

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Simplification
Description: Geometry simplification algorithm.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ViewPatterns #-}

module Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Simplification
  ( simplifyGeometry
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.STRef
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Math

data PairKey = PairKey {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 deriving (Eq, Ord)

data Pair = Pair
  { pair_vertex0 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
  , pair_vertex1 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
  , pair_optimalVertex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float3
  , pair_cost :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float

instance Storable Pair where
  sizeOf _ = 24
  alignment _ = 4
  peek ptr = Pair
    <$> peek (castPtr ptr)
    <*> peek (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 4)
    <*> peek (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 8)
    <*> peek (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 20)
  poke ptr (Pair v0 v1 ov c) = do
    poke (castPtr ptr) v0
    poke (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 4) v1
    poke (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 8) ov
    poke (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` 20) c

-- | Simplify geometry.
-- Algorithm: http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~ravir/190/2016/garland97.pdf
simplifyGeometry :: Int -> VS.Vector Float3 -> VS.Vector Word32 -> (VS.Vector Float3, VS.Vector Word32)
simplifyGeometry iterationsCount vertices indices = runST $ do
    verticesCount = VG.length vertices
    indicesCount = VG.length indices
    trianglesCount = indicesCount `quot` 3

  -- allocate memory
  vertexPositions <- VS.thaw vertices
  vertexParents <- VUM.new verticesCount
    f i = when (i < verticesCount) $ do
      VGM.unsafeWrite vertexParents i i
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0
  vertexRanks <- VUM.replicate verticesCount (1 :: Word32)
  vertexQuadrics <- VSM.replicate verticesCount 0
  pairHeap <- VSM.new indicesCount
  pairHeapSizeRef <- newSTRef 0
  pairHeapIndexByKeyRef <- newSTRef M.empty

    calculatePair (PairKey v0 v1) = do
      quadric0 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexQuadrics $ fromIntegral v0
      quadric1 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexQuadrics $ fromIntegral v1
          q11 q12 q13 q14
          q21 q22 q23 q24
          q31 q32 q33 q34
          _q41 _q42 _q43 _q44
          ) = quadric0 + quadric1
        q_12_12 = q11 * q22 - q21 * q12
        q_12_13 = q11 * q23 - q21 * q13
        q_12_14 = q11 * q24 - q21 * q14
        q_12_23 = q12 * q23 - q22 * q13
        q_12_24 = q12 * q24 - q22 * q14
        q_12_34 = q13 * q24 - q23 * q14
        q_123_123 = q_12_12 * q33 - q_12_13 * q32 + q_12_23 * q31
        q_123_124 = q_12_12 * q34 - q_12_14 * q32 + q_12_24 * q31
        q_123_134 = q_12_13 * q34 - q_12_14 * q33 + q_12_34 * q31
        q_123_234 = q_12_23 * q34 - q_12_24 * q33 + q_12_34 * q32
        -- q_1234_1234 = q_123_123 * q44 - q_123_124 * q43 + q_123_134 * q42 - q_123_234 * q41
        aff :: Float3 -> Float4
        aff (Float3 x y z) = Float4 x y z 1
        cost :: Float4x4 -> Float3 -> Float
        cost q (aff -> p) = p `dot` (q `mul` p)
      pv0 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexPositions $ fromIntegral v0
      pv1 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexPositions $ fromIntegral v1
        (oc, ov) =
          -- try global minimum
          if abs q_123_123 > 1e-4 then let
            v = Float3
              (negate $ q_123_234 / q_123_123)
              (q_123_134 / q_123_123)
              (negate $ q_123_124 / q_123_123)
            in (cost quadricSum v, v)
          -- try minimum along the edge
          else let
            v10 = aff pv1 - aff pv0
            u = quadricSum `mul` v10
            h = u `dot` v10
            in if abs h > 1e-4 then let
              hinv = 1 / h
              v = pv0 * vecFromScalar ((u `dot` aff pv1) * hinv) - pv1 * vecFromScalar ((u `dot` aff pv0) * hinv)
              in (cost quadricSum v, v)
            -- try minimum from ends and the middle
            else let
              pm = (pv0 + pv1) * 0.5
              in min (cost quadricSum pm, pm) $ min (cost quadricSum pv0, pv0) (cost quadricSum pv1, pv1)

      return Pair
        { pair_vertex0 = v0
        , pair_vertex1 = v1
        , pair_optimalVertex = ov
        , pair_cost = oc - cost quadric0 pv0 - cost quadric1 pv1

