

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Math.Transform
Description: Geometric functions.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, ScopedTypeVariables, Trustworthy #-}

module Flaw.Math.Transform
  -- * Transform class
  -- * Quaternion plus offset
  , QuatOffset(..)
  , FloatQO, DoubleQO
  -- * Dual quaternion
  , DualQuat(..)
  , FloatDQ, DoubleDQ
  -- * Helper functions
  , quatAxisRotation
  ) where

import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics(Generic)

import Flaw.Math

class Transform t where
  identityTransform :: Quaternionized a => t a
  applyTransform :: Quaternionized a => t a -> Vec3 a -> Vec3 a
  combineTransform :: Quaternionized a => t a -> t a -> t a
  transformToMatrix :: Quaternionized a => t a -> Mat4x4 a
  transformFromMatrix :: Quaternionized a => Mat4x4 a -> t a
  transformTranslation :: Quaternionized a => Vec3 a -> t a
  transformAxisRotation :: Quaternionized a => Vec3 a -> a -> t a

instance Transform Mat4x4 where
  {-# INLINE identityTransform #-}
  identityTransform = Mat4x4
    1 0 0 0
    0 1 0 0
    0 0 1 0
    0 0 0 1
  {-# INLINE applyTransform #-}
  applyTransform m (Vec3 x y z) = Vec3 rx ry rz where
    Vec4 rx ry rz _rw = mul m (Vec4 x y z 1)
  {-# INLINE combineTransform #-}
  combineTransform = mul
  {-# INLINE transformToMatrix #-}
  transformToMatrix = id
  {-# INLINE transformFromMatrix #-}
  transformFromMatrix = id
  {-# INLINE transformTranslation #-}
  transformTranslation (Vec3 x y z) = Mat4x4
    1 0 0 x
    0 1 0 y
    0 0 1 z
    0 0 0 1
  transformAxisRotation axis angle = transformToMatrix $ QuatOffset (quatAxisRotation axis angle) (Vec3 0 0 0)

-- | Quaternion representing rotation around specified axis.
-- Axis should be normalized.
{-# INLINE quatAxisRotation #-}
quatAxisRotation :: Quaternionized a => Vec3 a -> a -> Quat a
quatAxisRotation (Vec3 x y z) angle = r where
  ha = angle * 0.5
  sa = sin ha
  ca = cos ha
  r = Quat $ Vec4 (x * sa) (y * sa) (z * sa) ca

-- | 3D transformation represented by normalized quaternion and offset.
data QuatOffset a = QuatOffset (Quat a) (Vec3 a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance (Quaternionized a, S.Serialize a) => S.Serialize (QuatOffset a)

instance (Quaternionized a, Storable a) => Storable (QuatOffset a) where
  sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: Quat a) + sizeOf (undefined :: Vec3 a)
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Quat a)
  peek ptr = do
    q <- peek $ castPtr ptr
    p <- peek $ castPtr $ plusPtr ptr $ sizeOf q
    return $ QuatOffset q p
  poke ptr (QuatOffset q p) = do
    poke (castPtr ptr) q
    poke (castPtr $ plusPtr ptr $ sizeOf q) p

type FloatQO = QuatOffset Float
type DoubleQO = QuatOffset Double

instance Transform QuatOffset where
  {-# INLINE identityTransform #-}
  identityTransform = QuatOffset (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 1)) (Vec3 0 0 0)
  {-# INLINE applyTransform #-}
  applyTransform (QuatOffset q p) (Vec3 x y z) = Vec3 rx ry rz + p where
    Quat (Vec4 rx ry rz _rw) = q * Quat (Vec4 x y z 0) * conjugate q
  {-# INLINE combineTransform #-}
  combineTransform t2@(QuatOffset q2 _p2) (QuatOffset q1 p1) = QuatOffset (q2 * q1) (applyTransform t2 p1)
  {-# INLINE transformToMatrix #-}
  transformToMatrix (QuatOffset (Quat (Vec4 x y z w)) (Vec3 px py pz)) = r where
    ww = w * w
    xx = x * x
    yy = y * y
    zz = z * z
    wx2 = w * x * 2
    wy2 = w * y * 2
    wz2 = w * z * 2
    xy2 = x * y * 2
    xz2 = x * z * 2
    yz2 = y * z * 2
    r = Mat4x4
      (ww + xx - yy - zz) (xy2 - wz2) (xz2 + wy2) px
      (xy2 + wz2) (ww - xx + yy - zz) (yz2 - wx2) py
      (xz2 - wy2) (yz2 + wx2) (ww - xx - yy + zz) pz
      0 0 0 1
  {-# INLINE transformFromMatrix #-}
  transformFromMatrix (Mat4x4
    m11 m12 m13 m14
    m21 m22 m23 m24
    m31 m32 m33 m34
    _41 _42 _43 _44) = QuatOffset (normalize $ Quat (Vec4 x y z w)) (Vec3 m14 m24 m34) where
    k = sqrt (1 + m11 + m22 + m33)
    kk = 0.5 / k
    x = (m32 - m23) * kk
    y = (m13 - m31) * kk
    z = (m21 - m12) * kk
    w = k * 0.5
  {-# INLINE transformTranslation #-}
  transformTranslation = QuatOffset (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 1))
  {-# INLINE transformAxisRotation #-}
  transformAxisRotation axis angle = QuatOffset (quatAxisRotation axis angle) (Vec3 0 0 0)

