

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Math
Description: Math.
License: MIT

The math library is mostly generated by means of Template Haskell.
Every data type is monomorphic, and uses unpacked scalar types.

Derived math structures (vectors and matrices) are only available for
scalar types having 'Vectorized' instance. Similarly quaternion types are
only available for 'Quaternionized' scalar types.

By default vectorized types are provided only for scalar types from
'mathTypeNamesWithPrefix' list, and quaternion types only for types from
'mathQuaternionTypeNamesWithPrefix' list. Vector's dimensions are from 1 to 4.
Matrix dimensions are limited to ones from 'matDimensions' list.

In general, math structures are defined as type families parametrized by scalar type.
Convenient type synonyms and pattern synonyms are defined. As a result:

* At type level you can use either 'Vec4' 'Float' (type family parametrized with scalar type)
or 'Float4' (type synonym for the former).

* At value level you can use either 'Float4' (constructor for type family instance)
or 'Vec4' (bi-directional pattern synonym for the former) for both value construction and pattern matching.

Scalar elements of vectors can be accessed with 'x_', 'y_', etc.
Vector swizzling is available with 'xyz__', etc group of functions.

There's no SIMD support yet.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternSynonyms, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell, Trustworthy, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, UnboxedTuples #-}

module Flaw.Math
  -- * Classes
  , Dot(..)
  , Cross(..)
  , Norm(..)
  , Normalize(..)
  , Mat(..)
  , Mul(..)
  , MatInverse(..)
  -- * Data types
  -- ** Vectors and matrices
  , VecX(..), VecY(..), VecZ(..), VecW(..)
  , Vectorized(..)
  , VectorizedFunctor(..)
  , Vec1(..), Vec2(..), Vec3(..), Vec4(..)
  , Mat3x3(..), Mat3x4(..), Mat4x4(..)
  -- ** Quaternions
  , Quaternionized(..)
  , Quat(..)
  , Conjugate(..)
  -- * Pattern synonyms
  , pattern Vec1, pattern Vec2, pattern Vec3, pattern Vec4
  , pattern Mat3x3, pattern Mat3x4, pattern Mat4x4
  , pattern Quat
  -- * Vector swizzling
  , SwizzleVecX1(..), SwizzleVecX2(..), SwizzleVecX3(..), SwizzleVecX4(..)
  , SwizzleVecY1(..), SwizzleVecY2(..), SwizzleVecY3(..), SwizzleVecY4(..)
  , SwizzleVecZ1(..), SwizzleVecZ2(..), SwizzleVecZ3(..), SwizzleVecZ4(..)
  , SwizzleVecW1(..), SwizzleVecW2(..), SwizzleVecW3(..), SwizzleVecW4(..)
  -- * Type synonyms
  , Float1, Float2, Float3, Float4
  , Double1, Double2, Double3, Double4
  , Int32_1, Int32_2, Int32_3, Int32_4
  , Word32_1, Word32_2, Word32_3, Word32_4
  , Int1, Int2, Int3, Int4
  , Int8_1, Int8_2, Int8_3, Int8_4
  , Word8_1, Word8_2, Word8_3, Word8_4
  , Float3x3, Float3x4, Float4x4
  , Double3x3, Double3x4, Double4x4
  , Int32_3x3, Int32_3x4, Int32_4x4
  , Word32_3x3, Word32_3x4, Word32_4x4
  , Int3x3, Int3x4, Int4x4
  , Int8_3x3, Int8_3x4, Int8_4x4
  , Word8_3x3, Word8_3x4, Word8_4x4
  , FloatQ, DoubleQ
  -- * Base definitions
  , maxVecDimension
  , vecComponents
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH

import Flaw.Math.Internal

-- | General vector class.
class Vec (v :: *) where
  type VecElement v :: *
  -- | Get number of components in vector.
  vecLength :: v -> Int -- v is unused
  -- | Convert vector to list.
  vecToList :: v -> [VecElement v]
  -- | Create vector from scalar (put scalar into every component).
  vecFromScalar :: VecElement v -> v

-- | Generate classes VecX..VecW with only method to access components.
{- Example:
class Vec v => VecX v where
  x_ :: v -> VecElement v
forM vecComponents $ \c -> do
  let className = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [toUpper c]
  let methodName = mkName [c, '_']
  tvV <- newName "v"
  classD (return [AppT (ConT $ mkName "Vec") $ VarT tvV]) className [PlainTV tvV] []
    [ sigD methodName [t| $(varT tvV) -> VecElement $(varT tvV) |]

