

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Skinned
Description: Skinned geometry support.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}

module Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Skinned
  ( SkinnedGeometry(..)
  , SkinnedGeometryAnimation(..)
  , textureAnimateSkinnedGeometry
  , emitTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset
  , loadTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset
  , textureAnimatedSkinTransform
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics(Generic)
import Language.Haskell.TH

import Flaw.Asset.Collada
import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Build
import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.Program
import Flaw.Graphics.Sampler
import Flaw.Graphics.Texture
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Math.Transform
import Flaw.Visual.Geometry
import Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Vertex
import Flaw.Visual.Texture

data SkinnedGeometry d = SkinnedGeometry
  { skinnedGeometryGeometry :: !(Geometry d)
  , skinnedGeometryAnimationTexture :: !(TextureId d)
  , skinnedGeometryAnimations :: !(V.Vector SkinnedGeometryAnimation)

data PackedSkinnedGeometry = PackedSkinnedGeometry
  { packedSkinnedGeometryGeometry :: !PackedGeometry
  , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationTexture :: !PackedTexture
  , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationOffsetsBytes :: !B.ByteString
  , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  } deriving Generic

instance S.Serialize PackedSkinnedGeometry

data SkinnedGeometryAnimation = SkinnedGeometryAnimation
  { skinnedGeometryAnimationOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float4
  , skinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
  } deriving Generic

{-# INLINE textureAnimateSkinnedGeometry #-}
textureAnimateSkinnedGeometry :: SkinnedGeometryAnimation -> Float -> Float4
textureAnimateSkinnedGeometry SkinnedGeometryAnimation
  { skinnedGeometryAnimationOffset = Float4 kx ky x y
  , skinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength = invLength
  } t = Float4 kx ky (x + t * invLength) y

-- | Return asset representing skinned geometry with animations taken from Collada file.
emitTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset :: FilePath -> ColladaM ColladaElement -> ColladaM ColladaElement -> Float -> Float -> Q B.ByteString
emitTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset fileName getNodeElement getSkinElement timeStep timeLength = do
  -- load file
  bytes <- loadFile fileName

  -- parse collada
    eitherResult = runCollada $ do
      initColladaCache bytes
      skeleton <- parseSkeleton =<< getNodeElement
      animations <- mapM (animateSkeleton skeleton <=< parseAnimation) =<< getAllElementsByTag "animation"
      (skinVerticesData, skin) <- parseSkin skeleton =<< getSingleChildWithTag "skin" =<< getSkinElement
      vertices <- createColladaVertices skinVerticesData
      return (vertices, skin, V.fromList animations)

  case eitherResult of
    Left err -> do
      let msg = "failed to embed skinned geometry " ++ fileName ++ ": " ++ T.unpack err
      reportError msg
      return B.empty
    Right (vertices, skin, animations) -> do
        packedGeometry = packGeometry (vertices :: VS.Vector VertexPNTWB)
        framesCount = floor $ timeLength / timeStep
        width = framesCount
        bones = cskinBones skin
        bonesCount = V.length bones
        height = V.length animations * bonesCount * 2
      ptr <- runIO $ mallocArray $ width * height
      runIO $ forM_ [0 .. (V.length animations - 1)] $ \animationIndex -> do
        let animate = animations V.! animationIndex
        forM_ [0 .. (framesCount - 1)] $ \frame -> do
          let transforms = animate identityTransform $ fromIntegral frame * timeStep
          flip V.imapM_ bones $ \i ColladaBone
            { cboneSkeletonIndex = boneIndex
            , cboneInvBindTransform = boneInvBindTransform
            } -> do
              QuatOffset (FloatQ q) (Float3 px py pz) = transformFromMatrix $ combineTransform (transforms V.! boneIndex) boneInvBindTransform
              offset = (animationIndex * bonesCount + i) * width * 2 + frame
            pokeElemOff ptr offset $ normalize q
            pokeElemOff ptr (offset + width) $ Vec4 px py pz 0
      textureBytes <- runIO $ B.unsafePackMallocCStringLen (castPtr ptr, width * height * sizeOf (undefined :: Float4))
        textureInfo = TextureInfo
          { textureWidth = width
          , textureHeight = height
          , textureDepth = 0
          , textureMips = 1
          , textureFormat = UncompressedTextureFormat
            { textureFormatComponents = PixelRGBA
            , textureFormatValueType = PixelFloat
            , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel128bit
            , textureFormatColorSpace = LinearColorSpace
          , textureCount = 0
        animationOffsets = V.generate (V.length animations) $ \i -> Float4
          (2 / fromIntegral height) (1 / fromIntegral height)
          (0.5 / fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral i / fromIntegral (V.length animations) + 0.5 / fromIntegral height)
      return $ S.encode PackedSkinnedGeometry
        { packedSkinnedGeometryGeometry = packedGeometry
        , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationTexture = PackedTexture
          { packedTextureBytes = textureBytes
          , packedTextureInfo = textureInfo
        , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationOffsetsBytes = packVector animationOffsets
        , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength = 1 / timeLength

loadTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset :: Device d => d -> B.ByteString -> IO (SkinnedGeometry d, IO ())
loadTextureAnimatedSkinnedGeometryAsset device bytes = case S.decode bytes of
  Left err -> throwIO $ DescribeFirstException $ "failed to load texture animated skinned geometry asset: " ++ err
  Right PackedSkinnedGeometry
    { packedSkinnedGeometryGeometry = packedGeometry
    , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationTexture = PackedTexture
      { packedTextureBytes = textureBytes
      , packedTextureInfo = textureInfo
    , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationOffsetsBytes = animationOffsetsBytes
    , packedSkinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength = animationInvLength
    } -> withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
    geometry <- book bk $ loadPackedGeometry device packedGeometry
    animationTexture <- book bk $ createStaticTexture device textureInfo def
      { samplerMinFilter = SamplerLinearFilter
      , samplerMipFilter = SamplerPointFilter
      , samplerMagFilter = SamplerLinearFilter
      , samplerWrapU = SamplerWrapClamp
      , samplerWrapV = SamplerWrapClamp
      , samplerWrapW = SamplerWrapClamp
      } textureBytes
      animationOffsets = unpackVector animationOffsetsBytes
      animations = flip V.map animationOffsets $ \animationOffset -> SkinnedGeometryAnimation
        { skinnedGeometryAnimationOffset = animationOffset
        , skinnedGeometryAnimationInvLength = animationInvLength
    return SkinnedGeometry
      { skinnedGeometryGeometry = geometry
      , skinnedGeometryAnimationTexture = animationTexture
      , skinnedGeometryAnimations = animations

-- | Skin transform based on animation written to texture.
textureAnimatedSkinTransform :: Int -> Node Float4 -> Node Float4 -> Node Word32_4 -> Program (Node Float4, Node Float3)
textureAnimatedSkinTransform animationSamplerSlot animationOffset weights bones = do
  -- function getting quaternion and offset for a bone
    transformBone boneOffsetY = do
      let s = sampler2D4f animationSamplerSlot
      c <- temp $ cvec11 (z_ animationOffset) boneOffsetY
        ( sampleLod s c (constf 0)
        , xyz__ $ sampleLod s (c + cvec11 0 (y_ animationOffset)) (constf 0)

  -- get bone offsets for bones of current vertex
  boneOffsetYs <- temp $ xxxx__ animationOffset * cast bones + wwww__ animationOffset

  -- get quatoffsets for vertex' bones
  (q1, p1) <- transformBone $ x_ boneOffsetYs
  (q2, p2) <- transformBone $ y_ boneOffsetYs
  (q3, p3) <- transformBone $ z_ boneOffsetYs
  (q4, p4) <- transformBone $ w_ boneOffsetYs

  -- mix transforms
  q <- temp $ normalize
    $ q1 * xxxx__ weights
    + q2 * yyyy__ weights
    + q3 * zzzz__ weights
    + q4 * wwww__ weights
  p <- temp
    $ p1 * xxx__ weights
    + p2 * yyy__ weights
    + p3 * zzz__ weights
    + p4 * www__ weights

  return (q, p)