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2 wks
Test Coverage
var BBGraph = function() {
    this.vertices = {};
    this.edges = [];
    this.elements = [];
    this.links = [];
    this.fcn_offset = 0;

    joint.shapes.html = {};
    joint.shapes.html.Element = joint.shapes.basic.Rect.extend({
        defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
            type: 'html.Element',
            attrs: {
                rect: { stroke: r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_border'], fill: r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_alt_background'] }
        }, joint.shapes.basic.Rect.prototype.defaults)

    joint.shapes.html.ElementView = joint.dia.ElementView.extend({
        initialize: function() {
            _.bindAll(this, 'updateBox');
            joint.dia.ElementView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
            this.$box = $(_.template(this.model.get('html'))());
            this.$box.find('input').on('mousedown click', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); });
            this.model.on('change', this.updateBox, this);
        render: function() {
            joint.dia.ElementView.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments);
            return this;
        updateBox: function() {
            // move the html mask when moving the svg rect
            var bbox = this.model.getBBox();
            this.$box.css({ width: bbox.width + 2, height: bbox.height - 6, left: bbox.x - 1, top: bbox.y + 7});
BBGraph.prototype.addVertex = function(addr, vlen, dom) {
    // if vertex is not yet created, do it
    if (this.vertices[addr] === undefined) {
        this.vertices[addr] = {};
        this.vertices[addr].parents = [];
        this.vertices[addr].children = [];
        if (vlen === undefined && dom === undefined) {
            this.vertices[addr].len = 1;
            dom = document.createElement('div');
            dom.id = 'bb_' + addr;
            dom.className = 'basicblock enyo-selectable ec_gui_background ec_gui_border';
            dom.innerHTML = '<div class=\'instruction enyo-selectable\'><span class=\'insaddr datainstruction ec_offset addr addr_0x' + addr.toString(16) + '\' >0x' + addr.toString(16) + '</span></div>';
            this.vertices[addr].rendered = dom;
    // function is called with vlen and dom arguments, set them
    if (vlen !== undefined && dom !== undefined) {
        this.vertices[addr].len = vlen;
        this.vertices[addr].rendered = dom;
BBGraph.prototype.addEdge = function(v1, v2, color) {
    this.edges.push({'from': v1, 'to': v2, 'color': color});
BBGraph.prototype.makeElement = function(addr, width, height, html) {
    this.elements.push(new joint.shapes.html.Element({
        id: String(addr),
        size: { width: width, height: height },
        html: html
BBGraph.prototype.makeLink = function(v1, v2, color) {
    this.links.push(new joint.dia.Link({
        source: { id: String(v1) },
        target: { id: String(v2) },
        attrs: {
            '.marker-target': {
                d: 'M 6 0 L 0 3 L 6 6 z',
                fill: color,
                stroke: color
            '.connection': {
                'stroke-width': 1,
                stroke: color
            '.link-tools': {
                display: 'none'
        smooth: true

adjustVertices = function(graph, cell) {
    // If the cell is a view, find its model.
    cell = cell.model || cell;

    if (cell instanceof joint.dia.Element) {

        _.chain(graph.getConnectedLinks(cell)).groupBy(function(link) {
            // the key of the group is the model id of the link's source or target, but not our cell id.
            return _.omit([link.get('source').id, link.get('target').id], cell.id)[0];
        }).each(function(group, key) {
            // If the member of the group has both source and target model adjust vertices.
            if (key !== 'undefined') adjustVertices(graph, _.first(group));


    var srcId = cell.get('source').id || cell.previous('source').id;
    var trgId = cell.get('target').id || cell.previous('target').id;

    var siblings = _.filter(graph.getLinks(), function(sibling) {
        var _srcId = sibling.get('source').id;
        var _trgId = sibling.get('target').id;

        return (_srcId === srcId && _trgId === trgId) ||
            (_srcId === trgId && _trgId === srcId);
    // more than one link between two blocks
    if (siblings.length > 1) {
        var srcbox = r2ui.graph.getCell(srcId).getBBox();
        var dstbox = r2ui.graph.getCell(trgId).getBBox();
        src = srcbox.intersectionWithLineFromCenterToPoint(dstbox.center());
        dst = dstbox.intersectionWithLineFromCenterToPoint(srcbox.center());

        var midPoint = g.line(src, dst).midpoint();
        var theta = src.theta(dst);
        var gap = 10;
        // if the vertex is in the rect : bug
        // vertex doesn't seem to go to the right place

