

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Geometry
Description: Geometry.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Flaw.Visual.Geometry
  ( Geometry(..)
  , PackedGeometry(..)
  , packGeometry
  , packIndexedGeometry
  , loadPackedGeometry
  , emitGeometryAsset
  , loadGeometryAsset
  , indexGeometryVertices
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as VAI
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Search as VAS
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Flaw.Asset.Collada
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Build
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Vertex
import Flaw.Visual.Geometry.CacheOptimization

data Geometry d = Geometry
  { geometryVertexBuffer :: !(VertexBufferId d)
  , geometryIndexBuffer :: !(IndexBufferId d)
  , geometryIndicesCount :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

data PackedGeometry = PackedGeometry
  { packedGeometryVerticesBytes :: !B.ByteString
  , packedGeometryIndicesBytes :: !B.ByteString
  , packedGeometryIndicesCount :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , packedGeometryVertexStride :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , packedGeometryIndexTopology :: !IndexTopology
  , packedGeometryIndexStride :: !IndexStride
  } deriving Generic

instance S.Serialize PackedGeometry

-- | Pack raw vertices.
packGeometry :: (Ord a, Storable a, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v Word32) => v a -> PackedGeometry
packGeometry = uncurry packIndexedGeometry . indexGeometryVertices

-- | Pack geometry with indices.
-- Chooses indices format.
packIndexedGeometry :: (Storable a, VG.Vector v a) => v a -> VS.Vector Word32 -> PackedGeometry
packIndexedGeometry vertices indices = PackedGeometry
  { packedGeometryVerticesBytes = verticesBytes
  , packedGeometryIndicesBytes = indicesBytes
  , packedGeometryIndicesCount = VG.length indices
  , packedGeometryVertexStride = sizeOf (VG.head vertices)
  , packedGeometryIndexTopology = IndexTopologyTriangles
  , packedGeometryIndexStride = indexStride
  } where
  (optimizedVertices, optimizedIndices) = optimizeGeometryLocality vertices indices
  verticesBytes = packVector optimizedVertices
  (indexStride, indicesBytes) =
    if VG.length optimizedVertices > 0x10000 then
      (IndexStride32Bit, packVector optimizedIndices)
      (IndexStride16Bit, packVector (VG.map fromIntegral optimizedIndices :: VS.Vector Word16))

-- | Load geometry into device.
loadPackedGeometry :: Device d => d -> PackedGeometry -> IO (Geometry d, IO ())
loadPackedGeometry device PackedGeometry
  { packedGeometryVerticesBytes = verticesBytes
  , packedGeometryIndicesBytes = indicesBytes
  , packedGeometryIndicesCount = indicesCount
  , packedGeometryVertexStride = vertexStride
  , packedGeometryIndexTopology = indexTopology
  , packedGeometryIndexStride = indexStride
  } = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
  vertexBuffer <- book bk $ createStaticVertexBuffer device verticesBytes vertexStride
  indexBuffer <- book bk $ createStaticIndexBuffer device indicesBytes indexTopology indexStride
  return Geometry
    { geometryVertexBuffer = vertexBuffer
    , geometryIndexBuffer = indexBuffer
    , geometryIndicesCount = indicesCount

-- | Pack geometry into bytestring.
emitGeometryAsset :: FilePath -> ColladaM ColladaElement -> Q B.ByteString
emitGeometryAsset fileName getElement = do
  bytes <- loadFile fileName
    eitherVertices = runCollada $ do
      initColladaCache bytes
      createColladaVertices =<< parseGeometry =<< getElement
  case eitherVertices of
    Right vertices -> return $ S.encode $ packGeometry (vertices :: VS.Vector VertexPNT)
    Left err -> do
      let msg = "failed to emit geometry asset " ++ fileName ++ ": " ++ T.unpack err
      reportError msg
      return B.empty

-- | Load geometry from bytestring.
loadGeometryAsset :: Device d => d -> B.ByteString -> IO (Geometry d, IO ())
loadGeometryAsset device bytes = case S.decode bytes of
  Right packedGeometry -> loadPackedGeometry device packedGeometry
  Left err -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException $ "failed to load geometry asset: " ++ err

-- | Create indices for raw vertices.
indexGeometryVertices :: (Ord a, VG.Vector v a, VG.Vector v Word32) => v a -> (v a, VS.Vector Word32)
indexGeometryVertices vertices = unsafePerformIO $ do
  mVertices <- VG.thaw vertices
  VAI.sort mVertices
  uniqueVertices <- unique mVertices
  indices <- noDegenerateTriangles <$> VG.mapM ((fromIntegral <$>) . VAS.binarySearchL uniqueVertices) vertices
  resultVertices <- VG.freeze uniqueVertices
  return (resultVertices, indices)
  unique v = if VGM.null v then return v else do
      n = VGM.length v
      f p i =
        if i < n then do
          a <- VGM.unsafeRead v i
          b <- VGM.unsafeRead v p
          if a == b then f p (i + 1)
          else do
            let q = p + 1
            VGM.write v q a
            f q (i + 1)
        else return p
    end <- f 0 0
    return $ VGM.slice 0 (end + 1) v
  noDegenerateTriangles v = VG.create $ do
    let n = VG.length v
    indices <- VGM.new n
      f p i =
        if i + 2 < n then do
            a = v VG.! i
            b = v VG.! (i + 1)
            c = v VG.! (i + 2)
          if a == b || b == c || a == c then f p (i + 3)
          else do
            VGM.unsafeWrite indices p a
            VGM.unsafeWrite indices (p + 1) b
            VGM.unsafeWrite indices (p + 2) c
            f (p + 3) (i + 3)
        else return p
    end <- f 0 0
    return $ VGM.slice 0 end indices