-- | Generate class Vectorized.
class Vectorized (a :: *) where
  data Vec{1234} a :: *
  vec{n=1234} :: a...{n} -> Vec{n} a
  unvec{n=1234} :: Vec{n} a -> (# a...{n} #)
  data Mat{1234}x{1234} a :: *
  mat{n=1234}x{m=1234} :: a...{n*m} -> Mat{n}x{m} a
  unmat{n=1234}x{m=1234} :: Mat{n}x{m} a -> (# a...{n*m} #)
fmap return $ do
  tvA <- newName "a"
  vecDecs <- fmap concat $ forM [1..maxVecDimension] $ \dim -> do
    let dimStr = [intToDigit dim]
    let dataName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ dimStr
    let dataDec = dataFamilyD dataName [PlainTV tvA] (Just StarT)
    let packFuncDec = sigD (mkName $ "vec" ++ dimStr) $ foldr (\a b -> [t| $a -> $b |]) [t| $(conT dataName) $(varT tvA) |] $ replicate dim $ varT tvA
    let unpackFuncDec = sigD (mkName $ "unvec" ++ dimStr) [t| $(conT dataName) $(varT tvA) -> $(if dim == 1 then varT tvA else foldl appT (unboxedTupleT dim) $ replicate dim $ varT tvA) |]
    return [dataDec, packFuncDec, unpackFuncDec]
  matDecs <- fmap concat $ forM matDimensions $ \(dimN, dimM) -> do
    let dimStr = [intToDigit dimN, 'x', intToDigit dimM]
    let dataName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ dimStr
    let dataDec = dataFamilyD dataName [PlainTV tvA] (Just StarT)
    let packFuncDec = sigD (mkName $ "mat" ++ dimStr) $ foldr (\a b -> [t| $a -> $b |]) (appT (conT dataName) (varT tvA)) $ replicate (dimN * dimM) $ varT tvA
    let unpackFuncDec = sigD (mkName $ "unmat" ++ dimStr) [t| $(conT dataName) $(varT tvA) -> $(foldl appT (unboxedTupleT (dimN * dimM)) $ replicate (dimN * dimM) $ varT tvA) |]
    return [dataDec, packFuncDec, unpackFuncDec]
  classD (sequence [ [t| Ord $(varT tvA) |], [t| Show $(varT tvA) |] ]) (mkName "Vectorized") [KindedTV tvA StarT] [] $ vecDecs ++ matDecs

-- | Special functor class over Vectorized elements.
class VectorizedFunctor (f :: * -> *) where
  -- | Apply function to elements of functor.
  vecfmap :: (Vectorized a, Vectorized b) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

-- Pattern synonyms for vectors and matrices, allowing to construct/deconstruct values using generalized names.
-- vectors
fmap concat . forM [1..maxVecDimension] $ \dim -> do
  let v = mkName $ "Vec" <> show dim
  a <- newName "a"
  comps <- mapM (newName . pure) $ take dim vecComponents
    [ patSynSigD v (forallT [PlainTV a] (sequence [(conT ''Vectorized) `appT` (varT a)]) $ foldr (appT . (appT arrowT) . varT) ((conT v) `appT` (varT a)) (replicate dim a))
    , patSynD v (prefixPatSyn comps)
      (explBidir [clause (map varP comps) (normalB $ foldl appE (varE (mkName $ "vec" <> show dim)) $ map varE comps) []])
      (viewP (varE (mkName $ "unvec" <> show dim)) (if dim == 1 then varP (head comps) else unboxedTupP (map varP comps)))
    , pragCompleteD [v] Nothing
-- matrices
fmap concat . forM matDimensions $ \(dimN, dimM) -> do
  let dimStr = [intToDigit dimN, 'x', intToDigit dimM]
  let v = mkName $ "Mat" <> dimStr
  a <- newName "a"
  comps <- mapM newName [['m', intToDigit n, intToDigit m] | n <- [1..dimN], m <- [1..dimM]]
    [ patSynSigD v (forallT [PlainTV a] (sequence [(conT ''Vectorized) `appT` (varT a)]) $ foldr (appT . (appT arrowT) . varT) ((conT v) `appT` (varT a)) (replicate (dimN * dimM) a))
    , patSynD v (prefixPatSyn comps)
      (explBidir [clause (map varP comps) (normalB $ foldl appE (varE (mkName $ "mat" <> dimStr)) $ map varE comps) []])
      (viewP (varE (mkName $ "unmat" <> dimStr)) (unboxedTupP (map varP comps)))
    , pragCompleteD [v] Nothing

-- | Class for dot operation.
class Vec v => Dot v where
  dot :: v -> v -> VecElement v

-- | Class for cross operation.
class Cross (v :: *) where
  cross :: v -> v -> v

-- | Class for norm operation.
class Vec v => Norm v where
  norm :: v -> VecElement v
  norm2 :: v -> VecElement v

-- | Class for normalize operation.
class Normalize (v :: *) where
  normalize :: v -> v

-- | General matrix class.
class Mat (m :: *) where
  type MatElement m :: *
  -- | Get matrix size.
  matSize :: m -> (Int, Int) -- m is unused
  -- | Create matrix from scalar (put scalar into every component).
  matFromScalar :: MatElement m -> m

-- | Class for general multiplication.
class Mul (a :: *) (b :: *) where
  type MulResult a b :: *
  mul :: a -> b -> MulResult a b

-- | Class for matrix inversion.
class MatInverse (a :: *) where
  matInverse :: a -> a

