

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.UI.DefaultStyle
Description: Just some single UI style (fonts, metrics and colors).
License: MIT

module Flaw.UI.DefaultStyle
  ( defaultStyleMetrics
  , initDefaultStyleDrawer
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Char

import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.Canvas
import Flaw.Graphics.Font
import Flaw.Graphics.Font.FreeType
import Flaw.Graphics.Font.Harfbuzz
import Flaw.Graphics.Font.Render
import Flaw.Graphics.Font.Util
import Flaw.Graphics.Texture
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.UI.DefaultStyle.Data
import Flaw.UI.Drawer
import Flaw.UI.Metrics

defaultStyleMetrics :: Metrics
defaultStyleMetrics = Metrics
  { metricsGap = 1
  , metricsBigGap = 3
  , metricsFrameClient = Vec4 5 25 5 5
  , metricsFrameTopBorder = 5
  , metricsMainWidth = 250
  , metricsButtonSize = Vec2 80 24
  , metricsEditBoxHeight = 25
  , metricsLabelSize = Vec2 100 20
  , metricsTitleHeight = 24
  , metricsSliderPieceWidth = 10
  , metricsSliderHeight = 20
  , metricsPileBoxGripWidth = 6
  , metricsListBoxColumnHeaderHeight = 20
  , metricsListBoxItemHeight = 20
  , metricsScrollBarWidth = 16

initDefaultStyleDrawer :: Device d => d -> IO (Drawer d, IO ())
initDefaultStyleDrawer device = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do

  -- create glyph renderer
  glyphRenderer <- book bk $ initGlyphRenderer device GlyphSubpixelModeHorizontalRGB

  -- create free type library
  freeTypeLibrary <- book bk initFreeType

  -- embedded font
  fontData <- loadFontData
    loadFont size xscale yscale = do
      font <- book bk $ loadFreeTypeFont freeTypeLibrary size fontData
      fontShaper <- book bk $ createHarfbuzzShaper font
      renderableFontCache <- book bk $ createRenderableFontCache device $ \glyphsIndices -> do
          { glyphsTextureInfo = TextureInfo
            { textureHeight = height
          } <- makeScaledGlyphs (createFreeTypeGlyphs font) xscale yscale GlyphUnionConfig
          { glyphUnionConfigWidth = 2048
          , glyphUnionConfigBorderX = 2 + xscale
          , glyphUnionConfigBorderY = 2 + yscale
          , glyphUnionConfigHeightIsPowerOfTwo = True
          } glyphsIndices
        return $ if height <= 2048 then Just glyphs else Nothing
      return DrawerFont
        { drawerFontRenderableFontCache = renderableFontCache
        , drawerFontShaper = SomeFontShaper fontShaper

  -- label font
  labelFont <- loadFont 12 2 1
  -- title font
  titleFont <- loadFont 16 2 1

  -- create canvas
  canvas <- book bk $ initCanvas device

  -- color in SRGB space
    color q = case q of
      [r1, r2, g1, g2, b1, b2, a1, a2] -> Vec4 (corr $ z r1 r2) (corr $ z g1 g2) (corr $ z b1 b2) (z a1 a2)
      _ -> error "wrong color format"
        z c1 c2 = fromIntegral (h c1 * 16 + h c2) / 255
        h c
          | isDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
          | c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = ord c - ord 'a' + 10
          | otherwise = error "wrong hex symbol"
        corr c = exp $ log c * 2.2

    -- styles
    styles = DrawerStyles
      { drawerMetrics = defaultStyleMetrics
      , drawerLabelFont = labelFont
      , drawerEditFont = labelFont
      , drawerTitleFont = titleFont
      , drawerFlatStyleVariant = StyleVariant
        { styleVariantNormalStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "30304cff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "000020ff"
        , styleVariantMousedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
        , styleVariantPressedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
        , styleVariantSelectedFocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
        , styleVariantSelectedUnfocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
      , drawerLoweredStyleVariant = StyleVariant
        { styleVariantNormalStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "12122bff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffffff80"
        , styleVariantMousedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "12122bff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffa500ff"
        , styleVariantPressedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "12122bff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffa500ff"
        , styleVariantSelectedFocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "808080ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffffffff"
        , styleVariantSelectedUnfocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "404040ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffffff00"
      , drawerRaisedStyleVariant = StyleVariant
        { styleVariantNormalStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
          , styleFillColor = color "515182ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffffff80"
        , styleVariantMousedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "ffa500ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "515182ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffa500ff"
        , styleVariantPressedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "000000ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "ffa500ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "ffffffff"
        , styleVariantSelectedFocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
        , styleVariantSelectedUnfocusedStyle = Style
          { styleTextColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleFillColor = color "112233ff"
          , styleBorderColor = color "112233ff"
      , drawerFrameOuterNormalStyle = Style
        { styleTextColor = color "000020ff"
        , styleFillColor = color "c0c0ffff"
        , styleBorderColor = color "000020ff"
      , drawerFrameOuterFocusedStyle = Style
        { styleTextColor = color "000020ff"
        , styleFillColor = color "e7e7ffff"
        , styleBorderColor = color "000020ff"
      , drawerFrameInnerStyle = Style
        { styleTextColor = color "ffffffff"
        , styleFillColor = color "30304cff"
        , styleBorderColor = color "000020ff"

  -- create drawer finally
  atomically $ initDrawer canvas glyphRenderer styles