

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Asset.Texture.Dxt
Description: DXT texture compression and decompression.
License: MIT

module Flaw.Asset.Texture.Dxt
  ( dxtCompressTexture
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Graphics.Texture

dxtCompressTexture :: TextureInfo -> B.ByteString -> (TextureInfo, B.ByteString)
dxtCompressTexture textureInfo@TextureInfo
  { textureHeight = height
  , textureFormat = format
  , textureCount = count
  } bytes = unsafePerformIO $ do

  -- texture must be at least 2D
  when (height == 0) $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "DXT compression doesn't support 1D textures"

  -- get compression function
  (compressBlock, newFormat) <- case format of
      { textureFormatComponents = PixelRGB
      , textureFormatValueType = PixelUint
      , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel24bit
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      } -> return (compressBC1Block, CompressedTextureFormat
      { textureFormatCompression = TextureCompressionBC1
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      { textureFormatComponents = PixelRGBA
      , textureFormatValueType = PixelUint
      , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel32bit
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      } -> return (compressBC2Block, CompressedTextureFormat
      { textureFormatCompression = TextureCompressionBC2
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      { textureFormatComponents = PixelR
      , textureFormatValueType = PixelUint
      , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel8bit
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      } -> return (compressBC4Block, CompressedTextureFormat
      { textureFormatCompression = TextureCompressionBC4
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      { textureFormatComponents = PixelRG
      , textureFormatValueType = PixelUint
      , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel16bit
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
      } -> return (compressBC5Block, CompressedTextureFormat
      { textureFormatCompression = TextureCompressionBC5
      , textureFormatColorSpace = colorSpace
    _ -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException $ "unsupported format for DXT compression: " ++ show format

    -- new texture info
    newTextureInfo = textureInfo
      { textureFormat = newFormat

    -- calculate metrics
      { textureImageSize = imageSize
      , textureMipsMetrics = mipsMetrics
      } = calcTextureMetrics textureInfo
      { textureImageSize = newImageSize
      , textureMipsMetrics = newMipsMetrics
      } = calcTextureMetrics newTextureInfo

    -- number of images
    ncount = if count > 0 then count else 1

    -- size of input pixel
    pixelByteSize = pixelSizeByteSize $ textureFormatPixelSize format
    -- size of output block
    blockByteSize = compressed4x4BlockSize $ textureFormatCompression newFormat

    -- process source image
    newBytes = BA.allocAndFreeze (newImageSize * ncount) $ \newBytesPtr -> B.unsafeUseAsCString bytes $ \bytesPtr ->
      -- loop for textures in the array
      forM_ [0..(ncount - 1)] $ \c -> let
        imageSrcPtr = bytesPtr `plusPtr` (c * imageSize)
        imageDestPtr = newBytesPtr `plusPtr` (c * newImageSize)
        -- loop for mips
        in forM_ (zip mipsMetrics newMipsMetrics) $ \(TextureMipMetrics
          { textureMipWidth = mipWidth
          , textureMipHeight = mipHeight
          , textureMipDepth = mipDepth
          , textureMipLinePitch = mipLinePitch
          , textureMipSlicePitch = mipSlicePitch
          , textureMipOffset = mipOffset
          }, TextureMipMetrics
          { textureMipLinePitch = newMipLinePitch
          , textureMipSlicePitch = newMipSlicePitch
          , textureMipOffset = newMipOffset
          }) -> let
          mipSrcPtr = imageSrcPtr `plusPtr` mipOffset
          mipDestPtr = imageDestPtr `plusPtr` newMipOffset
          cMipLinePitch = fromIntegral mipLinePitch
          -- loop for depth slices
          in forM_ [0..(mipDepth - 1)] $ \k -> let
            sliceSrcPtr = mipSrcPtr `plusPtr` (k * mipSlicePitch)
            sliceDestPtr = mipDestPtr `plusPtr` (k * newMipSlicePitch)
            -- loop for lines of 4x4 blocks
            in forM_ [0,4..(mipHeight - 1)] $ \i -> let
              lineSrcPtr = sliceSrcPtr `plusPtr` (i * mipLinePitch)
              lineDestPtr = sliceDestPtr `plusPtr` ((i `quot` 4) * newMipLinePitch)
              -- loop for 4x4 blocks
              in forM_ [0,4..(mipWidth - 1)] $ \j -> let
                blockSrcPtr = lineSrcPtr `plusPtr` (j * pixelByteSize)
                blockDestPtr = lineDestPtr `plusPtr` ((j `quot` 4) * blockByteSize)
                -- compress block
                -- TODO: handle source final (partial) blocks
                in compressBlock blockSrcPtr cMipLinePitch blockDestPtr

  return (newTextureInfo, newBytes)

foreign import ccall unsafe "flaw_squish_compress_bc1" compressBC1Block :: Ptr () -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "flaw_squish_compress_bc2" compressBC2Block :: Ptr () -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "flaw_squish_compress_bc4" compressBC4Block :: Ptr () -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "flaw_squish_compress_bc5" compressBC5Block :: Ptr () -> CInt -> Ptr () -> IO ()