  -- calculate initial vertex quadrics
    f i = when (i < trianglesCount) $ do
        i1 = fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3)
        i2 = fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 1)
        i3 = fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 2)
        p1 = vertices VG.! i1
        p2 = vertices VG.! i2
        p3 = vertices VG.! i3
        normal@(Float3 a b c) = normalize $ cross (p2 - p1) (p3 - p1)
        d = negate $ dot normal p1
        aa = a * a
        ab = a * b
        ac = a * c
        ad = a * d
        bb = b * b
        bc = b * c
        bd = b * d
        cc = c * c
        cd = c * d
        dd = d * d
        q = Float4x4
          aa ab ac ad
          ab bb bc bd
          ac bc cc cd
          ad bd cd dd
      VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ q) i1
      VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ q) i2
      VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ q) i3
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- add initial pairs
    f i = when (i < trianglesCount) $ do
        i1 = indices VG.! (i * 3)
        i2 = indices VG.! (i * 3 + 1)
        i3 = indices VG.! (i * 3 + 2)
        addPair v0 v1 = unless (v0 == v1) $ do
          let key = PairKey (min v0 v1) (max v0 v1)
          pairHeapIndexByKey <- readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
          unless (M.member key pairHeapIndexByKey) $ do
            pairHeapSize <- readSTRef pairHeapSizeRef
            VGM.unsafeWrite pairHeap pairHeapSize =<< calculatePair key
            writeSTRef pairHeapSizeRef $! pairHeapSize + 1
            writeSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef $! M.insert key pairHeapSize pairHeapIndexByKey
      addPair i1 i2
      addPair i2 i3
      addPair i1 i3
      f $ i + 1
    in f 0

  -- add reverse pairs in index too
    pairs <- readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
    writeSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef $! foldr (\(PairKey v0 v1, p) -> M.insert (PairKey v1 v0) p) pairs (M.toList pairs)

  -- find open edges and add additional costs for vertices
    pairHeapIndexByKey <- readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
    pairHeapSize <- readSTRef pairHeapSizeRef
    -- count triangles for every edge
    pairTriangleCounts <- VUM.replicate pairHeapSize (0 :: Word32)
      f i = when (i < trianglesCount) $ do
          i1 = indices VG.! (i * 3)
          i2 = indices VG.! (i * 3 + 1)
          i3 = indices VG.! (i * 3 + 2)
          accountForPair a b = case M.lookup (PairKey a b) pairHeapIndexByKey of
            Just h -> VGM.unsafeModify pairTriangleCounts (+ 1) h
            Nothing -> return ()
        accountForPair i1 i2
        accountForPair i2 i3
        accountForPair i1 i3
        f $ i + 1
      in f 0
    -- for every open edge add penalty to its vertices for moving from the edge
      f i = when (i < pairHeapSize) $ do
        triangleCount <- VGM.unsafeRead pairTriangleCounts i
        when (triangleCount == 1) $ do
            { pair_vertex0 = v0
            , pair_vertex1 = v1
            } <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap i
          pv0 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexPositions $ fromIntegral v0
          pv1 <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexPositions $ fromIntegral v1
          when (norm2 (pv1 - pv0) > 1e-8) $ do
              r@(Float3 rx ry rz) = normalize $ pv1 - pv0
              rxx = rx * rx
              rxy = rx * ry
              rxz = rx * rz
              ryy = ry * ry
              ryz = ry * rz
              rzz = rz * rz
              a = Float3 (rxx - 1) rxy rxz
              b = Float3 rxy (ryy - 1) ryz
              c = Float3 rxz ryz (rzz - 1)
              d = pv0 - r * vecFromScalar (dot r pv0)
              aa = dot a a
              ab = dot a b
              ac = dot a c
              ad = dot a d
              bb = dot b b
              bc = dot b c
              bd = dot b d
              cc = dot c c
              cd = dot c d
              dd = dot d d
              q = Float4x4
                aa ab ac ad
                ab bb bc bd
                ac bc cc cd
                ad bd cd dd
            VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ q) $ fromIntegral v0
            VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ q) $ fromIntegral v1
        f $ i + 1
      in f 0

