

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Script.Lua.Chunk
Description: Lua implementation in Haskell.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Flaw.Script.Lua.Chunk
  ( luaCompileChunk
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Primitive.MutVar
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Storable
import Language.Haskell.TH

import Flaw.Script.Lua
import Flaw.Script.Lua.FFI
import Flaw.Script.Lua.Operations

-- | Chunk header, encapsulating machine-specific properties
-- such as endianness or size of int.
luaChunkHeader :: B.ByteString
luaChunkHeader = S.runPut $ do
  -- signature
  S.putByteString LUA_SIGNATURE
  -- version, calculated as major * 16 + minor
  S.putWord8 $ 5 * 16 + 3
  -- format, always 0
  S.putWord8 0
  -- data
  S.putByteString LUAC_DATA
  -- size of int
  S.putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: CInt)
  -- size of size_t
  S.putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: CIntPtr)
  -- size of instruction
  S.putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: Word32)
  -- size of lua_Integer
  S.putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: Word64)
  -- size of lua_Number
  S.putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined :: Double)
  -- test lua_Integer
  S.putWord64host LUAC_INT
  -- test lua_Number
  S.putFloat64le LUAC_NUM

data LuaProto = LuaProto
  { luaProtoSource :: !B.ByteString
  , luaProtoLineDefined :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , luaProtoLastLineDefined :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , luaProtoNumParams :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , luaProtoIsVararg :: !Bool
  , luaProtoMaxStackSize :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , luaProtoOpcodes :: !(VU.Vector Word32)
  , luaProtoConstants :: !(V.Vector ExpQ)
  -- | Bitmask of volatile variables.
  , luaProtoVolatileVariablesMask :: !Integer
  , luaProtoUpvalues :: !(V.Vector (Bool, Int))
  -- | Bitmask of in-stack upvalues (for parent scope they are volatile variables).
  , luaProtoVolatileUpvaluesMask :: !Integer
  , luaProtoFunctions :: !(V.Vector LuaProto)

-- | Compile Lua chunk.
luaCompileChunk :: B.ByteString -> ExpQ
luaCompileChunk bytes = let

  -- parse
  eitherProto = flip S.runGet bytes $ do
    chunkHeader <- S.getByteString (B.length luaChunkHeader)
    when (chunkHeader /= luaChunkHeader) $ fail "wrong Lua chunk header"

      getInt = fromIntegral <$> S.getWord32le :: S.Get Int

      getString = do
        b <- S.getWord8
        size <- if b == 0xff then fromIntegral <$> S.getWordhost else return $ fromIntegral b
        if size == 0 then return B.empty
        else S.getByteString $ size - 1

    _chunkUpvaluesCount <- S.getWord8

      loadFunction = do
        source <- getString
        lineDefined <- getInt
        lastLineDefined <- getInt
        numParams <- fromIntegral <$> S.getWord8
        isVararg <- ( > 0) <$> S.getWord8
        maxStackSize <- fromIntegral <$> S.getWord8

        -- opcodes
        opcodesCount <- getInt
        opcodes <- VU.replicateM opcodesCount S.getWord32le

        -- constants
        constantsCount <- getInt
        constants <- V.replicateM constantsCount $ do
          t <- S.getWord8
            getStringConstant = do
              s <- getString
              return [| LuaString $ fromString $(litE $ stringL $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 s) |]
          case t of
            LUA_TNIL -> return [| LuaNil |]
            LUA_TBOOLEAN -> do
              b <- S.getWord8
              return [| LuaBoolean $(litE $ integerL $ if b > 0 then 1 else 0) |]
            LUA_TNUMFLT -> do
              n <- S.getFloat64le
              return [| LuaReal n |]
            LUA_TNUMINT -> do
              n <- fromIntegral <$> S.getWord64host :: S.Get Int
              return [| LuaInteger n |]
            LUA_TSHRSTR -> getStringConstant
            LUA_TLNGSTR -> getStringConstant
            _ -> fail "wrong Lua constant"

        -- upvalues
        upvaluesCount <- getInt
        upvalues <- V.replicateM upvaluesCount $ do
          instack <- ( > 0) <$> S.getWord8
          idx <- fromIntegral <$> S.getWord8
          return (instack, idx)

        -- bitmask of in-stack upvalues
          volatileUpvaluesMask = V.foldr (\(instack, idx) mask -> if instack then mask .|. (1 `shiftL` idx) else mask) 0 upvalues