-- | Generates classes SwizzleVec{X..W}{1..4}.
{- Letter component should be presented in methods.
Number is a dimension of result.
class (VecX v, VecY v, VecZ v) => SwizzleVecZ2 v where
  type SwizzleVecZ2Result v :: *
  xz__ :: v -> SwizzleVecZ2Result v
  yz__ :: v -> SwizzleVecZ2Result v
  zx__ :: v -> SwizzleVecZ2Result v
  zy__ :: v -> SwizzleVecZ2Result v
  zz__ :: v -> SwizzleVecZ2Result v
forM [(len, maxComp) | len <- [1..4], maxComp <- [1..4]] $ \(len, maxComp) -> do
    components = take maxComp vecComponents
    nameSuffix = [toUpper $ last components, intToDigit len]
    className = mkName $ "SwizzleVec" ++ nameSuffix
    resultTypeName = mkName $ "SwizzleVecResult" ++ nameSuffix
  tvV <- newName "v"
    variants = filter (swizzleVariantFilter components) $ genSwizzleVariants len
    genSig variant = sigD (mkName $ variant ++ "__") [t| $(varT tvV) -> $(conT resultTypeName) $(varT tvV) |]
  classD (sequence [ [t| $(conT $ mkName $ "Vec" ++ [toUpper c]) $(varT tvV) |] | c <- components])
    className [PlainTV tvV] [] $ openTypeFamilyD resultTypeName [PlainTV tvV] (KindSig StarT) Nothing : map genSig variants

-- Things per math type.
fmap concat $ mapM (uncurry mathTypeVectorizedDecls) mathTypeNamesWithPrefix

-- Abstract instances for vector and matrix types.
  tvE <- newName "e"
  let elemType = varT tvE

  -- vector declarations
  vecDecs <- fmap concat $ forM [1..maxVecDimension] $ \dim -> do

      dimStr = [intToDigit dim]
      dataName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ dimStr
      conName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ dimStr -- using pattern synonym
      -- string with symbols of components, like "xyz"
      components = take dim vecComponents

    -- names for component-parameters
    componentParams <- forM components $ \c -> newName [c]
    as <- forM components $ \c -> newName ['a', c]
    bs <- forM components $ \c -> newName ['b', c]
    p <- newName "p"

    -- instance for Vec class
    vecInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |] ]) [t| Vec ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ tySynInstD ''VecElement $ tySynEqn [ [t| $(conT dataName) $elemType |] ] elemType
      , funD 'vecLength [clause [wildP] (normalB $ litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral dim) []]
      , funD 'vecToList [clause [conP conName $ map varP componentParams] (normalB $ listE $ map varE componentParams) []]
      , funD 'vecFromScalar [clause [varP p] (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate dim (varE p)) []]

    -- instances for VecX .. VecW classes
    vecComponentInstances <- forM components $ \component -> do
        className = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [toUpper component]
        funName = mkName [component, '_']
      varName <- newName [component]
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |] ]) [t| $(conT className) ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD funName [clause [conP conName [if c == component then varP varName else wildP | c <- components]] (normalB (varE varName)) []]

    -- instance for VectorizedFunctor class
    vectorizedFunctorInstance <- instanceD (sequence []) [t| VectorizedFunctor $(conT dataName) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'vecfmap [clause [varP p, conP conName $ map varP as] (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (appE (varE p) . varE) as) []]

    -- instance for Dot class
    dotInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Num $elemType |] ]) [t| Dot ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'dot
        [ clause
          [ conP conName $ map varP as
          , conP conName $ map varP bs
          (normalB $ foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) $ map (\(a, b) -> [| $(varE a) * $(varE b) |]) $ zip as bs) []

    -- instance for Norm class
    normInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Floating $elemType |] ]) [t| Norm ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'norm [clause [] (normalB $ [| sqrt . norm2 |]) []]
      , funD 'norm2 [clause [conP conName $ map varP as]
        (normalB $ foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) $ map ((\a -> [| $a * $a |]) . varE) as) []]

    -- instance for Normalize class
    normalizeInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Floating $elemType |] ]) [t| Normalize ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'normalize [clause [varP p] (normalB [| $(varE p) * vecFromScalar (1 / norm $(varE p)) |]) []]

    -- instance for SwizzleVec{maxComp}{dim} class
    swizzleVecInstances <- forM [(srcDim, maxComp) | srcDim <- [1..4], maxComp <- [1..srcDim]] $ \(srcDim, maxComp) -> do
      tvV <- newName "v"
        swizzleComponents = take maxComp vecComponents
        nameSuffix = [toUpper $ last swizzleComponents, intToDigit dim]
        instanceName = mkName $ "SwizzleVec" ++ nameSuffix
        srcDataName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [intToDigit srcDim]
        resultDecl = tySynInstD (mkName $ "SwizzleVecResult" ++ nameSuffix) $ tySynEqn [ [t| $(conT srcDataName) $elemType |] ] $ [t| $(conT dataName) $elemType |]
        variants = filter (swizzleVariantFilter swizzleComponents) $ genSwizzleVariants dim
        funDecl variant = let
          expr = foldl (\v c -> appE v [| $(varE (mkName [c, '_'])) $(varE tvV) |]) (conE conName) variant
          in funD (mkName $ variant ++ "__") [clause [varP tvV] (normalB expr) []]
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |] ]) [t| $(conT instanceName) ($(conT srcDataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines (resultDecl : map funDecl variants)

      binaryOp opName = funD opName
        [ clause
          [ conP conName $ map varP as
          , conP conName $ map varP bs
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (\(a, b) -> [| $(varE opName) $(varE a) $(varE b) |]) $ zip as bs)
      unaryOp opName = funD opName
        [ clause
          [ conP conName $ map varP as
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (\a -> [| $(varE opName) $(varE a) |]) as)
      nullaryOp opName = funD opName
        [ clause []
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (\_ -> varE opName) as)

