

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Input.Win32
Description: User input for Win32.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}

module Flaw.Input.Win32
  ( Win32InputManager()
  , initWin32Input
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array(withArray)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils(with)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Input.Basic
import Flaw.Input.Keyboard
import Flaw.Input.Mouse
import Flaw.FFI
import Flaw.FFI.Win32
import Flaw.Window.Win32

------- WinAPI declarations.

  [ ([t| USHORT |], "usUsagePage")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "usUsage")
  , ([t| DWORD |], "dwFlags")
  , ([t| HWND |], "hwndTarget")

genEnum [t| DWORD |] "RAWINPUT_DeviceType"
  [ ("RIM_TYPEMOUSE", 0)
  , ("RIM_TYPEHID", 2)

genStruct "RAWMOUSE"
  [ ([t| USHORT |], "usFlags")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "gap")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "usButtonFlags")
  , ([t| SHORT |], "usButtonData")
  , ([t| ULONG |], "ulRawButtons")
  , ([t| LONG |], "lLastX")
  , ([t| LONG |], "lLastY")
  , ([t| ULONG |], "ulExtraInformation")

  [ ([t| USHORT |], "MakeCode")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "Flags")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "Reserved")
  , ([t| USHORT |], "VKey")
  , ([t| UINT |], "Message")
  , ([t| ULONG |], "ExtraInformation")

genStruct "RAWHID"
  [ ([t| DWORD |], "dwSizeHid")
  , ([t| DWORD |], "dwCount")
  , ([t| BYTE |], "bRawData")

  [ ([t| RAWINPUT_DeviceType |], "dwType")
  , ([t| DWORD |], "dwSize")
  , ([t| HANDLE |], "hDevice")
  , ([t| WPARAM |], "wParam")

genStructWithEndUnion "RAWINPUT"
  -- [ ([t| RAWINPUTHEADER |], "header")
  -- Header is inlined here, to be able to use dwType as selector.
  [ ([t| RAWINPUT_DeviceType |], "dwType", 0)
  , ([t| DWORD |], "dwSize", 0)
  , ([t| HANDLE |], "hDevice", 0)
  , ([t| WPARAM |], "wParam", 0)
  ] 0
  [ ("RIM_TYPEMOUSE", [t| RAWMOUSE |], "mouse")
  , ("RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD", [t| RAWKEYBOARD |], "keyboard")
  , ("RIM_TYPEHID", [t| RAWHID |], "hid")

type HRAWINPUT = Ptr ()

foreign import stdcall safe "RegisterRawInputDevices" winapi_RegisterRawInputDevices
  :: Ptr RAWINPUTDEVICE -- pRawInputDevices
  -> UINT -- uiNumDevices
  -> UINT -- cbSize
  -> IO Bool

foreign import stdcall safe "GetRawInputData" winapi_GetRawInputData
  :: HRAWINPUT -- hRawInput
  -> UINT -- uiCommand
  -> Ptr () -- pData
  -> Ptr UINT -- pcbSize
  -> UINT -- cbSizeHeader
  -> IO UINT

