

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Oil.ClientRepo
Description: Oil client repo.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}

module Flaw.Oil.ClientRepo
  ( ClientRepo()
  , openClientRepo
  , clientRepoRevision
  , clientRepoGetRevisionValue
  , clientRepoChange
  , clientRepoGetKeysPrefixed
  , ClientRepoPushState(..)
  , pushClientRepo
  , isClientRepoPushEmpty
  , ClientRepoPullInfo(..)
  , pullClientRepo
  , cleanupClientRepo
  , syncClientRepo
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Foreign.C.Types

import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Data.Sqlite
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Oil.Repo

data ClientRepo = ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb :: !SqliteDb
  , clientRepoStmtManifestGet            :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtManifestSet            :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItems            :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetKeyServerItem       :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemKey          :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemRevValue     :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtAddKeyItem             :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRev       :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRevValue  :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtSelectKeysToPush       :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetPushLag             :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtMassChangeRev          :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBegin     :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd  :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtAddChunk               :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtPreCutChunks           :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtCutChunks              :: !SqliteStmt
  , clientRepoStmtGetUpperRevision       :: !SqliteStmt

openClientRepo :: T.Text -> IO (ClientRepo, IO ())
openClientRepo fileName = describeException "failed to open oil client repo" $ withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
  -- open db
  db <- book bk $ openRepoDb fileName clientRepoVersion

  -- enable normal synchronous mode (db correctness is a concern, but durability is not for client repo)
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack "PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL"

  -- ensure tables and indices exist

  -- manifest table
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack
    \value ANY NOT NULL)"
  -- items table
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack
    \value BLOB NOT NULL, \
    \key BLOB NOT NULL, \
  -- items_key_rev index
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack
    "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS items_key_rev ON items (key, rev)"
  -- items_rev_partial index
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack $
    "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS items_rev_partial ON items (rev) WHERE\
    \ rev = " ++ show (ItemRevClient :: Int) ++
    " OR rev = " ++ show (ItemRevTransient :: Int) ++
    " OR rev = " ++ show (ItemRevPostponed :: Int)
  -- chunks table
  sqliteExec db $ T.pack
    \prerev INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, \
    \postrev INTEGER NOT NULL)"

  -- create statements
  let createStmt str = book bk $ sqliteStmt db $ T.pack str
  stmtManifestGet            <- createStmt "SELECT value FROM manifest WHERE key = ?1"
  stmtManifestSet            <- createStmt "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO manifest (key, value) VALUES (?1, ?2)"
  stmtGetKeyItems            <- createStmt "SELECT id, rev FROM items WHERE key = ?1 AND rev < 0"
  stmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId <- createStmt "SELECT id, rev FROM items WHERE key = (SELECT key FROM items WHERE id = ?1) AND rev < 0"
  stmtGetKeyServerItem       <- createStmt "SELECT id, rev FROM items WHERE key = ?1 AND rev > 0 ORDER BY rev DESC LIMIT 1"
  stmtGetKeyItemKey          <- createStmt "SELECT key FROM items WHERE id = ?1"
  stmtGetKeyItemRevValue     <- createStmt "SELECT rev, value FROM items WHERE id = ?1"
  stmtAddKeyItem             <- createStmt "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO items (key, value, rev) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)"
  stmtChangeKeyItemRev       <- createStmt "UPDATE OR REPLACE items SET rev = ?2 WHERE id = ?1"
  stmtChangeKeyItemRevValue  <- createStmt "UPDATE items SET rev = ?2, value = ?3 WHERE id = ?1"
  stmtSelectKeysToPush       <- createStmt $ "SELECT id, key, value FROM items WHERE rev = " ++ show (ItemRevClient :: Int) ++ " ORDER BY id LIMIT ?1"
  stmtGetPushLag             <- createStmt $ "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM items WHERE rev = " ++ show (ItemRevClient :: Int)
  stmtMassChangeRev          <- createStmt "UPDATE OR REPLACE items SET rev = ?2 WHERE rev = ?1"
  stmtEnumerateKeysBegin     <- createStmt "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM items WHERE key >= ?1 ORDER BY key"
  stmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd  <- createStmt "SELECT DISTINCT key FROM items WHERE key >= ?1 AND key < ?2 ORDER BY key"
  stmtAddChunk               <- createStmt "INSERT INTO chunks (prerev, postrev) VALUES (?1, ?2)"
  stmtPreCutChunks           <- createStmt "SELECT MAX(postrev) FROM chunks WHERE prerev <= ?1"
  stmtCutChunks              <- createStmt "DELETE FROM chunks WHERE prerev <= ?1"
  stmtGetUpperRevision       <- createStmt "SELECT MIN(prerev) FROM chunks"

