

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Editor.Entity
Description: Entity level of Oil.
License: MIT

Entity is a special typeclass of objects which can be stored in Oil repo, edited in Oil editor,
and transmitted via Oil protocol.

Entity can be serialized into series of key-value records, and deserialized from them.
Each entity instance is identified by 'EntityId', and this entity id is a prefix for every
database record of entity. In other words, all records related to a given entity are key-prefixed
with entity id. Part of record's key after entity id is called /key suffix/ of record.

Every entity instance has a main record: that's a record with key equal to entity id
(in other words, with null key suffix). Existence of entity instance is determined by
correctness of main record. If there's no main record or its value is incorrect,
entity instance doesn't exist.

Value of valid main record always starts with fixed-length /entity type id/, which determines
Haskell type of entity. After entity type id there could be other data, depending on type.

Values of all entity's records constitute entity's data. The only exception is main record:
entity's data includes only part of the value after entity type id.

Entities can be accessed through means of an additional layer before low-level Oil protocols, namely 'EntityManager'.
'EntityManager' performs conversion between raw records and 'Entity' values and provides caching via 'EntityVar's.

'EntityVar' is a container for entity value. 'EntityManager' ensures that all alive 'EntityVar's contains up-to-date values
(using weak references to vars). 'EntityVar' also allows for changing a value of an entity's record,
and automatically transmits that change into repo.

Due to various implementation constraints, not every operation can be done in 'STM' monad. Specifically:

* Creation of new 'EntityVar' (which includes generating new 'EntityId') or getting an entity var for an existing entity
runs in 'IO' monad.

* Reading entity value from 'EntityVar' or writing record value runs in 'STM' monad.


{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, DefaultSignatures, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternSynonyms, PolyKinds, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}

module Flaw.Editor.Entity
  -- * Ids
  , pattern ENTITY_ID_SIZE
  , EntityTypeId(..)
  -- * Entity pointers and vars
  , SomeEntityPtr(..)
  , EntityPtr(..)
  , InterfacedEntityPtr(..)
  , SomeEntityVar(..)
  , EntityVar(..)
  , entityVarEntityId
  -- * Entity classes
  , Entity(..)
  , BasicEntity(..)
  , processBasicEntityChange
  , applyBasicEntityChange
  -- * Entity interfaces
  , EntityInterfaceId(..)
  , EntityInterface(..)
  , EntityInterfaced(..)
  -- * Entity containers
  , SomeEntity(..)
  , SomeBasicEntity(..)
  , SomeBasicOrdEntity(..)
  , SomeInterfacedEntity(..)
  , SomeEntityInterface(..)
  -- * Null things
  , NullEntity(..)
  , nullEntityId
  , nullEntityTypeId
  , nullEntityInterfaceId
  , nullInterfacedEntityPtr
  -- * Deserializers
  , getRootBaseEntity
  , getRootBaseBasicEntity
  , getRootBaseBasicOrdEntity
  , deserializeEntityInterface
  -- * Entity manager
  , EntityManager(..)
  , GetEntity
  , newEntityManager
  , unsafePullEntityManager
  -- ** Registration
  , registerEntityType
  , registerBasicEntityType
  , registerBasicOrdEntityType
  , registerEntityInterface
  -- * Entity operations
  , getSomeEntityVar
  , getEntityVar
  , newEntityVar
  , readEntityVar
  , readSomeEntityVar
  , readSomeEntityWithRevisionVar
  , writeEntityVarRecord
  , writeBasicEntityVar
  -- * Entity history
  , EntityHistoryChan(..)
  , entityVarHistory
  , readEntityHistoryChan
  -- * Miscellaneous
  , EntityException(..)
  , GenericEntityChange
  , GenericEntityDatatype(..)
  , GenericEntityConstructor(..)
  , GenericEntitySelector(..)
  , GenericEntityValue(..)
  -- * TH helpers
  , hashTextToEntityId
  , hashTextToEntityTypeId
  , hashTextToEntityInterfaceId
  , interfaceEntityExp
  , EntityRegistration(..)
  , registerEntitiesAndInterfacesExp
  -- * Re-exports for convenience
  , Revision
  , Proxy(..)
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Crypto.Random.EntropyPool as C
import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as BS
import Data.Default
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
import GHC.Exts(Constraint)
import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.Mem.Weak

import Flaw.Flow
import Flaw.Oil.ClientRepo
import Flaw.Editor.Entity.Internal
import Flaw.Oil.Repo

-- | Entity id.
newtype EntityId = EntityId BS.ShortByteString deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show EntityId where
  show (EntityId entityIdBytes) = "EntityId \"" <> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 $ BA.convertToBase BA.Base64 $ BS.fromShort entityIdBytes) <> "\""

instance Default EntityId where
  def = nullEntityId

-- | Entity id length in bytes.
pattern ENTITY_ID_SIZE = 20

-- | Null entity id.
{-# NOINLINE nullEntityId #-}
nullEntityId :: EntityId
nullEntityId = EntityId $ BS.toShort $ B.replicate ENTITY_ID_SIZE 0

instance S.Serialize EntityId where
  put (EntityId bytes) = S.putShortByteString bytes
  get = EntityId <$> S.getShortByteString ENTITY_ID_SIZE

-- | Entity type id.
newtype EntityTypeId = EntityTypeId BS.ShortByteString deriving (Eq, Ord, Semigroup, Monoid, Show)

-- | Entity type id length in bytes.
pattern ENTITY_TYPE_ID_SIZE = 20

-- | Null entity type id.
{-# NOINLINE nullEntityTypeId #-}
nullEntityTypeId :: EntityTypeId
nullEntityTypeId = EntityTypeId BS.empty

instance S.Serialize EntityTypeId where
  put (EntityTypeId bytes) = S.putShortByteString bytes
  get = EntityTypeId <$> S.getShortByteString ENTITY_ID_SIZE

-- | Entity "pointer" is a typed entity id.
-- Doesn't keep a reference to cached entity.
-- You can read or write entity by entity pointer in IO monad.
newtype EntityPtr (a :: *) = EntityPtr EntityId deriving (Eq, Ord, S.Serialize, Default, Show)