    -- instance for Num class
    numInstance <- let
      fromIntegerDecl = do
        iParam <- newName "i"
        fiParam <- newName "fi"
        funD 'fromInteger [clause [varP iParam]
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate dim $ varE fiParam)
          [valD (varP fiParam) (normalB [| fromInteger $(varE iParam) |]) []]]

      in instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Num $elemType |] ]) [t| Num ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ binaryOp '(+)
        , binaryOp '(*)
        , binaryOp '(-)
        , unaryOp 'negate
        , unaryOp 'abs
        , unaryOp 'signum
        , fromIntegerDecl

    -- instance for Fractional class
    fractionalInstance <- let
      fromRationalDecl = do
        rParam <- newName "r"
        frParam <- newName "fr"
        funD 'fromRational [clause [varP rParam]
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate dim $ varE frParam)
          [valD (varP frParam) (normalB [| fromRational $(varE rParam) |]) []]]
      in instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Fractional $elemType |] ]) [t| Fractional ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ binaryOp '(/)
        , unaryOp 'recip
        , fromRationalDecl

    -- instance for Floating class
    floatingInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Floating $elemType |] ]) [t| Floating ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines (concat
      [ [nullaryOp 'pi]
      , map binaryOp
        [ '(**)
        , 'logBase
      , map unaryOp
        [ 'exp
        , 'sqrt
        , 'log
        , 'sin
        , 'tan
        , 'cos
        , 'asin
        , 'atan
        , 'acos
        , 'sinh
        , 'tanh
        , 'cosh
        , 'asinh
        , 'atanh
        , 'acosh

    -- instance for Storable class
    storableInstance <- let
      params = zip [0..(dim - 1)] as
      in instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Storable $elemType |] ]) [t| Storable ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'sizeOf [clause [wildP] (normalB [| $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral dim) * sizeOf (undefined :: $elemType) |]) []]
        , funD 'alignment [clause [wildP] (normalB [| alignment (undefined :: $elemType) |]) []]
        , funD 'peek [clause [varP p] (normalB $ doE $ [bindS (varP a) [| peekElemOff (castPtr $(varE p)) $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral i) |] | (i, a) <- params] ++
          [noBindS [| return $(foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (varE . snd) params) |]]) []]
        , funD 'poke [clause [varP p, conP conName $ map (varP . snd) params]
          (normalB $ doE [noBindS [| pokeElemOff (castPtr $(varE p)) $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral i) $(varE a) |] | (i, a) <- params]) []]

    -- Eq instance
    eqInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Eq $elemType |] ]) [t| Eq ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD '(==) [clause [conP conName $ map varP as, conP conName $ map varP bs] (normalB $ foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a && $b |]) $ map (\(a, b) -> [| $(varE a) == $(varE b) |]) $ zip as bs) []]

    -- Ord instance
    ordInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Ord $elemType |] ]) [t| Ord ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'compare [clause [conP conName $ map varP as, conP conName $ map varP bs] (normalB $ foldr ($) [| EQ |] $ map (\(a, b) c ->
        [| case compare $(varE a) $(varE b) of
          EQ -> $c
          r -> r
          |]) $ zip as bs) []]

    -- Show instance
    {- Example:
    showsPrec p (Vec4 x y z w) q = if p >= 10 then '(' : s (')' : q) else s q where
      s h = "Vec4" ++ f x (f y (f z (f w h)))
      f t h = ' ' : (showsPrec 10 t h)
    showInstance <- do
      q <- newName "q"
      s <- newName "s"
      f <- newName "f"
      h <- newName "h"
      t <- newName "t"
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Show $elemType |] ]) [t| Show ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'showsPrec [clause [varP p, conP conName $ map varP as, varP q] (normalB [| if $(varE p) >= 10 then '(' : $(varE s) (')' : $(varE q)) else $(varE s) $(varE q) |])
          [ funD s [clause [varP h] (normalB [| $(litE $ stringL $ "Vec" ++ dimStr) ++ $(foldr (appE . appE (varE f) . varE) (varE h) as) |]) []]
          , funD f [clause [varP t, varP h] (normalB [| ' ' : showsPrec 10 $(varE t) $(varE h) |]) []]