        _.each(siblings, function(sibling, index) {
            var offset = gap;
            var sign = index % 2 ? 1 : -1;
            var angle = g.toRad(theta + sign * 90);
            var vertex = g.point.fromPolar(offset, angle, midPoint);

            // we tell the link deviate to the right or to the left
            // from its path depending on sign
            //     ^             ^
            //     |           /   \
            //     |     =>   x     x
            //     |           \   /
            //     v             v

            // if the vertex is inside one of the box, don't do anything
            // they are very close and this will result in a rendering bug
            if (!srcbox.containsPoint(vertex) && !dstbox.containsPoint(vertex)) {
                sibling.set('vertices', [{ x: vertex.x, y: vertex.y }]);
            } else {



BBGraph.prototype.render = function() {
    var name = Object.keys(this.vertices).toString();
    var outergbox = document.createElement('div');
    outergbox.id = 'outergbox';
    var bbcanvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
    var gbox = document.createElement('div');
    gbox.id = 'gbox';
    gbox.className = name;
    for (var addr in this.vertices) {
        var r = this.vertices[addr].rendered;
        if (r !== undefined) {
            this.makeElement(addr, r.offsetWidth, r.offsetHeight, r.outerHTML);
    for (var j = 0; j < this.edges.length; j++) {
        this.makeLink(this.edges[j].from, this.edges[j].to, this.edges[j].color);


    this.makeElement('minimap_area', 1, 1, '<div id=\'minimap_area\'>');

    var items = this.elements.concat(this.links);
    var width = $('#center_panel').width();
    var graph = new joint.dia.Graph();
    var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
        el: $('#canvas'),
        gridSize: 1,
        width: 2000,
        height: 6000,
        model: graph

    var minimap_width = 200;
    var minimap_heigh = 200;
    var minimap = new joint.dia.Paper({
        el: $('#minimap'),
        gridSize: 1,
        width: minimap_width,
        height: minimap_heigh,
        model: graph


    // render graph

    r2ui.graph = graph;

    // reposition graph

    // remove html mask in minimap since its not scaled
    $('#minimap .basicblock').remove();

    // make minimap rect transparent
    graph.getCell('minimap_area').attr({rect: { stroke: 'transparent'}});

    var svg_width = $('#canvas svg')[0].getBBox().width;
    var svg_height = $('#canvas svg')[0].getBBox().height;
    // update paper size with these values
    paper.setDimensions(svg_width + 500, svg_height + 500);
    var ws = Math.ceil(svg_width / minimap_width);
    var hs = Math.ceil(svg_height / minimap_heigh);
    var scale = 1 / Math.max(ws, hs);
    var delta = 0;
    if (hs > ws) delta = (minimap_width / 2) - svg_width * scale / 2;
    minimap.setOrigin(delta, 0);
    // minimap.$el.css('pointer-events', 'none');

    // enyo layout
    if ($('#radareApp_mp').length) {
        $('#minimap').css('left', $('#main_panel').width() - minimap_width - $('#main_panel').position().left);
        $('#minimap').css('top',  $('#center_panel').position().top);
        $('#main_panel').bind('scroll', update_minimap);
        // panel layout
    } else if ($('#main_panel').length) {
        $('#minimap').css('left', $('#main_panel').width() - minimap_width);
        $('#minimap').css('top',  $('#center_panel').position().top - 40);
        $('#center_panel').bind('scroll', update_minimap);

    paper.on('cell:pointerup', function(cellview)  {
        var model = cellview.model;
        var bbox = model.attributes.position;
        var id = String(model.prop('id'));
        if (model !== undefined && id !== 'minimap_area') {
            var color = null;
            var bb = r2ui.get_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, id);
            if (bb !== undefined && bb !== null) {
                if (bb.x != String(bbox.x) || bb.y != String(bbox.y)) {
                    bb.x = bbox.x;
                    bb.y = bbox.y;
                    r2ui.update_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, id, bb);
            } else if (bb !== undefined && bb !== null) {
                r2ui.update_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, id, {x: bbox.x, y: bbox.y});

    var myAdjustVertices = _.partial(adjustVertices, graph);
    _.each(graph.getLinks(), myAdjustVertices);
    paper.on('cell:pointerup', myAdjustVertices);

    if (r2ui._dis.minimap) {

            containment: 'parent',
            stop: function(event, ui) {
                var delta_x = ui.position.left / scale;
                var delta_y = ui.position.top / scale;
                if (delta_x < 0) delta_x = 0;
                if (delta_y < 0) delta_y = 0;
                if ($('#radareApp_mp').length) $('#main_panel').scrollTo({ top: delta_y, left: delta_x - delta / scale });
                else $('#center_panel').scrollTo({ top: delta_y, left: delta_x - delta / scale });