  -- vertex disjoint-set functions

    -- get vertex parent
    vertexParent a = do
      p <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexParents a
      if p == a then return p else do
        pp <- vertexParent p
        VGM.unsafeWrite vertexParents a pp
        return pp
    -- union vertices
    unionVertices a b = do
      pa <- vertexParent a
      pb <- vertexParent b
      if pa == pb then return pa else do
        ra <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexRanks pa
        rb <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexRanks pb
        if ra > rb then do
          VGM.unsafeWrite vertexParents pb pa
          VGM.unsafeWrite vertexRanks pa $ ra + rb
          return pa
        else do
          VGM.unsafeWrite vertexParents pa pb
          VGM.unsafeWrite vertexRanks pb $ ra + rb
          return pb

  -- heap functions

  -- swap elements
    heapSwap a pa@Pair
      { pair_vertex0 = a0
      , pair_vertex1 = a1
      } b pb@Pair
      { pair_vertex0 = b0
      , pair_vertex1 = b1
      } = do
      VGM.unsafeWrite pairHeap b pa
      VGM.unsafeWrite pairHeap a pb
      modifySTRef' pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
        $ M.insert (PairKey a0 a1) b
        . M.insert (PairKey a1 a0) b
        . M.insert (PairKey b0 b1) a
        . M.insert (PairKey b1 b0) a

    -- sift down
    heapSiftDown i = do
      pairHeapSize <- readSTRef pairHeapSizeRef
      p <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap i
        l = i * 2 + 1
        r = i * 2 + 2
        swap m mp = do
          heapSwap i p m mp
          heapSiftDown m
      lp <- if l < pairHeapSize then VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap l else return p
      rp <- if r < pairHeapSize then VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap r else return p
      if pair_cost lp < pair_cost p && pair_cost lp <= pair_cost rp then swap l lp
      else if pair_cost rp < pair_cost p && pair_cost rp <= pair_cost lp then swap r rp
      else return ()

    -- sift up
    heapSiftUp i = when (i > 0) $ do
      p <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap i
      let m = (i - 1) `quot` 2
      mp <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap m
      when (pair_cost p < pair_cost mp) $ do
        heapSwap i p m mp
        heapSiftUp m

    -- update
    heapUpdate i =
      if i > 0 then do
        p <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap i
        let m = (i - 1) `quot` 2
        mp <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap m
        case compare (pair_cost p) (pair_cost mp) of
          LT -> heapSiftUp i
          GT -> heapSiftDown i
          EQ -> return ()
      else heapSiftDown i

    -- delete
    heapDelete i = do
      pairHeapSize <- readSTRef pairHeapSizeRef
      let m = pairHeapSize - 1
      writeSTRef pairHeapSizeRef $! m
        { pair_vertex0 = v0
        , pair_vertex1 = v1
        } <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap i
      if i < m then do
          { pair_vertex0 = mv0
          , pair_vertex1 = mv1
          } <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap m
        VGM.unsafeWrite pairHeap i mp
        modifySTRef' pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
          $ M.insert (PairKey mv0 mv1) i
          . M.insert (PairKey mv1 mv0) i
          . M.delete (PairKey v0 v1)
          . M.delete (PairKey v1 v0)
        heapUpdate i
      else modifySTRef' pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
        $ M.delete (PairKey v0 v1)
        . M.delete (PairKey v1 v0)