-- | Untyped entity var, stores cached entity.
-- Entity manager keeps updating the var until it's GC'ed.
data SomeEntityVar = SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarEntityManager :: !EntityManager
  , someEntityVarEntityId :: !EntityId
  , someEntityVarValueVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar EntityValue)

-- | Typed entity var.
newtype EntityVar (a :: *) = EntityVar SomeEntityVar

-- | Get entity id from entity var.
entityVarEntityId :: EntityVar a -> EntityId
entityVarEntityId (EntityVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarEntityId = entityId
  }) = entityId

-- | Entity value, stored in entity var.
data EntityValue = EntityValue
  { entityValueEntity :: !SomeEntity
  , entityValueRevision :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Revision
  , entityValueHistoryVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar EntityHistory)

-- | This is basically own implementation for broadcast `TChan`.
data EntityHistory where
  EntityHistoryEnd :: EntityHistory
  EntityHistoryChange :: Entity a =>
    { entityHistoryRevision :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Revision
    , entityHistoryEntity :: !a
    , entityHistoryChange :: !(EntityChange a)
    , entityHistoryNextVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar EntityHistory)
    } -> EntityHistory
  EntityHistoryTypeChange :: Entity a =>
    { entityHistoryRevision :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Revision
    , entityHistoryEntity :: !a
    , entityHistoryNextVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar EntityHistory)
    } -> EntityHistory

writeEntityChange :: Entity a => TVar EntityValue -> Revision -> a -> EntityChange a -> STM ()
writeEntityChange valueVar revision entity change = do
  nextHistoryVar <- newTVar EntityHistoryEnd
    { entityValueHistoryVar = historyVar
    } <- readTVar valueVar
  writeTVar historyVar EntityHistoryChange
    { entityHistoryRevision = revision
    , entityHistoryEntity = entity
    , entityHistoryChange = change
    , entityHistoryNextVar = nextHistoryVar
  writeTVar valueVar entityValue
    { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity entity
    , entityValueRevision = revision
    , entityValueHistoryVar = nextHistoryVar

writeEntityTypeChange :: Entity a => TVar EntityValue -> Revision -> a -> STM ()
writeEntityTypeChange valueVar revision entity = do
  nextHistoryVar <- newTVar EntityHistoryEnd
    { entityValueHistoryVar = historyVar
    } <- readTVar valueVar
  writeTVar historyVar EntityHistoryTypeChange
    { entityHistoryRevision = revision
    , entityHistoryEntity = entity
    , entityHistoryNextVar = nextHistoryVar
  writeTVar valueVar entityValue
    { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity entity
    , entityValueRevision = revision
    , entityValueHistoryVar = nextHistoryVar

-- | Untyped entity pointer.
newtype SomeEntityPtr a = SomeEntityPtr EntityId deriving S.Serialize

-- | Class of repo entity.
-- Entity should be able to deserialize from any data.
-- It must not throw exceptions. It's free to ignore invalid data
-- and/or provide some default values instead.
class Typeable a => Entity (a :: *) where

  {-# MINIMAL getEntityTypeId #-}

  -- | Type representing change to entity.
  type EntityChange a :: *
  type EntityChange a = GenericEntityChange a

  -- | Return type id of entity.
  -- Parameter is not used and can be 'undefined'.
  getEntityTypeId :: a -> EntityTypeId

  -- | Process change in entity's data.
  -- Changes of one specific record (with fixed key) constitute a group.
  -- Changes to different records are commutative.
  -- Must not throw exceptions.
  -- Invalid values must be processed as well as valid,
  -- keeping all the laws above, possibly recording some error state into entity.
    :: a -- ^ Current entity value.
    -> B.ByteString -- ^ Key suffix of changed record.
    -> B.ByteString -- ^ New value of changed record.
    -> Maybe (a, EntityChange a)
  default processEntityChange :: (G.Generic a, GenericEntityDatatype (G.Rep a), EntityChange a ~ GenericEntityChange a) => a -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (a, EntityChange a)
  processEntityChange oldEntity keySuffix newValue = do -- Maybe monad
    (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntityDatatypeChange (G.from oldEntity) keySuffix newValue
    return (G.to newEntity, change)

  -- | Apply change to get new entity and write changes to entity var.
    :: EntityVar a -- ^ Entity var.
    -> EntityChange a -- ^ Entity change.
    -> STM ()
  default applyEntityChange :: (G.Generic a, GenericEntityDatatype (G.Rep a), EntityChange a ~ GenericEntityChange a) => EntityVar a -> EntityChange a -> STM ()
  applyEntityChange = applyGenericEntityDatatypeChange

  -- | Return witness for entity that it supports specified entity interface.
  interfaceEntity :: EntityInterface i => Proxy i -> a -> EntityInterfaced i a
  interfaceEntity _ _ = EntityNotInterfaced

  -- | Return some short human-friendly textual representation of entity.
  entityToText :: a -> T.Text
  default entityToText :: Show a => a -> T.Text
  entityToText = T.pack . show

-- | Basic entity is an entity consisting of main record only.
class (Entity a, EntityChange a ~ a) => BasicEntity a where
  -- | Serialize basic entity into main record's value.
  serializeBasicEntity :: a -> B.ByteString
  default serializeBasicEntity :: S.Serialize a => a -> B.ByteString
  serializeBasicEntity = S.encode

  -- | Deserialize basic entity from main record's value.
  deserializeBasicEntity :: B.ByteString -> a
  default deserializeBasicEntity :: (S.Serialize a, Default a) => B.ByteString -> a
  deserializeBasicEntity bytes = case S.decode bytes of
    Left _e -> def
    Right r -> r

-- | Implementation of 'processEntityChange' for 'BasicEntity'es.
processBasicEntityChange :: BasicEntity a => a -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (a, a)
processBasicEntityChange _oldEntity changedKeySuffix newValue =
  if B.null changedKeySuffix then
    let newEntity = deserializeBasicEntity newValue in Just (newEntity, newEntity)
  else Nothing