    } else {

function toggle_minimap() {
    if (r2ui._dis.minimap) {
        r2ui._dis.minimap = false;
        r2ui.seek(r2ui._dis.selected_offset, false);
    } else {
        r2ui._dis.minimap = true;
        r2ui.seek(r2ui._dis.selected_offset, false);

function update_minimap() {
    if (r2ui._dis.minimap && $('#canvas svg').length) {
        var minimap_width = 200;
        var minimap_height = 200;
        var svg_width = $('#canvas svg')[0].getBBox().width;
        var svg_height = $('#canvas svg')[0].getBBox().height;
        var ws = Math.ceil(svg_width / minimap_width);
        var hs = Math.ceil(svg_height / minimap_height);
        var scale = 1 / Math.max(ws, hs);
        var delta = 0;
        if (hs > ws) delta = (minimap_width / 2) - svg_width * scale / 2;
        var el = null;
        // enyo layout
        if ($('#radareApp_mp').length) {
            el = $('#main_panel');
            // panel layout
        } else if ($('#main_panel').length) {
            el = $('#center_panel');
        if (el.scrollTop() < svg_height) {
            $('#minimap_area').width(el.width() * scale);
            $('#minimap_area').height(el.height() * scale);
            if (el.scrollTop() * scale <= minimap_height - el.height() * scale)
                $('#minimap_area').css('top', el.scrollTop() * scale);
            $('#minimap_area').css('left', delta + el.scrollLeft() * scale);
        el = $('#center_panel');
        // enyo layout
        if ($('#radareApp_mp').length) {
            $('#minimap').css('display', 'none');
            $('#minimap').css('left', el.scrollLeft() + el.width() - minimap_width - $('#radareApp_mp').position().left + 2 * el.css('padding').replace('px', ''));
            $('#minimap').css('top',  el.scrollTop());
            $('#minimap').css('display', 'block');
            // panel layout
        } else if ($('#main_panel').length) {
            $('#minimap').css('left', el.scrollLeft() + $('#main_panel').width() - minimap_width);
            $('#minimap').css('top',  el.scrollTop());
        $('#minimap').css('border', '1px solid ' + r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_background']);
        $('#minimap_area').css('background', r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_background']);

function reposition_graph() {
    var bbs = r2ui.graph.getElements();
    var blocks = r2ui.get_fcn_BBs(r2ui.current_fcn_offset);
    var bb_offsets = Object.keys(blocks);
    for (var i in bbs) {
        found = false;
        for (var j in bb_offsets) {
            var offset = String(bb_offsets[j]);
            var bb = blocks[offset];
            if (bbs[i].prop('id') === offset) {
                found = true;
                if (bb.x !== 'null' && bb.y !== 'null') {
                    bbs[i].translate(bb.x - bbs[i].prop('position').x, bb.y - bbs[i].prop('position').y);
                var color = bb.color;
                if (color !== null && color !== undefined) bbs[i].attr('rect/fill', color);
        // if (!found) {
        //   r2ui.update_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, bbs[i].prop("id"), {x:bbs[i].prop("position").x, y:bbs[i].prop("position").y, color:r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_alt_background']});
        // }
var flag = 0;
function render_graph(x) {
    var obj;
    try {
        obj = JSON.parse(x.replace(/\\l/g, '\\n'));
    } catch (e) {
        console.log('Cannot parse JSON data');
    if (obj[0] === undefined) return false;
    if (obj[0].blocks === undefined) return false;
    var graph = new BBGraph();
    r2ui.current_fcn_offset = obj[0].blocks[0].ops[0].offset;