  -- make actual heap from pairs
    pairHeapSize <- readSTRef pairHeapSizeRef
      f i = when (i >= 0) $ do
        heapSiftDown i
        f $ i - 1
      in f $ pairHeapSize - 1

  -- contraction step
    contraction = do
      -- get minimal cost pair
        { pair_vertex0 = pv0
        , pair_vertex1 = pv1
        , pair_optimalVertex = vo
        } <- VGM.unsafeRead pairHeap 0
      -- union vertices
      v <- unionVertices (fromIntegral pv0) (fromIntegral pv1)
      -- update position
      VGM.unsafeWrite vertexPositions v vo
      -- delete minimal cost pair
      heapDelete 0
      -- figure out what vertex got replaced
        (v0, v1) = case (fromIntegral v == pv0, fromIntegral v == pv1) of
          (True, False) -> (pv0, pv1)
          (False, True) -> (pv1, pv0)
          _ -> error $ show ("impossible pair", v, pv0, pv1)
      -- sum up quadrics
      v1q <- VGM.unsafeRead vertexQuadrics (fromIntegral v1)
      VGM.unsafeModify vertexQuadrics (+ v1q) (fromIntegral v0)
      -- update all pairs with v1 to use v0
        <-  M.takeWhileAntitone (\(PairKey a _) -> a == v1)
        .   M.dropWhileAntitone (\(PairKey a _) -> a < v1)
        <$> readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
      forM_ (M.keys pairsWithV1) $ \oldKey@(PairKey _v1 b) -> unless (v0 == b) $ do
        let newKey = PairKey v0 b
        pairHeapIndex <- readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
        Just h <- return $ M.lookup oldKey pairHeapIndex
        -- if contraction made double edge, remove it
        if M.member newKey pairHeapIndex then heapDelete h
        -- else fix edge to point to v0
        else do
          writeSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef $
            ( M.insert newKey h
            . M.insert (PairKey b v0) h
            . M.delete oldKey
            . M.delete (PairKey b v1)
            ) pairHeapIndex
          VGM.unsafeModify pairHeap (\p -> p
            { pair_vertex0 = min b v0
            , pair_vertex1 = max b v0
            }) h
          heapUpdate h
      -- update all pairs using v0
        <-  M.takeWhileAntitone (\(PairKey a _) -> a == v0)
        .   M.dropWhileAntitone (\(PairKey a _) -> a < v0)
        <$> readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
      forM_ (M.keys pairsWithV0) $ \(PairKey _v0 b) -> do
        Just h <- M.lookup (PairKey v0 b) <$> readSTRef pairHeapIndexByKeyRef
        VGM.unsafeWrite pairHeap h =<< calculatePair (PairKey (min v0 b) (max v0 b))
        heapUpdate h

  -- perform contractions
  replicateM_ iterationsCount contraction

  -- filter out indices with degenerate triangles
  newIndices <- VSM.new indicesCount
  end <- let
    f p i =
      if i < trianglesCount then do
        i1 <- vertexParent $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3)
        i2 <- vertexParent $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 1)
        i3 <- vertexParent $ fromIntegral $ indices VG.! (i * 3 + 2)
        if i1 == i2 || i1 == i3 || i2 == i3 then f p (i + 1) else do
          VSM.unsafeWrite newIndices p $ fromIntegral i1
          VSM.unsafeWrite newIndices (p + 1) $ fromIntegral i2
          VSM.unsafeWrite newIndices (p + 2) $ fromIntegral i3
          f (p + 3) (i + 1)
      else return p
    in f 0 0

  resultVertices <- VG.unsafeFreeze vertexPositions
  resultIndices <- VG.unsafeFreeze $ VGM.slice 0 end newIndices

  return (resultVertices, resultIndices)