        -- subfunctions
        functionsCount <- getInt
        functions <- V.replicateM functionsCount loadFunction

        -- volatile variables
          volatileVariablesMask = V.foldr (\LuaProto
            { luaProtoVolatileUpvaluesMask = mask
            } restMask -> mask .|. restMask) 0 functions

        -- debug info
        debugLineInfoCount <- getInt
        _debugLineInfo <- V.replicateM debugLineInfoCount getInt
        debugLocVarsCount <- getInt
        _debugLocVars <- V.replicateM debugLocVarsCount $ do
          _varName <- getString
          _startPc <- getInt
          _endPc <- getInt
          return ()
        debugUpvalueNamesCount <- getInt
        _debugUpvalueNames <- V.replicateM debugUpvalueNamesCount getString

        return LuaProto
          { luaProtoSource = source
          , luaProtoLineDefined = lineDefined
          , luaProtoLastLineDefined = lastLineDefined
          , luaProtoNumParams = numParams
          , luaProtoIsVararg = isVararg
          , luaProtoMaxStackSize = maxStackSize
          , luaProtoOpcodes = opcodes
          , luaProtoConstants = constants
          , luaProtoVolatileVariablesMask = volatileVariablesMask
          , luaProtoUpvalues = upvalues
          , luaProtoVolatileUpvaluesMask = volatileUpvaluesMask
          , luaProtoFunctions = functions

      in loadFunction

  in do
    mainProto <- case eitherProto of
      Left err -> fail err
      Right proto -> return proto

    env <- newName "e"
    lamE [varP env] $ compileLuaFunction mainProto (V.singleton $ varE env) V.empty

-- | Internal representation of instruction.
-- Contains indices of instructions this instruction refers to, and function
-- accepting list of codes (corresponding to indices), and returning code of the instruction.
data LuaInst = LuaInst [Int] ([LuaCode] -> LuaCode)

-- | Internal representation of instruction's code.
type LuaCode = LuaCodeState -> Q [StmtQ]

data LuaCodeState = LuaCodeState
  -- | Start register of dynamic arguments.
  -- -1 if not set.
    luaCodeStateTop :: !Int
  -- | Expression representing dynamic arguments (of type [LuaValue m]).
  , luaCodeStateTopValuesE :: ExpQ

nullCodeState :: LuaCodeState
nullCodeState = LuaCodeState
  { luaCodeStateTop = -1
  , luaCodeStateTopValuesE = undefined

-- | Compile Lua function.
compileLuaFunction :: LuaProto -> V.Vector ExpQ -> V.Vector ExpQ -> ExpQ
compileLuaFunction LuaProto
  { luaProtoNumParams = numParams
  , luaProtoIsVararg = isVararg
  , luaProtoMaxStackSize = maxStackSize
  , luaProtoOpcodes = opcodes
  , luaProtoConstants = protoConstants
  , luaProtoUpvalues = protoUpvalues
  , luaProtoFunctions = functions
  } parentStack parentUpvalues = do

  -- constants and upvalues
  constantsNames <- V.generateM (V.length protoConstants) $ \i -> newName $ "k" ++ show i
  upvaluesNames <- V.generateM (V.length protoUpvalues) $ \i -> newName $ "u" ++ show i
    constantsUpvaluesStmt = let
      constantsLets = V.generate (V.length protoConstants) $ \i -> valD (varP (constantsNames V.! i)) (normalB (protoConstants V.! i)) []
      upvaluesLets = V.generate (V.length protoUpvalues) $ \i -> let
        (instack, idx) = protoUpvalues V.! i
        upvalueValue = if instack then parentStack V.! idx else parentUpvalues V.! idx
        in valD (varP (upvaluesNames V.! i)) (normalB upvalueValue) []
      in letS $ V.toList $ constantsLets V.++ upvaluesLets
    constants = V.map varE constantsNames
    upvalues = V.map varE upvaluesNames

  -- arguments & vararg
  paramNames <- V.generateM numParams $ \i -> newName $ "s" ++ show i
  varargName <- newName "va"
    argsSetDecs i =
      if i < numParams then do
        a <- newName "a"
        (restDecs, xs) <- argsSetDecs $ i + 1
          ( valD [p| $(varP (paramNames V.! i)) : $xs |] (normalB [| case $(varE a) of
            [] -> [LuaNil]
            _ -> $(varE a)
            |]) [] : restDecs
          , varP a
      else if isVararg then do
        a <- newName "a"
          ( [valD (varP varargName) (normalB $ varE a) []]
          , varP a
      else return ([], wildP)
  (letS -> argsStmt, argsPat) <- argsSetDecs 0

