

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Sdl
Description: SDL helper routines.
License: MIT

module Flaw.Sdl
  ( SdlException(..)
  , initSdlVideo
  , checkSdlError
  , checkSdlResult
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import qualified SDL.Raw.Basic as SDL
import qualified SDL.Raw.Enum as SDL
import qualified SDL.Raw.Error as SDL
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

data SdlException = SdlException String deriving Show

instance Exception SdlException

-- | Initialized SDL subsystems flags, and number of initializations made.
flagsVar :: MVar (SDL.InitFlag, Int)
{-# NOINLINE flagsVar #-}
flagsVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar (0, 0)

deinitSdl :: IO ()
deinitSdl = do
  (flags, initCount) <- takeMVar flagsVar
  if initCount == 1 then do
    SDL.quitSubSystem flags
    putMVar flagsVar (0, 0)
    putMVar flagsVar (flags, initCount - 1)

initSdlSubsystem :: SDL.InitFlag -> IO ((), IO ())
initSdlSubsystem newFlags = do
  (flags, initCount) <- takeMVar flagsVar
  let additionalFlags = newFlags .&. complement flags
  when (additionalFlags > 0) $ do
    -- if SDL wasn't initialized before, do it
    when (flags == 0) $ checkSdlError (>= 0) $ SDL.init 0
    -- initialize subsystems
    checkSdlError (>= 0) $ SDL.initSubSystem additionalFlags
  putMVar flagsVar (flags .|. newFlags, initCount + 1)
  return ((), deinitSdl)

initSdlVideo :: IO ((), IO ())
initSdlVideo = initSdlSubsystem SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO

checkSdlError :: (CInt -> Bool) -> IO CInt -> IO ()
checkSdlError isSuccess f = do
  r <- f
  unless (isSuccess r) $ throwIO . SdlException =<< peekCString =<< SDL.getError

checkSdlResult :: IO (Ptr ()) -> IO (Ptr ())
checkSdlResult f = do
  r <- f
  if r == nullPtr then throwIO . SdlException =<< peekCString =<< SDL.getError
  else return r