    -- Serialize instance
    serializeInstance <-
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| S.Serialize $elemType |] ]) [t| S.Serialize ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'S.put [clause [conP conName $ map varP as] (normalB $ doE $ map (\a -> noBindS [| S.put $(varE a) |]) as) []]
        , funD 'S.get [clause [] (normalB $ doE $ map (\a -> bindS (varP a) [| S.get |]) as ++ [noBindS $ [| return $(foldl appE (conE conName) $ map varE as) |] ]) []]

    -- Default instance
    defaultInstance <-
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Default $elemType |] ]) [t| Default ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'def [clause [] (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate dim [| def |]) []]

    return $ vecInstance : vectorizedFunctorInstance : dotInstance : numInstance : normInstance : normalizeInstance : fractionalInstance : floatingInstance : storableInstance : eqInstance : ordInstance : showInstance : serializeInstance : defaultInstance :
      vecComponentInstances ++ swizzleVecInstances

  -- Cross instance
  crossInstance <- do
    names@[ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz] <- mapM newName ["ax", "ay", "az", "bx", "by", "bz"]
      [axe, aye, aze, bxe, bye, bze] = map varE names
    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Num $elemType |] ]) [t| Cross (Vec3 $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'cross [clause [conP 'Vec3 [varP ax, varP ay, varP az], conP 'Vec3 [varP bx, varP by, varP bz]] (normalB
        [| Vec3
          ($aye * $bze - $aze * $bye)
          ($aze * $bxe - $axe * $bze)
          ($axe * $bye - $aye * $bxe)
          |]) [] ]

  -- matrix declarations
  matDecs <- fmap concat $ forM matDimensions $ \(dimN, dimM) -> do

      dimStr = [intToDigit dimN, 'x', intToDigit dimM]
      dataName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ dimStr
      conName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ dimStr -- using pattern synonym

    -- some params
    as <- mapM newName [['a', intToDigit i, intToDigit j] | i <- [1..dimN], j <- [1..dimM]]
    bs <- mapM newName [['b', intToDigit i, intToDigit j] | i <- [1..dimN], j <- [1..dimM]]
    p <- newName "p"

    -- Mat instance
    matInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |] ]) [t| Mat ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ tySynInstD ''MatElement $ tySynEqn [ [t| $(conT dataName) $elemType |] ] elemType
      , funD 'matSize [clause [wildP] (normalB [| ($(litE $ integerL $ toInteger dimN), $(litE $ integerL $ toInteger dimM)) |]) []]
      , funD 'matFromScalar [clause [varP p] (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate (dimN * dimM) (varE p)) []]

    -- Num instance
    numInstance <- let
      binaryOp opName = funD opName
        [ clause
          [ conP conName $ map varP as
          , conP conName $ map varP bs
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (\(a, b) -> infixApp (varE a) (varE opName) (varE b)) $ zip as bs)
      unaryOp opName = funD opName
        [ clause
          [ conP conName $ map varP as
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (\a -> [| $(varE opName) $(varE a) |]) as)
      fromIntegerDecl = do
        iParam <- newName "i"
        fiParam <- newName "fi"
        funD 'fromInteger [clause [varP iParam]
          (normalB $ foldl appE (conE conName) $ replicate (dimN * dimM) $ varE fiParam)
          [valD (varP fiParam) (normalB [| fromInteger $(varE iParam) |]) []]]

      in instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Num $elemType |] ]) [t| Num ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ binaryOp '(+)
        , binaryOp '(*)
        , binaryOp '(-)
        , unaryOp 'negate
        , unaryOp 'abs
        , unaryOp 'signum
        , fromIntegerDecl

    -- Storable instance (column-major)
    storableInstance <- let
      params = zip [(i, j) | i <- [0..(dimN - 1)], j <- [0..(dimM - 1)]] as
      in instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Storable $elemType |] ]) [t| Storable ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'sizeOf [clause [wildP] (normalB [| $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral (dimN * dimM)) * sizeOf (undefined :: $elemType) |]) []]
        , funD 'alignment [clause [wildP] (normalB [| alignment (undefined :: $elemType) |]) []]
        , funD 'peek [clause [varP p] (normalB $ doE $ [bindS (varP a) [| peekElemOff (castPtr $(varE p)) $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral (j * dimN + i)) |] | ((i, j), a) <- params] ++
          [noBindS [| return $(foldl appE (conE conName) $ map (varE . snd) params) |]]) []]
        , funD 'poke [clause [varP p, conP conName $ map (varP . snd) params]
          (normalB $ doE [noBindS [| pokeElemOff (castPtr $(varE p)) $(litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral (j * dimN + i)) $(varE a) |] | ((i, j), a) <- params]) []]

    -- Eq instance
    eqInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Eq $elemType |] ]) [t| Eq ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD '(==) [clause [conP conName $ map varP as, conP conName $ map varP bs] (normalB $ foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a && $b |]) $ map (\(a, b) -> [| $(varE a) == $(varE b) |]) $ zip as bs) []]

    -- Ord instance
    ordInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Ord $elemType |] ]) [t| Ord ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'compare [clause [conP conName $ map varP as, conP conName $ map varP bs] (normalB $ foldr ($) [| EQ |] $ map (\(a, b) c ->
        [| case compare $(varE a) $(varE b) of
          EQ -> $c
          r -> r
          |]) $ zip as bs) []]