  -- stack
  stackNames <- V.generateM maxStackSize $ \i -> newName $ "s" ++ show i
    stackStmts = V.toList $ V.generate maxStackSize $ \i ->
      bindS (varP (stackNames V.! i)) [| newMutVar $(if i < numParams then varE (paramNames V.! i) else [| LuaNil |]) |]
    stack = V.generate maxStackSize $ \i -> varE $ stackNames V.! i

  -- subfunctions
  functionsNames <- V.generateM (V.length functions) $ \i -> newName $ "f" ++ show i
    functionsStmt = letS $ V.toList $ V.generate (V.length functions) $ \i ->
      valD (varP (functionsNames V.! i)) (normalB $ compileLuaFunction (functions V.! i) stack upvalues) []

  -- instructions
    instructions = V.generate (VU.length opcodes) $ \i -> let
      -- instruction word
      x = opcodes VU.! i
      -- all possible parameters
      a = fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` 6) .&. (bit 8 - 1)
      c = fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` 14) .&. (bit 9 - 1)
      b = fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` 23) .&. (bit 9 - 1)
      bx = fromIntegral $ (x `shiftR` 14) .&. (bit 18 - 1)
      sbx = bx - (bit 17 - 1)
      kbx = constants V.! bx

      -- helper functions
      kst j = constants V.! j -- :: LuaValue m
      r j = stack V.! j -- :: MutVar (PrimState m) (LuaValue m)
      rk e j = -- :: m (LuaValue m)
        if j `testBit` 8 then [| $e $(kst (j `clearBit` 8)) |]
        else [| $e =<< readMutVar $(r j) |]
      rk2 e j1 j2 = -- :: m (LuaValue m)
        if j1 `testBit` 8 then rk [| $e $(kst (j1 `clearBit` 8)) |] j2
        else [| do
          p <- readMutVar $(r j1)
          $(rk [| $e p |] j2)
      u j = upvalues V.! j -- :: MutVar (PrimState m) (LuaValue m)
      binop op = normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< $(rk2 op b c) |]
      unop op = normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< $op =<< readMutVar $(r b) |]

      -- next and next-after-next instruction ids
      nextInstId = i + 1
      nextNextInstId = i + 2
      -- append next instruction
      normalFlow e = LuaInst [nextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode] codeState -> ((noBindS e) :) <$> nextInstCode codeState
      -- conditional operation
      condbinop op = LuaInst [nextInstId, nextNextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode, nextNextInstCode] codeState -> do
        nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
        nextNextInstStmts <- nextNextInstCode codeState
        return [noBindS [| do
          z <- $(rk2 op b c)
          $(if a > 0 then
            [| if luaCoerceToBool z > 0 then $(doE nextInstStmts) else $(doE nextNextInstStmts) |]
            [| if luaCoerceToBool z > 0 then $(doE nextNextInstStmts) else $(doE nextInstStmts) |])
          |] ]
      -- static arg for call-like operations
      staticArgStmtAndExp j = do
        n <- newName $ "a" ++ show j
        return (bindS (varP n) [| readMutVar $(r j) |], varE n)
      -- get args (possibly dynamic)
      getArgs :: Either Int [Int] -> LuaCodeState -> Q ([StmtQ], ExpQ)
      getArgs eargs LuaCodeState
        { luaCodeStateTop = top
        , luaCodeStateTopValuesE = topValuesE
        } = case eargs of
        Right args -> do
          when (top >= 0) $ reportError "flaw-lua: dynamic values are lost"
          (stmts, argsEs) <- unzip <$> mapM staticArgStmtAndExp args
          return (stmts, listE argsEs)
        Left firstArg -> do
          when (top < 0) $ reportError "flaw-lua: expected dynamic values for opcode"
          (stmts, argsEs) <- unzip <$> mapM staticArgStmtAndExp [firstArg .. (top - 1)]
          return (stmts, foldr (\p q -> [| $p : $q |]) topValuesE argsEs)
      putRets :: Either Int [Int] -> ExpQ -> LuaCode -> LuaCodeState -> Q [StmtQ]
      putRets erets mainE nextInstCode codeState = case erets of
        Right rets -> do
          (retsStmts, retsPats) <- fmap unzip $ forM rets $ \j -> do
            n <- newName $ "r" ++ show j
            return (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r j) $(varE n) |], varP n)
            retPat = foldr (\p q -> [p| $p : $q |]) wildP retsPats
            mainStmt = if null rets then noBindS [| void $mainE |]
              else bindS retPat [| (++ repeat LuaNil) <$> $mainE |]
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
            { luaCodeStateTop = -1
          return $ mainStmt : retsStmts ++ nextInstStmts
        Left firstRet -> do
          retsName <- newName "r"
            mainStmt = bindS (varP retsName) mainE
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
            { luaCodeStateTop = firstRet
            , luaCodeStateTopValuesE = varE retsName
          return $ mainStmt : nextInstStmts
      -- call operation
      callop :: Either Int [Int] -> Either Int [Int] -> LuaInst
      callop eargs erets = LuaInst [nextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode] codeState -> do
        (getArgsStmts, argsE) <- getArgs eargs codeState
        f <- newName "f"
        putRetsStmts <- putRets erets [| luaValueCall $(varE f) $argsE |] nextInstCode codeState
        return $ (bindS (varP f) [| readMutVar $(r a) |]) : getArgsStmts ++ putRetsStmts
      -- get ax from extra arg
      extraArg = do
          nx = opcodes VU.! (i + 1)
        when ((nx .&. (bit 6 - 1)) /= OP_EXTRAARG) $ fail "flaw-lua: opcode must be followed by OP_EXTRAARG"
        return $ fromIntegral $ (nx `shiftR` 6) .&. (bit 26 - 1)