    for (var bn = 0; bn < obj[0].blocks.length; bn++) {
        var bb = obj[0].blocks[bn];
        var addr = bb.offset;
        if (bb['trace'] !== undefined) {
            var bbinfo = r2ui.get_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, addr);
            if (bbinfo !== undefined) {
                if (bbinfo.color !== 'red')
                    bbinfo.color = '#7592DF';
            } else {
                bbinfo = {x: null, y: null, color: '#7592DF'};
            r2ui.update_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, addr, bbinfo);
        if (bb.length === 0) continue;

        var cnt = bb.ops.length;
        var idump = '';
        for (var i in bb.ops) {
            var ins = bb.ops[i];
            // ins.offset = "0x" + ins.offset.toString(16);
            if (ins.comment === undefined || ins.comment === null) ins.comment = '';
            else {
                ins.comment = atob(ins.comment);
            idump += html_for_instruction(ins);
        var dom = document.createElement('div');
        dom.id = 'bb_' + addr;
        dom.className = 'basicblock enyo-selectable ec_gui_background ec_gui_border';
        dom.innerHTML = idump;
        graph.addVertex(addr, cnt, dom);
        if (bb.fail > 0) {
            graph.addEdge(addr, bb.fail, 'red');
            if (bb.jump > 0) {
                graph.addEdge(addr, bb.jump, 'green');
        } else if (bb.jump > 0) {
            graph.addEdge(addr, bb.jump, 'blue');

    var element = $('#canvas svg g .element');
    element.on('mousedown', function() {
        flag = 0;
    element.on('mousemove', function() {
        flag = 1;
    element.on('mouseup', function(event) {
        if (flag === 0) {
            var id = event.target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('model-id');
            if (id !== 'minimap_area') {
                var color = null;
                var bb = r2ui.get_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, id);
                if (bb !== undefined && bb !== null) {
                    if (bb.color === 'red') bb.color = r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_alt_background'];
                    else bb.color = 'red';
                } else {
                    bb = {x: 'null', y: 'null', color: 'red'};
                r2ui.update_fcn_BB(r2ui.current_fcn_offset, id, bb);
    $('.addr').css('-webkit-user-select', 'text');
    return true;

function render_instructions(instructions) {
    var outergbox = document.createElement('div');
    outergbox.id = 'outergbox';
    var flatcanvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
    flatcanvas.innerHTML = '';
    var gbox = document.createElement('div');
    gbox.id = 'gbox';
    gbox.className = 'ec_gui_background';

    var flatcanvas_rect = getOffsetRect(flatcanvas);
    var asm_lines = (r2.settings['asm.lines']);
    var asm_offset = (r2.settings['asm.offset']);

    var accumulated_heigth = flatcanvas_rect.top;
    var lines = [];
    var targets = {};
    var first_address = instructions[0].offset;
    var last_address = instructions[instructions.length - 1].offset;
    for (var i in instructions) {
        var ins = instructions[i];

        if ((ins.type == 'jmp' || ins.type == 'cjmp') && ins.jump !== undefined && ins.jump !== null) {
            var line = {};
            line.from = ins.offset;
            if (last_address < ins.jump) {
                line.to_end = false;
                line.to = last_address;
            } else if (first_address > ins.jump) {
                line.to_end = false;
                line.to = first_address;
            } else {
                line.to_end = true;
                line.to = ins.jump;
            if (ins.type == 'jmp') {
                line.color = r2ui.colors['.ec_flow'];
                line.dashed = false;
            } else if (ins.type == 'cjmp') {
                line.color = r2ui.colors['.ec_gui_cflow'];
                line.dashed = true;
            line.to_start = true;
            lines[lines.length] = line;
            if (targets[line.to] === undefined) {
                targets[line.to] = 0;

        // ins.offset = "0x" + ins.offset.toString(16);
        if (ins.comment === undefined || ins.comment === null) ins.comment = '';
        else {
            try {
                ins.comment = atob(ins.comment);
            } catch (e) {
        var dom = document.createElement('div');
        if (asm_lines) dom.className = 'instructionbox enyo-selectable lines';
        else dom.className = 'instructionbox';
        dom.style.top = accumulated_heigth + 'px';
        dom.innerHTML = html_for_instruction(ins);

        var instruction_rect = getOffsetRect(dom);
        var instruction_heigth = instruction_rect.bottom - instruction_rect.top;
        accumulated_heigth += instruction_heigth;

