

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Sdl
Description: OpenGL graphics implementation, using SDL for low-level interaction with system.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Sdl
  ( OpenGLSdlSystem()
  , OpenGLSdlDevice
  , OpenGLSdlContext
  , OpenGLSdlPresenter()
  , createOpenGLSdlSystem
  , createOpenGLSdlPresenter
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import qualified SDL.Raw.Types as SDL
import qualified SDL.Raw.Video as SDL

import Flaw.BinaryCache
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Flow
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.GlContext
import Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Sdl
import Flaw.Window.Sdl

data OpenGLSdlSystem = OpenGLSdlSystem

instance System OpenGLSdlSystem where
  newtype DeviceId OpenGLSdlSystem = GlDeviceId Int
  newtype DisplayId OpenGLSdlSystem = GlDisplayId Int
  newtype DisplayModeId OpenGLSdlSystem = GlDisplayModeId SDL.DisplayMode

  getInstalledDevices OpenGLSdlSystem = do
    -- get video drivers
    driversCount <- SDL.getNumVideoDrivers
    drivers <- forM [0..(driversCount - 1)] $ \i -> do
      name <- fmap T.decodeUtf8 (B.unsafePackCString =<< SDL.getVideoDriver i)
      return (i, name)

    -- get displays
    displaysCount <- SDL.getNumVideoDisplays
    displays <- forM [0..(displaysCount - 1)] $ \i -> do
      name <- fmap T.decodeUtf8 (B.unsafePackCString =<< SDL.getDisplayName i)
      modesCount <- SDL.getNumDisplayModes i
      modes <- alloca $ \modePtr -> forM [0..(modesCount - 1)] $ \j -> do
        checkSdlError (== 0) $ SDL.getDisplayMode i j modePtr
          { SDL.displayModeW = width
          , SDL.displayModeH = height
          , SDL.displayModeRefreshRate = refreshRate
          } <- peek modePtr
        return (GlDisplayModeId mode, DisplayModeInfo
          { displayModeName = T.pack $ "SDL " ++ show width ++ "x" ++ show height ++ ", " ++ show refreshRate ++ " Hz"
          , displayModeWidth = fromIntegral width
          , displayModeHeight = fromIntegral height
          , displayModeRefreshRate = fromIntegral refreshRate
      return (GlDisplayId $ fromIntegral i, DisplayInfo
        { displayName = name
        , displayModes = modes

    return (flip map drivers $ \(i, name) -> (GlDeviceId $ fromIntegral i, DeviceInfo
      { deviceName = name
      , deviceDisplays = displays
      }), return ())

  createDisplayMode _ _ _ _ = undefined

type OpenGLSdlDevice = GlDevice
type OpenGLSdlContext = GlContext

-- | OpenGL presenter.
newtype OpenGLSdlPresenter = OpenGLSdlPresenter
  { openglPresenterWindow :: SdlWindow

instance Presenter OpenGLSdlPresenter OpenGLSdlSystem GlContext GlContext where
  -- TODO
  setPresenterMode _presenter _maybeMode = return ()

  presenterRender OpenGLSdlPresenter
    { openglPresenterWindow = SdlWindow
      { swSystem = ws
      , swHandle = windowHandle
    } GlContext
    { glContextDesiredState = desiredContextState@GlContextState
      { glContextStateFrameBuffer = frameBufferRef
      , glContextStateViewport = viewportRef
    } f = invokeSdlWindowSystem ws $ do
    -- clear state
    glSetDefaultContextState desiredContextState

    -- get viewport size
    (width, height) <- alloca $ \widthPtr -> alloca $ \heightPtr -> do
      SDL.glGetDrawableSize windowHandle widthPtr heightPtr
      width <- fromIntegral <$> peek widthPtr
      height <- fromIntegral <$> peek heightPtr
      return (width, height)

    -- setup state
    writeIORef frameBufferRef GlFrameBufferId
      { glFrameBufferName = 0
      , glFrameBufferWidth = width
      , glFrameBufferHeight = height
    writeIORef viewportRef $ Vec4 0 0 width height

    -- perform render
    r <- f

    -- present
    SDL.glSwapWindow windowHandle

    return r

createOpenGLSdlSystem :: IO (OpenGLSdlSystem, IO ())
createOpenGLSdlSystem = return (OpenGLSdlSystem, return ())

createOpenGLSdlPresenter :: BinaryCache c => DeviceId OpenGLSdlSystem -> SdlWindow -> c -> Bool -> IO ((GlContext, OpenGLSdlPresenter), IO ())
createOpenGLSdlPresenter _deviceId window@SdlWindow
  { swSystem = ws
  , swHandle = windowHandle
  } programCache debug = describeException "failed to create OpenGL SDL presenter" $ withSpecialBook $ \bk -> invokeSdlWindowSystem ws $ do
  -- spawn background flow
  backgroundFlow <- book bk newFlowOS
  -- create background context
  backgroundSdlContext <- checkSdlResult $ SDL.glCreateContext windowHandle
  book bk $ return ((), runInFlow backgroundFlow $ do
    void $ SDL.glMakeCurrent windowHandle nullPtr
    SDL.glDeleteContext backgroundSdlContext
  -- create main context (has to be created while background context is current, in order to "share with current")
  mainSdlContext <- checkSdlResult $ SDL.glCreateContext windowHandle
  book bk $ return ((), invokeSdlWindowSystem ws $ do
    void $ SDL.glMakeCurrent windowHandle nullPtr
    SDL.glDeleteContext mainSdlContext
  -- make background context current in background thread
  checkSdlError (== 0) $ runInFlow backgroundFlow $ SDL.glMakeCurrent windowHandle backgroundSdlContext
  -- make main context current in current thread
  checkSdlError (== 0) $ SDL.glMakeCurrent windowHandle mainSdlContext

  -- create context
    presenter = OpenGLSdlPresenter
      { openglPresenterWindow = window
  context <- createOpenGLContext programCache (invokeSdlWindowSystem ws) (runInFlow backgroundFlow) (atomically . asyncRunInFlow backgroundFlow) debug

  -- set swap interval
    -- try "late swap tearing"
    r <- SDL.glSetSwapInterval (-1)
    when (r /= 0) $
      -- didn't work, try usual vsync
      void $ SDL.glSetSwapInterval 1

  return (context, presenter)