      -- choose by instruction
      in case x .&. (bit 6 - 1) of
        OP_MOVE -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< readMutVar $(r b) |]
        OP_LOADK -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) $kbx |]
        OP_LOADKX -> LuaInst [nextNextInstId] $ \[nextNextInstCode] codeState -> do
          nax <- extraArg
          nextNextInstStmts <- nextNextInstCode codeState
          return $ (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r a) $(kst nax) |]) : nextNextInstStmts
        OP_LOADBOOL -> LuaInst [if c > 0 then nextNextInstId else nextInstId] $ \[followingInstCode] codeState -> do
          followingInstStmts <- followingInstCode codeState
          return $ (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r a) $ LuaBoolean $(litE $ integerL $ if b > 0 then 1 else 0) |]) : followingInstStmts
        OP_LOADNIL -> normalFlow $ doE $ flip map [a .. (a + b)] $ \j -> noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r j) LuaNil |]
        OP_GETUPVAL -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< readMutVar $(u b) |]
        OP_GETTABUP -> normalFlow [| do
          t <- readMutVar $(u b)
          writeMutVar $(r a) =<< $(rk [| luaValueGet t |] c)
        OP_GETTABLE -> normalFlow [| do
          t <- readMutVar $(r b)
          writeMutVar $(r a) =<< $(rk [| luaValueGet t |] c)
        OP_SETTABUP -> normalFlow [| do
          t <- readMutVar $(u a)
          $(rk2 [| luaValueSet t |] b c)
        OP_SETUPVAL -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(u b) =<< readMutVar $(r a) |]
        OP_SETTABLE -> normalFlow [| do
          t <- readMutVar $(r a)
          $(rk2 [| luaValueSet t |] b c)
        OP_NEWTABLE -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< luaNewTableSized $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ max b c) |]
        OP_SELF -> normalFlow [| do
          writeMutVar $(r $ a + 1) =<< readMutVar $(r b)
          t <- readMutVar $(r b)
          writeMutVar $(r a) =<< $(rk [| luaValueGet t |] c)
        OP_ADD -> binop [| luaValueAdd |]
        OP_SUB -> binop [| luaValueSub |]
        OP_MUL -> binop [| luaValueMul |]
        OP_MOD -> binop [| luaValueMod |]
        OP_POW -> binop [| luaValuePow |]
        OP_DIV -> binop [| luaValueDiv |]
        OP_IDIV -> binop [| luaValueIDiv |]
        OP_BAND -> binop [| luaValueBAnd |]
        OP_BOR -> binop [| luaValueBOr |]
        OP_BXOR -> binop [| luaValueBXor |]
        OP_SHL -> binop [| luaValueShl |]
        OP_SHR -> binop [| luaValueShr |]
        OP_UNM -> unop [| luaValueUnm |]
        OP_BNOT -> unop [| luaValueBNot |]
        OP_NOT -> unop [| luaValueNot |]
        OP_LEN -> unop [| luaValueLen |]
        OP_CONCAT -> normalFlow $ do
            f [] = return ([], [| LuaString T.empty |])
            f [j] = do
              p <- newName $ "p" ++ show j
              return ([bindS (varP p) [| readMutVar $(r j) |] ], varE p)
            f (j:js) = do
              p <- newName $ "p" ++ show j
              q <- newName $ "q" ++ show j
              (restStmts, restE) <- f js
                ( (bindS (varP p) [| readMutVar $(r j) |]) : restStmts ++
                  [bindS (varP q) [| luaValueConcat $(varE p) $restE |] ]
                , varE q
          (stmts, e) <- f [b..c]
          doE $ stmts ++ [noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r a) $e |]]
        OP_JMP -> LuaInst [i + sbx + 1] $ \[jmpInstCode] codeState -> do
          jmpInstStmts <- jmpInstCode codeState
          return jmpInstStmts
        OP_EQ -> condbinop [| luaValueEq |]
        OP_LT -> condbinop [| luaValueLt |]
        OP_LE -> condbinop [| luaValueLe |]
        OP_TEST -> LuaInst [nextInstId, nextNextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode, nextNextInstCode] codeState -> do
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
          nextNextInstStmts <- nextNextInstCode codeState
          return [noBindS [| do
            p <- readMutVar $(r a)
            $(if c > 0 then
              [| if luaCoerceToBool p > 0 then $(doE nextInstStmts) else $(doE nextNextInstStmts) |]
              [| if luaCoerceToBool p > 0 then $(doE nextNextInstStmts) else $(doE nextInstStmts) |])
            |] ]
        OP_TESTSET -> LuaInst [nextInstId, nextNextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode, nextNextInstCode] codeState -> do