-- | Implementation of 'applyEntityChange' for 'BasicEntity'es.
applyBasicEntityChange :: BasicEntity a => EntityVar a -> a -> STM ()
applyBasicEntityChange = writeBasicEntityVar

-- | Container for any entity.
data SomeEntity where
  SomeEntity :: Entity a => a -> SomeEntity

-- | Container for basic entity.
data SomeBasicEntity where
  SomeBasicEntity :: BasicEntity a => a -> SomeBasicEntity

-- | Container for basic ordered entity.
data SomeBasicOrdEntity where
  SomeBasicOrdEntity :: (BasicEntity a, Ord a) => a -> SomeBasicOrdEntity

-- | Null entity, used when no entity could be deserialized.
data NullEntity = NullEntity deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Entity NullEntity where
  getEntityTypeId _ = nullEntityTypeId
  processEntityChange NullEntity _ _ = Nothing
  applyEntityChange _ _ = return ()

instance Default NullEntity where
  def = NullEntity

-- | Entity interface id.
newtype EntityInterfaceId = EntityInterfaceId BS.ShortByteString deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show EntityInterfaceId where
  show (EntityInterfaceId entityInterfaceIdBytes) = "EntityInterfaceId \"" <> T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 $ BA.convertToBase BA.Base64 $ BS.fromShort entityInterfaceIdBytes) <> "\""

instance Default EntityInterfaceId where
  def = nullEntityInterfaceId

-- | Entity interface id length in bytes.

-- | Null entity interface id.
{-# NOINLINE nullEntityInterfaceId #-}
nullEntityInterfaceId :: EntityInterfaceId
nullEntityInterfaceId = EntityInterfaceId $ BS.toShort $ B.replicate ENTITY_INTERFACE_ID_SIZE 0

instance S.Serialize EntityInterfaceId where
  put (EntityInterfaceId bytes) = S.putShortByteString bytes
  get = EntityInterfaceId <$> S.getShortByteString ENTITY_INTERFACE_ID_SIZE

-- | Class of entity interface.
-- Entity interface is itself a class.
class Typeable i => EntityInterface (i :: * -> Constraint) where
  -- | Get id of entity interface.
  getEntityInterfaceId :: p i -> EntityInterfaceId

-- | Witness for entity having an interface.
data EntityInterfaced i a where
  EntityInterfaced :: (EntityInterface i, Entity a, i a) => EntityInterfaced i a
  EntityNotInterfaced :: EntityInterfaced i a

-- | Some entity supporting specified interface.
data SomeInterfacedEntity i where
  SomeInterfacedEntity :: (EntityInterface i, Entity a, i a) => a -> SomeInterfacedEntity i

-- | Entity pointer pointing at some entity which supports specified interface.
newtype InterfacedEntityPtr (i :: * -> Constraint) = InterfacedEntityPtr EntityId deriving (Eq, Ord, S.Serialize, Default, Show)

-- | Some entity interface.
data SomeEntityInterface where
  SomeEntityInterface :: EntityInterface i => Proxy i -> SomeEntityInterface

nullInterfacedEntityPtr :: InterfacedEntityPtr a
nullInterfacedEntityPtr = InterfacedEntityPtr nullEntityId

-- | Entity manager based on client repo.
data EntityManager = EntityManager
  -- | Every client repo operation must be performed in this flow,
  -- even not performed by entity manager itself.
    entityManagerFlow :: !Flow
  , entityManagerClientRepo :: !ClientRepo
  -- | Push action, signal that client repo has client-side changes.
  -- Called by entity manager in the flow.
  , entityManagerPushAction :: !(IO ())
  -- | Entropy pool to generate new entity ids.
  , entityManagerEntropyPool :: !C.EntropyPool
  , entityManagerNextTagRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Int)
  , entityManagerCacheRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (M.Map EntityId CachedEntity))
  -- | Entity deserialization functions.
  , entityManagerDeserializatorsRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (M.Map EntityTypeId (GetEntity SomeEntity)))
  -- | Basic entity deserialization functions.
  , entityManagerBasicDeserializatorsRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (M.Map EntityTypeId (GetEntity SomeBasicEntity)))
  -- | Basic ordered entity deserialization functions.
  , entityManagerBasicOrdDeserializatorsRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (M.Map EntityTypeId (GetEntity SomeBasicOrdEntity)))
  -- | Entity interfaces.
  , entityManagerEntityInterfacesRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef (M.Map EntityInterfaceId (GetEntity SomeEntityInterface)))
  -- | Dirty entities.
  , entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString))
  -- | Is push scheduled?
  , entityManagerPushScheduledVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar Bool)

-- | Monad for deserializing entities.
type GetEntity = ReaderT GetEntityState S.Get

data GetEntityState = GetEntityState
  { getEntityStateGetter :: !(S.Get SomeEntity)
  , getEntityStateBasicGetter :: !(S.Get SomeBasicEntity)
  , getEntityStateBasicOrdGetter :: !(S.Get SomeBasicOrdEntity)
  , getEntityStateInterfaceGetter :: !(S.Get SomeEntityInterface)

-- | Deserialize entity type and get base entity for this type.
getRootBaseEntity :: GetEntity SomeEntity
getRootBaseEntity = lift . getEntityStateGetter =<< ask

-- | Deserialize entity type and get basic base entity for this type.
getRootBaseBasicEntity :: GetEntity SomeBasicEntity
getRootBaseBasicEntity = lift . getEntityStateBasicGetter =<< ask

-- | Deserialize entity type and get basic ordered base entity for this type.
getRootBaseBasicOrdEntity :: GetEntity SomeBasicOrdEntity
getRootBaseBasicOrdEntity = lift . getEntityStateBasicOrdGetter =<< ask

-- | Deserialize entity interface.
deserializeEntityInterface :: GetEntity SomeEntityInterface
deserializeEntityInterface = lift . getEntityStateInterfaceGetter =<< ask

