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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 r3w0p
# The following code can be redistributed and/or
# modified under the terms of the MIT License.

A predicate tested against an event that must evaluate to `True` for the
event to be accepted as being part of the manifestation of a complex event.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from inspect import signature
from types import MethodType
from typing import Callable

from bobocep import BoboError
from bobocep.cep.event import BoboEvent, BoboHistory

EXC_INVALID_PARAM = "call must have {} parameters, found {}"

class BoboPredicateError(BoboError):
    A predicate error.

class BoboPredicate(ABC):
    A predicate that evaluates to either True or False.

    def evaluate(self,
                 event: BoboEvent,
                 history: BoboHistory) -> bool:
        Evaluates the predicate.

        :param event: An event.
        :type event: BoboEvent

        :param history: A history of events.
        :type history: BoboHistory

        :return: True if the predicate evaluates to True,
                 False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool

class BoboPredicateCall(BoboPredicate):
    A predicate that evaluates using a custom function or method
    (i.e. a 'callable').

    def __init__(self, call: Callable):
        :param call: The callable to use for evaluating the predicate.

        len_param_call = len(signature(call).parameters)

        if len_param_call != LEN_PARAM_CALL:
            raise BoboPredicateError(
                EXC_INVALID_PARAM.format(LEN_PARAM_CALL, len_param_call))

        self._call = call

        # Prevent garbage collection of object if callable is a method.
        self._obj = call.__self__ if isinstance(call, MethodType) else None

    def evaluate(self, event: BoboEvent, history: BoboHistory) -> bool:
        :param event: The event used for evaluation.
        :param history: The history of currently accepted events.
        :return: `True` if predicate is satisfied; `False` otherwise.
        return self._call(event, history)

class BoboPredicateCallType(BoboPredicateCall):
    A predicate that evaluates using a custom function or method after
    first checking whether the event data is an instance of a given type.
    If it is not, then a cast to the type can be attempted and a **copy of
    the event** is passed with its data cast to the type.

    **Note**: the copy is only used **within the predicate callable**.
    The original event remains in use elsewhere.

    def __init__(self,
                 call: Callable,
                 dtype: type,
                 subtype: bool = True,
                 cast: bool = True):
        :param call: The callable to use for evaluating the predicate.
        :param dtype: The data type to use for evaluation.
        :param subtype: If `True`, the event's data can be a subtype of
            the type specified in `dtype`.
            If `False`, it must be exactly the type in `dtype`.
        :param cast: If `True`, and if the event's data is not the expected
            type, then an attempt is made to cast it to `dtype`.
            If `False`, no attempt is made to cast the event's data.

        self._dtype: type = dtype
        self._subtype: bool = subtype
        self._cast: bool = cast

    def evaluate(self, event: BoboEvent, history: BoboHistory) -> bool:
        :param event: The event used for evaluation.
        :param history: The history of currently accepted events.
        :return: `True` if predicate is satisfied; `False` otherwise.
        ok_type: bool = True

        if self._subtype:
            # Checking type and subtypes
            if not isinstance(event.data, self._dtype):
                ok_type = False
            # Checking exact type only
            if not type(event.data) == self._dtype:
                ok_type = False

        if not ok_type:
            if self._cast:
                # Type does not match, attempting cast
                    event = event.cast(self._dtype)

                except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    # Cast failed
                    return False
                # Not attempting cast
                return False

        # Type match or successful cast
        return self._call(event, history)