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# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 r3w0p
# The following code can be redistributed and/or
# modified under the terms of the MIT License.

A run.

from threading import RLock
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List

from bobocep import BoboError
from bobocep.cep.engine.decider.runserial import BoboRunSerial
from bobocep.cep.event import BoboHistory, BoboEvent
from bobocep.cep.phenom.pattern.pattern import BoboPattern, \
    BoboPatternBlock, BoboPredicate

_EXC_RUN_ID_LEN = "run ID must have a length greater than 0"
_EXC_PHENOM_LEN = "phenomenon name must have a length greater than 0"
_EXC_INDEX = "block index must be greater than 1"
_EXC_HISTORY_LEN = "history must have at least 1 event"

class BoboRunError(BoboError):
    A run error.

class BoboRun:
    A run that tracks the progress of a partially completed complex event.

    def __init__(self,
                 run_id: str,
                 phenomenon_name: str,
                 pattern: BoboPattern,
                 block_index: int,
                 history: BoboHistory):
        :param run_id: An ID for the run.
        :param phenomenon_name: A phenomenon name associated with the run.
        :param pattern: A pattern associated with the run.
        :param block_index: An index which indicates where in the pattern
            to start the run.
        :param history: A history of events for the run.

        :raises BoboRunError: Run ID length is equal to 0.
        :raises BoboRunError: Process name length is equal to 0.
        :raises BoboRunError: Block index is less than 1.
        :raises BoboRunError: History does not have enough events in it
            to cover all blocks up to the block index.
        self._lock: RLock = RLock()

        if len(run_id) == 0:
            raise BoboRunError(_EXC_RUN_ID_LEN)

        if len(phenomenon_name) == 0:
            raise BoboRunError(_EXC_PHENOM_LEN)

        if block_index < 1:
            raise BoboRunError(_EXC_INDEX)

        if history.size() < 1:
            raise BoboRunError(_EXC_HISTORY_LEN)

        self._run_id: str = run_id
        self._phenomenon_name: str = phenomenon_name
        self._pattern: BoboPattern = pattern
        self._block_index: int = block_index
        self._history: BoboHistory = history
        self._halted: bool = self.is_complete()

    def run_id(self) -> str:
        :return: The run ID.
        return self._run_id

    def phenomenon_name(self) -> str:
        :return: The phenomenon name associated with the run.
        return self._phenomenon_name

    def pattern(self) -> BoboPattern:
        :return: The pattern associated with the run.
        return self._pattern

    def block_index(self) -> int:
        :return: The current block index of the run.
        with self._lock:
            return self._block_index

    def set_block(self, block_index: int, history: BoboHistory) -> None:
        Updates the run's block to a new index and history.

        :param block_index: The new block index.
        :param history: The new history.

        :raises: BoboRunError: New block index is less than 1.
        :raises: BoboRunError: New history does not have enough events in it
            to cover all blocks up to the new block index.
        with self._lock:
            if block_index < 1:
                raise BoboRunError(_EXC_INDEX.format)

            self._block_index = block_index
            self._history = history

    def history(self) -> BoboHistory:
        :return: The run history.
        with self._lock:
            return self._history

    def is_complete(self) -> bool:
        :return: True if run is completed; False otherwise.
        with self._lock:
            return self._block_index > len(self.pattern.blocks) - 1

    def is_halted(self) -> bool:
        :return: True if run has halted; False otherwise.
        with self._lock:
            return self._halted

    def serialize(self) -> BoboRunSerial:
        :return: A serializable representation of the run.

        with self._lock:
            return BoboRunSerial(

    def halt(self) -> None:
        Halts the run.
        with self._lock:
            self._halted = True

    def process(self, event: BoboEvent) -> bool:
        :param event: An event for the run to process.
        :return: `True` if the event caused a state change in the run;
            `False` otherwise.
        # True if state change occurred; False otherwise.
        # E.g. accepted event, changed block, completed, halted.
        with self._lock:
            # Do not process if the run has already finished
            if self._halted:
                return False

            # Halt if run does not match against all preconditions
            if len(self.pattern.preconditions) > 0:
                if not all([precon.evaluate(event, self._history)
                            for precon in self.pattern.preconditions]):
                    self._halted = True
                    return True

            # Halt if run matches against any haltconditions
            if len(self.pattern.haltconditions) > 0:
                if any([haltcon.evaluate(event, self._history)
                        for haltcon in self.pattern.haltconditions]):
                    self._halted = True
                    return True

            temp_index = self._block_index
            block: BoboPatternBlock = self.pattern.blocks[temp_index]

            if block.loop:
                return self._process_loop(event, block, temp_index)
                return self._process_not_loop(event, block, temp_index)

    def _process_loop(self,
                      event: BoboEvent,
                      block: BoboPatternBlock,
                      temp_index: int) -> bool:
        Process a block that loops.

        :param event: An event.
        :param block: The block to process.
        :param temp_index: Temporary index used during processing.

        :return: `True` if halted; `False` otherwise.
        match = self._is_match(event, block.predicates)

        if match:
            self._add_event(event, block)
            return True
            # Looping block can be neither negated nor optional.
            if block.strict:
                self._halted = True
                return True
                # Looping block cannot be the final state.
                temp_index += 1
                block = self.pattern.blocks[temp_index]
                if block.loop:
                    return self._process_loop(event, block, temp_index)
                    return self._process_not_loop(event, block, temp_index)

    def _process_not_loop(self,
                          event: BoboEvent,
                          block: BoboPatternBlock,
                          temp_index: int) -> bool:
        Process a block that does not loop.

        :param event: An event.
        :param block: The block to process.
        :param temp_index: Temporary index used during processing.

        :return: `True` if halted; `False` otherwise.
        # Non-looping block cannot be both negated and optional.
        match = self._is_match(event, block.predicates)

        if block.negated:
            if match:
                # Negated predicate happened: failure.
                if block.strict:
                    self._halted = True
                    return True
                return False
                # Negated predicate did not happen: success.
                self._move_forward(event, block, temp_index)
                return True

        elif block.optional:
            # Strict block cannot be optional.
            if match:
                # Optional block consumes event.
                self._move_forward(event, block, temp_index)
                return True
                # Try event against next block.
                temp_index += 1
                block = self.pattern.blocks[temp_index]
                if block.loop:
                    return self._process_loop(event, block, temp_index)
                    return self._process_not_loop(event, block, temp_index)
            if match:
                self._move_forward(event, block, temp_index)
                return True
                if block.strict:
                    self._halted = True
                    return True
                return False

    def _is_match(self,
                  event: BoboEvent,
                  predicates: Tuple[BoboPredicate, ...]) -> bool:
        :param event: An event.
        :param predicates: Predicates to match against.

        :return: `True` if the event matches any predicate;
            `False` otherwise.
        return any(predicate.evaluate(event, self._history)
                   for predicate in predicates)

    def _add_event(self, event: BoboEvent, block: BoboPatternBlock) -> None:
        :param event: Event to add to history.
        :param block: Block to determine which group to add event to
            in the history.
        newevents: Dict[str, List[BoboEvent]] = self._history.events

        if block.group not in newevents:
            newevents[block.group] = []

        self._history = BoboHistory(events=newevents)

    def _move_forward(self,
                      event: BoboEvent,
                      block: BoboPatternBlock,
                      temp_index: int) -> None:
        Move run forward to a new block.

        :param event: An event.
        :param block: A block.
        :param temp_index: Temporary index used during processing.
        self._add_event(event, block)
        self._block_index = temp_index + 1
        self._halted = self.is_complete()