    if (asm_lines) {
        var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        canvas.width = 500;
        canvas.height = accumulated_heigth;
        canvas.id = 'linecanvas';
        canvas.setAttribute('tabindex', '1');
        canvas.setAttribute('style', 'outline: none;');
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        if (!ctx.setLineDash) {
            // For browsers that dont support dashed lines
            ctx.setLineDash = function() {};
        var num_targets = countProperties(targets);
        var num_assigned_paths = 0;
        var lines_width = 100;
        for (var l in lines) {
            var line = lines[l];
            var from = '0x' + line.from.toString(16);
            var to = '0x' + line.to.toString(16);

            if (targets[line.to] === 0) {
                // No path assigned for target, assigning a new one
                targets[line.to] = (num_targets - num_assigned_paths - 1) * (90 / (num_targets + 1));
                num_assigned_paths += 1;
            var from_element = get_element_by_address(from);
            var to_element = get_element_by_address(to);

            if (from_element !== null && from_element !== undefined && to_element !== undefined && to_element !== null) {
                var x = targets[line.to];
                var from_rect = getOffsetRect(from_element);
                var y0 = (from_rect.top + from_rect.bottom) / 2;
                var to_rect = getOffsetRect(to_element);
                var y1 = (to_rect.top + to_rect.bottom) / 2;
                if (line.to == instructions[0].offset) {
                    y1 = 0;

                // main line
                ctx.moveTo(x, y0);
                ctx.lineTo(x, y1);
                ctx.strokeStyle = line.color;
                if (line.dashed) ctx.setLineDash([2,3]);

                if (line.to_start) {
                    // horizontal line at start
                    ctx.moveTo(x, y0);
                    ctx.lineTo(lines_width - 5, y0);
                    ctx.strokeStyle = line.color;
                    if (line.dashed) ctx.setLineDash([2,3]);

                    // circle
                    ctx.arc(lines_width - 5 - 2, y0, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
                    ctx.fillStyle = line.color;

                if (line.to_end) {
                    // horizontal line at end
                    ctx.moveTo(x, y1);
                    ctx.lineTo(lines_width - 5, y1);
                    ctx.strokeStyle = line.color;
                    if (line.dashed) ctx.setLineDash([2,3]);

                    // arrow
                    ctx.moveTo(lines_width - 5, y1);
                    ctx.lineTo(lines_width - 10, y1 - 5);
                    ctx.lineTo(lines_width - 10, y1 + 5);
                    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
                    ctx.fillStyle = line.color;
    if (!asm_offset) {
        var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('insaddr');
        for (var j in elements) {
            if (elements[j].style) elements[j].style.display = 'none';
    $('.addr').css('-moz-user-select', 'text');
    $('.addr').css('-webkit-user-select', 'text');

function getOffsetRect(elem) {
    var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
    var offset = $('#gbox').offset().top;
    var top  = box.top - offset;
    var bottom  = box.bottom - offset;
    return {top: Math.round(top), bottom: Math.round(bottom)};

function countProperties(obj) {
    var count = 0;
    for (var prop in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    return count;

function toBoolean(str) {
    if (str === 'true') return true;
    else if (str === 'false') return false;
    else return undefined;

function html_for_instruction(ins) {
    var idump = '<div class="instruction enyo-selectable">';
    var offset = '0x' + ins.offset.toString(16);
    var address = offset;
    var asm_flags = (r2.settings['asm.flags']);
    var asm_bytes = (r2.settings['asm.bytes']);
    var asm_xrefs = (r2.settings['asm.xrefs']);
    var asm_cmtright = (r2.settings['asm.cmtright']);

    if (ins.fcn_addr > 0 && offset === "0x"+ins.fcn_addr.toString(16)) {
        if (r2ui._dis.display == "flat") idump += '<div class="ec_flow">; -----------------------------------------------------------</div>';

        // Get Instruction info
        var results;
        var cmd = "afij " + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function(x){
        results = x.split("\n");
        try {
            var info = JSON.parse(results[0]);
            if (info !== null && info !== undefined && info.length > 0)
            idump += '<div class="ec_fname">(fcn) ' + info[0].name + '</div>';
        } catch (err) {
            console.log("Error getting instruction information from afij command");

