

Test Coverage
Module: Flaw.Window.Win32
Description: Win32 window framework.
License: MIT

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, PatternSynonyms, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}

module Flaw.Window.Win32
  ( Win32WindowSystem()
  , Win32Window(..)
  , runWin32WindowSystem
  , createWin32Window
  , createLayeredWin32Window
  , updateLayeredWin32Window
  , invokeWin32WindowSystem
  , invokeWin32WindowSystem_
  , addWin32WindowCallback
  , chanWin32WindowMessages
  , getWin32WindowClientSize_unsafe
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as T
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable

import Flaw.Exception
import Flaw.Window
import Flaw.FFI.Win32

newtype Win32WindowSystem = Win32WindowSystem
  { wsHandle :: Ptr () -- ^ Opaque handle for C side.

data Win32Window = Win32Window
  { wWindowSystem :: !Win32WindowSystem
  , wHandle :: {-# UNPACK #-} !HWND
  , wCallback :: !(FunPtr WindowCallback)
  , wUserCallbacksRef :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef [WindowCallback])
  , wMessagesChan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TChan (Word, WPARAM, LPARAM))
  , wEventsChan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(TChan WindowEvent)

instance Window Win32Window where
  setWindowTitle Win32Window { wWindowSystem = ws, wHandle = hwnd } title = invokeWin32WindowSystem_ ws $
    withCWString (T.unpack title) $ \titleCString ->
      c_setWin32WindowTitle hwnd titleCString
  getWindowClientSize window@Win32Window
    { wWindowSystem = ws
    } = invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ getWin32WindowClientSize_unsafe window
  chanWindowEvents Win32Window
    { wEventsChan = eventsChan
    } = dupTChan eventsChan
  getWindowClipboardText Win32Window
    { wWindowSystem = ws
    , wHandle = hwnd
    } = invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $
    alloca $ \memPtr -> alloca $ \lenPtr -> do
      strPtr <- c_getClipboardTextBegin hwnd memPtr lenPtr
      if strPtr /= nullPtr then do
        len <- peek lenPtr
        text <- T.fromPtr strPtr $ fromIntegral len
        c_getClipboardTextEnd =<< peek memPtr
        return text
      else return T.empty
  setWindowClipboardText Win32Window
    { wWindowSystem = ws
    , wHandle = hwnd
    } text = invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ do
    let len = T.lengthWord16 text
    allocaArray (len + 1) $ \ptr -> do
      T.unsafeCopyToPtr text ptr
      pokeElemOff ptr len 0
      c_setClipboardText hwnd ptr
  setWindowMouseCursor Win32Window
    { wWindowSystem = ws
    , wHandle = hwnd
    } mouseCursor = invokeWin32WindowSystem_ ws $ c_setMouseCursor hwnd $ fromIntegral $ fromEnum mouseCursor
  setWindowMouseLock Win32Window
    { wWindowSystem = ws
    , wHandle = hwnd
    } mouseLock = invokeWin32WindowSystem_ ws $ c_setMouseLock hwnd (if mouseLock then 1 else 0)

-- | Run Win32 window system.
runWin32WindowSystem :: MVar (Win32WindowSystem, IO ()) -> IO ()
runWin32WindowSystem resultVar = do
  -- initialize window system, get handle
  h <- c_initWin32WindowSystem
  -- create shutdown var
  shutdownVar <- newEmptyMVar
  -- return result in var
    ws = Win32WindowSystem
      { wsHandle = h
    shutdown = do
      -- send a message to stop window loop
      invokeWin32WindowSystem_ ws c_stopWin32WindowSystem
      -- wait for actual completion
      readMVar shutdownVar
  putMVar resultVar (ws, shutdown)
  -- run window system
  c_runWin32WindowSystem h
  -- free resources
  c_shutdownWin32WindowSystem h
  -- signal end
  putMVar shutdownVar ()

createWin32Window :: Win32WindowSystem -> T.Text -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> IO (Win32Window, IO ())
createWin32Window ws title maybePosition maybeSize = internalCreateWin32Window ws title maybePosition maybeSize False

createLayeredWin32Window :: Win32WindowSystem -> T.Text -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> IO (Win32Window, IO ())
createLayeredWin32Window ws title maybePosition maybeSize = internalCreateWin32Window ws title maybePosition maybeSize True

internalCreateWin32Window :: Win32WindowSystem -> T.Text -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Bool -> IO (Win32Window, IO ())
internalCreateWin32Window ws title maybePosition maybeSize layered = do
  w <- invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ mfix $ \w -> do
    -- create callback
    userCallbacksRef <- newIORef []
    messagesChan <- newBroadcastTChanIO
    eventsChan <- newBroadcastTChanIO
    callback <- wrapWindowCallback $ \msg wParam lParam -> do
      -- run sync callbacks
      userCallbacks <- readIORef userCallbacksRef
      forM_ userCallbacks $ \callback -> callback msg wParam lParam
      -- dispatch raw message
      atomically $ writeTChan messagesChan (msg, wParam, lParam)
      -- dispatch event
        maybeEvent = case msg of
          0x0002 {- WM_DESTROY -} -> Just DestroyWindowEvent
          0x0005 {- WM_SIZE -} -> Just $ ResizeWindowEvent (fromIntegral $ loWord lParam) (fromIntegral $ hiWord lParam)
          0x0010 {- WM_CLOSE -} -> Just CloseWindowEvent
          _ -> Nothing
      case maybeEvent of
        Just event -> atomically $ writeTChan eventsChan event
        Nothing -> return ()
      -- process some other messages
      case msg of
        0x0002 -> -- WM_DESTROY
          -- free callback
          freeHaskellFunPtr $ wCallback w
        _ -> return ()
      (left, top) = fromMaybe (CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT) maybePosition
      (width, height) = fromMaybe (CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT) maybeSize
    -- create window
    hwnd <- withCWString (T.unpack title) $ \titleCString ->
      c_createWin32Window (wsHandle ws) titleCString left top width height callback (if layered then 1 else 0)
    when (hwnd == nullPtr) $ throwIO $ DescribeFirstException "cannot create Win32Window"
    return Win32Window
      { wWindowSystem = ws
      , wHandle = hwnd
      , wCallback = callback
      , wUserCallbacksRef = userCallbacksRef
      , wMessagesChan = messagesChan
      , wEventsChan = eventsChan
  return (w, invokeWin32WindowSystem_ ws $ c_destroyWin32Window $ wHandle w)