-- | Entity in cache.
data CachedEntity = CachedEntity
  { cachedEntityTag :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , cachedEntityWeak :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Weak (TVar EntityValue))

-- | Initialize entity manager.
  :: Flow -- ^ Flow to run operations in.
  -> ClientRepo -- ^ Underlying client repo.
  -> IO () -- ^ Push action.
  -> IO EntityManager
newEntityManager flow clientRepo pushAction = do
  entropyPool <- C.createEntropyPool
  nextTagRef <- newIORef 0
  cacheRef <- newIORef M.empty
  deserializatorsRef <- newIORef M.empty
  basicDeserializatorsRef <- newIORef M.empty
  basicOrdDeserializatorsRef <- newIORef M.empty
  entityInterfacesRef <- newIORef M.empty
  dirtyRecordsVar <- newTVarIO M.empty
  pushScheduledVar <- newTVarIO False
  return EntityManager
    { entityManagerFlow = flow
    , entityManagerClientRepo = clientRepo
    , entityManagerPushAction = pushAction
    , entityManagerEntropyPool = entropyPool
    , entityManagerNextTagRef = nextTagRef
    , entityManagerCacheRef = cacheRef
    , entityManagerDeserializatorsRef = deserializatorsRef
    , entityManagerBasicDeserializatorsRef = basicDeserializatorsRef
    , entityManagerBasicOrdDeserializatorsRef = basicOrdDeserializatorsRef
    , entityManagerEntityInterfacesRef = entityInterfacesRef
    , entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar = dirtyRecordsVar
    , entityManagerPushScheduledVar = pushScheduledVar

-- | Register entity type.
registerEntityType :: EntityManager -> EntityTypeId -> (GetEntity SomeEntity) -> IO ()
registerEntityType EntityManager
  { entityManagerDeserializatorsRef = deserializatorsRef
  } entityTypeId = modifyIORef' deserializatorsRef . M.insert entityTypeId

-- | Register basic entity type.
registerBasicEntityType :: EntityManager -> EntityTypeId -> (GetEntity SomeBasicEntity) -> IO ()
registerBasicEntityType entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerBasicDeserializatorsRef = basicDeserializatorsRef
  } entityTypeId deserializator = do
  modifyIORef' basicDeserializatorsRef $ M.insert entityTypeId deserializator
  registerEntityType entityManager entityTypeId $ do
    SomeBasicEntity entity <- deserializator
    return $ SomeEntity entity

-- | Register basic ordered entity type.
registerBasicOrdEntityType :: EntityManager -> EntityTypeId -> (GetEntity SomeBasicOrdEntity) -> IO ()
registerBasicOrdEntityType entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerBasicOrdDeserializatorsRef = basicOrdDeserializatorsRef
  } entityTypeId deserializator = do
  modifyIORef' basicOrdDeserializatorsRef $ M.insert entityTypeId deserializator
  registerBasicEntityType entityManager entityTypeId $ do
    SomeBasicOrdEntity entity <- deserializator
    return $ SomeBasicEntity entity

-- | Register entity interface.
registerEntityInterface :: EntityManager -> EntityInterfaceId -> (GetEntity SomeEntityInterface) -> IO ()
registerEntityInterface EntityManager
  { entityManagerEntityInterfacesRef = entityInterfacesRef
  } entityInterfaceId = modifyIORef' entityInterfacesRef . M.insert entityInterfaceId

internalGetEntityState :: EntityManager -> IO GetEntityState
internalGetEntityState EntityManager
  { entityManagerDeserializatorsRef = deserializatorsRef
  , entityManagerBasicDeserializatorsRef = basicDeserializatorsRef
  , entityManagerBasicOrdDeserializatorsRef = basicOrdDeserializatorsRef
  , entityManagerEntityInterfacesRef = entityInterfacesRef
  } = do
  deserializators <- readIORef deserializatorsRef
  basicDeserializators <- readIORef basicDeserializatorsRef
  basicOrdDeserializators <- readIORef basicOrdDeserializatorsRef
  entityInterfaces <- readIORef entityInterfacesRef
    f :: M.Map EntityTypeId (GetEntity a) -> S.Get a
    f ds = do
      firstEntityTypeId <- S.get
      case M.lookup firstEntityTypeId ds of
        Just deserializator -> runReaderT deserializator s
        Nothing -> fail "unknown entity type id"
    s = GetEntityState
      { getEntityStateGetter = f deserializators
      , getEntityStateBasicGetter = f basicDeserializators
      , getEntityStateBasicOrdGetter = f basicOrdDeserializators
      , getEntityStateInterfaceGetter = do
        entityInterfaceId <- S.get
        case M.lookup entityInterfaceId entityInterfaces of
          Just deserializator -> runReaderT deserializator s
          Nothing -> fail "unknown entity interface id"
  return s

-- | Combine revisions of entity's records to get entity's revision.
combineRevisions :: Revision -> Revision -> Revision
combineRevisions a b = if a > 0 && b > 0 then max a b else 0

-- | Deserialize entity.
deserializeSomeEntity :: EntityManager -> EntityId -> IO (Revision, SomeEntity)
deserializeSomeEntity entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerClientRepo = clientRepo
  } (EntityId (BS.fromShort -> entityIdBytes)) = do
  (mainRecordRevision, mainValue) <- clientRepoGetRevisionValue clientRepo entityIdBytes
  getEntity <- getEntityStateGetter <$> internalGetEntityState entityManager
    eitherReturnResult = flip S.runGet mainValue $ do
      SomeEntity baseEntity <- getEntity
      mainValueSuffix <- S.getBytes =<< S.remaining
      return $ do
          f (revision, entity) key = do
            (recordRevision, value) <-
              if key == entityIdBytes then return (mainRecordRevision, mainValueSuffix)
              else clientRepoGetRevisionValue clientRepo key
              ( combineRevisions revision recordRevision
              , maybe entity fst $ processEntityChange entity (B.drop (B.length entityIdBytes) key) value
        (revision, entity) <- foldM f (mainRecordRevision, baseEntity) =<< clientRepoGetKeysPrefixed clientRepo entityIdBytes
        return (revision, SomeEntity entity)
  case eitherReturnResult of
    Left _ -> return (0, SomeEntity NullEntity)
    Right returnResult -> returnResult

