

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Vertex
Description: Useful vertex structures with support for Collada.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell #-}

module Flaw.Visual.Geometry.Vertex
  -- * Attributes
  , HasNormalAttribute(..)
  , HasTexcoordAttribute(..)
  , HasWeightsBonesAttributes(..)
  , vertexAttribute
  -- * Predefined vertices
  , QuadVertex(..)
  -- ** Predefined Collada vertices
  , ColladaVertex(..)
  , VertexP(..)
  , VertexPN(..)
  , VertexPT(..)
  , VertexPNT(..)
  , VertexPNTWB(..)
  ) where

import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Asset.Collada
import Flaw.FFI
import Flaw.Graphics.Program
import Flaw.Math

class HasPositionAttribute v where
  -- | Get offset and format of position attribute.
  vertexPositionAttribute :: v -> (Int, AttributeFormat Float3)

class HasNormalAttribute v where
  -- | Get offset and format of normal attribute.
  vertexNormalAttribute :: v -> (Int, AttributeFormat Float3)

class HasTexcoordAttribute v where
  -- | Get offset and format of texcoord attribute.
  vertexTexcoordAttribute :: v -> (Int, AttributeFormat Float2)

-- | Class of vertex having 4 bones and weights for skeletal animation.
class HasWeightsBonesAttributes v where
  -- | Get offset and format of weights attribute.
  vertexWeightsAttribute :: v -> (Int, AttributeFormat Float4)
  -- | Get offset and format of bones attribute.
  vertexBonesAttribute :: v -> (Int, AttributeFormat Word32_4)

-- | Create attribute from pair (offset, format) provided with slot and divisor.
vertexAttribute :: OfAttributeType a => Int -> Int -> (Int, AttributeFormat a) -> Program (Node a)
vertexAttribute slot divisor (offset, format) = attribute slot offset divisor format

genStruct "QuadVertex"
  [ ([t| Float4 |], "position")

class Storable q => ColladaVertex q where
  createColladaVertices :: ColladaVerticesData -> ColladaM (VS.Vector q)

-- | Replace empty vector with sequence of fallback values.
fallbackVertexData :: VG.Vector v a => Int -> a -> v a -> v a
fallbackVertexData count fallbackValue inputVector = if VG.null inputVector then VG.replicate count fallbackValue else inputVector

genStruct "VertexP"
  [ ([t| Float3 |], "position")

deriving instance Eq VertexP
deriving instance Ord VertexP

instance HasPositionAttribute VertexP where
  vertexPositionAttribute _ = (0, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance ColladaVertex VertexP where
  createColladaVertices verticesData@ColladaVerticesData
    { cvdCount = count
    } = do
    positions <- cvdPositions verticesData
    return $ VG.generate count $ \i -> VertexP
      { f_VertexP_position = positions VG.! i

genStruct "VertexPN"
  [ ([t| Float3 |], "position")
  , ([t| Float3 |], "normal")

deriving instance Eq VertexPN
deriving instance Ord VertexPN

instance HasPositionAttribute VertexPN where
  vertexPositionAttribute _ = (0, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasNormalAttribute VertexPN where
  vertexNormalAttribute _ = (12, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance ColladaVertex VertexPN where
  createColladaVertices verticesData@ColladaVerticesData
    { cvdCount = count
    } = do
    positions <- cvdPositions verticesData
    normals <- cvdNormals verticesData
    return $ VG.generate count $ \i -> VertexPN
      { f_VertexPN_position = positions VG.! i
      , f_VertexPN_normal = normals VG.! i

genStruct "VertexPT"
  [ ([t| Float3 |], "position")
  , ([t| Float2 |], "texcoord")

deriving instance Eq VertexPT
deriving instance Ord VertexPT

instance HasPositionAttribute VertexPT where
  vertexPositionAttribute _ = (0, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasTexcoordAttribute VertexPT where
  vertexTexcoordAttribute _ = (12, AttributeVec2 AttributeFloat32)

instance ColladaVertex VertexPT where
  createColladaVertices verticesData@ColladaVerticesData
    { cvdCount = count
    } = do
    positions <- cvdPositions verticesData
    texcoords <- fallbackVertexData count (Vec2 0 0) <$> cvdTexcoords verticesData
    return $ VG.generate count $ \i -> VertexPT
      { f_VertexPT_position = positions VG.! i
      , f_VertexPT_texcoord = let Vec2 tx ty = texcoords VG.! i in Vec2 tx (1 - ty)

genStruct "VertexPNT"
  [ ([t| Float3 |], "position")
  , ([t| Float3 |], "normal")
  , ([t| Float2 |], "texcoord")

deriving instance Eq VertexPNT
deriving instance Ord VertexPNT

instance HasPositionAttribute VertexPNT where
  vertexPositionAttribute _ = (0, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasNormalAttribute VertexPNT where
  vertexNormalAttribute _ = (12, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasTexcoordAttribute VertexPNT where
  vertexTexcoordAttribute _ = (24, AttributeVec2 AttributeFloat32)

instance ColladaVertex VertexPNT where
  createColladaVertices verticesData@ColladaVerticesData
    { cvdCount = count
    } = do
    positions <- cvdPositions verticesData
    normals <- cvdNormals verticesData
    texcoords <- fallbackVertexData count (Vec2 0 0) <$> cvdTexcoords verticesData
    return $ VG.generate count $ \i -> VertexPNT
      { f_VertexPNT_position = positions VG.! i
      , f_VertexPNT_normal = normals VG.! i
      , f_VertexPNT_texcoord = let Vec2 tx ty = texcoords VG.! i in Vec2 tx (1 - ty)

genStruct "VertexPNTWB"
  [ ([t| Float3 |], "position")
  , ([t| Float3 |], "normal")
  , ([t| Float2 |], "texcoord")
  , ([t| Float4 |], "weights")
  , ([t| Word8_4 |], "bones")

deriving instance Eq VertexPNTWB
deriving instance Ord VertexPNTWB

instance HasPositionAttribute VertexPNTWB where
  vertexPositionAttribute _ = (0, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasNormalAttribute VertexPNTWB where
  vertexNormalAttribute _ = (12, AttributeVec3 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasTexcoordAttribute VertexPNTWB where
  vertexTexcoordAttribute _ = (24, AttributeVec2 AttributeFloat32)

instance HasWeightsBonesAttributes VertexPNTWB where
  vertexWeightsAttribute _ = (32, AttributeVec4 AttributeFloat32)
  vertexBonesAttribute _ = (48, AttributeVec4 AttributeUint8)

instance ColladaVertex VertexPNTWB where
  createColladaVertices verticesData@ColladaVerticesData
    { cvdCount = count
    } = do
    positions <- cvdPositions verticesData
    normals <- cvdNormals verticesData
    texcoords <- fallbackVertexData count (Vec2 0 0) <$> cvdTexcoords verticesData
    bones <- cvdBones verticesData
    weights <- cvdWeights verticesData
    return $ VG.generate count $ \i -> VertexPNTWB
      { f_VertexPNTWB_position = positions VG.! i
      , f_VertexPNTWB_normal = normals VG.! i
      , f_VertexPNTWB_texcoord = let Vec2 tx ty = texcoords VG.! i in Vec2 tx (1 - ty)
      , f_VertexPNTWB_bones = bones VG.! i
      , f_VertexPNTWB_weights = weights VG.! i