

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.Canvas
Description: 2D painting.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.Canvas
  ( Canvas
  , initCanvas
  , drawBorderedRectangle
  , drawCubicBezierCurve
  ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.Default
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.Blend
import Flaw.Graphics.Program
import Flaw.Math

-- | Canvas contains additional things for 2D rendering.
data Canvas d = Canvas
  -- | Blend state for usual blending.
    canvasBlendState :: !(BlendStateId d)
  , canvasUs :: !(UniformStorage d)
  , canvasUX :: !(Node Float4)
  , canvasUY :: !(Node Float4)
  , canvasUFillColor :: !(Node Float4)
  , canvasUBorderColor :: !(Node Float4)
  , canvasUScaleParams :: !(Node Float4)
  , canvasVbBorderedRectangle :: !(VertexBufferId d)
  , canvasBorderedRectangleProgram :: !(ProgramId d)
  , canvasVbCubicBezierCurve :: !(VertexBufferId d)
  , canvasCubicBezierCurveProgram :: !(ProgramId d)

initCanvas :: Device d => d -> IO (Canvas d, IO ())
initCanvas device = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do

  -- create blend state for usual blending
  blendState <- book bk $ createBlendState device def
    { blendSourceColor = ColorSourceSrcAlpha
    , blendDestColor = ColorSourceInvSrcAlpha

  ubs <- uniformBufferSlot 0
  -- uniform containing four X coordinates (from left to right)
  uX <- uniform ubs
  -- uniform containing four Y coordinates (from bottom to top)
  uY <- uniform ubs
  -- uniform with fill color
  uFillColor <- uniform ubs
  -- uniform with border color
  uBorderColor <- uniform ubs
  -- uniform with scale params
  let uScaleParams = uBorderColor -- same uniform
  us <- book bk $ createUniformStorage device ubs

  -- bordered rectangle
  vbBorderedRectangle <- do
      vbStride = sizeOf (undefined :: Float) * 10
      vertices = do
        i <- [0..2] :: [Int] -- rows of quads from bottom to top
        j <- [0..2] :: [Int] -- columns of quads from left to right
        (x, y) <- [(1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] -- 6 vertices per quad
          r =
            [ if x + j == 0 then 1 else 0 -- x1
            , if x + j == 1 then 1 else 0 -- x2
            , if x + j == 2 then 1 else 0 -- x3
            , if x + j == 3 then 1 else 0 -- x4
            , if y + i == 0 then 1 else 0 -- y1
            , if y + i == 1 then 1 else 0 -- y2
            , if y + i == 2 then 1 else 0 -- y3
            , if y + i == 3 then 1 else 0 -- y4
            , if i == 1 && j == 1 then 1 else 0 -- use fill color?
            , if i == 1 && j == 1 then 0 else 1 -- use border color?
          in r
    book bk $ withArray (vertices :: [Float]) $ \ptr -> do
      bytes <- B.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, vbStride * BORDERED_RECTANGLE_INDEX_COUNT)
      createStaticVertexBuffer device bytes vbStride
  borderedRectangleProgram <- book bk $ createProgram device $ do
    aX <- attribute 0 0 0 (AttributeVec4 AttributeFloat32)
    aY <- attribute 0 16 0 (AttributeVec4 AttributeFloat32)
    aC <- attribute 0 32 0 (AttributeVec2 AttributeFloat32)
    color <- temp (uFillColor * vecFromScalar (x_ aC) + uBorderColor * vecFromScalar (y_ aC))
    rasterize (cvec1111 (dot aX uX) (dot aY uY) (constf 0) (constf 1)) $ colorTarget 0 color

  -- cubic bezier curve
  vbCubicBezierCurve <- do
      vbStride = sizeOf (undefined :: Float) * 8
      vertices = do
        i <- [0 .. (CUBIC_BEZIER_PIECES_COUNT - 1)]
        (l, k) <- [(1, -1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (0, 1), (1, 1)] -- 6 vertices per quad
          t = fromIntegral (i + l) * (1 / fromIntegral CUBIC_BEZIER_PIECES_COUNT)
          r =
            -- coefs for bezier point
            [ (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t)
            , (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * 3
            , (1 - t) * t * t * 3
            , t * t * t
            -- coefs for bezier tangent (derivative)
            , ((-3) + t * 6 - t * t * 3) * k
            , (3 - t * 12 + t * t * 9) * k
            , (t * 6 - t * t * 9) * k
            , (t * t * 3) * k
          in r
    book bk $ withArray (vertices :: [Float]) $ \ptr -> do
      bytes <- B.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, vbStride * CUBIC_BEZIER_INDEX_COUNT)
      createStaticVertexBuffer device bytes vbStride
  cubicBezierCurveProgram <- book bk $ createProgram device $ do
    aP <- attribute 0 0 0 (AttributeVec4 AttributeFloat32)
    aQ <- attribute 0 16 0 (AttributeVec4 AttributeFloat32)
    p <- temp $
      ( cvec11 (dot uX aP) (dot uY aP)
      + normalize (cvec11 (dot uY aQ) (-(dot uX aQ))) * zz__ uScaleParams
      ) * xy__ uScaleParams
    rasterize (cvec211 p 0 1) $ colorTarget 0 uFillColor

