

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Network.Session
Description: Session management.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Flaw.Network.Session
  ( SessionManager()
  , SessionId(..)
  , Session(..)
  , newSessionManager
  , newSession
  , getSession
  , deleteSession
  , ensureActiveSession
  , SessionException(..)
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Crypto.Random
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Serialize as S

import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Flow

-- | Session manager handles user sessions.
-- User authentication is usually rather expensive, as it involves DB access and/or
-- accessing external means such as OAuth requests. Once user authenticity is established
-- (and persistent user id is known), user session can be created and used for the following
-- authentication attempts.
data SessionManager uid = SessionManager
  { sessionManagerSessionsByIdVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (HM.HashMap SessionId (Session uid)))
  , sessionManagerSessionsByUserIdVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (HM.HashMap uid (Session uid)))
  , sessionManagerNextSessionIdVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TMVar SessionId)

-- | Session id.
newtype SessionId = SessionId B.ByteString deriving (Eq, Hashable, S.Serialize, Show)

-- | Session.
data Session uid = Session
  { sessionId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !SessionId
  , sessionUserId :: !uid
  -- | Is session active?
  -- Checking value of this var allows to guarantee that
  -- session is active during `STM` transaction, see `ensureActiveSession`.
  , sessionActiveVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar Bool)

-- | Initialize session manager.
newSessionManager :: IO (SessionManager uid, IO ())
newSessionManager = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
  -- session maps
  sessionsByIdVar <- newTVarIO HM.empty
  sessionsByUserIdVar <- newTVarIO HM.empty

  -- thread generating random session ids
  nextSessionIdVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO
  book bk $ forkFlow $ let
    step drg = do
      let (bytes, newDrg) = randomBytesGenerate 16 drg
      atomically $ putTMVar nextSessionIdVar $ SessionId bytes
      step newDrg
    in step =<< getSystemDRG

  return SessionManager
    { sessionManagerSessionsByIdVar = sessionsByIdVar
    , sessionManagerSessionsByUserIdVar = sessionsByUserIdVar
    , sessionManagerNextSessionIdVar = nextSessionIdVar

-- | Create session for a user.
-- Removes any existing user's session.
newSession :: (Eq uid, Hashable uid) => SessionManager uid -> uid -> STM (Session uid)
newSession sessionManager@SessionManager
  { sessionManagerSessionsByIdVar = sessionsByIdVar
  , sessionManagerSessionsByUserIdVar = sessionsByUserIdVar
  , sessionManagerNextSessionIdVar = nextSessionIdVar
  } userId = do
  -- delete existing session
  sessionsByUserId <- readTVar sessionsByUserIdVar
  case HM.lookup userId sessionsByUserId of
    Just session -> deleteSession sessionManager session
    Nothing -> return ()
  -- generate new session
  sid <- takeTMVar nextSessionIdVar
  activeVar <- newTVar True
    session = Session
      { sessionId = sid
      , sessionUserId = userId
      , sessionActiveVar = activeVar
  -- add session to manager
  modifyTVar' sessionsByIdVar $ HM.insert sid session
  modifyTVar' sessionsByUserIdVar $ HM.insert userId session
  return session

-- | Try to get session by session id.
getSession :: SessionManager uid -> SessionId -> STM (Maybe (Session uid))
getSession SessionManager
  { sessionManagerSessionsByIdVar = sessionsByIdVar
  } sid = HM.lookup sid <$> readTVar sessionsByIdVar

-- | Delete session.
deleteSession :: (Eq uid, Hashable uid) => SessionManager uid -> Session uid -> STM ()
deleteSession SessionManager
  { sessionManagerSessionsByIdVar = sessionsByIdVar
  , sessionManagerSessionsByUserIdVar = sessionsByUserIdVar
  } Session
  { sessionId = sid
  , sessionUserId = uid
  , sessionActiveVar = activeVar
  } = do
  modifyTVar' sessionsByIdVar $ HM.delete sid
  modifyTVar' sessionsByUserIdVar $ HM.delete uid
  writeTVar activeVar False

-- | Ensure session is active during current STM transaction.
-- Throws `InactiveSessionException` if it's not.
ensureActiveSession :: Session uid -> STM ()
ensureActiveSession Session
  { sessionActiveVar = activeVar
  } = do
  active <- readTVar activeVar
  unless active $ throwSTM InactiveSessionException

data SessionException
  = InactiveSessionException
  deriving Show

instance Exception SessionException