

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Oil.RemoteRepo
Description: Remote repo abstraction.
License: MIT

module Flaw.Oil.RemoteRepo
  ( HttpRemoteRepo()
  , initHttpRemoteRepo
  , syncHttpRemoteRepo
  , watchHttpRemoteRepo
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H

import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Oil.Repo

-- | Implementation for a local client repo, synchronized with remote server repo.
data HttpRemoteRepo = HttpRemoteRepo
  { httpRemoteRepoHttpManager :: H.Manager
  , httpRemoteRepoTemplateRequest :: !H.Request

initHttpRemoteRepo :: H.Manager -> T.Text -> IO (HttpRemoteRepo, Manifest)
initHttpRemoteRepo httpManager url = do

  -- create template request by parsing url
  templateRequest <- H.parseUrlThrow $ T.unpack url

  -- get manifest
    request = templateRequest
      { H.method = H.methodGet
      , H.queryString = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack "manifest"
  body <- tryFewTimes $ H.withResponse request httpManager $ fmap BL.fromChunks . H.brConsume . H.responseBody
  manifest <- case S.decodeLazy body of
    Right manifest -> return manifest
    Left err -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException ("failed to parse manifest", err)

  return (HttpRemoteRepo
    { httpRemoteRepoHttpManager = httpManager
    , httpRemoteRepoTemplateRequest = templateRequest
    }, manifest)

syncHttpRemoteRepo :: HttpRemoteRepo -> Push -> IO Pull
syncHttpRemoteRepo HttpRemoteRepo
  { httpRemoteRepoHttpManager = httpManager
  , httpRemoteRepoTemplateRequest = templateRequest
  } push = do
  -- prepare request
    request = templateRequest
      { H.method = H.methodPost
      , H.queryString = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack "sync"
      , H.requestBody = H.RequestBodyLBS $ S.encodeLazy push
  -- send request
  body <- tryFewTimes $ H.withResponse request httpManager $ fmap BL.fromChunks . H.brConsume . H.responseBody
  -- decode body
  case S.decodeLazy body of
    Right p -> return p
    Left err -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException ("failed to parse sync response", err)

watchHttpRemoteRepo :: HttpRemoteRepo -> Revision -> IO Revision
watchHttpRemoteRepo HttpRemoteRepo
  { httpRemoteRepoHttpManager = httpManager
  , httpRemoteRepoTemplateRequest = templateRequest
  } clientRevision = do
  -- prepare request
    request = templateRequest
      { H.method = H.methodPost
      , H.queryString = T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack "watch"
      , H.requestBody = H.RequestBodyLBS $ S.encodeLazy clientRevision
  -- send request
  body <- H.withResponse request httpManager $ fmap BL.fromChunks . H.brConsume . H.responseBody
  -- decode body
  case S.decodeLazy body of
    Right serverRevision -> return serverRevision
    Left err -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException ("failed to parse watch response", err)

-- helper function to do something http-related multiple times
tryFewTimes :: IO a -> IO a
tryFewTimes io = let
  triesCount = 3 :: Int

  -- helper function to pause before another try
  throttle timeBefore = do
    timeAfter <- getCurrentTime
      throttlePause = 5000000 -- microseconds
      pause = max 0 $ min throttlePause $ throttlePause - floor (diffUTCTime timeAfter timeBefore)
    when (pause > 0) $ threadDelay pause

  trying i = do
    timeBefore <- getCurrentTime
    catch io $ \(SomeException e) ->
      if i < triesCount then do
        throttle timeBefore
        trying $ i + 1
      else throwIO $ DescribeFirstException ("failed to do HTTP operation", e)

  in trying 1