

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.Font.Util
Description: Helper functions for fonts and glyphs.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.Font.Util
  ( GlyphUnionConfig(..)
  , makeScaledGlyphs
  ) where

import Codec.Picture
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import Data.List
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Graphics.Font
import Flaw.Graphics.Texture

data GlyphUnionConfig = GlyphUnionConfig
  { glyphUnionConfigWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , glyphUnionConfigBorderX :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , glyphUnionConfigBorderY :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , glyphUnionConfigHeightIsPowerOfTwo :: !Bool

makeScaledGlyphs :: (Int -> Int -> [Int] -> IO (HM.HashMap Int (Image Pixel8, GlyphInfo))) -> Int -> Int -> GlyphUnionConfig -> [Int] -> IO Glyphs
makeScaledGlyphs createGlyphsAndInfos halfScaleX halfScaleY unionConfig glyphsIndices = do
  glyphsAndInfos <- createGlyphsAndInfos halfScaleX halfScaleY glyphsIndices
    { imageWidth = width
    , imageHeight = height
    , imageData = pixels
    }, infos) <- uniteGlyphs glyphsAndInfos unionConfig
  textureData <- VS.unsafeWith pixels $ \pixelsPtr -> B.packCStringLen (castPtr pixelsPtr, VS.length pixels * sizeOf (VS.head pixels))
  return Glyphs
    { glyphsTextureInfo = TextureInfo
      { textureWidth = width
      , textureHeight = height
      , textureDepth = 0
      , textureMips = 1
      , textureFormat = UncompressedTextureFormat
        { textureFormatComponents = PixelR
        , textureFormatValueType = PixelUint
        , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel8bit
        , textureFormatColorSpace = LinearColorSpace
      , textureCount = 0
    , glyphsTextureData = textureData
    , glyphsInfos = infos
    , glyphsScaleX = 1 + halfScaleX * 2
    , glyphsScaleY = 1 + halfScaleY * 2

data UnionState = UnionState
  { stateCurrentX :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ X of left-top corner of next image.
  , stateCurrentY :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Y of left-top corner of next image.
  , stateCurrentRowHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- ^ Height of current row.

uniteGlyphs :: HM.HashMap Int (Image Pixel8, GlyphInfo) -> GlyphUnionConfig -> IO (Image Pixel8, HM.HashMap Int GlyphInfo)
uniteGlyphs images GlyphUnionConfig
  { glyphUnionConfigWidth = resultWidth
  , glyphUnionConfigBorderX = borderX
  , glyphUnionConfigBorderY = borderY
  , glyphUnionConfigHeightIsPowerOfTwo = heightIsPowerOfTwo
  } = result where
  -- sort images by height
  sortedImages = sortOn (\(_, (imageHeight -> h, _)) -> h) $ HM.toList images
  -- fold function to calculate glyph infos with corrected positions
  calcPosition UnionState
      { stateCurrentX = currentX
      , stateCurrentY = currentY
      , stateCurrentRowHeight = currentRowHeight
      } ((imageIndex, (image@Image
      { imageWidth = width
      , imageHeight = height
      }, glyphInfo)) : restImages) = ((imageIndex, (image, newGlyphInfo)) : nextPositions, lastState) where
    (nextPositions, lastState) = calcPosition newState restImages
    overflow = currentX + width + borderX > resultWidth
    newState = UnionState
      { stateCurrentX = if overflow then borderX + width + borderX else currentX + width + borderX
      , stateCurrentY = if overflow then currentY + currentRowHeight + borderY else currentY
      , stateCurrentRowHeight = if overflow then height else max currentRowHeight height
    newGlyphInfo = glyphInfo
      { glyphLeftTopX = if overflow then borderX else currentX
      , glyphLeftTopY = if overflow then currentY + currentRowHeight + borderY else currentY
  calcPosition state [] = ([], state)
  (orderedImages, UnionState
    { stateCurrentY = lastCurrentY
    , stateCurrentRowHeight = lastRowHeight
    }) = calcPosition UnionState
    { stateCurrentX = borderX
    , stateCurrentY = borderY
    , stateCurrentRowHeight = 0
    } sortedImages
  rawResultHeight = if lastRowHeight > 0 then lastCurrentY + lastRowHeight + borderY else lastCurrentY
  resultHeight = if heightIsPowerOfTwo then powerOfTwo rawResultHeight 1 else ((rawResultHeight + 3) `quot` 4) * 4
  powerOfTwo n p = if n <= p then p else powerOfTwo n $ p * 2
  result = do
    -- create united image and final hashmap
    resultImageData <- VSM.replicate (resultWidth * resultHeight) 0
    resultGlyphs <- VSM.unsafeWith resultImageData $ \resultPtr ->
      forM orderedImages $ \(imageIndex, (Image
        { imageWidth = width
        , imageHeight = height
        , imageData = sourceImageData
        }, glyphInfo@GlyphInfo
        { glyphLeftTopX = positionX
        , glyphLeftTopY = positionY
        })) -> do
        VS.unsafeWith sourceImageData $ \sourcePtr ->
          -- put image to result
          forM_ [0..(height - 1)] $ \i ->
              (advancePtr resultPtr ((positionY + i) * resultWidth + positionX)) -- destination
              (advancePtr sourcePtr (i * width)) -- source
              width -- count
        return (imageIndex, glyphInfo)
    freezedResultImageData <- VS.unsafeFreeze resultImageData

    return (Image
      { imageWidth = resultWidth
      , imageHeight = resultHeight
      , imageData = freezedResultImageData
      }, HM.fromList resultGlyphs)