    -- Show instance
    showInstance <- do
      q <- newName "q"
      s <- newName "s"
      f <- newName "f"
      h <- newName "h"
      t <- newName "t"
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Show $elemType |] ]) [t| Show ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'showsPrec [clause [varP p, conP conName $ map varP as, varP q] (normalB [| if $(varE p) >= 10 then '(' : $(varE s) (')' : $(varE q)) else $(varE s) $(varE q) |])
          [ funD s [clause [varP h] (normalB [| $(litE $ stringL $ "Mat" ++ dimStr) ++ $(foldr (appE . appE (varE f) . varE) (varE h) as) |]) []]
          , funD f [clause [varP t, varP h] (normalB [| ' ' : showsPrec 10 $(varE t) $(varE h) |]) []]

    -- Serialize instance
    serializeInstance <-
      instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| S.Serialize $elemType |] ]) [t| S.Serialize ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ funD 'S.put [clause [conP conName $ map varP as] (normalB $ doE $ map (\a -> noBindS [| S.put $(varE a) |]) as) []]
        , funD 'S.get [clause [] (normalB $ doE $ map (\a -> bindS (varP a) [| S.get |]) as ++ [noBindS $ [| return $(foldl appE (conE conName) $ map varE as) |] ]) []]

    return [matInstance, numInstance, storableInstance, eqInstance, ordInstance, showInstance, serializeInstance]

  -- Generate multiplications.
  mulInstances <- do
      gen aName bName cName funDecl = instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Num $elemType |] ]) [t| Mul ($(conT aName) $elemType) ($(conT bName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
        [ tySynInstD ''MulResult $ tySynEqn [ [t| $(conT aName) $elemType |], [t| $(conT bName) $elemType |] ] [t| $(conT cName) $elemType |]
        , funDecl

      genVecMatMul (n, m) = let
        aName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [intToDigit n]
        aConName = aName -- using pattern synonym
        bName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ [intToDigit n, 'x', intToDigit m]
        bConName = bName -- using pattern synonym
        cName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [intToDigit m]
        cConName = cName -- using pattern synonym
        aElemName i = mkName ['a', intToDigit i]
        bElemName i j = mkName ['b', intToDigit i, intToDigit j]
        cElemResult j = foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) [ [| $(varE $ aElemName i) * $(varE $ bElemName i j) |] | i <- [1..n]]
        aElems = map aElemName [1..n]
        bElems = [bElemName i j | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..m]]
        cElems = foldl appE (conE cConName) $ map cElemResult [1..m]
        aPat = conP aConName $ map varP aElems
        bPat = conP bConName $ map varP bElems
        in gen aName bName cName $ funD 'mul [clause [aPat, bPat] (normalB cElems) []]
      genMatVecMul (n, m) = let
        aName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ [intToDigit n, 'x', intToDigit m]
        aConName = aName -- using pattern synonym
        bName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [intToDigit m]
        bConName = bName -- using pattern synonym
        cName = mkName $ "Vec" ++ [intToDigit n]
        cConName = cName -- using pattern synonym
        aElemName i j = mkName ['a', intToDigit i, intToDigit j]
        bElemName j = mkName ['b', intToDigit j]
        cElemResult i = foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) [ [| $(varE $ aElemName i j) * $(varE $ bElemName j) |] | j <- [1..m]]
        aElems = [aElemName i j | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..m]]
        bElems = map bElemName [1..m]
        cElems = foldl appE (conE cConName) $ map cElemResult [1..n]
        aPat = conP aConName $ map varP aElems
        bPat = conP bConName $ map varP bElems
        in gen aName bName cName $ funD 'mul [clause [aPat, bPat] (normalB cElems) []]
      genMatMatMul (n, m, k) = let
        aName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ [intToDigit n, 'x', intToDigit m]
        aConName = aName -- using pattern synonym
        bName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ [intToDigit m, 'x', intToDigit k]
        bConName = bName -- using pattern synonym
        cName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ [intToDigit n, 'x', intToDigit k]
        cConName = cName -- using pattern synonym
        aElemName i j = mkName ['a', intToDigit i, intToDigit j]
        bElemName i j = mkName ['b', intToDigit i, intToDigit j]
        cElemResult i j = foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) [ [| $(varE $ aElemName i t) * $(varE $ bElemName t j) |] | t <- [1..m]]
        aElems = [aElemName i j | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..m]]
        bElems = [bElemName i j | i <- [1..m], j <- [1..k]]
        cElems = foldl appE (conE cConName) [cElemResult i j | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..k]]
        aPat = conP aConName $ map varP aElems
        bPat = conP bConName $ map varP bElems
        in gen aName bName cName $ funD 'mul [clause [aPat, bPat] (normalB cElems) []]

    vecMatMuls <- mapM genVecMatMul $ do
      n <- [1..maxVecDimension]
      (m, k) <- matDimensions
      [(m, k) | n == m]
    matVecMuls <- mapM genMatVecMul $ do
      (n, m) <- matDimensions
      k <- [1..maxVecDimension]
      [(n, m) | m == k]
    matMatMuls <- mapM genMatMatMul $ do
      (n, m1) <- matDimensions
      (m2, k) <- matDimensions
      [(n, m1, k) | m1 == m2]
    return $ concat [vecMatMuls, matVecMuls, matMatMuls]

