

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Win32
Description: OpenGL graphics implementation for Windows.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL.Win32
  ( OpenGLWin32System()
  , OpenGLWin32Device
  , OpenGLWin32Context
  , OpenGLWin32Presenter()
  , createOpenGLWin32System
  , createOpenGLWin32Presenter
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.BinaryCache
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.FFI.Win32
import Flaw.Flow
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.GlContext
import Flaw.Graphics.OpenGL
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Window.Win32

data OpenGLWin32System = OpenGLWin32System

instance System OpenGLWin32System where
  data DeviceId OpenGLWin32System = GlDeviceId
  data DisplayId OpenGLWin32System = GlDisplayId
  data DisplayModeId OpenGLWin32System = GlDisplayModeId

  getInstalledDevices OpenGLWin32System = return ([(GlDeviceId, DeviceInfo
    { deviceName = T.pack "Win32 OpenGL Device"
    , deviceDisplays = []
    })], return ())

  createDisplayMode OpenGLWin32System _ _ _ = undefined

type OpenGLWin32Device = GlDevice
type OpenGLWin32Context = GlContext

data OpenGLWin32Presenter = OpenGLWin32Presenter
  { openglPresenterWindow :: !Win32Window
  , openglPresenterHDC :: !HDC

instance Presenter OpenGLWin32Presenter OpenGLWin32System GlContext GlContext where
  -- TODO
  setPresenterMode _presenter _maybeMode = return ()

  presenterRender OpenGLWin32Presenter
    { openglPresenterWindow = window@Win32Window
      { wWindowSystem = ws
    , openglPresenterHDC = hdc
    } GlContext
    { glContextDesiredState = desiredContextState@GlContextState
      { glContextStateFrameBuffer = frameBufferRef
      , glContextStateViewport = viewportRef
    } f = invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ do
    -- clear state
    glSetDefaultContextState desiredContextState

    -- get viewport size
    (width, height) <- getWin32WindowClientSize_unsafe window

    -- setup state
    writeIORef frameBufferRef GlFrameBufferId
      { glFrameBufferName = 0
      , glFrameBufferWidth = width
      , glFrameBufferHeight = height
    writeIORef viewportRef $ Vec4 0 0 width height

    -- perform render
    r <- f

    -- present
    c_swapWin32OpenGLWindow hdc

    return r

createOpenGLWin32System :: IO (OpenGLWin32System, IO ())
createOpenGLWin32System = return (OpenGLWin32System, return ())

createOpenGLWin32Presenter :: BinaryCache c => DeviceId OpenGLWin32System -> Win32Window -> c -> Bool -> IO ((GlContext, OpenGLWin32Presenter), IO ())
createOpenGLWin32Presenter _deviceId window@Win32Window
  { wWindowSystem = ws
  , wHandle = hwnd
  } programCache debug = describeException "failed to create OpenGL Win32 presenter" $ withSpecialBook $ \bk -> invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ do

  -- spawn background flow
  backgroundFlow <- book bk newFlowOS

  -- create OpenGL contexts
  (hdc, hglrcMain, hglrcBackground) <- alloca $ \hglrcMainPtr -> alloca $ \hglrcBackgroundPtr -> do
    hdc <- c_initWin32OpenGLContext hwnd (if debug then 1 else 0) hglrcMainPtr hglrcBackgroundPtr
    when (hdc == nullPtr) $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to init contexts"
    hglrcMain <- peek hglrcMainPtr
    hglrcBackground <- peek hglrcBackgroundPtr
    return (hdc, hglrcMain, hglrcBackground)
  book bk $ return ((), invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ c_deinitWin32OpenGLContext hwnd hglrcMain)
  book bk $ return ((), runInFlow backgroundFlow $ c_deinitWin32OpenGLContext hwnd hglrcBackground)

  -- set main context current
    r <- c_setCurrentWin32OpenGLContext hdc hglrcMain
    when (r == 0) $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to set main context current"

  -- set background context current in background flow
    r <- runInFlow backgroundFlow $ c_setCurrentWin32OpenGLContext hdc hglrcBackground
    when (r == 0) $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to set background context current"

  -- create GL context
    presenter = OpenGLWin32Presenter
      { openglPresenterWindow = window
      , openglPresenterHDC = hdc
  context <- createOpenGLContext programCache (invokeWin32WindowSystem ws) (runInFlow backgroundFlow) (atomically . asyncRunInFlow backgroundFlow) debug

  -- TODO: set swap interval

  return (context, presenter)

type HGLRC = Ptr ()
type HDC = Ptr ()

foreign import ccall safe "initWin32OpenGLContext" c_initWin32OpenGLContext :: HWND -> CInt -> Ptr HGLRC -> Ptr HGLRC -> IO HDC
foreign import ccall safe "setCurrentWin32OpenGLContext" c_setCurrentWin32OpenGLContext :: HDC -> HGLRC -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "deinitWin32OpenGLContext" c_deinitWin32OpenGLContext :: HWND -> HGLRC -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "swapWin32OpenGLWindow" c_swapWin32OpenGLWindow :: HDC -> IO ()