-- | Provide entity manager with changes pulled from remote repo.
-- Must be called in entity manager's flow, in the same task as pulling changes into client repo.
unsafePullEntityManager :: EntityManager -> [(Revision, B.ByteString, B.ByteString)] -> IO ()
unsafePullEntityManager entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerClientRepo = clientRepo
  , entityManagerCacheRef = cacheRef
  , entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar = dirtyRecordsVar
  } changes = do
  getEntity <- getEntityStateGetter <$> internalGetEntityState entityManager
  forM_ (filter ((>= ENTITY_ID_SIZE) . B.length) $ map (\(_revision, key, _value) -> key) changes) $ \recordKey -> do
    -- get entity id
      (entityIdBytes, recordKeySuffix) = B.splitAt ENTITY_ID_SIZE recordKey
      entityId = EntityId $ BS.toShort entityIdBytes
    -- get cached entity
    cache <- readIORef cacheRef
    case M.lookup entityId cache of
      Just CachedEntity
        { cachedEntityWeak = weak
        } -> do
        maybeEntityVar <- deRefWeak weak
        case maybeEntityVar of
          Just entityVar -> do
            -- note that changes from pull info contain server value,
            -- i.e. it doesn't include non-pushed-yet changes on client side
            -- so we need to read real value from client repo
            (recordRevision, recordValue) <- clientRepoGetRevisionValue clientRepo recordKey
            join $ atomically $ do
              -- update entity only if record is not dirty
              dirtyRecords <- readTVar dirtyRecordsVar
              if M.member recordKey dirtyRecords then return $ return ()
              else do
                  { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity entity
                  } <- readTVar entityVar
                -- if it's main record
                if B.null recordKeySuffix then let
                  -- get new entity type id
                  getter = do
                    SomeEntity baseEntity <- getEntity
                    -- if entity type id hasn't changed, simply process change
                    if getEntityTypeId entity == getEntityTypeId baseEntity then do
                      newValueSuffix <- S.getBytes =<< S.remaining
                      return $ do
                        case processEntityChange entity B.empty newValueSuffix of
                          Just (newEntity, entityChange) -> writeEntityChange entityVar recordRevision newEntity entityChange
                          Nothing -> return ()
                        return $ return ()
                    else return $ return $ do
                      -- re-deserialize it completely
                      -- we have to do it via two STM transactions. between these transactions
                      -- the only thing which can happen is user will write something into entity var (not changing a type)
                      -- it will be useless anyway, and typed entity var will have to be re-typed at least
                      -- so hopefully it's ok to do two transactions
                      (newRevision, SomeEntity newEntity) <- deserializeSomeEntity entityManager entityId
                      atomically $ writeEntityTypeChange entityVar newRevision newEntity
                  in case S.runGet getter recordValue of
                    Right stm -> stm
                    Left _e -> do
                      writeTVar entityVar entityValue
                        { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity NullEntity
                      return $ return ()
                -- else it's non-main record
                else do
                  -- simply process change
                  case processEntityChange entity recordKeySuffix recordValue of
                    Just (newEntity, entityChange) -> writeEntityChange entityVar recordRevision newEntity entityChange
                    Nothing -> return ()
                  return $ return ()
          Nothing ->
            -- expired cached entity, remove it
            writeIORef cacheRef $ M.delete entityId cache
      Nothing -> return ()

scheduleEntityManagerPush :: EntityManager -> STM ()
scheduleEntityManagerPush EntityManager
  { entityManagerFlow = flow
  , entityManagerClientRepo = clientRepo
  , entityManagerPushAction = pushAction
  , entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar = dirtyRecordsVar
  , entityManagerPushScheduledVar = pushScheduledVar
  } = do
  -- only one push must be scheduled at all times
  pushScheduled <- readTVar pushScheduledVar
  unless pushScheduled $ do
    writeTVar pushScheduledVar True
    asyncRunInFlow flow $ do
      -- atomically get dirty records
      dirtyRecords <- atomically $ do
        -- get dirty entities and clear them
        dirtyRecords <- readTVar dirtyRecordsVar
        writeTVar dirtyRecordsVar $ M.empty
        -- reset scheduled state in the same transaction
        writeTVar pushScheduledVar False
        return dirtyRecords
      -- write dirty records
      forM_ (M.toList dirtyRecords) $ \(key, value) -> clientRepoChange clientRepo key value
      -- run push action

cacheEntity :: EntityManager -> EntityId -> IO SomeEntityVar
cacheEntity entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerFlow = flow
  , entityManagerNextTagRef = nextTagRef
  , entityManagerCacheRef = cacheRef
  } entityId = do
  -- get initial value of entity
  (revision, entity) <- deserializeSomeEntity entityManager entityId
  -- create new var
  tag <- atomicModifyIORef' nextTagRef $ \nextVarId -> (nextVarId + 1, nextVarId)
  historyVar <- newTVarIO EntityHistoryEnd
  entityVar <- newTVarIO EntityValue
    { entityValueEntity = entity
    , entityValueRevision = revision
    , entityValueHistoryVar = historyVar
  -- put it into cache
  weak <- mkWeakTVar entityVar $ weakFinalizer tag
  modifyIORef' cacheRef $ M.insert entityId CachedEntity
    { cachedEntityTag = tag
    , cachedEntityWeak = weak
  return SomeEntityVar
    { someEntityVarEntityManager = entityManager
    , someEntityVarEntityId = entityId
    , someEntityVarValueVar = entityVar
    -- finalizer for weak references
    weakFinalizer tag = atomically $ asyncRunInFlow flow $ do
      cache <- readIORef cacheRef
      case M.lookup entityId cache of
        Just CachedEntity
          { cachedEntityTag = t
          } -> when (tag == t) $ writeIORef cacheRef $ M.delete entityId cache
        Nothing -> return ()

