

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.Font.FreeType
Description: FreeType fonts.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.Font.FreeType
  ( ftErrorCheck
  , FreeTypeLibrary(..)
  , initFreeType
  , FreeTypeFont(..)
  , loadFreeTypeFont
  , createFreeTypeGlyphs
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Codec.Picture
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Graphics.Font
import Flaw.Graphics.Font.FreeType.FFI

ftErrorCheck :: String -> FT_Error -> IO ()
ftErrorCheck errorMessage errorCode =
  unless (errorCode == 0) $ fail $ show ("FreeType error", errorMessage, errorCode)

newtype FreeTypeLibrary = FreeTypeLibrary FT_Library

initFreeType :: IO (FreeTypeLibrary, IO ())
initFreeType = do
  ftLibrary <- alloca $ \ptrLibrary -> do
    ftErrorCheck "FT_Init_FreeType" =<< ft_Init_FreeType ptrLibrary
    peek ptrLibrary
  return (FreeTypeLibrary ftLibrary, void $ ft_Done_FreeType ftLibrary)

data FreeTypeFont = FreeTypeFont
  { ftFontFaceVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TMVar FT_Face)
  , ftFontFaceMemory :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Ptr CUChar)
  , ftFontFaceSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

loadFreeTypeFont :: FreeTypeLibrary -> Int -> B.ByteString -> IO (FreeTypeFont, IO ())
loadFreeTypeFont (FreeTypeLibrary ftLibrary) size bytes = do
  -- copy bytes into new buffer, as FT_New_Memory_Face keeps pointer to memory given
  (memory, memoryLen) <- B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytes $ \(bytesPtr, bytesLen) -> do
    memory <- mallocArray bytesLen
    copyArray memory bytesPtr bytesLen
    return (castPtr memory, fromIntegral bytesLen)

  -- create freetype face
  ftFace <- alloca $ \ptrFtFace -> do
    ftErrorCheck "FT_New_Memory_Face" =<< ft_New_Memory_Face ftLibrary memory memoryLen 0 ptrFtFace
    peek ptrFtFace

  -- set pixel size
  ftErrorCheck "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes" =<< ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ftFace (fromIntegral size) (fromIntegral size)

    destroy = do
      void $ ft_Done_Face ftFace
      free memory

  ftFaceVar <- newTMVarIO ftFace

  return (FreeTypeFont
    { ftFontFaceVar = ftFaceVar
    , ftFontFaceMemory = memory
    , ftFontFaceSize = size
    }, destroy)

createFreeTypeGlyphs :: FreeTypeFont -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> IO (HM.HashMap Int (Image Pixel8, GlyphInfo))
createFreeTypeGlyphs FreeTypeFont
  { ftFontFaceVar = ftFaceVar
  , ftFontFaceSize = size
  } halfScaleX halfScaleY glyphsIndices = bracket acquire release $ \ftFace -> foldM (foldImage ftFace) HM.empty glyphsIndices


  acquire = do
    ftFace <- atomically $ takeTMVar ftFaceVar
    -- set pixel size with scale
    when (halfScaleX > 0 || halfScaleY > 0) $
      ftErrorCheck "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes" =<< ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ftFace
        (fromIntegral $ size * (halfScaleX * 2 + 1))
        (fromIntegral $ size * (halfScaleY * 2 + 1))
    return ftFace

  release ftFace = do
    -- restore pixel size
    when (halfScaleX > 0 || halfScaleY > 0) $
      ftErrorCheck "FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes" =<< ft_Set_Pixel_Sizes ftFace (fromIntegral size) (fromIntegral size)
    atomically $ putTMVar ftFaceVar ftFace

  foldImage :: FT_Face -> HM.HashMap Int (Image Pixel8, GlyphInfo) -> Int -> IO (HM.HashMap Int (Image Pixel8, GlyphInfo))
  foldImage ftFace restImages glyphIndex = do -- handle handleError $ do

    -- load and render glyph
      ftErrorCheck "FT_Load_Glyph" =<< ft_Load_Glyph ftFace (fromIntegral glyphIndex) FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING
      ftGlyphSlot <- flaw_ft_get_glyph_slot ftFace
      ftErrorCheck "ft_Render_Glyph" =<< ft_Render_Glyph ftGlyphSlot FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL

    -- read bitmap info
    ftGlyphSlot <- flaw_ft_get_glyph_slot ftFace
      { f_FT_Bitmap_rows = bitmapRowsCInt
      , f_FT_Bitmap_width = bitmapWidthCInt
      , f_FT_Bitmap_pitch = bitmapPitchCInt
      , f_FT_Bitmap_buffer = bitmapBuffer
      } <- peek =<< flaw_ft_get_bitmap ftGlyphSlot
      bitmapRows = fromIntegral bitmapRowsCInt
      bitmapWidth = fromIntegral bitmapWidthCInt
      bitmapPitch = fromIntegral bitmapPitchCInt

    -- make copy of pixels
    pixels <- VSM.new $ bitmapWidth * bitmapRows :: IO (VSM.IOVector Word8)
    VSM.unsafeWith pixels $ \pixelsPtr ->
      forn_ bitmapRows $ \i ->
          (advancePtr pixelsPtr (i * bitmapWidth)) -- destination
          (plusPtr bitmapBuffer ((if bitmapPitch >= 0 then i else i + 1 - bitmapRows) * bitmapPitch)) -- source
          bitmapWidth -- count

    -- perform blur if needed
      width = bitmapWidth + halfScaleX * 2
      height = bitmapRows + halfScaleY * 2

    blurredPixels <-
      if halfScaleX > 0 || halfScaleY > 0 then do
        blurredPixels <- VSM.new $ width * height
          fullScale = (halfScaleX * 2 + 1) * (halfScaleY * 2 + 1)
        forn_ height $ \i -> let
          mini = max (i - halfScaleY * 2) 0
          maxi = min (i + 1) bitmapRows
          in forn_ width $ \j -> do
              minj = max (j - halfScaleX * 2) 0
              maxj = min (j + 1) bitmapWidth
            pixelSum <- foldab (+) mini maxi 0 $ \ii ->
              foldab (+) minj maxj 0 $ \jj ->
                fmap fromIntegral $ VSM.unsafeRead pixels $ ii * bitmapWidth + jj
            VSM.unsafeWrite blurredPixels (i * width + j) $ fromIntegral $ pixelSum `quot` fullScale;
        return blurredPixels
      else return pixels
    freezedPixels <- VS.unsafeFreeze blurredPixels

    -- return glyph
    bitmapLeft <- flaw_ft_get_bitmap_left ftGlyphSlot
    bitmapTop <- flaw_ft_get_bitmap_top ftGlyphSlot
    return $ HM.insert glyphIndex
      ( Image
        { imageWidth = width
        , imageHeight = height
        , imageData = freezedPixels
      , GlyphInfo
        { glyphWidth = width
        , glyphHeight = height
        , glyphLeftTopX = 0
        , glyphLeftTopY = 0
        , glyphOffsetX = halfScaleX + fromIntegral bitmapLeft
        , glyphOffsetY = halfScaleY - fromIntegral bitmapTop
      ) restImages

  -- helper functions
  -- forM_ [0..(n - 1)] q
  forn_ n q = let
    forin_ i = when (i < n) $ q i >> forin_ (i + 1)
    in forin_ 0
  -- foldl f z <$> forM [a..(b - 1)] q
  foldab f a b z q = let
    foldiab i !s = if i < b then do
      r <- f s <$> q i
      foldiab (i + 1) r
      else return s
    in foldiab a z