

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Script.Lua
Description: Lua implementation in Haskell.
License: MIT


module Flaw.Script.Lua
  ( LuaMonad(..)
  , LuaValue(..)
  , LuaError(..)
  , LuaLoadError(..)
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Cuckoo as HT
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Unique
import Data.Word

class (PrimMonad m, MonadFail m) => LuaMonad m where
  newLuaUnique :: m Unique
  throwLuaError :: LuaError m -> m a
  catchLuaError :: m a -> (LuaError m -> m a) -> m a

instance LuaMonad IO where
  newLuaUnique = newUnique
  throwLuaError = throwIO
  catchLuaError = catch

-- | Lua value.
data LuaValue m where
  -- Standard 'nil' value.
  LuaNil :: LuaValue m
  -- Standard boolean value.
  LuaBoolean :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word8 -> LuaValue m
  -- Integer 'number' value.
  LuaInteger :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -> LuaValue m
  -- Real 'number' value.
  LuaReal :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double -> LuaValue m
  -- String value.
  LuaString :: {-# UNPACK #-} !T.Text -> LuaValue m
  -- Lua function
  LuaClosure ::
    { luaClosureUnique :: !Unique
    , luaClosure :: !([LuaValue m] -> m [LuaValue m])
    } -> LuaValue m
  -- User data.
  LuaUserData ::
    { luaUserDataUnique :: !Unique
    , luaUserData :: !a
    } -> LuaValue m
  LuaTable ::
    { luaTableUnique :: !Unique
    , luaTable :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(HT.HashTable (PrimState m) (LuaValue m) (LuaValue m))
    , luaTableLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MutVar (PrimState m) Int)
    , luaTableMetaTable :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(MutVar (PrimState m) (LuaValue m))
    } -> LuaValue m

instance Eq (LuaValue m) where
  {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
  LuaNil == LuaNil = True
  LuaBoolean a == LuaBoolean b = a == b
  LuaInteger a == LuaInteger b = a == b
  LuaReal a == LuaReal b = a == b
  LuaString a == LuaString b = a == b
  LuaClosure { luaClosureUnique = a } == LuaClosure { luaClosureUnique = b } = a == b
  LuaUserData { luaUserDataUnique = a } == LuaUserData { luaUserDataUnique = b } = a == b
  LuaTable { luaTableUnique = a } == LuaTable { luaTableUnique = b } = a == b
  _ == _ = False

instance Hashable (LuaValue m) where
  {-# INLINABLE hashWithSalt #-}
  hashWithSalt s v = case v of
    LuaNil -> s `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int)
    LuaBoolean b -> s `hashWithSalt` (1 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` b
    LuaInteger i -> s `hashWithSalt` (2 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` i
    LuaReal r -> s `hashWithSalt` (3 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` r
    LuaString t -> s `hashWithSalt` (4 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` t
      { luaClosureUnique = u
      } -> s `hashWithSalt` (5 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` hashUnique u
      { luaUserDataUnique = u
      } -> s `hashWithSalt` (6 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` hashUnique u
      { luaTableUnique = u
      } -> s `hashWithSalt` (7 :: Int) `hashWithSalt` hashUnique u

instance Show (LuaValue m) where
  showsPrec p v q = case v of
    LuaNil -> "LuaNil" ++ q
    LuaBoolean b -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaBoolean " ++ showsPrec 10 b qq
    LuaInteger i -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaInteger " ++ showsPrec 10 i qq
    LuaReal r -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaReal " ++ showsPrec 10 r qq
    LuaString t -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaString " ++ showsPrec 10 t qq
      { luaClosureUnique = u
      } -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaClosure { luaClosureUnique = " ++ shows (hashUnique u) qq
      { luaUserDataUnique = u
      } -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaUserData { luaUserDataUnique = " ++ shows (hashUnique u) qq
      { luaTableUnique = u
      } -> enclose $ \qq -> "LuaTable { luaTableUnique = " ++ shows (hashUnique u) qq
    where enclose f = if p >= 10 then '(' : f (')' : q) else f q

data LuaError m
  -- | Standard Lua error (e.g. thrown by 'error' stdlib function).
  = LuaError !(LuaValue m)
  -- | Operation is called on unsupported value, and value
  -- doesn't have metatable, or doesn't have specific metamethod.
  | LuaBadOperation !T.Text
  deriving Show

instance Typeable m => Exception (LuaError m)

-- | Error while loading Lua chunk.
data LuaLoadError
  = LuaLoadError !T.Text
  deriving Show

instance Exception LuaLoadError