

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Visual.Pipeline.Shadow
Description: Shadow mapping.
License: MIT

module Flaw.Visual.Pipeline.Shadow
  ( ShadowPipeline(..)
  , newShadowPipeline
  , renderShadowPipelineShadowPass
  , shadowPipelineInput
  , ShadowBlurPipeline(..)
  , newShadowBlurPipeline
  , ShadowBlurerESM(..)
  , newShadowBlurerESM
  , renderShadowBlurerESM
  , shadowBlurerESMInput
  ) where

import Data.Default

import Flaw.Book
import Flaw.Graphics
import Flaw.Graphics.Program
import Flaw.Graphics.Sampler
import Flaw.Graphics.Texture
import Flaw.Math
import Flaw.Visual
import Flaw.Visual.ScreenQuad

-- | Sampler state used for sampling shadow values.
-- Uses border for getting "shadowed" values outside of shadow map.
shadowSamplerStateInfo :: Float -> SamplerStateInfo
shadowSamplerStateInfo border = def
  { samplerWrapU = SamplerWrapBorder
  , samplerWrapV = SamplerWrapBorder
  , samplerWrapW = SamplerWrapBorder
  , samplerBorderColor = vecFromScalar border

-- | Pipeline for casting shadows.
data ShadowPipeline d = ShadowPipeline
  { shadowPipelineWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , shadowPipelineHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
  , shadowPipelineShadowFB :: !(FrameBufferId d)
  , shadowPipelineShadowDSTT :: !(TextureId d)

newShadowPipeline :: Device d => d -> Int -> Int -> Float -> IO (ShadowPipeline d, IO ())
newShadowPipeline device width height nearDepth = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
  -- depth-stencil target
  (shadowDST, shadowDSTT) <- book bk $ createReadableDepthStencilTarget device width height $ shadowSamplerStateInfo nearDepth
  -- framebuffer
  shadowFB <- book bk $ createFrameBuffer device [] shadowDST

  return ShadowPipeline
    { shadowPipelineWidth = width
    , shadowPipelineHeight = height
    , shadowPipelineShadowFB = shadowFB
    , shadowPipelineShadowDSTT = shadowDSTT

renderShadowPipelineShadowPass :: Context c d => ShadowPipeline d -> Render c ()
renderShadowPipelineShadowPass ShadowPipeline
  { shadowPipelineWidth = width
  , shadowPipelineHeight = height
  , shadowPipelineShadowFB = frameBuffer
  } = do
  renderViewport $ Vec4 0 0 width height
  renderFrameBuffer frameBuffer
  renderDepthWrite True
  renderBlendState nullBlendState

-- | Sample shadow depth from sampler and return (depth from shadow map, light-space position z)
  :: Node Float4x4 -- ^ Transform from eye view space to shadow proj space.
  -> Node Float3 -- ^ View-space position.
  -> Int -- ^ Shadow map sampler index.
  -> Program (Node Float, Node Float)
shadowPipelineInput shadowTransform viewPosition samplerIndex = do
  -- get depth from shadow map
  shadowCoordH <- temp $ shadowTransform `mul` cvec31 viewPosition 1
  shadowCoord <- temp $ xyz__ shadowCoordH / www__ shadowCoordH
  shadowDepth <- temp $ normalizeSampledDepth $ sample (sampler2Df samplerIndex) (screenToTexture $ xy__ shadowCoord)
  return (shadowDepth, z_ shadowCoord)

-- | Pipeline for blurring shadows. Includes two 1-float rendertargets.
data ShadowBlurPipeline d = ShadowBlurPipeline
    shadowBlurPipelineFB1 :: !(FrameBufferId d)
  , shadowBlurPipelineRTT1 :: !(TextureId d)
  , shadowBlurPipelineFB2 :: !(FrameBufferId d)
  , shadowBlurPipelineRTT2 :: !(TextureId d)

newShadowBlurPipeline :: Device d => d -> Int -> Int -> IO (ShadowBlurPipeline d, IO ())
newShadowBlurPipeline device width height = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
    format = UncompressedTextureFormat
      { textureFormatComponents = PixelR
      , textureFormatValueType = PixelFloat
      , textureFormatPixelSize = Pixel32bit
      , textureFormatColorSpace = LinearColorSpace

  (rt1, rtt1) <- book bk $ createReadableRenderTarget device width height format $ shadowSamplerStateInfo 1e8
  (rt2, rtt2) <- book bk $ createReadableRenderTarget device width height format $ (shadowSamplerStateInfo 1e8)
    { samplerMinFilter = SamplerLinearFilter
    , samplerMagFilter = SamplerLinearFilter
  fb1 <- book bk $ createFrameBuffer device [rt1] nullDepthStencilTarget
  fb2 <- book bk $ createFrameBuffer device [rt2] nullDepthStencilTarget

  return ShadowBlurPipeline
    { shadowBlurPipelineFB1 = fb1
    , shadowBlurPipelineRTT1 = rtt1
    , shadowBlurPipelineFB2 = fb2
    , shadowBlurPipelineRTT2 = rtt2