        // Get function variables
        var vars_reg_based = [];
        cmd = "afvrj " + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function(x){
        vars_reg_based = x.split("\n");
        try {
            var vars = JSON.parse(vars_reg_based[0]);
            var fvars = [];
            for (var i in vars) {
            idump += '<div class="ec_flag">; ' + vars[i].kind + " " + vars[i].type  + " <span class='fvar id_" + address_canonicalize(offset) + "_" + vars[i].ref + " ec_prompt faddr faddr_" + address_canonicalize(offset) + "'>" + escapeHTML(vars[i].name) + "</span> @ " + vars[i].ref + '</div>';
            fvars[fvars.length] = {name: vars[i].name, id:  address_canonicalize(offset) + "_" + vars[i].ref};
            r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr] = fvars;
        } catch (err) {
            console.log("Error getting variable information from afvj command");

        // Get function arguments
        var args_merged = [];
        var args_bp_based = [];
        var args_sp_based = [];
        cmd = "afvbj " + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function(x){
        args_bp_based = x.split("\n");
        cmd = "afvsj " + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function(x){
        args_sp_based = x.split("\n");
        args_merged = args_bp_based.concat(args_sp_based);
        try {
            var args = JSON.parse(args_merged[0]);
            var fargs = [];
            for (var i in args) {
                var ref = ""
                if (args[i].ref !== null && args[i].ref !== undefined) {
                    var ref_base = args[i].ref.base;
                    var ref_offset = args[i].ref.offset;
                    var ref_type = args[i].ref.type;
                    var ref_sign = "+";
                    if (ref_offset - 0) ref_sig = "-";
                    ref = ref_base + ref_sign + ref_offset;
                idump += '<div class="ec_flag">; ' + args[i].kind + " " + args[i].type  + " <span class='farg id_" + address_canonicalize(offset) + "_" + ref + " ec_prompt faddr faddr_" + address_canonicalize(offset) + "'>" + escapeHTML(args[i].name) + "</span> @ " + ref + '</div>';
            fargs[fargs.length] = {name: args[i].name, id:  address_canonicalize(offset) + "_" + args[i].ref};
            r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr] = fargs;
        } catch (err) {
            console.log("Error getting argument information from afaj command");

    if (asm_flags) {
        var flags;
        if (ins.flags !== undefined && ins.flags !== null) {
            flags = ins.flags.join(';');
        } else {
            flags = r2.get_flag_names(address_canonicalize(offset)).join(';');
        if (flags !== '' && flags !== undefined && flags !== null) idump += '<div class="ec_flag flags_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '">;-- ' + escapeHTML(flags) + ':</div> ';
    if (ins.comment && !asm_cmtright) {
        idump += '<div class="comment ec_comment comment_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '">; ' + escapeHTML(ins.comment) + '</div>';
    if (asm_xrefs) {
        if (ins.xrefs !== undefined && ins.xrefs !== null && ins.xrefs.length > 0) {
            var xrefs = '';
            for (var i in ins.xrefs) {
                var xref = ins.xrefs[i];
                var name = '';
                var xrefoffset = '0x' + xref.addr.toString(16);
                if (r2.get_flag_names(address_canonicalize(xrefoffset)).length > 0) name = ' (' + r2.get_flag_names(address_canonicalize(xrefoffset)).join(';') + ')';
                idump += '<div class="ec_flag xrefs">; ' + xref.type.toUpperCase() + ' XREF from ' +
                '<span class="offset addr addr_' + address_canonicalize(xrefoffset) + '">' + xrefoffset + '</span> ' +  name + '</div> ';


    idump += '<span class="insaddr datainstruction ec_offset addr addr_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '">' + address + '</span> ';

    if (asm_bytes) {
        if (ins.bytes !== undefined && ins.bytes !== null && ins.bytes !== '') {
            var dorep = function(a) {
                if (a == '00') return '<span class="ec_b0x00">00</span>';
                if (a == 'ff') return '<span class="ec_b0x00">ff</span>';
                if (a == '7f') return '<span class="ec_b0x00">7f</span>';
            var bytes = ins.bytes.replace(new RegExp('(00)|(ff)|(7f)', 'g'), dorep);
            idump += '<span class="bytes ec_other">' + bytes + '</span> ';

