function docss(x) {
return '<font color=black>' + x + '</font>';
name: 'Hexdump',
kind: 'Scroller',
tag: 'div',
style: 'margin:0px;background-color:#c0c0c0;color:black',
data: null,
components: [
{tag: 'div', allowHtml: true, classes: 'colorbar', name: 'colorbar' },
{tag: 'div', content: '^', classes: 'moreless', ontap: 'less'},
{tag: 'pre', allowHtml: true, name: 'text', content: '..', style: 'margin-left:5px;color:black'},
{tag: 'div', content: 'v', classes: 'moreless', ontap: 'more'}
{kind: "List", count:3, name: "list", style:"height:400px", realtimeFit:false, onSetupItem: "setupItem", components: [
{kind: "onyx.Item", layoutKind: "HFlexLayout", style:"padding:0px", components: [
{kind: "onyx.Button", name: "msg", fit:true, active: true, ontap: "rowTap"}
min: 0,
max: 0,
block: 1024,
base: 'entry0',
less: function() {
var self = this;
var text = this.$.text;
this.min += this.block;
r2.get_hexdump(this.base + '-' + this.min, this.block, function(x) {
x = css(r2.filter_asm(x, 'px'));
var oldy = r2ui._hex.getScrollBounds().height;
text.setContent('<div class=\'enyo-selectable\'>' + x + text.getContent() + '</div>');
var newy = r2ui._hex.getScrollBounds().height;
r2ui._hex.scrollTo(0, newy - oldy);
more: function() {
var text = this.$.text;
this.max += this.block;
r2.get_hexdump(this.base + '+' + this.max, this.block, function(x) {
x = docss(r2.filter_asm(x, 'px'));
text.setContent('<div class=\'enyo-selectable\'>' + text.getContent() + x + '</div>');
seek: function(addr) {
var text = this.$.text;
this.base = addr;
this.min = this.max = 0;
r2.get_hexdump(addr, this.block, function(x) {
x = docss(r2.filter_asm(x, 'px'));
text.setContent('<div class=\'enyo-selectable\'>' + x + '</div>');
create: function() {
// this.$.list.setCount (this.data.length) ;
var text = this.$.text;
r2ui._hex = this;
// r2ui.history_push("entry0");
//this.refresh ();
setupItem: function(inSender, inIndex) {
return true;
/* TODO: spaggety. see disassemble.js . must be a separate kind */
colorbar_create: function() {
var self = this;
r2.cmd('p-j', function(x) {
try {
var y = JSON.parse(x);
} catch (e) {
// console.log (y);
// TODO: use canvas api for faster rendering and smaller dom
var c = '<table class=\'colorbar\'><tr valign=top style=\'height:20px;border-spacing:0\'>';
var colors = {
flags: '#c0c0c0',
comments: 'yellow',
functions: '#5050f0',
strings: 'orange'
var off = '';
var WIDTH = 10;
var HEIGHT = 30;
for (var i = 0; i < y.blocks.length; i++) {
var block = y.blocks[i];
var r = '<div style=\'overflow:hidden;background-color:#404040;width:' +
WIDTH + 'px;\'> </div>';
if (block.offset) { // Object.keys(block).length>1) {
var r = '<table height=' + HEIGHT + ' style=\'color:black;border-spacing:0px\'>';
var count = 0;
for (var k in colors) {
if (block[k])
count++; // avoid 0div wtf
if (count == 1) break;
var h = HEIGHT / count;
for (var k in colors) {
var color = colors[k];
if (block[k])
r += '<tr><td style=\'width:' + WIDTH + 'px;background-color:' +
colors[k] + '\'><div style=\'width:' + WIDTH + 'px;overflow:' +
'hidden;height:' + h + 'px\'> </div></td></tr>';
r += '</table>';
off = '0x' + block.offset.toString(16);
} else {
off = '0x' + (y.from + (y.blocksize * i)).toString(16);
c += '<td onclick=\'r2ui.seek(' + off + ',true)\' title=\'' + off +
'\' style=\'height:' + HEIGHT + 'px\' ' +
'width=15px>' + r + '</td>';
c += '</tr></table>';