-- | Get untyped entity var for given entity id.
getSomeEntityVar :: EntityManager -> EntityId -> IO SomeEntityVar
getSomeEntityVar entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerFlow = flow
  , entityManagerCacheRef = cacheRef
  } entityId = runInFlow flow $ do

  cache <- readIORef cacheRef

  -- function to create new cached entity var
  let cacheExistingEntityVar = cacheEntity entityManager entityId

  -- check if there's cached entity
  case M.lookup entityId cache of
    -- if there's a cached var
    Just CachedEntity
      { cachedEntityWeak = weak
      } -> do
      -- check if it's alive
      maybeEntityVar <- deRefWeak weak
      case maybeEntityVar of
        -- if it's still alive, return it
        Just entityVar -> return SomeEntityVar
          { someEntityVarEntityManager = entityManager
          , someEntityVarEntityId = entityId
          , someEntityVarValueVar = entityVar
        -- otherwise cached var has been garbage collected
        Nothing -> cacheExistingEntityVar
    -- otherwise there's no cached var
    Nothing -> cacheExistingEntityVar

-- | Get typed entity var for given entity id.
getEntityVar :: EntityManager -> EntityId -> IO (EntityVar a)
getEntityVar entityManager entityId = EntityVar <$> getSomeEntityVar entityManager entityId

-- | Generate entity id and create new entity var.
-- Generated entity is "empty", i.e. contains NullEntity.
newEntityVar :: Entity a => EntityManager -> IO (EntityVar a)
newEntityVar entityManager@EntityManager
  { entityManagerFlow = flow
  , entityManagerClientRepo = clientRepo
  , entityManagerPushAction = pushAction
  , entityManagerEntropyPool = entropyPool
  } = runInFlow flow $ f undefined where
  f :: Entity a => a -> IO (EntityVar a)
  f u = do
    -- generate entity id
    entityIdBytes <- C.getEntropyFrom entropyPool ENTITY_ID_SIZE
    -- write entity type id
    let EntityTypeId entityTypeIdBytes = getEntityTypeId u
    clientRepoChange clientRepo entityIdBytes $ BS.fromShort entityTypeIdBytes
    -- create cached entity var
    EntityVar <$> cacheEntity entityManager (EntityId $ BS.toShort entityIdBytes)

-- | Read entity var type safely.
-- If entity var contains entity of wrong type, throws EntityWrongTypeException.
readEntityVar :: Entity a => EntityVar a -> STM a
readEntityVar (EntityVar someEntityVar) = do
  SomeEntity entity <- readSomeEntityVar someEntityVar
  case cast entity of
    Just correctEntity -> return correctEntity
    Nothing -> throwSTM EntityWrongTypeException

-- | Read untyped entity from var.
readSomeEntityVar :: SomeEntityVar -> STM SomeEntity
readSomeEntityVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarValueVar = valueVar
  } = entityValueEntity <$> readTVar valueVar

-- | Read untyped entity and revision from var.
readSomeEntityWithRevisionVar :: SomeEntityVar -> STM (SomeEntity, Revision)
readSomeEntityWithRevisionVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarValueVar = valueVar
  } = do
    { entityValueEntity = someEntity
    , entityValueRevision = revision
    } <- readTVar valueVar
  return (someEntity, revision)

-- | Write record for entity var.
-- Current entity in the var must be of the correct type.
writeEntityVarRecord :: Entity a => EntityVar a -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> STM ()
writeEntityVarRecord entityVar@(EntityVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarEntityManager = entityManager@EntityManager
    { entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar = dirtyRecordsVar
  , someEntityVarEntityId = EntityId entityIdBytes
  , someEntityVarValueVar = entityValueVar
  }) recordKeySuffix recordNewValue = do
  -- get entity
    { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity entity
    } <- readTVar entityValueVar
  -- check that current entity is the same as entity var underlying type
    castEntityForVar :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => EntityVar a -> b -> Maybe a
    castEntityForVar _ = cast
  case castEntityForVar entityVar entity of
    -- if entity is of the same type, simply apply the change
    Just entityOfVarType -> case processEntityChange entityOfVarType recordKeySuffix recordNewValue of
      Just (newEntity, entityChange) -> do
        -- write to var
        writeEntityChange entityValueVar 0 newEntity entityChange
        -- write record
          newRecordValue =
            if B.null recordKeySuffix then let
              EntityTypeId entityTypeIdBytes = getEntityTypeId newEntity
              in BS.fromShort entityTypeIdBytes <> recordNewValue
            else recordNewValue
        modifyTVar' dirtyRecordsVar $ M.insert (BS.fromShort entityIdBytes <> recordKeySuffix) newRecordValue
      Nothing -> return ()
    -- else entity is of another type
    Nothing -> throwSTM EntityWrongTypeException
  -- schedule push
  scheduleEntityManagerPush entityManager

-- | Write basic entity into entity var.
-- Entity is replaced completely. Var may contain entity of wrong type prior to operation.
writeBasicEntityVar :: BasicEntity a => EntityVar a -> a -> STM ()
writeBasicEntityVar (EntityVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarEntityManager = entityManager@EntityManager
    { entityManagerDirtyRecordsVar = dirtyRecordsVar
  , someEntityVarEntityId = EntityId entityIdBytes
  , someEntityVarValueVar = entityValueVar
  }) newEntity = do
  -- modify var
  writeEntityChange entityValueVar 0 newEntity newEntity
  -- write record
  let EntityTypeId entityTypeIdBytes = getEntityTypeId newEntity
  modifyTVar' dirtyRecordsVar $ M.insert (BS.fromShort entityIdBytes) $ BS.fromShort entityTypeIdBytes <> serializeBasicEntity newEntity
  -- schedule push
  scheduleEntityManagerPush entityManager

-- | Entity history chan is a stream of changes to entity.
newtype EntityHistoryChan a = EntityHistoryChan (TVar (TVar EntityHistory))

