

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Asset.RemapAssetPack
Description: Asset pack transformer remapping asset ids.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}

module Flaw.Asset.RemapAssetPack
  ( RemapAssetPack(..)
  , AssetPackBuilder(..)
  , RemapAssetPackContainer(..)
  , newRemapAssetPackBuilder
  , finalizeRemapAssetPackBuilder
  , loadRemapAssetPack
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
  , remapAssetWithHash
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Data.Typeable

#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import qualified Crypto.Hash as C
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding as BA
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T

import Flaw.Asset
import Flaw.Build

-- | Remap asset pack, includes underlying asset pack and mapping of asset ids.
data RemapAssetPack ap ai = RemapAssetPack !ap !(HM.HashMap ai (AssetId ap))

instance (AssetPack ap, Eq ai, Hashable ai, Typeable ai, Show ai) => AssetPack (RemapAssetPack ap ai) where
  type AssetId (RemapAssetPack ap ai) = ai

  loadAsset (RemapAssetPack assetPack ids) assetId = handle (handler assetId) $
    case HM.lookup assetId ids of
      Just ai -> loadAsset assetPack ai
      Nothing -> throwIO AssetError
        { assetErrorAssetId = assetId
        , assetErrorReason = WrongAssetId

  data AssetPackBuilder (RemapAssetPack ap ai) = RemapAssetPackBuilder !(AssetPackBuilder ap) (ai -> B.ByteString -> AssetId ap) !(TVar (HM.HashMap ai (AssetId ap)))

  putAsset (RemapAssetPackBuilder assetPackBuilder remap idsVar) assetId asset = do
    -- get underlying asset id
    underlyingAssetId <- evaluate $ remap assetId asset
    -- put relation into map
    atomically $ do
      ids <- readTVar idsVar
      -- check that there's no such asset id yet
      when (isJust $ HM.lookup assetId ids) $ throwSTM $ AssetBuilderDuplicateAssetIdError assetId
      writeTVar idsVar $ HM.insert assetId underlyingAssetId ids
    -- put asset
    putAsset assetPackBuilder underlyingAssetId asset

instance (WebAssetPack ap, Eq ai, Hashable ai, Typeable ai, Show ai) => WebAssetPack (RemapAssetPack ap ai) where
  getWebAssetUrl (RemapAssetPack assetPack ids) assetId = handle (handler assetId) $
    case HM.lookup assetId ids of
      Just ai -> getWebAssetUrl assetPack ai
      Nothing -> throwIO AssetError
        { assetErrorAssetId = assetId
        , assetErrorReason = WrongAssetId

instance (Embed ap, Embed ai, Embed (AssetId ap)) => Embed (RemapAssetPack ap ai) where
  embedExp (RemapAssetPack assetPack ids) = [| RemapAssetPack $(embedExp assetPack) $ HM.fromList $(embedExp $ HM.toList ids) |]

-- | Remap asset pack container, includes only mapping, serializable.
newtype RemapAssetPackContainer ai1 ai2 = RemapAssetPackContainer (HM.HashMap ai1 ai2)

instance (S.Serialize ai1, S.Serialize ai2, Eq ai1, Hashable ai1) => S.Serialize (RemapAssetPackContainer ai1 ai2) where
  put (RemapAssetPackContainer ids) = S.put $ HM.toList ids
  get = RemapAssetPackContainer . HM.fromList <$> S.get

instance (Embed ai1, Embed ai2) => Embed (RemapAssetPackContainer ai1 ai2) where
  embedExp (RemapAssetPackContainer ids) = [| RemapAssetPackContainer $ HM.fromList $(embedExp $ HM.toList ids) |]

newRemapAssetPackBuilder :: AssetPackBuilder ap -> (ai -> B.ByteString -> AssetId ap) -> IO (AssetPackBuilder (RemapAssetPack ap ai))
newRemapAssetPackBuilder assetPackBuilder remap = do
  idsVar <- newTVarIO HM.empty
  return $ RemapAssetPackBuilder assetPackBuilder remap idsVar

finalizeRemapAssetPackBuilder :: AssetPackBuilder (RemapAssetPack ap ai) -> IO (RemapAssetPackContainer ai (AssetId ap))
finalizeRemapAssetPackBuilder (RemapAssetPackBuilder _assetPackBuilder _remap idsVar) = RemapAssetPackContainer <$> readTVarIO idsVar

loadRemapAssetPack :: AssetId ap ~ ai2 => RemapAssetPackContainer ai1 ai2 -> ap -> RemapAssetPack ap ai1
loadRemapAssetPack (RemapAssetPackContainer ids) assetPack = RemapAssetPack assetPack ids

handler :: (Typeable ai, Show ai) => ai -> SomeException -> IO a
handler assetId e = throwIO AssetError
  { assetErrorAssetId = assetId
  , assetErrorReason = UnderlyingAssetError e

#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS

-- | One particular function suitable for generating "hashed" URLs.
remapAssetWithHash :: T.Text -> B.ByteString -> T.Text
remapAssetWithHash assetId asset = T.decodeUtf8 (BA.convertToBase BA.Base64URLUnpadded $ BA.takeView (C.hash asset :: C.Digest C.SHA256) 10) <> "/" <> T.takeWhileEnd (/= '/') assetId