  return ClientRepo
    { clientRepoDb = db
    , clientRepoStmtManifestGet            = stmtManifestGet
    , clientRepoStmtManifestSet            = stmtManifestSet
    , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItems            = stmtGetKeyItems
    , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId = stmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId
    , clientRepoStmtGetKeyServerItem       = stmtGetKeyServerItem
    , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemKey          = stmtGetKeyItemKey
    , clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemRevValue     = stmtGetKeyItemRevValue
    , clientRepoStmtAddKeyItem             = stmtAddKeyItem
    , clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRev       = stmtChangeKeyItemRev
    , clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRevValue  = stmtChangeKeyItemRevValue
    , clientRepoStmtSelectKeysToPush       = stmtSelectKeysToPush
    , clientRepoStmtGetPushLag             = stmtGetPushLag
    , clientRepoStmtMassChangeRev          = stmtMassChangeRev
    , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBegin     = stmtEnumerateKeysBegin
    , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd  = stmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd
    , clientRepoStmtAddChunk               = stmtAddChunk
    , clientRepoStmtPreCutChunks           = stmtPreCutChunks
    , clientRepoStmtCutChunks              = stmtCutChunks
    , clientRepoStmtGetUpperRevision       = stmtGetUpperRevision

-- Item pseudo revs.
-- Correct revisions (commited to server) are > 0.
-- If it's < 0, it's a special pseudo-revision.
-- Zero revision means no revision.
-- client change based on 'server' in case of no conflict
pattern ItemRevClient = -1
-- client change based on 'server' which is in process of committing to server
pattern ItemRevTransient = -2
-- client change based on 'transient', waiting for results of commit of 'transient'
pattern ItemRevPostponed = -3

-- Manifest keys.
pattern ManifestKeyGlobalRevision = 0

type ItemId = Int64

getManifestValue :: ClientRepo -> CInt -> Int64 -> IO Int64
getManifestValue ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtManifestGet = stmtManifestGet
  } key defaultValue =
  sqliteQuery stmtManifestGet $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 key
    r <- sqliteStep query
    if r then sqliteColumn query 0
    else return defaultValue

setManifestValue :: ClientRepo -> CInt -> Int64 -> IO ()
setManifestValue ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtManifestSet = stmtManifestSet
  } key value =
  sqliteQuery stmtManifestSet $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 key
    sqliteBind query 2 value
    sqliteFinalStep query

-- | Get global revision in client repo.
-- Tries to increase global revision found in manifest, by using chunks, and then removes those chunks.
clientRepoRevision :: ClientRepo -> IO Revision
clientRepoRevision repo@ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtPreCutChunks = stmtPreCutChunks
  , clientRepoStmtCutChunks = stmtCutChunks
  } = do
  -- get global revision from manifest, and try to increase it using chunks
    preCutChunks globalRevision = do
      preCutRevision <- sqliteQuery stmtPreCutChunks $ \query -> do
        sqliteBind query 1 globalRevision
        r <- sqliteStep query
        unless r $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to get pre-cut revision"
        sqliteColumn query 0
      -- try again if it actually increased
      if preCutRevision > globalRevision then preCutChunks preCutRevision
      else return globalRevision
  firstGlobalRevision <- getManifestValue repo ManifestKeyGlobalRevision 0
  globalRevision <- preCutChunks firstGlobalRevision
  -- if global revision has actually incresed, remember it in manifest
  when (globalRevision > firstGlobalRevision) $ setManifestValue repo ManifestKeyGlobalRevision globalRevision
  -- remove chunks behind global revision
  sqliteQuery stmtCutChunks $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 globalRevision
    sqliteFinalStep query
  return globalRevision