-- | Get entity's history chan.
entityVarHistory :: Typeable a => EntityVar a -> STM (EntityHistoryChan a)
entityVarHistory (EntityVar SomeEntityVar
  { someEntityVarValueVar = valueVar
  }) = do
    { entityValueEntity = SomeEntity entity
    , entityValueHistoryVar = historyVar
    } <- readTVar valueVar
  -- check that entity is of correct type
    f :: a -> STM (EntityHistoryChan a)
    f _ = EntityHistoryChan <$> newTVar historyVar
  case cast entity of
    Just castedEntity -> f castedEntity
    Nothing -> throwSTM EntityWrongTypeException

-- | Get history event.
-- Retries if no history event available.
-- Throws `EntityWrongTypeException` on type change events,
-- or if entity is of wrong type.
readEntityHistoryChan :: Typeable a => EntityHistoryChan a -> STM (a, EntityChange a)
readEntityHistoryChan (EntityHistoryChan chanVar) = do
  historyVar <- readTVar chanVar
  history <- readTVar historyVar
  case history of
    EntityHistoryEnd -> retry
      { entityHistoryEntity = entity
      , entityHistoryChange = change
      , entityHistoryNextVar = nextHistoryVar
      } -> let
      f :: Maybe (a :~: b) -> a -> EntityChange a -> STM (b, EntityChange b)
      f q e ec = case q of
        Just Refl -> do
          writeTVar chanVar nextHistoryVar
          return (e, ec)
        Nothing -> throwSTM EntityWrongTypeException
      in f eqT entity change
    EntityHistoryTypeChange {} -> throwSTM EntityWrongTypeException

data EntityException
  = EntityWrongTypeException
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Exception EntityException

type GenericEntityChange a = GenericEntityDatatypeChange (G.Rep a)

-- | Type of index of a field.
-- We support up to 256 fields.
type FieldIndex = Word8

-- | Serialize field index.
encodeFieldIndex :: FieldIndex -> B.ByteString
encodeFieldIndex = B.singleton

-- | Deserialize field index.
decodeFieldIndex :: B.ByteString -> Maybe FieldIndex
decodeFieldIndex bytes = if B.length bytes == 1 then Just $ B.head bytes else Nothing

class GenericEntityDatatype f where
  type GenericEntityDatatypeChange f :: *
  processGenericEntityDatatypeChange :: f p -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (f p, GenericEntityDatatypeChange f)
  applyGenericEntityDatatypeChange :: (Entity a, G.Generic a, G.Rep a ~ f, EntityChange a ~ GenericEntityDatatypeChange f) => EntityVar a -> EntityChange a -> STM ()

class GenericEntityConstructor f where
  type GenericEntityConstructorChange f :: *
  processGenericEntityConstructorChange :: f p -> FieldIndex -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (f p, GenericEntityConstructorChange f)
  applyGenericEntityConstructorChange :: f p -> GenericEntityConstructorChange f -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)

class GenericEntitySelector f where
  type GenericEntitySelectorChange f :: *
  processGenericEntitySelectorChange :: f p -> FieldIndex -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (f p, GenericEntitySelectorChange f)
  applyGenericEntitySelectorChange :: f p -> FieldIndex -> GenericEntitySelectorChange f -> (B.ByteString, B.ByteString)
  genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount :: f p -> Word8

class GenericEntityValue f where
  type GenericEntityValueChange f :: *
  processGenericEntityValueChange :: f p -> B.ByteString -> Maybe (f p, GenericEntityValueChange f)
  applyGenericEntityValueChange :: f p -> GenericEntityValueChange f -> B.ByteString

instance GenericEntityConstructor f => GenericEntityDatatype (G.M1 G.D c f) where
  type GenericEntityDatatypeChange (G.M1 G.D c f) = GenericEntityConstructorChange f

  processGenericEntityDatatypeChange oldEntity keySuffix newValue = do -- Maybe monad
    fieldIndex <- decodeFieldIndex keySuffix
    (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntityConstructorChange (G.unM1 oldEntity) fieldIndex newValue
    return (G.M1 newEntity, change)

  applyGenericEntityDatatypeChange var change = do
    entity <- readEntityVar var
    let (keySuffix, newValue) = applyGenericEntityConstructorChange (G.unM1 $ G.from entity) change
    writeEntityVarRecord var keySuffix newValue

  {-# INLINEABLE processGenericEntityDatatypeChange #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE applyGenericEntityDatatypeChange #-}

instance GenericEntitySelector f => GenericEntityConstructor (G.M1 G.C c f) where
  type GenericEntityConstructorChange (G.M1 G.C c f) = GenericEntitySelectorChange f

  processGenericEntityConstructorChange oldEntity fieldIndex newValue = do -- Maybe monad
    (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntitySelectorChange (G.unM1 oldEntity) fieldIndex newValue
    return (G.M1 newEntity, change)

  applyGenericEntityConstructorChange oldEntity = applyGenericEntitySelectorChange (G.unM1 oldEntity) 0

  {-# INLINEABLE processGenericEntityConstructorChange #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE applyGenericEntityConstructorChange #-}

instance GenericEntityValue f => GenericEntitySelector (G.M1 G.S c f) where
  type GenericEntitySelectorChange (G.M1 G.S c f) = GenericEntityValueChange f

  -- field index must be zero here
  processGenericEntitySelectorChange oldEntity 0 newValue = do -- Maybe monad
    (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntityValueChange (G.unM1 oldEntity) newValue
    return (G.M1 newEntity, change)
  processGenericEntitySelectorChange _oldEntity _fieldIndex _newValue = Nothing

  genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount _ = 1

  applyGenericEntitySelectorChange oldEntity fieldIndex change = (encodeFieldIndex fieldIndex, applyGenericEntityValueChange (G.unM1 oldEntity) change)

