

Test Coverage
Module: Main
Description: Flaw Editor.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main
  ( main
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Options.Applicative as O

import Flaw.App
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Editor.EditableEntity
import Flaw.Editor.Entity
import Flaw.Editor.Entity.Sync
import Flaw.Editor.Project
import Flaw.Flow
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Oil.ClientRepo
import Flaw.Oil.RemoteRepo
import Flaw.UI
import Flaw.UI.DefaultStyle
import Flaw.UI.Drawer
import Flaw.UI.Frame
import Flaw.UI.Label
import Flaw.UI.Layout
import Flaw.UI.Metrics
import Flaw.UI.Panel
import Flaw.UI.Popup
import Flaw.UI.VisualElement
import Flaw.UI.Window

main :: IO ()
main = run =<< O.execParser parser where
  parser = O.info (O.helper <*> opts)
    (  O.fullDesc
    <> O.progDesc "Opens visual editor for working on game data."
    <> O.header "flaw-editor"
  opts = Options
    <$> O.strArgument
      (  O.metavar "PROJECT"
      <> O.help "Project file name"
    <*> O.strOption
      (  O.short 'u'
      <> O.long "user"
      <> O.metavar "USER"
      <> O.value ""
      <> O.help "User name"
    <*> O.option O.auto
      (  O.short 'j'
      <> O.long "jobs"
      <> O.metavar "JOBS"
      <> O.value 0
      <> O.help "Jobs count"
    <*> O.switch
      (  O.short 'g'
      <> O.help "Debug mode"

data Options = Options
  { optionsProject :: !String
  , optionsUser :: !String
  , optionsJobs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , optionsDebug :: !Bool

run :: Options -> IO ()
run Options
  { optionsProject = optionProject
  , optionsUser = optionUser
  , optionsJobs = optionJobs
  , optionsDebug = optionDebug
  } = withApp def
  { appConfigTitle = "FLAW Editor"
  , appConfigDebug = optionDebug
  } $ \window device context presenter inputManager -> withBook $ \bk -> do

  -- flows for async operations
  backgroundFlow <- book bk newFlow
  processingFlow <- book bk . newMultiFlow =<< if optionJobs > 0 then return optionJobs else getNumCapabilities

  -- UI styles and drawer
      { metricsGap = gap
      , metricsBigGap = bigGap
      , metricsFrameClient = Vec4 frameLeft frameTop frameRight frameBottom
      , metricsLabelSize = Vec2 labelWidth labelHeight
      } = defaultStyleMetrics
  drawer <- book bk $ initDefaultStyleDrawer device

  exitVar <- newTVarIO False

  -- init UI and run app
  join $ atomically $ do
    windowPanel <- newPanel True
    mainWindow <- newWindow window inputManager windowPanel
    setWindowCloseHandler mainWindow $ writeTVar exitVar True

    -- main frame
    syncInfoLabel <- do
      mainPanel <- newPanel False
      syncInfoLabel <- newTextLabel
      syncInfoLabelVE <- newVisualElement syncInfoLabel
      syncInfoLabelVEChild <- addFreeChild mainPanel syncInfoLabelVE
      placeFreeChild mainPanel syncInfoLabelVEChild $ Vec2 bigGap bigGap
      setLayoutHandler mainPanel $ \_ ->
        layoutElement syncInfoLabelVE $ Vec2 labelWidth labelHeight
      mainFrame <- newFrame mainPanel metrics
      mainFrameChild <- addFreeChild windowPanel mainFrame
      layoutElement mainFrame $ Vec2 (frameLeft + bigGap + labelWidth + bigGap + frameRight) (frameTop + bigGap + labelHeight + bigGap + frameBottom)
      setSelfFreeChild mainFrame windowPanel mainFrameChild True
      setText mainFrame "FLAW"
      return syncInfoLabel