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
          nextNextInstStmts <- nextNextInstCode codeState
          return [noBindS [| do
            p <- readMutVar $(r b)
            $(if c > 0 then
              [| if luaCoerceToBool p > 0 then $(doE $ (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r a) p |]) : nextInstStmts)
                else $(doE nextNextInstStmts)
              [| if luaCoerceToBool p > 0 then $(doE nextNextInstStmts)
                else $(doE $ (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r a) p |]) : nextInstStmts)
            |] ]
        OP_CALL -> callop
          (if b == 0 then Left (a + 1) else Right [(a + 1) .. (a + b - 1)])
          (if c == 0 then Left a else Right [a .. (a + c - 2)])
        OP_TAILCALL -> LuaInst [] $ \[] codeState -> do
          (getArgsStmts, argsE) <- getArgs (if b == 0 then Left (a + 1) else Right [(a + 1) .. (a + b - 1)]) codeState
          f <- newName "f"
            callE = [| luaValueCall $(varE f) $argsE |]
          return $ (bindS (varP f) [| readMutVar $(r a) |]) : getArgsStmts ++ [noBindS callE]
        OP_RETURN -> LuaInst [] $ \[] codeState -> do
          (getArgsStmts, argsE) <- getArgs (if b == 0 then Left a else Right [a .. (a + b - 2)]) codeState
          return $ getArgsStmts ++ [noBindS [| return $argsE |] ]
        OP_FORLOOP -> LuaInst [nextInstId, i + sbx + 1] $ \[nextInstCode, jmpInstCode] _codeState -> do
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode nullCodeState
          jmpInstStmts <- jmpInstCode nullCodeState
          return [noBindS [| do
            step <- readMutVar $(r $ a + 2)
            idx <- readMutVar $(r a)
            newIdx <- luaValueAdd idx step
            writeMutVar $(r a) newIdx
            limit <- readMutVar $(r $ a + 1)
            positiveStep <- luaValueLt (LuaInteger 0) step
            loop <- if luaCoerceToBool positiveStep > 0 then luaValueLe newIdx limit else luaValueLe limit newIdx
            if luaCoerceToBool loop > 0 then $(doE $ (noBindS [| writeMutVar $(r $ a + 3) newIdx |]) : jmpInstStmts)
            else $(doE nextInstStmts)
            |] ]
        OP_FORPREP -> LuaInst [i + sbx + 1] $ \[followingInstCode] codeState -> do
          followingInstStmts <- followingInstCode codeState
          return $ (noBindS [| do
            step <- readMutVar $(r $ a + 2)
            idx <- readMutVar $(r a)
            writeMutVar $(r a) =<< luaValueSub idx step
            |]) : followingInstStmts
        OP_TFORCALL -> callop
          (Right [a + 1, a + 2])
          (Right [(a + 3) .. (a + 2 + c)])
        OP_TFORLOOP -> LuaInst [nextInstId, i + sbx + 1] $ \[nextInstCode, followingInstCode] _codeState -> do
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode nullCodeState
          followingInstStmts <- followingInstCode nullCodeState
          return [noBindS [| do
            cond <- readMutVar $(r $ a + 1)
            case cond of
              LuaNil -> $(doE nextInstStmts)
              _ -> do
                writeMutVar $(r a) cond
                $(doE followingInstStmts)
            |] ]
        OP_SETLIST -> LuaInst [nextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode] codeState -> do
          offset <- if c == 0 then extraArg else return c
            fpf = 50 -- LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH from lopcodes.h
          t <- newName "t"
          (getArgsStmts, argsE) <- getArgs (if b == 0 then Left (a + 1) else Right [(a + 1) .. (a + b)]) codeState
          nextInstStmts <- nextInstCode codeState
            { luaCodeStateTop = -1
          return $ getArgsStmts ++
            [ bindS (varP t) [| readMutVar $(r a) |]
            , noBindS
              [| forM_ (zip $argsE [1..]) $ \(p, j) -> luaValueSet $(varE t) (LuaInteger $ j + $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ (offset - 1) * fpf)) p |]
            ] ++ nextInstStmts
        OP_CLOSURE -> normalFlow [| writeMutVar $(r a) =<< luaNewClosure $(varE $ functionsNames V.! bx) |]
        OP_VARARG -> LuaInst [nextInstId] $ \[nextInstCode] codeState -> do
          putRets (if b == 0 then Left a else Right [a .. (a + b - 2)]) [| return $(varE varargName) |] nextInstCode codeState
        --OP_EXTRAARG -- should not be processed here
        _ -> LuaInst [] $ \[] _ -> fail "unknown Lua opcode"

