

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Geometry.CacheOptimization
Description: Geometry cache optimization algorithms.
License: MIT

Two cache optimization algorithms are implemented so far.
In preferred order of application:

* 'optimizeGeometryIndicesLocality' reorders triangles trying to use post-transform
vertex cache as efficiently as possible.
* 'optimizeGeometryVerticesLocality' reorders vertices (remapping indices accordingly, but not reordering triangles)
trying to optimize pre-transform vertex cache usage.

module Flaw.Visual.Geometry.CacheOptimization
  ( optimizeGeometryIndicesLocality
  , optimizeGeometryVerticesLocality
  , optimizeGeometryLocality
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM

cacheWeights :: VU.Vector Float
cacheWeights = VU.fromList $ 0.75 : 0.75 : 0.75 : [pwr (1 - (i - 3) / 28) | i <- [3..31]] where
  pwr i = i * sqrt i

-- | Optimize usage of vertex post-transform cache by manipulating order of triangles.
-- "Linear-Speed Vertex Cache Optimisation" by Tom Forsyth
-- https://tomforsyth1000.github.io/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html
optimizeGeometryIndicesLocality :: (VG.Vector v i, Integral i) => v i -> v i
optimizeGeometryIndicesLocality indices = runST $ do

    indicesCount = VG.length indices
    trianglesCount = indicesCount `quot` 3
    verticesCount = fromIntegral $ VG.maximum indices + 1

  -- count triangles for each vertex
  verticesTrianglesCounts <- VUM.replicate verticesCount 0
    f i = when (i < indicesCount) $ do
      VGM.unsafeModify verticesTrianglesCounts (+ 1) $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! i
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- create lists of triangles per vertex
  verticesTrianglesPtrs <- VUM.new verticesCount
    f p i = when (i < verticesCount) $ do
      VGM.unsafeWrite verticesTrianglesPtrs i p
      vertexTrianglesCount <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTrianglesCounts i
      f (p + vertexTrianglesCount) (i + 1)
    in f 0 0
  verticesTrianglesOffsets <- VU.freeze verticesTrianglesPtrs
  verticesTriangles <- VUM.new indicesCount
    f i = when (i < indicesCount) $ do
      let v = fromIntegral $ indices VG.! i
      o <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTrianglesPtrs v
      VGM.unsafeWrite verticesTriangles o (i `quot` 3)
      VGM.unsafeWrite verticesTrianglesPtrs v $ o + 1
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- post-transform vertex cache
    cacheSize = VG.length cacheWeights
  cache <- VUM.replicate (cacheSize + 3) (-1)

    vertexValenceBoost i = do
      vertexTrianglesCount <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTrianglesCounts i
      return $ if vertexTrianglesCount > 0 then 2 / sqrt (fromIntegral vertexTrianglesCount) else 0

  -- initial vertex scores
  verticesScores <- VUM.new verticesCount
    f i = when (i < verticesCount) $ do
      VUM.unsafeWrite verticesScores i =<< vertexValenceBoost i
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- initial triangle scores
  trianglesScores <- VUM.new trianglesCount
    updateTriangleScore i = do
      a <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesScores $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3)
      b <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesScores $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 1)
      c <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesScores $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 2)
      VGM.unsafeWrite trianglesScores i $ a + b + c
    f i = when (i < trianglesCount) $ do
      updateTriangleScore i
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- interval tree of triangles
  -- calculate size of the last level which is nearest power of two for triangles count
    intervalTreeSize = let
      f i = if i < trianglesCount then f $ i * 2 else i
      in f 2
  intervalTree <- VUM.replicate (intervalTreeSize - 1) (-1)
  -- update node function
    updateIntervalTreeNode i = do
        lastLevel = i * 2 + 1 >= intervalTreeSize - 1
      a <-
        if lastLevel then let
          t = i * 2 + 1 - intervalTreeSize + 1
          in return $ if t < trianglesCount then t else (-1)
        else VGM.unsafeRead intervalTree (i * 2 + 1)
      b <-
        if lastLevel then let
          t = i * 2 + 2 - intervalTreeSize + 1
          in return $ if t < trianglesCount then t else (-1)
        else VGM.unsafeRead intervalTree (i * 2 + 2)
      as <- if a >= 0 then VGM.unsafeRead trianglesScores a else return 0
      bs <- if b >= 0 then VGM.unsafeRead trianglesScores b else return 0
      VGM.unsafeWrite intervalTree i $ if as > bs then a else b
  -- initial update
    f i = when (i >= 0) $ do
      updateIntervalTreeNode i
      f $ i - 1
    in f $ intervalTreeSize - 2

  -- emit new indices
  newIndices <- VGM.new $ trianglesCount * 3
    step triangleIndex = when (triangleIndex < trianglesCount) $ do
      -- get triangle with highest score
      triangle <- VGM.unsafeRead intervalTree 0

