ExitAppException