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Test Coverage
 * Copyright 2020 Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

// @ts-ignore
import * as HDKey from 'hdkey'
import * as brorand from 'brorand'
import * as secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'
import { keccak256 } from 'js-sha3'
import { CryptUtil } from './interface/crypt-util'

export class LocalCryptUtils implements CryptUtil {
  private _hdkey: HDKey

   * Shows what kind of cryptographic algorithm is
   * using this instance.
   * @return string
  get algorithmName (): string {
    return 'secp256k1'

   * Creates the master private key, which can be exported for local storage
  public createMasterPrivateKey (): void {
    this._hdkey = HDKey.fromMasterSeed(brorand(32))
    if (!this._hdkey) {
      throw new Error('Could not create master private key')

   * Exports the master private key
   * @return string the private key
  public exportMasterPrivateKey (): string {
    return this._hdkey.privateExtendedKey

   * Imports a master private extended key
   * @param privExtKey the key to be imported
  public importMasterPrivateKey (privExtKey: string): void {
    this._hdkey = HDKey.fromExtendedKey(privExtKey)

   * Derives the corresponding private key for this specific account(id) and key(id)
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @return string the new derived private key
  public derivePrivateKey (account: number, keyId: number): string {
    return this._hdkey.derive(this.getPath(account, keyId)).privateKey.toString('hex')

   * Derives the corresponding public key for his specific account(id) and key(id)
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @return string the new derived public key (prefixed with 0x)
  public derivePublicKey (account: number, keyId: number): string {
    // hdkey only returns public key in compressed format. secp256k1 allows for uncompressed format, which we need.
    // The first byte must be stripped off
    const pubKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(this._hdkey.derive(this.getPath(account, keyId)).privateKey, false).slice(-64)
    return pubKey.toString('hex')

   * Derives the corresponding address for this specific account(id) and key(id)
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @return string the new derived address key, prefixed with 0x
  public deriveAddress (account: number, keyId: number): string {
    // hdkey only returns public key in compressed format. secp256k1 allows for uncompressed format, which we need.
    // The first byte must be stripped off
    const pubKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(this._hdkey.derive(this.getPath(account, keyId)).privateKey, false).slice(-64)
    return this.toChecksumAddress(keccak256(pubKey).slice(-40))

   * Computes an address out of an uncompressed public key
   * @param publicKey the full, uncompressed public key
   * @return string the new derived address key, prefixed with 0x
  public getAddressFromPubKey (publicKey: string): string {
    return this.toChecksumAddress(keccak256(Buffer.from(publicKey, 'hex')).slice(-40))

   * Derives the corresponding public extended key for his specific account(id) and key(id) using accountid and keyid
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @return string the new derived public extended key
  public derivePublicExtendedKey (account: number, keyId: number): string {
    return this._hdkey.derive(this.getPath(account, keyId)).publicExtendedKey

   * Derives the corresponding public extended key for his specific path
   * @param path the literal hdkey path
   * @return string the new derived public extended key
  public derivePublicExtendedKeyFromPath (path: string): string {
    return this._hdkey.derive(path).publicExtendedKey

   * Derives the corresponding private extended key for his specific path
   * @param path the literal hdkey path
   * @return string the new derived private extended key
  public derivePrivateKeyFromPath (path: string): string {
    return this._hdkey.derive(path).privateKey.toString('hex')

   * Signs a certain payload with the corresponding key for this specific account(id) and key(id)
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @param payload the payload which will be signed
   * @return string the signature
  public signPayload (account: number, keyId: number, payload: string): string {
    const childHdkey = this._hdkey.derive(this.getPath(account, keyId))
    const hashBuf = Buffer.from(keccak256.digest(payload))
    return childHdkey.sign(hashBuf).toString('hex')

   * Verifies that the signature over a payload is set by the owner of the publicKey
   * @param payload the payload which will be signed
   * @param publicKey the public key from the signer
   * @param signature the signature from the signer
   * @return boolean whether the payload is valid or not
  public verifyPayload (payload: string, publicKey: string, signature: string): boolean {
    const hash = Buffer.from(keccak256.digest(payload))
    const signatureBuf = Buffer.from(signature, 'hex')
    const buf = Buffer.from(('04' + publicKey.replace(/^0x/, '')), 'hex')
    return secp256k1.verify(hash, signatureBuf, buf)

   * Determine the correct getPath for Ethereum like key
   * for this specific account(id) and key(id)
   * @param account the account ID
   * @param keyId the key ID
   * @return string the new path
  private getPath (account: number, keyId: number): string {
    return `m/44'/60'/${account}'/0'/${keyId}'`

   * Determine the checksum address variant
   * @param address the address to be converted to a checksumaddress
   * @return a checksummed address
  private toChecksumAddress (address: string): string {
    const hash = keccak256(address)
    let ret = '0x'

    for (let i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {
      if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) >= 8) {
        ret += address[i].toUpperCase()
      } else {
        ret += address[i]

    return ret