    -- init popup service
    popupService <- newPopupService metrics windowPanel

    -- entity frame
      openEntityFrame var@SomeEntityVar
        { someEntityVarEntityManager = entityManager
        , someEntityVarEntityId = entityId
        } = do
        panel <- newPanel False
        frame <- newFrame panel metrics
        layoutPanelChildVar <- newTVar Nothing
        asyncRunInFlow backgroundFlow $ editableLayoutForEntityId EditableLayoutState
          { elsFlow = backgroundFlow
          , elsBook = bk
          , elsEntityManager = entityManager
          , elsPopupService = popupService
          } entityId $ \layout -> do
          -- set frame's title to datatype name
            SomeEntity entity <- readSomeEntityVar var
              typeName = case interfaceEntity (Proxy :: Proxy EditableEntity) entity of
                EntityInterfaced -> editableEntityTypeName entity <> " "
                EntityNotInterfaced -> ""
            setText frame $ typeName <> entityToText entityId
          -- remove previous layout panel from frame, if any
          maybeOldLayoutPanelChild <- readTVar layoutPanelChildVar
          case maybeOldLayoutPanelChild of
            Just oldLayoutPanelChild -> removeFreeChild panel oldLayoutPanelChild
            Nothing -> return ()
          layoutPanel <- newPanel False
          layoutPanelChild <- addFreeChild panel layoutPanel
          writeTVar layoutPanelChildVar $ Just layoutPanelChild
          (r, FlowLayoutState
            { flsLayoutHandler = layoutHandler
            }) <- runStateT layout FlowLayoutState
            { flsMetrics = metrics
            , flsParentElement = layoutPanel
            , flsLayoutHandler = return
            , flsPreSize = Vec2 0 0
          setLayoutHandler layoutPanel $ \(Vec2 sx sy) -> void $ layoutHandler $ Vec4 0 0 sx sy
          setLayoutHandler panel $ \(Vec2 sx sy) -> do
            layoutElement layoutPanel $ Vec2 (sx - bigGap * 2) (sy - bigGap * 2)
            placeFreeChild panel layoutPanelChild $ Vec2 bigGap bigGap
          return r
        frameChild <- addFreeChild windowPanel frame
        setSelfFreeChild frame windowPanel frameChild True
        placeFreeChild windowPanel frameChild $ Vec2 100 100
        layoutElement frame $ Vec2 300 300

    -- load project, open repos
    asyncRunInFlow backgroundFlow $ do
      -- load project
        { projectRemoteRepoUrl = remoteRepoUrl
        , projectLocalRepoPath = localRepoPath
        , projectProcessingCachePath = processingCachePath
        , projectProcessingCacheMaxAge = processingCacheMaxAge
        } <- either throwIO return =<< Y.decodeFileEither optionProject

      -- open client repo
      clientRepo <- book bk $ openClientRepo localRepoPath
      httpManager <- H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings

      -- open remote repo
      (remoteRepo, manifest) <- initHttpRemoteRepo httpManager remoteRepoUrl

      -- create entity manager
      entityManager <- book bk $ newSyncedEntityManager clientRepo remoteRepo manifest $ \ClientRepoPullInfo
        { clientRepoPullRevision = revision
        , clientRepoPullLag = lag
        , clientRepoPullChanges = changes
        } ->
        -- update UI
        setText syncInfoLabel $ T.pack $ "r" <> show revision <> (if lag > 0 then "+" <> show lag else "")

      -- register entities
      $registerEntitiesAndInterfacesExp entityManager

      -- open root entity
      atomically . openEntityFrame =<< getSomeEntityVar entityManager (case projectRootEntityPtr of EntityPtr rootEntityId -> rootEntityId)

    -- run app
    return $ runApp $ \frameTime -> do
      -- process input and window events
      processWindow mainWindow

      -- update drawer
      atomically $ setDrawerFrameTime drawer frameTime

      -- render window
      windowRender <- atomically $ renderWindow mainWindow drawer

      render context $ present presenter $ do
        renderClearColor 0 $ Vec4 0 0 0 1
        renderDepthTestFunc DepthTestFuncAlways


      exit <- atomically $ readTVar exitVar
      when exit exitApp