

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Physics
Description: Main file with types for physics.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}

module Flaw.Physics
  ( World(..)
  , Motion(..)
  ) where

import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG

import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Math.Transform

data Motion
  -- | Static body.
  = MotionStatic
  -- | Dynamic body with mass.
  | MotionDynamic Float

-- | Abstract physics world class.
class World w where
  data Shape w :: *
  data Body w :: *
  data Ghost w :: *
  data Character w :: *
  createBoxShape :: w -> Float3 -> IO (Shape w, IO ())
  createSphereShape :: w -> Float -> IO (Shape w, IO ())
  createConvexHullShape :: VG.Vector v Float3 => w -> v Float3 -> IO (Shape w, IO ())
  -- | Create rigid body.
    :: w
    -> Shape w
    -> Motion
    -> FloatQO -- ^ Initial transform.
    -> IO (Body w, IO ())
  getBodyTransform :: w -> Body w -> IO FloatQO
  -- | Create ghost object.
  createGhost :: w -> Shape w -> FloatQO -> IO (Ghost w, IO ())
  -- | Set ghost transform.
  setGhostTransform :: w -> Ghost w -> FloatQO -> IO ()
  -- | Create character object.
    :: w
    -> Shape w
    -> Float -- ^ Max step height.
    -> FloatQO -- ^ Initial transform.
    -> IO (Character w, IO ())
  -- | Move character object.
  walkCharacter :: w -> Character w -> Float3 -> IO ()
  -- | Get character transform.
  getCharacterTransform :: w -> Character w -> IO FloatQO
  -- | Advance simulation.
    :: w
    -> Float -- ^ Step time.
    -> Float -- ^ Substep time.
    -> IO ()