-- | Dual quaternion representing transforms in 3D space.
data DualQuat a = DualQuat !(Quat a) !(Quat a) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance (Quaternionized a, S.Serialize a) => S.Serialize (DualQuat a)

instance (Quaternionized a, Storable a) => Storable (DualQuat a) where
  sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: Quat a) * 2
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Quat a)
  peek ptr = do
    q <- peek $ castPtr ptr
    p <- peek $ castPtr $ plusPtr ptr $ sizeOf q
    return $ DualQuat q p
  poke ptr (DualQuat q p) = do
    poke (castPtr ptr) q
    poke (castPtr $ plusPtr ptr $ sizeOf q) p

type FloatDQ = DualQuat Float
type DoubleDQ = DualQuat Double

instance Quaternionized a => Num (DualQuat a) where
  {-# INLINE (+) #-}
  (DualQuat q1 p1) + (DualQuat q2 p2) = DualQuat (q1 + q2) (p1 + p2)
  {-# INLINE (-) #-}
  (DualQuat q1 p1) - (DualQuat q2 p2) = DualQuat (q1 - q2) (p1 - p2)
  {-# INLINE (*) #-}
  (DualQuat q1 p1) * (DualQuat q2 p2) = DualQuat (q1 * q2) (q1 * p2 + p1 * q2)
  {-# INLINE negate #-}
  negate (DualQuat q p) = DualQuat (negate q) (negate p)
  {-# INLINE abs #-}
  abs (DualQuat q p) = DualQuat (abs q) (abs p)
  {-# INLINE signum #-}
  signum = error "signum for DualQuat is not implemented"
  {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}
  fromInteger = error "fromInteger for DualQuat is not implemented"

instance Quaternionized a => Conjugate (DualQuat a) where
  {-# INLINE conjugate #-}
  conjugate (DualQuat q p) = DualQuat (conjugate q) (conjugate p)

{-# INLINE dualConjugate #-}
dualConjugate :: Quaternionized a => DualQuat a -> DualQuat a
dualConjugate (DualQuat q p) = DualQuat q (negate p)

-- | Equivalent of (dualConjugate . conjugate)
{-# INLINE dualConjugateConjugate #-}
dualConjugateConjugate :: Quaternionized a => DualQuat a -> DualQuat a
dualConjugateConjugate (DualQuat (Quat (Vec4 qx qy qz qw)) (Quat (Vec4 px py pz pw))) =
  DualQuat (Quat (Vec4 (-qx) (-qy) (-qz) qw)) (Quat (Vec4 px py pz (-pw)))

instance Transform DualQuat where
  {-# INLINE identityTransform #-}
  identityTransform = DualQuat (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 1)) (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 0))
  {-# INLINE applyTransform #-}
  applyTransform q (Vec3 x y z) = Vec3 rx ry rz where
    DualQuat _rq (Quat (Vec4 rx ry rz _rw)) = q * a * dualConjugateConjugate q
    a = DualQuat (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 1)) (Quat (Vec4 x y z 0))
  {-# INLINE combineTransform #-}
  combineTransform = (*)
  {-# INLINE transformToMatrix #-}
  transformToMatrix (DualQuat q p) = transformToMatrix $ QuatOffset q (Vec3 (x * 2) (y * 2) (z * 2)) where
    Quat (Vec4 x y z _w) = p * conjugate q
  {-# INLINE transformFromMatrix #-}
  transformFromMatrix (Mat4x4
    m11 m12 m13 m14
    m21 m22 m23 m24
    m31 m32 m33 m34
    _41 _42 _43 _44) = DualQuat q (Quat (Vec4 (m14 * 0.5) (m24 * 0.5) (m34 * 0.5) 0) * q) where
    k = sqrt (1 + m11 + m22 + m33)
    kk = 0.5 / k
    x = (m32 - m23) * kk
    y = (m13 - m31) * kk
    z = (m21 - m12) * kk
    w = k * 0.5
    q = normalize $ Quat $ Vec4 x y z w
  {-# INLINE transformTranslation #-}
  transformTranslation (Vec3 x y z) = DualQuat (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 1)) (Quat (Vec4 (x * 0.5) (y * 0.5) (z * 0.5) 0))
  {-# INLINE transformAxisRotation #-}
  transformAxisRotation axis angle = DualQuat (quatAxisRotation axis angle) (Quat (Vec4 0 0 0 0))