-- | Helper object doing blurring using Exponential Shadow Maps method.
-- See "Rendering Filtered Shadows with Exponential Shadow Maps",
-- ShaderX 6, by Marco Salvi.
data ShadowBlurerESM d = ShadowBlurerESM
  { shadowBlurerESMProgram1 :: !(ProgramId d)
  , shadowBlurerESMProgram2 :: !(ProgramId d)

newShadowBlurerESM :: Device d
  => d -- ^ Device.
  -> Int -- ^ Half count of gaussian taps.
  -> (Node Float -> Node Float) -- ^ Function to convert homogeneous depth to linear depth.
  -> IO (ShadowBlurerESM d, IO ())
newShadowBlurerESM device tapsHalfCount homogeneousToLinear = withSpecialBook $ \bk -> do
    conv a b aw bw = a + log (constf aw + constf bw * exp (b - a))
    fold :: [(Node Float, Float)] -> Node Float
    fold [] = 0
    fold [(a, w)] = a + constf (log w)
    fold [(a, aw), (b, bw)] = conv a b aw bw
    fold ((a, aw) : (b, bw) : ts) = fold ((conv a b aw bw, 1) : ts)
    twoSideFold f = do
        weights = gaussianWeights tapsHalfCount
        halfWeights = take tapsHalfCount weights
        centerWeight = weights !! tapsHalfCount
      leftTaps <- mapM f [-tapsHalfCount .. -1]
      centerTap <- f 0
      rightTaps <- mapM f [tapsHalfCount, (tapsHalfCount - 1) .. 1]
      temp $ fold [(fold $ zip leftTaps halfWeights, 1), (centerTap, centerWeight), (fold $ zip rightTaps halfWeights, 1)]

  -- first pass converts homogeneous depths to linear and blurs them horizontally
  program1 <- book bk $ createProgram device $ screenQuadProgram $ \screenPositionTexcoord -> do
    blurred <- twoSideFold $ \i -> temp $ homogeneousToLinear $ normalizeSampledDepth $
      sampleOffset (sampler2Df 0) (zw__ screenPositionTexcoord) (cvec11 (fromIntegral i) 0)
    colorTarget 0 $ vecFromScalar blurred

  -- second pass blurs vertically
  program2 <- book bk $ createProgram device $ screenQuadProgram $ \screenPositionTexcoord -> do
    blurred <- twoSideFold $ \i -> temp $ sampleOffset (sampler2Df 0) (zw__ screenPositionTexcoord) (cvec11 0 (fromIntegral i))
    colorTarget 0 $ vecFromScalar blurred

  return ShadowBlurerESM
    { shadowBlurerESMProgram1 = program1
    , shadowBlurerESMProgram2 = program2

renderShadowBlurerESM :: Context c d => ShadowPipeline d -> ShadowBlurPipeline d -> ShadowBlurerESM d -> ScreenQuadRenderer d -> Render c ()
renderShadowBlurerESM ShadowPipeline
  { shadowPipelineWidth = width
  , shadowPipelineHeight = height
  , shadowPipelineShadowDSTT = shadowDSTT
  } ShadowBlurPipeline
  { shadowBlurPipelineFB1 = fb1
  , shadowBlurPipelineRTT1 = rtt1
  , shadowBlurPipelineFB2 = fb2
  } ShadowBlurerESM
  { shadowBlurerESMProgram1 = program1
  , shadowBlurerESMProgram2 = program2
  } screenQuadRenderer = renderScope $ do
  renderViewport $ Vec4 0 0 width height
  renderDepthTestFunc DepthTestFuncAlways
  renderDepthWrite False
  renderBlendState nullBlendState
  -- horizontal pass
  renderScope $ do
    renderFrameBuffer fb1
    renderSampler 0 shadowDSTT nullSamplerState
    renderProgram program1
    renderScreenQuad screenQuadRenderer
  -- vertical pass
  renderScope $ do
    renderFrameBuffer fb2
    renderSampler 0 rtt1 nullSamplerState
    renderProgram program2
    renderScreenQuad screenQuadRenderer

  :: Node Float4x4 -- ^ Transform from eye view space to shadow proj space.
  -> Node Float3 -- ^ View-space position.
  -> Int -- ^ Shadow map sampler index.
  -> (Node Float4 -> Node Float) -- ^ Function getting linear depth from proj coord.
  -> Program (Node Float)
shadowBlurerESMInput shadowTransform viewPosition samplerIndex projCoordToLinearDepth = do
  shadowCoordH <- temp $ shadowTransform `mul` cvec31 viewPosition 1
  shadowCoord <- temp $ xyz__ shadowCoordH / www__ shadowCoordH
  shadowDepth <- temp $ sample (sampler2Df samplerIndex) (screenToTexture $ xy__ shadowCoord)
  shadowCoordLinearDepth <- temp $ projCoordToLinearDepth shadowCoordH
  temp $ max_ 0 $ exp (min_ 0 $ (shadowCoordLinearDepth - shadowDepth) * constf 4) * cast (shadowCoordLinearDepth `less_` 0)