

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.UI.Button
Description: Button.
License: MIT

module Flaw.UI.Button
  ( Button(..)
  , newButton
  , newLabeledButton
  , setButtonDefault
  , setButtonCancel
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.Canvas
import Flaw.Input.Keyboard
import Flaw.Input.Mouse
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.UI
import Flaw.UI.Drawer
import Flaw.UI.Label

data Button = Button
  { buttonVisual :: !SomeVisual
  , buttonSizeVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar Size)
  , buttonFocusedVar :: !(TVar Bool)
  , buttonMousedVar :: !(TVar Bool)
  , buttonPressedVar :: !(TVar Bool)
  , buttonActionHandlerVar :: !(TVar (STM ()))
  , buttonDefaultVar :: !(TVar Bool)
  , buttonCancelVar :: !(TVar Bool)

newButton :: Visual v => v -> STM Button
newButton visual = do
  sizeVar <- newTVar $ Vec2 0 0
  focusedVar <- newTVar False
  mousedVar <- newTVar False
  pressedVar <- newTVar False
  actionHandlerVar <- newTVar $ return ()
  defaultVar <- newTVar False
  cancelVar <- newTVar False
  return Button
    { buttonVisual = SomeVisual visual
    , buttonSizeVar = sizeVar
    , buttonFocusedVar = focusedVar
    , buttonMousedVar = mousedVar
    , buttonPressedVar = pressedVar
    , buttonActionHandlerVar = actionHandlerVar
    , buttonDefaultVar = defaultVar
    , buttonCancelVar = cancelVar

newLabeledButton :: T.Text -> STM Button
newLabeledButton text = do
  label <- newLabel LabelStyleButton
  setText label text
  newButton label

setButtonDefault :: Button -> STM ()
setButtonDefault Button
  { buttonDefaultVar = defaultVar
  } = writeTVar defaultVar True

setButtonCancel :: Button -> STM ()
setButtonCancel Button
  { buttonCancelVar = cancelVar
  } = writeTVar cancelVar True

instance Element Button where

  layoutElement Button
    { buttonSizeVar = sizeVar
    } = writeTVar sizeVar

  dabElement Button
    { buttonSizeVar = sizeVar
    } (Vec2 x y) =
    if x < 0 || y < 0 then return False else do
      size <- readTVar sizeVar
      let Vec2 sx sy = size
      return $ x < sx && y < sy

  renderElement Button
    { buttonVisual = SomeVisual visual
    , buttonSizeVar = sizeVar
    , buttonFocusedVar = focusedVar
    , buttonMousedVar = mousedVar
    , buttonPressedVar = pressedVar
    } drawer@Drawer
    { drawerCanvas = canvas
    , drawerStyles = DrawerStyles
      { drawerRaisedStyleVariant = StyleVariant
        { styleVariantNormalStyle = normalStyle
        , styleVariantMousedStyle = mousedStyle
        , styleVariantPressedStyle = pressedStyle
    } (Vec2 px py) = do
    -- get state
    size <- readTVar sizeVar
    let Vec2 sx sy = size
    focused <- readTVar focusedVar
    moused <- readTVar mousedVar
    pressed <- readTVar pressedVar
    -- get style
        | pressed = pressedStyle
        | moused || focused = mousedStyle
        | otherwise = normalStyle
    -- calculate visual rendering
    visualRender <- renderVisual visual drawer (Vec2 (px + 1) (py + 1)) size style
    -- return rendering monad
    return $ do
      drawBorderedRectangle canvas
        (Vec4 px (px + 1) (px + sx - 1) (px + sx))
        (Vec4 py (py + 1) (py + sy - 1) (py + sy))
        (styleFillColor style) (styleBorderColor style)
      renderIntersectScissor $ Vec4 (px + 1) (py + 1) (px + sx - 1) (py + sy - 1)
      renderScope visualRender
      when focused $ drawBorderedRectangle canvas
        (Vec4 (px + 3) (px + 4) (px + sx - 4) (px + sx - 3))
        (Vec4 (py + 3) (py + 4) (py + sy - 4) (py + sy - 3))
        (Vec4 0 0 0 0) (Vec4 1 1 1 0.5)

  processInputEvent Button
    { buttonMousedVar = mousedVar
    , buttonPressedVar = pressedVar
    , buttonActionHandlerVar = actionHandlerVar
    , buttonCancelVar = cancelVar
    } inputEvent _inputState = case inputEvent of
    KeyboardInputEvent keyboardEvent -> case keyboardEvent of
      KeyDownEvent key -> do
        press <- isPressKey key
        if press then do
          writeTVar pressedVar True
          return True
        else return False
      KeyUpEvent key -> do
        press <- isPressKey key
        if press then do
          pressed <- readTVar pressedVar
          when pressed $ do
            writeTVar pressedVar False
          return True
        else return False
      _ -> return False
    MouseInputEvent mouseEvent -> case mouseEvent of
      MouseDownEvent LeftMouseButton -> do
        writeTVar pressedVar True
        return True
      MouseUpEvent LeftMouseButton -> do
        pressed <- readTVar pressedVar
        when pressed $ do
          writeTVar pressedVar False
        return True
      CursorMoveEvent _x _y -> do
        writeTVar mousedVar True
        return True
      _ -> return False
    MouseLeaveEvent -> do
      writeTVar mousedVar False
      writeTVar pressedVar False
      return True
      click = join $ readTVar actionHandlerVar
      isPressKey key = case key of
        KeyReturn -> return True
        KeySpace -> return True
        KeyEscape -> readTVar cancelVar
        _ -> return False

  focusElement Button
    { buttonFocusedVar = focusedVar
    } = do
    writeTVar focusedVar True
    return True

  unfocusElement Button
    { buttonFocusedVar = focusedVar
    , buttonPressedVar = pressedVar
    } = do
    writeTVar focusedVar False
    writeTVar pressedVar False

instance HasActionHandler Button where
  setActionHandler = writeTVar . buttonActionHandlerVar