addKeyItem :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Revision -> IO ()
addKeyItem ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtAddKeyItem = stmtAddKeyItem
  } key value revision = sqliteQuery stmtAddKeyItem $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 key
  sqliteBind query 2 value
  sqliteBind query 3 revision
  sqliteFinalStep query

changeKeyItemRevision :: ClientRepo -> ItemId -> Revision -> IO ()
changeKeyItemRevision ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRev = stmtChangeKeyItemRev
  } itemId newRevision = sqliteQuery stmtChangeKeyItemRev $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 itemId
  sqliteBind query 2 newRevision
  sqliteFinalStep query

getKeyItemRevisionValue :: ClientRepo -> ItemId -> IO (Revision, B.ByteString)
getKeyItemRevisionValue ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemRevValue = stmtGetKeyItemRevValue
  } itemId = sqliteQuery stmtGetKeyItemRevValue $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 itemId
  r <- sqliteStep query
  unless r $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to get key item revision and value"
  revision <- sqliteColumn query 0
  value <- sqliteColumn query 1
  return (if revision > 0 then revision else 0, value)

changeKeyItemRevisionValue :: ClientRepo -> ItemId -> Revision -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
changeKeyItemRevisionValue ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtChangeKeyItemRevValue = stmtChangeKeyItemRevValue
  } itemId newRevision newValue = sqliteQuery stmtChangeKeyItemRevValue $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 itemId
  sqliteBind query 2 newRevision
  sqliteBind query 3 newValue
  sqliteFinalStep query

-- | Collection of items with the same key.
data KeyItems = KeyItems
  { keyItemsClientItemId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ItemId
  , keyItemsTransientItemId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ItemId
  , keyItemsPostponedItemId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !ItemId
  } deriving Show

fillKeyItems :: SqliteQuery -> IO KeyItems
fillKeyItems query = step KeyItems
  { keyItemsClientItemId = 0
  , keyItemsTransientItemId = 0
  , keyItemsPostponedItemId = 0
  } where
  step keyItems = do
    r <- sqliteStep query
    if r then do
      itemId <- sqliteColumn query 0
      itemRevision <- sqliteColumn query 1
      case itemRevision :: Revision of
        ItemRevClient -> step keyItems
          { keyItemsClientItemId = itemId
        ItemRevTransient -> step keyItems
          { keyItemsTransientItemId = itemId
        ItemRevPostponed -> step keyItems
          { keyItemsPostponedItemId = itemId
        _ -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "wrong item status rev"
    else return keyItems

getKeyItems :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> IO KeyItems
getKeyItems ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtGetKeyItems = stmtGetKeyItems
  } key = sqliteQuery stmtGetKeyItems $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 key
  fillKeyItems query

getKeyItemsByOneItemId :: ClientRepo -> ItemId -> IO KeyItems
getKeyItemsByOneItemId ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId = stmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId
  } itemId = sqliteQuery stmtGetKeyItemsByOneItemId $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 itemId
  fillKeyItems query

getKeyServerItem :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> IO ItemId
getKeyServerItem ClientRepo
  { clientRepoStmtGetKeyServerItem = stmtGetKeyServerItem
  } key = sqliteQuery stmtGetKeyServerItem $ \query -> do
  sqliteBind query 1 key
  r <- sqliteStep query
  if r then sqliteColumn query 0
  else return 0

mapKeyRevisionItem :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> a -> (ItemId -> IO a) -> IO a
mapKeyRevisionItem repo key defaultResult f = do
    { keyItemsClientItemId = clientItemId
    , keyItemsTransientItemId = transientItemId
    , keyItemsPostponedItemId = postponedItemId
    } <- getKeyItems repo key
  -- check key items in this particular order
  if postponedItemId > 0 then f postponedItemId
  else if transientItemId > 0 then f transientItemId
  else if clientItemId > 0 then f clientItemId
  else do
    -- check server item
    serverItemId <- getKeyServerItem repo key
    if serverItemId > 0 then f serverItemId
    else return defaultResult

getKeyRevisionValue :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> IO (Revision, B.ByteString)
getKeyRevisionValue repo key = mapKeyRevisionItem repo key (0, B.empty) $ getKeyItemRevisionValue repo

