

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Graphics.Texture
Description: Abstract texture things.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Flaw.Graphics.Texture
  ( TextureFormat(..)
  , PixelComponents(..)
  , PixelValueType(..)
  , PixelSize(..)
  , TextureCompression(..)
  , ColorSpace(..)
  , TextureInfo(..)
  , TextureMetrics(..)
  , TextureMipMetrics(..)
  , calcTextureMetrics
  , pixelSizeByteSize
  , compressed4x4BlockSize
  ) where

import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import GHC.Generics(Generic)

-- | Texture formats.
data TextureFormat
  = UncompressedTextureFormat
    { textureFormatComponents :: !PixelComponents
    , textureFormatValueType :: !PixelValueType
    , textureFormatPixelSize :: !PixelSize
    , textureFormatColorSpace :: !ColorSpace
  | CompressedTextureFormat
    { textureFormatCompression :: !TextureCompression
    , textureFormatColorSpace :: !ColorSpace
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize TextureFormat

-- | Pixel components for texture format.
data PixelComponents
  = PixelR
  | PixelRG
  | PixelRGB
  | PixelRGBA
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize PixelComponents

-- | Pixel value type.
data PixelValueType
  = PixelUntyped
  | PixelUint
  | PixelFloat
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize PixelValueType

-- | Pixel size.
data PixelSize
  = Pixel8bit
  | Pixel16bit
  | Pixel24bit
  | Pixel32bit
  | Pixel64bit
  | Pixel96bit
  | Pixel128bit
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize PixelSize

-- | Texture compression.
-- Sizes in descriptions are given for 4x4 pixel blocks (obviously).
data TextureCompression
  -- | RGB (64 bit, two 5:6:5 values and 4x4 2-bit lookup table).
  -- Another name: DXT1
  = TextureCompressionBC1
  -- | RGB (64 bit, two 5:6:5 values and 4x4 2-bit lookup table,
  -- with one of the colors in table replaced by transparent color).
  -- Another name: DXT1
  | TextureCompressionBC1Alpha
  -- | RGB (64 bit, same as in BC1) plus alpha (64 bit, i.e. 4 uncompressed bit per pixel)
  -- Another names: DXT2 - when color is premultiplied by alpha, DXT3 otherwise.
  | TextureCompressionBC2
  -- | RGB (64 bit, same as in BC1) plus alpha (64 bit, two 8-bit values plus 4x4 3-bit lookup table).
  -- Another names: DXT4 - when color is premultiplied by alpha, DXT5 otherwise.
  | TextureCompressionBC3
  -- | R (64 bit, two 8-bit values plus 4x4 3-bit lookup table).
  | TextureCompressionBC4
  -- | R signed (64 bit, two 8-bit values plus 4x4 3-bit lookup table).
  | TextureCompressionBC4Signed
  -- | RG (128 bit, simply two BC4 blocks)
  | TextureCompressionBC5
  -- | RG signed (128 bit, simply two BC4 blocks)
  | TextureCompressionBC5Signed
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize TextureCompression

-- | Color space.
data ColorSpace
  = LinearColorSpace
  | StandardColorSpace
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize ColorSpace

-- | Texture information.
{- Acceptable combinations:
width height depth
W     0      0      1D texture with width W
W     1      0      2D texture Wx1
W     H      0      2D texture WxH
W     H      1      3D texture WxHx1
W     H      L      3D texture WxHxL
data TextureInfo = TextureInfo
  { textureWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , textureHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , textureDepth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Number of MIP levels, should be >= 1.
  , textureMips :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , textureFormat :: !TextureFormat
  -- | Number of textures in array.
  -- Zero means non-array.
  , textureCount :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance S.Serialize TextureInfo

-- | Various byte metrics of texture.
data TextureMetrics = TextureMetrics
  -- | Size of one image in array.
    textureImageSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Byte offsets from the beginning of image to mip levels.
  , textureMipsMetrics :: [TextureMipMetrics]

-- | Various byte metrics of texture mip level.
-- All numbers >= 1, like even for 1D texture height is 1,
-- as opposite to 0 in TextureInfo.
data TextureMipMetrics = TextureMipMetrics
  -- | Number of pixels in a row.
    textureMipWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Number of lines. >= 1.
  , textureMipHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Number of slices. >= 1.
  , textureMipDepth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Byte length of one line.
  -- In case of compressed textures (4x4 blocks coded),
  -- it's a size of one line of 4x4 blocks.
  , textureMipLinePitch :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Byte length of 2D slice.
  , textureMipSlicePitch :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Byte offset to mip data from the beginning of an image.
  , textureMipOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  -- | Byte size of mip.
  , textureMipSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

-- | Calculate byte metrics for texture.
calcTextureMetrics :: TextureInfo -> TextureMetrics
calcTextureMetrics TextureInfo
  { textureWidth = width
  , textureHeight = height
  , textureDepth = depth
  , textureMips = mips
  , textureFormat = format
  } = tm where
  tm = TextureMetrics
    { textureImageSize = sum $ map textureMipSize mm
    , textureMipsMetrics = mm
  mm = calcMipMetrics 0 0
  calcMipMetrics mip prevOffset = mipMetrics where
    mipMetrics = if mip >= mips then [] else TextureMipMetrics
      { textureMipWidth = mipWidth
      , textureMipHeight = mipHeight
      , textureMipDepth = mipDepth
      , textureMipLinePitch = mipLinePitch
      , textureMipSlicePitch = mipSlicePitch
      , textureMipOffset = prevOffset
      , textureMipSize = mipSize
      } : calcMipMetrics (mip + 1) nextOffset
    mipWidth = max 1 $ width `shiftR` mip
    mipHeight = max 1 $ height `shiftR` mip
    mipDepth = max 1 $ depth `shiftR` mip
    mipLinePitch = case format of
        { textureFormatPixelSize = ps
        } -> mipWidth * pixelSizeByteSize ps
        { textureFormatCompression = c
        } -> ((mipWidth + 3) `shiftR` 2) * compressed4x4BlockSize c
    mipSlicePitch = case format of
      UncompressedTextureFormat {} -> mipHeight * mipLinePitch
      CompressedTextureFormat {} -> ((mipHeight + 3) `shiftR` 2) * mipLinePitch
    mipSize = mipDepth * mipSlicePitch
    nextOffset = prevOffset + mipSize

-- | Convert PixelSize to actual number of bytes.
pixelSizeByteSize :: PixelSize -> Int
pixelSizeByteSize ps = case ps of
  Pixel8bit -> 1
  Pixel16bit -> 2
  Pixel24bit -> 3
  Pixel32bit -> 4
  Pixel64bit -> 8
  Pixel96bit -> 12
  Pixel128bit -> 16

-- | Get size of 4x4 compressed pixel block.
compressed4x4BlockSize :: TextureCompression -> Int
compressed4x4BlockSize c = case c of
  TextureCompressionBC1 -> 8
  TextureCompressionBC1Alpha -> 8
  TextureCompressionBC2 -> 16
  TextureCompressionBC3 -> 16
  TextureCompressionBC4 -> 8
  TextureCompressionBC4Signed -> 8
  TextureCompressionBC5 -> 16
  TextureCompressionBC5Signed -> 16