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Test Coverage

Method buildFileMenu has 26 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    private static Menu buildFileMenu() {
        return new MenuBuilder().withName("File").withVisible(true)
                .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("NEW").withName("New").withVisible(true).build())
                .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("OPEN").withName("Open Designer File...").withVisible(true)

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

        private static Menu buildInsertMenu() {
            return new MenuBuilder().withName("Insert").withVisible(true)
                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("INSERT_PAGE").withName("Insert Page").withVisible(true).build())
                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("REMOVE_PAGE").withName("Remove Page").withVisible(true).build())
    src/main/java/org/pdf/forms/model/configuration/MenuConfiguration.java on lines 101..106

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 53.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

        private static Menu buildHelpMenu() {
            return new MenuBuilder().withName("Help").withVisible(true)
                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("WEBSITE").withName("Visit Website").withVisible(true).build())
                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("ABOUT").withName("About").withVisible(true).build())
    src/main/java/org/pdf/forms/model/configuration/MenuConfiguration.java on lines 27..32

    Duplicated Code

    Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

    Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


    This issue has a mass of 53.

    We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

    The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

    If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

    See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


    Further Reading

    Wrong lexicographical order for 'jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement' import. Should be before 'org.pdf.forms.readers.configuration.MenuConfigurationBuilder'.

    import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

    Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 116).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("SAVE_FILE").withName("Save Designer File").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 118).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("WEBSITE").withName("Visit Website").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 106).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("EXIT").withName("Exit").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 108).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("ALIGN").withName("Align").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 115).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("SCRIPT_EDITOR").withName("Script Editor").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Extra separation in import group before 'jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement'

    import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

    Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 120).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("REMOVE_PAGE").withName("Remove Page").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 104).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("NEW").withName("New").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 117).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("BRING_TO_FRONT").withName("Bring To Front").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 105).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("RECENT_OPEN").withName("Recently Designer Files")

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Extra separation in import group before 'org.pdf.forms.readers.configuration.ItemBuilder'

    import org.pdf.forms.readers.configuration.ItemBuilder;

    Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 120).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("INSERT_PAGE").withName("Insert Page").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 110).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("LAYOUT").withName("Layout").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 110).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("BORDER").withName("Border").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 110).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("OBJECT").withName("Object").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Parameter name 'o' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.

        public boolean equals(final Object o) {

    Checks that method parameter names conform to a specified pattern.By using accessModifiers property it is possibleto specify different formats for methods at different visibility levels.

    To validate catch parameters please useCatchParameterName.

    To validate lambda parameters please useLambdaParameterName.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 117).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("SEND_BACKWARDS").withName("Send Backwards").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 118).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("IMPORT").withName("Import PDF Documents...").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 115).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("RECENT_IMPORT").withName("Recently Imported PDF Documents")

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 119).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("PUBLISH").withName("Publish PDF Document...").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 112).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("LIBRARY").withName("Library").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 118).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("PROPERTIES").withName("Properties").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Wrong lexicographical order for 'jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType' import. Should be before 'org.pdf.forms.readers.configuration.MenuConfigurationBuilder'.

    import jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;

    Checks that the groups of import declarations appear in the order specifiedby the user. If there is an import but its group is not specified in theconfiguration such an import should be placed at the end of the import list.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 112).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("UNGROUP").withName("Ungroup").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 114).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("OPEN").withName("Open Designer File...").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 106).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("FONT").withName("Font").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 107).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("SAVE_FILE_AS").withName("Save Designer File As...")

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 108).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("ABOUT").withName("About").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 117).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("BRING_FORWARDS").withName("Bring Forwards").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 114).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("TOOLBARS").withName("Toolbars").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 108).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("GROUP").withName("Group").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 113).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("SEND_TO_BACK").withName("Send To Back").withVisible(true)

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 111).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("CLOSE").withName("Close...").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 116).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("HIERARCHY").withName("Hierarchy").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 116).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("PARAGRAPH").withName("Paragraph").withVisible(true).build())

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    Line is longer than 100 characters (found 104).

                    .addItem(new ItemBuilder().withCommand("FONT_MANAGEMENT").withName("Font Management...")

    Checks for long lines.

    Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developershave limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDEdisplays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,etc.

    This documentation is written and maintained by the Checkstyle community and is covered under the same license as the Checkstyle project.

    There are no issues that match your filters.