  {-# INLINEABLE processGenericEntitySelectorChange #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE applyGenericEntitySelectorChange #-}

instance (GenericEntitySelector a, GenericEntitySelector b) => GenericEntitySelector (a G.:*: b) where
  type GenericEntitySelectorChange (a G.:*: b) = Either (GenericEntitySelectorChange a) (GenericEntitySelectorChange b)

  processGenericEntitySelectorChange (a G.:*: b) fieldIndex newValue = do -- Maybe monad
    let aFieldCount = genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount a
    if fieldIndex < aFieldCount then do
      (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntitySelectorChange a fieldIndex newValue
      return (newEntity G.:*: b, Left change)
    else do
      (newEntity, change) <- processGenericEntitySelectorChange b (fieldIndex - aFieldCount) newValue
      return (a G.:*: newEntity, Right change)

  genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount (a G.:*: b) = genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount a + genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount b

  applyGenericEntitySelectorChange (a G.:*: b) fieldIndex change = case change of
    Left l -> applyGenericEntitySelectorChange a fieldIndex l
    Right r -> applyGenericEntitySelectorChange b (fieldIndex + genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount a) r

  {-# INLINEABLE processGenericEntitySelectorChange #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE genericEntitySelectorFieldsCount #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE applyGenericEntitySelectorChange #-}

-- value
instance BasicEntity a => GenericEntityValue (G.K1 G.R a) where
  type GenericEntityValueChange (G.K1 G.R a) = EntityChange a

  processGenericEntityValueChange _oldEntity newValue = Just (G.K1 newEntity, newEntity) where
    newEntity = deserializeBasicEntity newValue

  applyGenericEntityValueChange _oldEntity = serializeBasicEntity

  {-# INLINEABLE processGenericEntityValueChange #-}
  {-# INLINEABLE applyGenericEntityValueChange #-}

-- | Handy function to generate compile-time entity id out of text.
hashTextToEntityId :: T.Text -> Q Exp
hashTextToEntityId = hashTextDecl "entityIdHash_" [t| EntityId |] $ \e -> [| EntityId (BS.toShort $e) |]

-- | Handy function to generate compile-time entity type id out of text.
hashTextToEntityTypeId :: T.Text -> Q Exp
hashTextToEntityTypeId = hashTextDecl "entityTypeIdHash_" [t| EntityTypeId |] $ \e -> [| EntityTypeId (BS.toShort $e) |]

-- | Handy function to generate compile-time entity interface id out of text.
hashTextToEntityInterfaceId :: T.Text -> Q Exp
hashTextToEntityInterfaceId = hashTextDecl "entityInterfaceIdHash_" [t| EntityInterfaceId |] $ \e -> [| EntityInterfaceId (BS.toShort $e) |]

-- | Helper method for comparing interfaces' types.
-- Helps solving problems with kinds.
{-# INLINE eqEntityInterfaces #-}
eqEntityInterfaces :: (EntityInterface a, EntityInterface b) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Maybe ((Proxy a) :~: (Proxy b))
eqEntityInterfaces _ _ = eqT

-- | Handy 'interfaceEntity' implementation generator.
interfaceEntityExp :: [Name] -> ExpQ
interfaceEntityExp interfaceNames = do
  p <- newName "p"
    f n q = caseE [| eqEntityInterfaces $(varE p) (Proxy :: Proxy $(conT n)) |]
      [ match [p| Just Refl |] (normalB [| EntityInterfaced |]) []
      , match [p| Nothing |] (normalB q) []
  lamE [varP p, wildP] $ foldr f (conE 'EntityNotInterfaced) interfaceNames

-- | Typeclass for registration of complex entities.
class EntityRegistration (a :: k) where
  performEntityRegistration :: EntityManager -> Proxy a -> IO ()

-- | Register all simple instances of 'Entity' and 'EntityInterface',
-- perform registration from any 'EntityRegistration' instances in scope.
-- Type is :: EntityManager -> IO ()
-- Beware of TH declaration groups!
registerEntitiesAndInterfacesExp :: ExpQ
registerEntitiesAndInterfacesExp = do
  em <- newName "entityManager"

  -- simple Entity instances
  entityInstancesStmts <- do
    ClassI _ decs <- reify ''Entity
    (concat <$>) . forM decs $ \(InstanceD Nothing context (AppT _ t) _) ->
      if null context then do
        supportDefault <- isInstance ''Default [t]
        if supportDefault then do
          supportBasicEntity <- isInstance ''BasicEntity [t]
          if supportBasicEntity then do
            supportOrd <- isInstance ''Ord [t]
            if supportOrd then return [noBindS [| let a = def :: $(return t) in registerBasicOrdEntityType $(varE em) (getEntityTypeId a) $ return $ SomeBasicOrdEntity a |] ]
            else return [noBindS [| let a = def :: $(return t) in registerBasicEntityType $(varE em) (getEntityTypeId a) $ return $ SomeBasicEntity a |] ]
          else return [noBindS [| let a = def :: $(return t) in registerEntityType $(varE em) (getEntityTypeId a) $ return $ SomeEntity a |] ]
        else do
          reportWarning $ shows t " doesn't have Default instance. Cannot automatically register its Entity."
          return []
      else return []

  -- EntityInterface instances
  entityInterfaceInstancesStmts <- do
    ClassI _ decs <- reify ''EntityInterface
    (concat <$>) . forM decs $ \(InstanceD Nothing context (AppT _ t) _) ->
      if null context then return [noBindS [| registerEntityInterface $(varE em) (getEntityInterfaceId (Proxy :: Proxy $(return t))) $ return $ SomeEntityInterface (Proxy :: Proxy $(return t)) |] ]
      else return []

  -- EntityRegistration instances
  entityRegistrationInstancesStmts <- do
    ClassI _ decs <- reify ''EntityRegistration
    (concat <$>) . forM decs $ \(InstanceD Nothing context (AppT _ t) _) ->
      if null context then return [noBindS [| performEntityRegistration $(varE em) (Proxy :: Proxy $(return t)) |] ]
      else do
        reportError $ shows t " has non-empty context for EntityRegistration instance"
        return []

  lamE [varP em] $ doE $ entityInstancesStmts ++ entityInterfaceInstancesStmts ++ entityRegistrationInstancesStmts