-- | Get revision and value by key.
clientRepoGetRevisionValue :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> IO (Revision, B.ByteString)
clientRepoGetRevisionValue repo@ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  } key = sqliteTransaction db $ \_commit -> getKeyRevisionValue repo key

-- | Change value for given key.
clientRepoChange :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
clientRepoChange repo@ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  } key value = sqliteTransaction db $ \commit -> do
    { keyItemsClientItemId = clientItemId
    , keyItemsTransientItemId = transientItemId
    , keyItemsPostponedItemId = postponedItemId
    } <- getKeyItems repo key
    (newRev, revItemId) =
      if transientItemId > 0 then (ItemRevPostponed, postponedItemId)
      else (ItemRevClient, clientItemId)
  if revItemId > 0 then changeKeyItemRevisionValue repo revItemId newRev value
  else addKeyItem repo key value newRev
  void $ getKeyItems repo key

-- | Get all keys having the string given as a prefix.
-- Empty-valued keys are returned too for removed values, for purpose of detecting changes.
clientRepoGetKeysPrefixed :: ClientRepo -> B.ByteString -> IO [B.ByteString]
clientRepoGetKeysPrefixed ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBegin = stmtEnumerateKeysBegin
  , clientRepoStmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd = stmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd
  } keyPrefix = sqliteTransaction db $ \_commit -> case maybeUpperBound of
  Just upperBound -> sqliteQuery stmtEnumerateKeysBeginEnd $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 keyPrefix
    sqliteBind query 2 upperBound
    process query
  Nothing -> sqliteQuery stmtEnumerateKeysBegin $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 keyPrefix
    process query
    keyPrefixLength = B.length keyPrefix
    -- get upper bound for a query
    -- essentially we need "prefix + 1", i.e. increment first byte from end which is < 0xFF
    -- and set to zero all bytes after it
    -- if the whole prefix looks like "0xFFFFFFFFFF..." then no upper bound is needed
    maybeUpperBound = let
      f i | i >= 0 = let b = keyPrefix `B.index` i in
        if b < 0xFF then Just $ B.take i keyPrefix <> B.singleton (b + 1) <> B.replicate (keyPrefixLength - i - 1) 0
        else f $ i - 1
      f _ = Nothing
      in f $ keyPrefixLength - 1
    process query = let
      step previousKeys = do
        r <- sqliteStep query
        if r then step =<< (: previousKeys) <$> sqliteColumn query 0
        else return previousKeys
      in reverse <$> step []

-- | State of push, needed for pull.
newtype ClientRepoPushState = ClientRepoPushState
  { clientRepoPushStateTransientIds :: [ItemId]

-- | Perform push.
pushClientRepo :: ClientRepo -> Manifest -> IO (Push, ClientRepoPushState)
pushClientRepo repo@ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  , clientRepoStmtSelectKeysToPush = stmtSelectKeysToPush
  , clientRepoStmtGetUpperRevision = stmtGetUpperRevision
  } Manifest
  { manifestMaxPushItemsCount = maxPushItemsCount
  , manifestMaxPushValuesTotalSize = maxPushValuesTotalSize
  } = describeException "failed to push client repo" $ sqliteTransaction db $ \commit -> do

  -- get global revision
  clientRevision <- clientRepoRevision repo

  -- get upper revision
  clientUpperRevision <- sqliteQuery stmtGetUpperRevision $ \query -> do
    r <- sqliteStep query
    unless r $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "failed to get upper revision"
    sqliteColumn query 0

  -- select keys to push
  (reverse -> items, reverse -> transientIds) <- sqliteQuery stmtSelectKeysToPush $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 (fromIntegral maxPushItemsCount :: Int64)
      step pushValuesTotalSize prevItems prevItemsIds = do
        -- get next row
        r <- sqliteStep query
        if r then do
          -- get value
          value <- sqliteColumn query 2
          -- check limits
            newPushValuesTotalSize = pushValuesTotalSize + B.length value
          if newPushValuesTotalSize > maxPushValuesTotalSize then return ([], [])
          else do
            -- get key
            key <- sqliteColumn query 1
            -- get id of item
            itemId <- sqliteColumn query 0
            -- change status of item to 'transient'
            changeKeyItemRevision repo itemId ItemRevTransient
            -- get rest of the items and return
            step newPushValuesTotalSize ((key, value) : prevItems) (itemId : prevItemsIds)
        else return (prevItems, prevItemsIds)
      in step 0 [] []