updateLayeredWin32Window :: Win32Window -> IO ()
updateLayeredWin32Window w = invokeWin32WindowSystem_ (wWindowSystem w) $ c_updateLayeredWin32Window $ wHandle w

invokeWithMaybeResultVar :: Maybe (MVar (Either SomeException a)) -> Win32WindowSystem -> IO a -> IO ()
invokeWithMaybeResultVar maybeResultVar ws io = do
  -- create callback
  invokeCallback <- mfix $ \invokeCallback -> wrapInvokeCallback $ do
    -- run IO with exception propagation
    result <- try io
    case maybeResultVar of
      Just resultVar -> putMVar resultVar result
      Nothing -> return ()
    -- free fun ptr
    freeHaskellFunPtr invokeCallback
  -- do invoke
  c_invokeWin32WindowSystem (wsHandle ws) invokeCallback

-- | Invoke function in window system thread.
-- Do not wait for the result.
invokeWin32WindowSystem_ :: Win32WindowSystem -> IO () -> IO ()
invokeWin32WindowSystem_ = invokeWithMaybeResultVar Nothing

-- | Invoke function in window system thread.
-- Wait for the result.
invokeWin32WindowSystem :: Win32WindowSystem -> IO a -> IO a
invokeWin32WindowSystem ws io = do
  resultVar <- newEmptyMVar
  invokeWithMaybeResultVar (Just resultVar) ws io
  result <- takeMVar resultVar
  case result of
    Left e -> throwIO e
    Right r -> return r

addWin32WindowCallback :: Win32Window -> WindowCallback -> IO ()
addWin32WindowCallback Win32Window
  { wWindowSystem = ws
  , wUserCallbacksRef = userCallbacksRef
  } callback = invokeWin32WindowSystem ws $ do
  callbacks <- readIORef userCallbacksRef
  writeIORef userCallbacksRef $ callback : callbacks

chanWin32WindowMessages :: Win32Window -> STM (TChan (Word, WPARAM, LPARAM))
chanWin32WindowMessages Win32Window
  { wMessagesChan = messagesChan
  } = dupTChan messagesChan

-- | Get window size, no syncronization.
getWin32WindowClientSize_unsafe :: Win32Window -> IO (Int, Int)
getWin32WindowClientSize_unsafe Win32Window
  { wHandle = hwnd
  } = alloca $ \widthPtr -> alloca $ \heightPtr -> do
  c_getWin32WindowClientSize hwnd widthPtr heightPtr
  width <- peek widthPtr
  height <- peek heightPtr
  return (fromIntegral width, fromIntegral height)

-- foreign imports

foreign import ccall safe "initWin32WindowSystem" c_initWin32WindowSystem :: IO (Ptr ())
foreign import ccall safe "runWin32WindowSystem" c_runWin32WindowSystem :: Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "shutdownWin32WindowSystem" c_shutdownWin32WindowSystem :: Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "stopWin32WindowSystem" c_stopWin32WindowSystem :: IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "invokeWin32WindowSystem" c_invokeWin32WindowSystem :: Ptr () -> FunPtr InvokeCallback -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "createWin32Window" c_createWin32Window
  :: Ptr () -- window system handle
  -> LPWSTR -- title
  -> Int -> Int -- x y
  -> Int -> Int -- width height
  -> FunPtr WindowCallback -- callback
  -> Int -- layered
  -> IO HWND -- HWND
foreign import ccall unsafe "setWin32WindowTitle" c_setWin32WindowTitle :: HWND -> LPWSTR -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "getWin32WindowClientSize" c_getWin32WindowClientSize :: HWND -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "destroyWin32Window" c_destroyWin32Window :: HWND -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "getClipboardTextBegin" c_getClipboardTextBegin :: HWND -> Ptr HANDLE -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr WCHAR)
foreign import ccall unsafe "getClipboardTextEnd" c_getClipboardTextEnd :: HANDLE -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "setClipboardText" c_setClipboardText :: HWND -> Ptr WCHAR -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "setWin32WindowMouseCursor" c_setMouseCursor :: HWND -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "setWin32WindowMouseLock" c_setMouseLock :: HWND -> CInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "updateLayeredWin32Window" c_updateLayeredWin32Window :: HWND -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "getLayeredWin32WindowBitmapData" c_getLayeredWin32WindowBitmapData :: HWND -> Ptr (Ptr CUChar) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- wrappers

type InvokeCallback = IO ()
foreign import ccall "wrapper" wrapInvokeCallback :: InvokeCallback -> IO (FunPtr InvokeCallback)

type WindowCallback = Word -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "wrapper" wrapWindowCallback :: WindowCallback -> IO (FunPtr WindowCallback)

-- constants

pattern CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000