------- end of WinAPI declarations

keyFromVKKey :: USHORT -> Key
keyFromVKKey k = case k of
  0x08 {- VK_BACK -} -> KeyBackSpace
  0x09 {- VK_TAB -} -> KeyTab
  0x0C {- VK_CLEAR -} -> KeyClear
  0x0D {- VK_RETURN -} -> KeyReturn
  0x10 {- VK_SHIFT -} -> KeyShiftL
  0x11 {- VK_CONTROL -} -> KeyControlL
  0x13 {- VK_PAUSE -} -> KeyPause
  0x91 {- VK_SCROLL -} -> KeyScrollLock
  0x1B {- VK_ESCAPE -} -> KeyEscape
  0x2D {- VK_INSERT -} -> KeyInsert
  0x2E {- VK_DELETE -} -> KeyDelete
  0x24 {- VK_HOME -} -> KeyHome
  0x25 {- VK_LEFT -} -> KeyLeft
  0x26 {- VK_UP -} -> KeyUp
  0x27 {- VK_RIGHT -} -> KeyRight
  0x28 {- VK_DOWN -} -> KeyDown
  0x21 {- VK_PRIOR -} -> KeyPageUp
  0x22 {- VK_NEXT -} -> KeyPageDown
  0x23 {- VK_END -} -> KeyEnd
  0x90 {- VK_NUMLOCK -} -> KeyNumLock
  0x60 {- VK_NUMPAD0 -} -> KeyPad0
  0x61 {- VK_NUMPAD1 -} -> KeyPad1
  0x62 {- VK_NUMPAD2 -} -> KeyPad2
  0x63 {- VK_NUMPAD3 -} -> KeyPad3
  0x64 {- VK_NUMPAD4 -} -> KeyPad4
  0x65 {- VK_NUMPAD5 -} -> KeyPad5
  0x66 {- VK_NUMPAD6 -} -> KeyPad6
  0x67 {- VK_NUMPAD7 -} -> KeyPad7
  0x68 {- VK_NUMPAD8 -} -> KeyPad8
  0x69 {- VK_NUMPAD9 -} -> KeyPad9
  0x70 {- VK_F1 -} -> KeyF1
  0x71 {- VK_F2 -} -> KeyF2
  0x72 {- VK_F3 -} -> KeyF3
  0x73 {- VK_F4 -} -> KeyF4
  0x74 {- VK_F5 -} -> KeyF5
  0x75 {- VK_F6 -} -> KeyF6
  0x76 {- VK_F7 -} -> KeyF7
  0x77 {- VK_F8 -} -> KeyF8
  0x78 {- VK_F9 -} -> KeyF9
  0x79 {- VK_F10 -} -> KeyF10
  0x7A {- VK_F11 -} -> KeyF11
  0x7B {- VK_F12 -} -> KeyF12
  0xA0 {- VK_LSHIFT -} -> KeyShiftL
  0xA1 {- VK_RSHIFT -} -> KeyShiftR
  0xA2 {- VK_LCONTROL -} -> KeyControlL
  0xA3 {- VK_RCONTROL -} -> KeyControlR
  0x14 {- VK_CAPITAL -} -> KeyCapsLock
  0xA4 {- VK_LMENU -} -> KeyAltL
  0xA5 {- VK_RMENU -} -> KeyAltR
  0x5B {- VK_LWIN -} -> KeySuperL
  0x5C {- VK_RWIN -} -> KeySuperR
  0x20 {- VK_SPACE -} -> KeySpace
  0x30 {- VK_0 -} -> Key0
  0x31 {- VK_1 -} -> Key1
  0x32 {- VK_2 -} -> Key2
  0x33 {- VK_3 -} -> Key3
  0x34 {- VK_4 -} -> Key4
  0x35 {- VK_5 -} -> Key5
  0x36 {- VK_6 -} -> Key6
  0x37 {- VK_7 -} -> Key7
  0x38 {- VK_8 -} -> Key8
  0x39 {- VK_9 -} -> Key9
  0x41 {- VK_A -} -> KeyA
  0x42 {- VK_B -} -> KeyB
  0x43 {- VK_C -} -> KeyC
  0x44 {- VK_D -} -> KeyD
  0x45 {- VK_E -} -> KeyE
  0x46 {- VK_F -} -> KeyF
  0x47 {- VK_G -} -> KeyG
  0x48 {- VK_H -} -> KeyH
  0x49 {- VK_I -} -> KeyI
  0x4A {- VK_J -} -> KeyJ
  0x4B {- VK_K -} -> KeyK
  0x4C {- VK_L -} -> KeyL
  0x4D {- VK_M -} -> KeyM
  0x4E {- VK_N -} -> KeyN
  0x4F {- VK_O -} -> KeyO
  0x50 {- VK_P -} -> KeyP
  0x51 {- VK_Q -} -> KeyQ
  0x52 {- VK_R -} -> KeyR
  0x53 {- VK_S -} -> KeyS
  0x54 {- VK_T -} -> KeyT
  0x55 {- VK_U -} -> KeyU
  0x56 {- VK_V -} -> KeyV
  0x57 {- VK_W -} -> KeyW
  0x58 {- VK_X -} -> KeyX
  0x59 {- VK_Y -} -> KeyY
  0x5A {- VK_Z -} -> KeyZ
  _ -> KeyUnknown

type Win32InputManager = BasicInputManager

initWin32Input :: Win32Window -> IO Win32InputManager
initWin32Input window@Win32Window
  { wHandle = hwnd
  } = do