  return Canvas
    { canvasBlendState = blendState
    , canvasUs = us
    , canvasUX = uX
    , canvasUY = uY
    , canvasUFillColor = uFillColor
    , canvasUBorderColor = uBorderColor
    , canvasUScaleParams = uScaleParams
    , canvasVbBorderedRectangle = vbBorderedRectangle
    , canvasBorderedRectangleProgram = borderedRectangleProgram
    , canvasVbCubicBezierCurve = vbCubicBezierCurve
    , canvasCubicBezierCurveProgram = cubicBezierCurveProgram

-- | Draw bordered rectangle.
-- Coordinates are integer pixels. Y directed down.
drawBorderedRectangle :: Context c d => Canvas d -> Int4 -> Int4 -> Float4 -> Float4 -> Render c ()
drawBorderedRectangle Canvas
  { canvasBlendState = blendState
  , canvasUs = us
  , canvasUX = uX
  , canvasUY = uY
  , canvasUFillColor = uFillColor
  , canvasUBorderColor = uBorderColor
  , canvasVbBorderedRectangle = vbBorderedRectangle
  , canvasBorderedRectangleProgram = borderedRectangleProgram
  } (Int4 x1 x2 x3 x4) (Int4 y1 y2 y3 y4) fillColor borderColor = renderScope $ do

  Vec4 viewportLeft viewportTop viewportRight viewportBottom <- renderGetViewport
    scaleX = 2 / fromIntegral (viewportRight - viewportLeft)
    scaleY = 2 / fromIntegral (viewportTop - viewportBottom)
    xs = Float4
      (fromIntegral x1 * scaleX - 1)
      (fromIntegral x2 * scaleX - 1)
      (fromIntegral x3 * scaleX - 1)
      (fromIntegral x4 * scaleX - 1)
    ys = Float4 -- note reverse order of y's
      (fromIntegral y4 * scaleY + 1)
      (fromIntegral y3 * scaleY + 1)
      (fromIntegral y2 * scaleY + 1)
      (fromIntegral y1 * scaleY + 1)

  -- setup stuff
  renderVertexBuffer 0 vbBorderedRectangle
  renderIndexBuffer nullIndexBuffer
  renderUniformStorage us
  renderProgram borderedRectangleProgram
  -- enable blending only if needed
  renderBlendState $ if w_ fillColor >= 1 && w_ borderColor >= 1 then nullBlendState else blendState

  -- set uniforms
  renderUniform us uX xs
  renderUniform us uY ys
  renderUniform us uFillColor fillColor
  renderUniform us uBorderColor borderColor
  renderUploadUniformStorage us

  -- draw

drawCubicBezierCurve :: Context c d => Canvas d -> Int4 -> Int4 -> Float4 -> Float -> Render c ()
drawCubicBezierCurve Canvas
  { canvasBlendState = blendState
  , canvasUs = us
  , canvasUX = uX
  , canvasUY = uY
  , canvasUFillColor = uFillColor
  , canvasUScaleParams = uScaleParams
  , canvasVbCubicBezierCurve = vbCubicBezierCurve
  , canvasCubicBezierCurveProgram = cubicBezierCurveProgram
  } (Int4 x1 x2 x3 x4) (Int4 y1 y2 y3 y4) color thickness = renderScope $ do

  Vec4 viewportLeft viewportTop viewportRight viewportBottom <- renderGetViewport
    viewportHalfWidth = fromIntegral (viewportRight - viewportLeft) * 0.5
    viewportHalfHeight = fromIntegral (viewportTop - viewportBottom) * 0.5
    scaleX = 1 / viewportHalfWidth
    scaleY = 1 / viewportHalfHeight
    xs = Float4
      (fromIntegral x1 - viewportHalfWidth)
      (fromIntegral x2 - viewportHalfWidth)
      (fromIntegral x3 - viewportHalfWidth)
      (fromIntegral x4 - viewportHalfWidth)
    ys = Float4
      (fromIntegral y1 + viewportHalfHeight)
      (fromIntegral y2 + viewportHalfHeight)
      (fromIntegral y3 + viewportHalfHeight)
      (fromIntegral y4 + viewportHalfHeight)

  -- setup stuff
  renderVertexBuffer 0 vbCubicBezierCurve
  renderIndexBuffer nullIndexBuffer
  renderUniformStorage us
  renderProgram cubicBezierCurveProgram
  -- enable blending only if needed
  renderBlendState $ if w_ color >= 1 then nullBlendState else blendState

  -- set uniforms
  renderUniform us uX xs
  renderUniform us uY ys
  renderUniform us uFillColor color
  renderUniform us uScaleParams (Vec4 scaleX scaleY thickness 0)
  renderUploadUniformStorage us

  -- draw