      -- set triangle score to 0, so it's not selected anymore
      VGM.unsafeWrite trianglesScores triangle 0
      -- emit indices
        a = indices VG.! (triangle * 3)
        b = indices VG.! (triangle * 3 + 1)
        c = indices VG.! (triangle * 3 + 2)
      VGM.unsafeWrite newIndices (triangleIndex * 3) a
      VGM.unsafeWrite newIndices (triangleIndex * 3 + 1) b
      VGM.unsafeWrite newIndices (triangleIndex * 3 + 2) c
      -- remove triangle from triangle lists of its vertices
        removeTriangleFromVertexTriangles v = do
            vertexTrianglesOffset = verticesTrianglesOffsets VG.! v
          vertexTrianglesCount <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTrianglesCounts v
            f i tc = if i >= tc then return tc else do
              t <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTriangles $ vertexTrianglesOffset + i
              if t == triangle then do
                when (i < tc - 1) $
                  VGM.unsafeWrite verticesTriangles (vertexTrianglesOffset + i) =<< VGM.unsafeRead verticesTriangles (vertexTrianglesOffset + tc - 1)
                f i (tc - 1)
              else f (i + 1) tc
            in VGM.unsafeWrite verticesTrianglesCounts v =<< f 0 vertexTrianglesCount
      removeTriangleFromVertexTriangles $ fromIntegral a
      removeTriangleFromVertexTriangles $ fromIntegral b
      removeTriangleFromVertexTriangles $ fromIntegral c
      -- make room in cache
        f i = when (i >= 0) $ do
          VGM.unsafeWrite cache (i + 3) =<< VGM.unsafeRead cache i
          f $ i - 1
        in f $ cacheSize - 1
      -- put triangle's vertices on top
      VGM.unsafeWrite cache 0 $ fromIntegral a
      VGM.unsafeWrite cache 1 $ fromIntegral b
      VGM.unsafeWrite cache 2 $ fromIntegral c
      -- remove triangle's vertices from the rest of the cache (in case they were in the cache already)
      cacheEnd <- let
        f p i = if i >= cacheSize + 3 then return p else do
          v <- VGM.unsafeRead cache i
          if v == fromIntegral a || v == fromIntegral b || v == fromIntegral c then f p (i + 1)
          else do
            when (p < i) $ VGM.unsafeWrite cache p v
            f (p + 1) (i + 1)
        in f 3 3
      -- update cached vertices' and their's triangles' scores and nodes
        f i = when (i < cacheEnd) $ do
          v <- VGM.unsafeRead cache i
          when (v >= 0) $ do
            valenceBoost <- vertexValenceBoost v
            VGM.unsafeWrite verticesScores v $ (if i < cacheSize then cacheWeights VG.! i else 0) + valenceBoost
            vertexTrianglesCount <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTrianglesCounts v
              vertexTrianglesOffset = verticesTrianglesOffsets VG.! v
              u j = when (j < vertexTrianglesCount) $ do
                t <- VGM.unsafeRead verticesTriangles $ vertexTrianglesOffset + j
                updateTriangleScore t
                  g k = do
                    updateIntervalTreeNode k
                    when (k > 0) $ g $ (k - 1) `quot` 2
                  in g $ (t + intervalTreeSize - 1 - 1) `quot` 2
                u $ j + 1
              in u 0
        in f 0
      -- update removed triangle's nodes
        g k = do
          updateIntervalTreeNode k
          when (k > 0) $ g $ (k - 1) `quot` 2
        in g $ (triangle + intervalTreeSize - 1 - 1) `quot` 2

      -- repeat
      step $ triangleIndex + 1
    in step 0

  VG.unsafeFreeze newIndices

-- | Optimize usage of vertex pre-transform cache by manipulating order of vertices.
optimizeGeometryVerticesLocality :: (VG.Vector va a, VG.Vector vi i, Integral i) => va a -> vi i -> (va a, vi i)
optimizeGeometryVerticesLocality vertices indices = runST $ do
    verticesCount = VG.length vertices
    indicesCount = VG.length indices
  vertexMap <- VUM.replicate verticesCount verticesCount
  newVertices <- VGM.new verticesCount
  newIndices <- VGM.new indicesCount
  newVerticesCount <- let
    f p i = if i >= indicesCount then return p else do
        v = fromIntegral $ indices VG.! i
      remappedVertex <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexMap v
      if remappedVertex < verticesCount then do
        VGM.unsafeWrite newIndices i $ fromIntegral remappedVertex
        f p (i + 1)
      else do
        VGM.unsafeWrite vertexMap v p
        VGM.unsafeWrite newVertices p $ vertices VG.! v
        VGM.unsafeWrite newIndices i $ fromIntegral p
        f (p + 1) (i + 1)
    in f 0 0
  freezedNewVertices <- VG.unsafeFreeze $ VGM.slice 0 newVerticesCount newVertices
  freezedNewIndices <- VG.unsafeFreeze newIndices
  return (freezedNewVertices, freezedNewIndices)

-- | Perform both optimization of vertices and indices.
optimizeGeometryLocality :: (VG.Vector va a, VG.Vector vi i, Integral i) => va a -> vi i -> (va a, vi i)
optimizeGeometryLocality vertices indices = optimizeGeometryVerticesLocality vertices (optimizeGeometryIndicesLocality indices)