  -- commit and return

  return (Push
    { pushClientRevision = clientRevision
    , pushClientUpperRevision = clientUpperRevision
    , pushItems = items
    }, ClientRepoPushState
    { clientRepoPushStateTransientIds = transientIds

isClientRepoPushEmpty :: ClientRepoPushState -> Bool
isClientRepoPushEmpty ClientRepoPushState
  { clientRepoPushStateTransientIds = transientIds
  } = null transientIds

data ClientRepoPullInfo = ClientRepoPullInfo
  { clientRepoPullRevision :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Revision
  , clientRepoPullLag :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64
  , clientRepoPullChanges :: [(Revision, B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]

-- | Perform pull, i.e. process answer from server, marking pushed changes and remembering outside changes.
pullClientRepo :: ClientRepo -> Pull -> ClientRepoPushState -> IO ClientRepoPullInfo
pullClientRepo repo@ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  , clientRepoStmtAddChunk = stmtAddChunk
  } Pull
  { pullLag = lag
  , pullPrePushRevision = prePushRevision
  , pullPostPushRevision = postPushRevision
  , pullItems = itemsToPull
  , pullNewClientRevision = newClientRevision
  } ClientRepoPushState
  { clientRepoPushStateTransientIds = transientIds
  } = describeException "failed to pull client repo" $ sqliteTransaction db $ \commit -> do

  -- process commited keys
  forM_ (zip [(prePushRevision + 1)..] transientIds) $ \(revision, transientItemId) -> do
    -- get key items
      { keyItemsPostponedItemId = postponedItemId
      } <- getKeyItemsByOneItemId repo transientItemId

    -- 'transient' becomes 'server'
    changeKeyItemRevision repo transientItemId revision
    -- 'postponed' becomes 'client'
    when (postponedItemId > 0) $ changeKeyItemRevision repo postponedItemId ItemRevClient

  -- add chunk if something has been committed
  when (prePushRevision < postPushRevision) $
    sqliteQuery stmtAddChunk $ \query -> do
      sqliteBind query 1 prePushRevision
      sqliteBind query 2 postPushRevision
      sqliteFinalStep query

  -- pull keys
  forM_ itemsToPull $ \(revision, key, value) -> do
    -- value always becomes 'server'
    -- see what we need to do
    serverItemId <- getKeyServerItem repo key
    if serverItemId > 0 then changeKeyItemRevisionValue repo serverItemId revision value
    else when (B.length value > 0) $ addKeyItem repo key value revision

  -- set new client revision
  setManifestValue repo ManifestKeyGlobalRevision newClientRevision

  -- commit and return

  return ClientRepoPullInfo
    { clientRepoPullRevision = newClientRevision
    , clientRepoPullLag = lag
    , clientRepoPullChanges = itemsToPull

-- | Perform cleanup after interrupted sync (i.e. after push, but without pull).
-- It's harmless to do it without push.
cleanupClientRepo :: ClientRepo -> IO ()
cleanupClientRepo ClientRepo
  { clientRepoDb = db
  , clientRepoStmtMassChangeRev = stmtMassChangeStatus
  } = sqliteTransaction db $ \commit -> do
  -- change 'transient' items to 'client'
  sqliteQuery stmtMassChangeStatus $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 (ItemRevTransient :: Revision)
    sqliteBind query 2 (ItemRevClient :: Revision)
    sqliteFinalStep query
  -- change 'postponed' items to 'client' (possibly replacing former 'transient' items)
  sqliteQuery stmtMassChangeStatus $ \query -> do
    sqliteBind query 1 (ItemRevPostponed :: Revision)
    sqliteBind query 2 (ItemRevClient :: Revision)
    sqliteFinalStep query
  -- commit

-- | Helper function to perform sync.
syncClientRepo :: ClientRepo -> Manifest -> (Push -> IO Pull) -> IO ClientRepoPullInfo
syncClientRepo repo manifest sync = flip onException (cleanupClientRepo repo) $ do
  -- perform push on client repo
  (push, pushState) <- pushClientRepo repo manifest
  pull <- sync push
  pullClientRepo repo pull pushState

instance Repo ClientRepo where
  repoDb = clientRepoDb