  -- number of instructions referring to this instruction
    instructionsRefCounts = VU.create $ do
      -- mark all instructions reachable from first instruction
      reachable <- VUM.replicate (VU.length opcodes) False
        markReachable i = do
          alreadyReachable <- VUM.read reachable i
          unless alreadyReachable $ do
            VUM.write reachable i True
            let LuaInst edges _ = instructions V.! i
            mapM_ markReachable edges
        in markReachable 0

      rc <- VUM.replicate (VU.length opcodes) (0 :: Int)
      -- make into account reference from additional "start instruction"
      VUM.write rc 0 1
      -- calculate how many instructions refer to every instruction
      flip V.imapM_ instructions $ \i (LuaInst edges _) -> do
        isRechable <- VUM.read reachable i
        when isRechable $ forM_ edges $ VUM.modify rc (+ 1)
      return rc

  -- generate names for instructions
  instructionsNames <- V.generateM (VU.length opcodes) $ \i -> newName $ "i" ++ show i
  -- emit stmts for instruction
    getInstructionCode (LuaInst followingInstsIds f) = do
      followingInstsCodes <- forM followingInstsIds $ \followingInstId -> do
        -- for instruction with one referrer (this one), emit stmts inline
        if instructionsRefCounts VU.! followingInstId == 1 then getInstructionCode $ instructions V.! followingInstId
        -- otherwise use name
        else return $ \LuaCodeState
          { luaCodeStateTop = top
          } -> do
          when (top >= 0) $ reportError "flaw-lua: instruction reference cannot send dynamic values"
          return [noBindS $ varE $ instructionsNames V.! followingInstId]
      return $ f followingInstsCodes
  -- emit stmts for all instructions with >1 ref
  -- instructions with 1 ref will be emitted automatically
  sharedInstructionsDecs <- fmap (concat . V.toList) $ V.generateM (VU.length opcodes) $ \i ->
    if instructionsRefCounts VU.! i > 1 then do
      code <- getInstructionCode $ instructions V.! i
      stmts <- code nullCodeState
      return [valD (varP $ instructionsNames V.! i) (normalB $ doE stmts) []]
    else return []

  -- start instruction
  startStmts <- do
    startCode <- getInstructionCode $ LuaInst [0] $ \[f] s -> f s
    startCode nullCodeState

  lamE [argsPat] $ doE $ constantsUpvaluesStmt : argsStmt : stackStmts ++ functionsStmt : letS sharedInstructionsDecs : startStmts