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Getting Started

Complex Event Processing

The primary goal of :code:`BoboCEP` is to take streaming data that enters a
system in a serialised and uncorrelated manner (i.e., **simple events**),
and detect temporal **patterns** using it to infer the occurrence of some
higher-level **phenomenon**.
A **complex event** may be generated if a pattern of a phenomenon is fulfilled
with relevant data.
See `Phenomena <phenomena.html>`_ for more information.

On pattern fulfilment, an **action** may be taken in response which, in turn,
leads to the generation of an **action event** representing what happened
during action execution and whether it was successfully executed.
See `Actions <actions.html>`_ for more information.

Complex events and action events are added back into the system's data stream,
where they can be used for use in future pattern detection.
See the `Glossary <glossary.html>`_ for definitions of any unfamiliar


An office may wish to detect the phenomenon of an office fire through various
data patterns that could infer its occurrence. Patterns may include:

#. A sharp rise in temperature sensor readings, followed by smoke detection
   within 1 minute of the rise in temperature.
#. Significant movement away from working spaces and towards the fire exit.
#. Or, it may simply be the pressing of the fire alarm, with no further
   correlations necessary.

When any of these patterns are fulfilled by the expected data, a number of
actions may be triggered as a response: fire alarms sound, sprinklers are
activated, and so on.

BoboCEP Architecture

The architecture of :code:`BoboCEP` is based on the
*information flow processing* (IFP) architecture proposed by [CM2012]_.
This architecture is extended by enabling state updates to be synchronised
across multiple instances of :code:`BoboCEP` across a network for fault

.. figure:: ./_static/img/architecture.png
   :alt: Architecture

   :code:`BoboCEP` architecture and external systems.
   Subsystems within dashed border are the core subsystems for a given
   :code:`BoboCEP` instance.
   Dotted arrows represent data exchange to and from external systems
   (blue, grey).


:code:`BoboCEP` is powered by a :code:`BoboEngine` instance, which maintains
data flow by sequentially executing its IFP subsystems in a round-robin
fashion, as follows:

#. The Receiver processes data entering the system, ensuring all data leaving
   the Receiver is a :code:`BoboEvent` instance.
#. The Decider checks each event against its patterns: instantiating, halting,
   advancing, and completing runs as necessary.
#. The Producer generates a :code:`BoboEventComplex` instance for a newly
   completed run, which is also sent to the Receiver.
#. The Forwarder executes the complex event's corresponding action and
   generates a :code:`BoboEventAction` instance once it has finished,
   which is also sent to the Receiver.

The subsystems are discussed in more detail below.


The Receiver is the entry point for data into the system.
Its purpose is to validate incoming data and then format it into a
**simple event**.
It also consumes **complex events** and **action events** and introduces
these event types into the data stream.

- Data of :code:`Any` type enters :code:`BoboReceiver` via the
  :code:`add_data` method.
- If the data is an instance of type :code:`BoboEvent`, then it is passed to
  :code:`BoboDecider` as-is.
- Otherwise, Receiver will wrap the data in a new :code:`BoboEventSimple`
  instance :code:`e`, where :code:`e.data` is the data passed via
  :code:`add_data`, and will send :code:`e` to Decider instead.
- A :code:`BoboValidator` instance is provided to the Receiver to ensure that
  all data must pass some validation criteria in order to be accepted by the
  For example, :code:`BoboValidatorJSONable` ensures all data are valid JSON.
  This validator is essential when using Distributed :code:`BoboCEP` to
  ensure all data in the system are serialisable.
  See `Distributed <distributed.html>`_ for more information.


The Decider manages **runs**, which represent instances of **patterns** that
require data to fulfil its **predicates**.
Once its predicates have been satisfied by a sequence of applicable events,
the run is completed.

- A :code:`BoboPhenomenon` contains one or more :code:`BoboPattern` instances
  and a :code:`BoboAction` instance.
- A :code:`BoboRun` is created when the first predicate of a
  :code:`BoboPattern` is satisfied with some :code:`BoboEvent`.
- Once a run has had its final predicate satisfied, Producer is notified.


The Producer generates a **complex event** when it receives notification from
the Decider that a run has completed.
The complex event is considered as a representation of a phenomenon that has
been observed, as per the fulfilment of its pattern via the completed run.

- When a Run has completed, :code:`BoboProducer` will produce a
  :code:`BoboEventComplex` instance, indicating the observation of the
  phenomenon that the pattern is evidence of.

- The Producer passes the complex event to Forwarder, in order to trigger the
  phenomenon's corresponding :code:`BoboActon`.
  It also passes the complex event to Receiver, which adds it to the data


The Forwarder triggers actions passed to it by Producer and executes them.
This may involve communication with external services.
Each action leads to the generation of an **action event** that details what
occurred during action execution.

- :code:`BoboForwarder` checks the complex event against its phenomenon to
  determine which action it needs to execute, if any.

- It executes the action and produces a corresponding :code:`BoboEventAction`
  that contains reference to the complex event which led to its execution.

- The :code:`BoboEventAction` is passed to the Receiver and added to the data


:code:`BoboCEP` is able to be executed across multiple software instances
and remain synchronised, such that each instance maintains an identical copy
of system state through active replication.
See `Distributed <distributed.html>`_ for more information.

Quick Start

The key components to getting started with :code:`BoboCEP` are as follows.

#. Define the `Phenomena <phenomena.html>`_ that you would like to model by
   defining one or more patterns per phenomenon. Use :code:`BoboPatternBuilder`
   for defining patterns to make things much easier.

#. Define `Actions <actions.html>`_ that should be executed if a phenomenon
   were to be triggered. Allocate an action to a phenomenon if you wish, or
   leave it blank.

#. Decide whether you want BoboCEP to be `Distributed <distributed.html>`_ or
   not, and use one of the setup classes to help with setting up the system
   engine and all of its components: :code:`BoboSetupSimple` and
   :code:`BoboSetupSimpleDistributed` are provided for these purposes.

Check out the `Examples <examples.html>`_ page for various ways to
set up :code:`BoboCEP` and connect it to external systems (e.g., Flask).

To explore the API in more detail, see `Source Code <source_code.html>`_.

Why "Bobo"?

Bobo is the name of Mr Burns' childhood teddy bear that features in the episode
"`Rosebud  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosebud_(The_Simpsons)>`_"
of The Simpsons.


.. [CM2012]
    Cugola, G., & Margara, A. (2012).
    `Processing flows of information: From data stream to complex event processing
    *ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)*, *44*\(3), 15.