  -- matrix inversions
  matInverseInstances <- forM (map fst $ filter (uncurry (==)) matDimensions) $ \dim -> do
    mNames <- mapM newName ["m" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show j | i <- [1..dim], j <- [1..dim]]
      dataName = mkName $ "Mat" ++ show dim ++ "x" ++ show dim
      -- full mask
      dimMask = (1 `shiftL` dim) - 1
      -- name for value of minor
      detName imask jmask = case (maskBits imask, maskBits jmask) of
        ([i], [j]) -> mNames !! (i * dim + j)
        _ -> mkName $ "det" ++ show (imask :: Int) ++ "_" ++ show (jmask :: Int)
      -- get list of bits from mask
      maskBits mask = if mask == 0 then [] else let smask = (mask - 1) .&. mask in maskIndex (smask `xor` mask) : maskBits smask
      -- get index of one-bit mask
      maskIndex mask = fromJust $ elemIndex mask [1 `shiftL` a | a <- [0..(dim - 1)]]
      -- determinant expression
      detExp imask jmask = let
        (i : ribits) = maskBits imask
        jbits@(j : rjbits) = maskBits jmask
        subDets = detName (imask `xor` (1 `shiftL` i)) <$> map ((jmask `xor`) . (1 `shiftL`)) jbits
        alternateSign = zipWith ($) (cycle [id, \e -> [| negate $e |] ])
        subElems = alternateSign $ map (\jj -> varE $ mNames !! (i * dim + jj)) jbits
        subDetsElems = map (\(a, b) -> [| $(varE a) * $b |]) $ zip subDets subElems
        in if null ribits && null rjbits then varE $ mNames !! (i * dim + j) else foldl1 (\a b -> [| $a + $b |]) subDetsElems
      -- adjugate matrix expression
      adjExp = foldl appE (conE dataName)
        [ if even (i + j) then e else [| negate $e |]
        | i <- [0..(dim - 1)]
        , j <- [0..(dim - 1)]
        , let e = varE $ detName (dimMask `xor` (1 `shiftL` j)) (dimMask `xor` (1 `shiftL` i))
      -- inverse matrix expression
      invMatExp = [| $adjExp * matFromScalar (1 / $(varE $ detName dimMask dimMask)) |]
      -- decls for all determinants
      detDecls =
        [ valD (varP (detName imask jmask)) (normalB $ detExp imask jmask) []
        | imask <- [1..dimMask]
        , jmask <- [1..dimMask]
        , let l = length (maskBits imask)
        , l > 1 && ((1 `shiftL` max 0 (dim - l - 1)) - 1) .&. imask == 0 && l == length (maskBits jmask)

    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Vectorized $elemType |], [t| Fractional $elemType |] ]) [t| MatInverse ($(conT dataName) $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'matInverse [clause [conP dataName $ map varP mNames] (normalB invMatExp) detDecls]

  return $ crossInstance : vecDecs ++ matDecs ++ mulInstances ++ matInverseInstances

-- | Class of things which has quaternions.
class (Vectorized a, Floating a) => Quaternionized a where
  data Quat a :: *
  quat :: Vec4 a -> Quat a
  unquat :: Quat a -> Vec4 a

{-# COMPLETE Quat #-}
pattern Quat :: Quaternionized a => Vec4 a -> Quat a
pattern Quat v <- (unquat -> v) where Quat v = quat v

-- | Conjugation.
class Conjugate (q :: *) where
  conjugate :: q -> q

-- Generate per-math type declarations for quaternions.
fmap concat $ forM mathQuaternionTypeNamesWithPrefix $ \(mathTypeName, mathTypePrefix) -> do

  let elemType = conT mathTypeName
  let conName = mkName $ mathTypePrefix ++ "Q"
  v <- newName "v"

  -- Quaternionized instance
  quaternionizedInstance <- instanceD (sequence []) [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] =<< addInlines
    [ newtypeInstD (sequence []) ''Quat [elemType] Nothing (normalC conName [fmap (\t -> (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness, t)) [t| Vec4 $elemType |]]) [derivClause Nothing [ [t| Generic |] ] ]
    , funD 'quat [clause [varP v] (normalB [| $(conE conName) $(varE v) |]) []]
    , funD 'unquat [clause [conP conName [varP v]] (normalB $ varE v) []]

  -- synonym
  synonym <- tySynD conName [] [t| Quat $elemType |]

  return [quaternionizedInstance, synonym]

-- Abstract declarations for quaternions.
  tvE <- newName "e"
  let elemType = varT tvE
  a <- newName "a"
  v <- newName "v"
  av <- newName "av"
  bv <- newName "bv"
  as <- forM vecComponents $ \c -> newName ['a', c]
  bs <- forM vecComponents $ \c -> newName ['b', c]
  let [ax, ay, az, aw] = map varE as
  let [bx, by, bz, bw] = map varE bs

