

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.UI.Window
Description: Window is a thing running UI processing on top of the native window.
It's not an element.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-}

module Flaw.UI.Window
  ( Window(..)
  , newWindow
  , queueWindowAction
  , setWindowCloseHandler
  , processWindow
  , renderWindow
  , getWindowSize
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad

import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Input
import Flaw.Input.Keyboard
import Flaw.Input.Mouse
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.UI
import Flaw.UI.Drawer
import qualified Flaw.Window as W

data Window = Window
  { windowNativeWindow :: !SomeNativeWindow
  , windowEventsChan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TChan W.WindowEvent)
  , windowKeyboardEventsChan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TChan KeyboardEvent)
  , windowKeyboardState :: !KeyboardState
  , windowMouseEventsChan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TChan MouseEvent)
  , windowMouseState :: !MouseState
  , windowElement :: !SomeElement
  , windowSizeVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar Int2)
  , windowCloseHandlerVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (STM ()))
  , windowDestroyHandlerVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar (STM ()))
  , windowActionsQueue :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TQueue (IO ()))
  , windowMouseCursorVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TVar MouseCursor)

data SomeNativeWindow where
  SomeNativeWindow :: W.Window w => w -> SomeNativeWindow

newWindow :: (W.Window w, InputManager im KeyboardEvent, InputManager im MouseEvent, Element e) => w -> im -> e -> STM Window
newWindow nativeWindow inputManager element = do
  -- get window events channel
  eventsChan <- W.chanWindowEvents nativeWindow
  -- get keyboard events channel and state
  keyboardEventsChan <- chanInputEvents inputManager
  keyboardState <- initialInputState
  -- get mouse events channel and state
  mouseEventsChan <- chanInputEvents inputManager
  mouseState <- initialInputState

  -- current size
  sizeVar <- newTVar $ Vec2 0 0

  -- handlers
  closeHandlerVar <- newTVar $ return ()
  destroyHandlerVar <- newTVar $ return ()

  -- queue for delayed IO actions
  actionsQueue <- newTQueue

  -- current mouse cursor
  mouseCursorVar <- newTVar MouseCursorArrow

  -- return window
  return Window
    { windowNativeWindow = SomeNativeWindow nativeWindow
    , windowEventsChan = eventsChan
    , windowKeyboardEventsChan = keyboardEventsChan
    , windowKeyboardState = keyboardState
    , windowMouseEventsChan = mouseEventsChan
    , windowMouseState = mouseState
    , windowElement = SomeElement element
    , windowSizeVar = sizeVar
    , windowCloseHandlerVar = closeHandlerVar
    , windowDestroyHandlerVar = destroyHandlerVar
    , windowActionsQueue = actionsQueue
    , windowMouseCursorVar = mouseCursorVar

-- | Enqueue an IO action, which will be run in a window loop.
queueWindowAction :: Window -> IO () -> STM ()
queueWindowAction Window
  { windowActionsQueue = actionsQueue
  } = writeTQueue actionsQueue

-- | Set window close handler.
setWindowCloseHandler :: Window -> STM () -> STM ()
setWindowCloseHandler Window
  { windowCloseHandlerVar = closeHandlerVar
  } = writeTVar closeHandlerVar

-- | Run normal window processing.
-- It's necessary to run this method regularly (usually in a frame update function).
-- Also it's critical to run it before 'renderWindow'.
processWindow :: Window -> IO ()
processWindow Window
  { windowNativeWindow = SomeNativeWindow nativeWindow
  , windowEventsChan = eventsChan
  , windowKeyboardEventsChan = keyboardEventsChan
  , windowKeyboardState = keyboardState
  , windowMouseEventsChan = mouseEventsChan
  , windowMouseState = mouseState
  , windowElement = SomeElement element
  , windowSizeVar = sizeVar
  , windowCloseHandlerVar = closeHandlerVar
  , windowDestroyHandlerVar = destroyHandlerVar
  , windowActionsQueue = actionsQueue
  , windowMouseCursorVar = mouseCursorVar
  } = do
    -- compose input state
    inputState = InputState
      { inputStateKeyboard = keyboardState
      , inputStateMouse = mouseState
      , inputStateGetClipboardText = \callback -> writeTQueue actionsQueue $ (atomically . callback) =<< W.getWindowClipboardText nativeWindow
      , inputStateSetClipboardText = writeTQueue actionsQueue . W.setWindowClipboardText nativeWindow
    -- update layout
    updateLayout newSize = do
      size <- readTVar sizeVar
      when (size /= newSize) $ do
        layoutElement element newSize
        writeTVar sizeVar newSize
    -- process input and window events
    process = let
      -- native window events
      processWindowEvent = do
        event <- readTChan eventsChan
        case event of
          W.CloseWindowEvent -> join $ readTVar closeHandlerVar
          W.DestroyWindowEvent -> join $ readTVar destroyHandlerVar
          W.ResizeWindowEvent width height -> updateLayout $ Vec2 width height
          _ -> return ()
      -- event handling
      handleEvent event = void $ processInputEvent element event inputState
      -- keyboard events
      processKeyboardEvent = do
        keyboardEvent <- readTChan keyboardEventsChan
        handleEvent (KeyboardInputEvent keyboardEvent)
        applyInputEvent keyboardState keyboardEvent
      -- mouse events
      processMouseEvent = do
        mouseEvent <- readTChan mouseEventsChan
        handleEvent (MouseInputEvent mouseEvent)
        applyInputEvent mouseState mouseEvent
      processSomeEvent = orElse processWindowEvent (orElse processKeyboardEvent processMouseEvent)
      in join $ atomically $ orElse (processSomeEvent >> return process) (return $ return ())


  -- update mouse cursor if needed
  atomically $ do
    mouseCursor <- elementMouseCursor element
    currentMouseCursor <- readTVar mouseCursorVar
    when (mouseCursor /= currentMouseCursor) $ do
      writeTQueue actionsQueue $ W.setWindowMouseCursor nativeWindow mouseCursor
      writeTVar mouseCursorVar mouseCursor

  -- process IO actions
    processActions = do
      maybeAction <- atomically $ tryReadTQueue actionsQueue
      case maybeAction of
        Just action -> do
        Nothing -> return ()
    in processActions

  -- update layout one more time, just in case there was no resize events
  (clientWidth, clientHeight) <- W.getWindowClientSize nativeWindow
  atomically $ updateLayout $ Vec2 clientWidth clientHeight

-- | Render window.
renderWindow :: Context c d => Window -> Drawer d -> STM (Render c ())
renderWindow Window
  { windowElement = SomeElement element
  } drawer = renderElement element drawer $ Vec2 0 0

-- | Get window size.
getWindowSize :: Window -> STM Size
getWindowSize Window
  { windowSizeVar = sizeVar
  } = readTVar sizeVar