  -- init basic manager
    { mKeyboardChan = keyboardChan
    , mMouseChan = mouseChan
    } <- initBasicInputManager

  -- add callback for windows messages
  addWin32WindowCallback window $ \msg wParam lParam -> do
    -- helper routines
      addKeyboardEvent event = atomically $ writeTChan keyboardChan event
      addMouseEvent event = atomically $ writeTChan mouseChan event

    -- process message
    case msg of
      0x0102 {- WM_CHAR -} ->
        addKeyboardEvent $ CharEvent $ toEnum $ fromIntegral wParam
      0x0200 {- WM_MOUSEMOVE -} ->
        addMouseEvent $ CursorMoveEvent
          (loWord $ fromIntegral lParam) (hiWord $ fromIntegral lParam)
      0x00FF {- WM_INPUT -} -> do
        let blockSize = sizeOf (undefined :: RAWINPUTHEADER) + 32
        allocaBytes blockSize $ \blockPtr -> do
          r <- with (fromIntegral blockSize) $ \blockSizePtr ->
              (intPtrToPtr $ fromIntegral lParam)
              blockPtr blockSizePtr (fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: RAWINPUTHEADER))
          when (r > 0) $ do
              eventHeaderPtr = castPtr blockPtr
              eventDataPtr = plusPtr blockPtr $ sizeOf (undefined :: RAWINPUTHEADER)
            eventType <- f_RAWINPUTHEADER_dwType <$> peek eventHeaderPtr
            case eventType of
              RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD -> do
                keyboardData <- peek $ castPtr eventDataPtr
                let key = keyFromVKKey $ f_RAWKEYBOARD_VKey keyboardData
                addKeyboardEvent $
                  if (f_RAWKEYBOARD_Flags keyboardData .&. RI_KEY_BREAK) == 0 then
                    KeyDownEvent key
                    KeyUpEvent key
              RIM_TYPEMOUSE -> do
                mouseData <- peek $ castPtr eventDataPtr
                let flags = f_RAWMOUSE_usButtonFlags mouseData

                if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseDownEvent LeftMouseButton
                else if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseUpEvent LeftMouseButton
                else return ()

                if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseDownEvent RightMouseButton
                else if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseUpEvent RightMouseButton
                else return ()

                if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseDownEvent MiddleMouseButton
                else if (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_UP) > 0 then
                  addMouseEvent $ MouseUpEvent MiddleMouseButton
                else return ()

                  lastX = f_RAWMOUSE_lLastX mouseData
                  lastY = f_RAWMOUSE_lLastY mouseData
                  wheelChanged = (flags .&. RI_MOUSE_WHEEL) > 0

                when (lastX /= 0 || lastY /= 0 || wheelChanged) $ do
                  let wheel = if wheelChanged then fromIntegral (f_RAWMOUSE_usButtonData mouseData) / 120 else 0
                  addMouseEvent $ RawMouseMoveEvent (fromIntegral lastX) (fromIntegral lastY) wheel

              _ -> return ()
      _ -> return ()

  -- register raw input
  success <- withArray
      { f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_usUsagePage = 0x01
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_usUsage = 0x02
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_dwFlags = 0
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_hwndTarget = hwnd
      { f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_usUsagePage = 0x01
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_usUsage = 0x06
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_dwFlags = 0
      , f_RAWINPUTDEVICE_hwndTarget = hwnd
    ] $ \ridPtr ->
    winapi_RegisterRawInputDevices ridPtr 2 (fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: RAWINPUTDEVICE))
  unless success $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to register raw input"

  return inputManager

pattern RID_INPUT = 0x10000003
pattern RI_KEY_BREAK = 1
pattern RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN = 0x0001
pattern RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP = 0x0002
pattern RI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON_UP = 0x0008
pattern RI_MOUSE_MIDDLE_BUTTON_UP = 0x0020
pattern RI_MOUSE_WHEEL = 0x0400