  -- Vec instance
  vecInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] ]) [t| Vec (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ tySynInstD ''VecElement $ tySynEqn [ [t| Quat $elemType |] ] elemType
    , funD 'vecLength [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| vecLength $(varE v) |]) []]
    , funD 'vecToList [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| vecToList $(varE v) |]) []]
    , funD 'vecFromScalar [clause [varP a] (normalB [| Quat (vecFromScalar $(varE a)) |]) []]

  -- Norm instance
  normInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] ]) [t| Norm (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ funD 'norm [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| norm $(varE v) |]) []]
    , funD 'norm2 [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| norm2 $(varE v) |]) []]

  -- Normalize instance
  normalizeInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] ]) [t| Normalize (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ funD 'normalize [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| Quat (normalize $(varE v)) |]) []]

  -- Num instance
  numInstance <-
    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] ]) [t| Num (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD '(+) [clause [conP 'Quat [varP av], conP 'Quat [varP bv]] (normalB [| Quat ($(varE av) + $(varE bv)) |]) []]
      , funD '(-) [clause [conP 'Quat [varP av], conP 'Quat [varP bv]] (normalB [| Quat ($(varE av) - $(varE bv)) |]) []]
      , funD '(*) [clause
        [ conP 'Quat [conP 'Vec4 $ map varP as]
        , conP 'Quat [conP 'Vec4 $ map varP bs]
        ] (normalB [| Quat (Vec4
          ($aw * $bx + $ax * $bw + $ay * $bz - $az * $by)
          ($aw * $by - $ax * $bz + $ay * $bw + $az * $bx)
          ($aw * $bz + $ax * $by - $ay * $bx + $az * $bw)
          ($aw * $bw - $ax * $bx - $ay * $by - $az * $bz)
          )|]) []]
      , funD 'negate [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| Quat (negate $(varE v)) |]) []]
      , funD 'abs [clause [conP 'Quat [varP v]] (normalB [| Quat (abs $(varE v)) |]) []]
      , funD 'signum [clause [] (normalB [| undefined |]) []]
      , funD 'fromInteger [clause [] (normalB [| undefined |]) []]

  -- Conjugate instance
  conjugateInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |] ]) [t| Conjugate (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ funD 'conjugate [clause [conP 'Quat [conP 'Vec4 $ map varP as]] (normalB [| Quat (Vec4 (- $ax) (- $ay) (- $az) $aw) |]) []]

  -- Storable instance
  storableInstance <-
    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |], [t| Storable $elemType |] ]) [t| Storable (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'sizeOf [clause [wildP] (normalB [| sizeOf (undefined :: Vec4 $elemType) |]) []]
      , funD 'alignment [clause [wildP] (normalB [| alignment (undefined :: Vec4 $elemType) |]) []]
      , funD 'peek [clause [varP a] (normalB [| Quat <$> peek (castPtr $(varE a)) |]) []]
      , funD 'poke [clause [varP a, conP 'Quat [varP av]] (normalB [| poke (castPtr $(varE a)) $(varE av) |]) []]

  -- Eq instance
  eqInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |], [t| Eq $elemType |] ]) [t| Eq (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ funD '(==) [clause [conP 'Quat [varP av], conP 'Quat [varP bv]] (normalB [| $(varE av) == $(varE bv) |]) []]

  -- Ord instance
  ordInstance <- instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |], [t| Ord $elemType |] ]) [t| Ord (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
    [ funD 'compare [clause [conP 'Quat [varP av], conP 'Quat [varP bv]] (normalB [| compare $(varE av) $(varE bv) |]) []]

  -- Show instance
  {- Example:
  showsPrec p (Quat v) q = if p >= 10 then '(' : s (')' : q) else s q where
    s h = "Quat " ++ showsPrec 10 v h
  showInstance <- do
    p <- newName "p"
    q <- newName "q"
    s <- newName "s"
    h <- newName "h"
    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |], [t| Show $elemType |] ]) [t| Show (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'showsPrec [clause [varP p, conP 'Quat [varP av], varP q] (normalB [| if $(varE p) >= 10 then '(' : $(varE s) (')' : $(varE q)) else $(varE s) $(varE q) |])
        [ funD s [clause [varP h] (normalB [| "Quat " ++ showsPrec 10 $(varE av) $(varE h) |]) []]

  -- Serialize instance
  serializeInstance <-
    instanceD (sequence [ [t| Quaternionized $elemType |], [t| S.Serialize $elemType |] ]) [t| S.Serialize (Quat $elemType) |] =<< addInlines
      [ funD 'S.put [clause [conP 'Quat [varP av]] (normalB [| S.put $(varE av) |]) []]
      , funD 'S.get [clause [] (normalB [| Quat <$> S.get |]) []]

  return [vecInstance, normInstance, normalizeInstance, numInstance, conjugateInstance, storableInstance, eqInstance, ordInstance, showInstance, serializeInstance]