    var opcode = highlight_instruction(ins.opcode, true);
    if ((r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr] !== null && r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr] !== undefined && r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr].length > 0) ||
            (r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr] !== null && r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr] !== undefined && r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr].length > 0)) {
        for (var i in r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr]) {
            var var_name = r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr][i].name;
            var var_id = r2.varMap[ins.fcn_addr][i].id;
            opcode = opcode.replace(' ' + var_name + ' ', ' <span class=\'fvar id_' + var_id + ' ec_prompt faddr faddr_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '\'>' + escapeHTML(var_name) + '</span> ');
        for (var i in r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr]) {
            var arg_name = r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr][i];
            var arg_id = r2.argMap[ins.fcn_addr][i].id;
            opcode = opcode.replace(' ' + arg_name + ' ', ' <span id=\'fvar id_' + var_id + ' ec_prompt faddr faddr_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '\'>' + escapeHTML(var_name) + '</span> ');

    if (ins.type !== undefined && ins.type !== null) {
        if (contains(math, ins.type)) ins.type = 'math';
        if (contains(bin, ins.type)) ins.type = 'bin';
        if (ins.type == 'ill') ins.type = 'invalid';
        if (ins.type == 'null') ins.type = 'invalid';
        if (ins.type == 'undefined') ins.type = 'invalid';
        if (ins.type == 'ujmp') ins.type = 'jmp';
        if (ins.type == 'upush') ins.type = 'push';
        if (ins.type == 'upop') ins.type = 'pop';
        if (ins.type == 'ucall') ins.type = 'call';
        if (ins.type == 'lea') ins.type = 'mov';
        // Add default color if we failed to identify op type
        if (!contains(known_types, ins.type)) ins.type = 'other';
        idump += '<div class="instructiondesc ec_' + ins.type + '">' + opcode + '</div> ';
    } else {
        idump += '<div class="instructiondesc">' + opcode + '</div> ';
    if (ins.ptr_info) {
        idump += '<span class="comment ec_comment comment_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '">' + escapeHTML(ins.ptr_info) + '</span>';

    if (ins.comment && asm_cmtright) {
        idump += '<span class="comment ec_comment comment_' + address_canonicalize(offset) + '"> ; ' + escapeHTML(ins.comment) + '</span>';

    if (ins.type == 'ret') {
        idump += '<div>&nbsp</div>';

    idump += '</div>';
    return idump;

var math = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'imul', 'div', 'idiv', 'neg', 'adc', 'sbb', 'inc', 'dec', '.byte'];
var bin = ['xor', 'and', 'or', 'not'];
var regs = ['EAX', 'ECX', 'EDX', 'EBX', 'ESP', 'EBP', 'ESI', 'EDI', 'EIP', 'RAX', 'RCX', 'RDX', 'RBX', 'RSP', 'RBP', 'RSI', 'RDI', 'R0', 'R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'R4', 'R5', 'R6', 'R7', 'R8', 'R9', 'R10', 'R11', 'R12', 'R13', 'R14', 'R15', 'RIP'];
var known_types = ['fline','help','args','label','flow','prompt','input','btext','swi','comment','fname','flag','offset','other','b0x00','b0x7f','b0xff','math','bin','push','pop','jmp','cjmp','call','nop','ret','trap','invalid','cmp','reg','creg','mov','num'];

var escapeHTML = (function() {
    'use strict';
    var chr = { '"': '&quot;', '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;' };
    return function(text) {
        return text ? text.replace(/[\"&<>]/g, function(a) { return chr[a]; }) : '';

function highlight_instruction(line, instruction) {
    if (line === undefined) return 'undefined';
    if (instruction === undefined) instruction = true;
    var ret = escapeHTML(line);

    // highlight registers and addresses
    var re = '(0x[0123456789abcdef]+)';
    // Map with register names as keys and HTML span representing the register as value
    var reps = {};
    if (instruction) {
        for (var i in regs) {
            // Loop all the registers
            var rep = '<span class="ec_reg">' + regs[i] + '</span>';
            reps[regs[i]] = rep;
            rep = '<span class="ec_reg">' + regs[i].toLowerCase() + '</span>';
            reps[regs[i].toLowerCase()] = rep;
        for (i in reps) {
            // Complete regexp with registers
            re += '|(' + i + ')';
    function dorep(a) {
        // If address found
        if (a.substr(0, 2) == '0x') {
            // Look for imports or functions
            var syms = r2.get_flag_names(address_canonicalize(a));
            for (var i in syms) {
                if (syms[i].indexOf('sym.imp.')) {
                    return '<span class=\'ec_offset addr addr_' + address_canonicalize(a) + '\'>' + syms[i] + '</span>';
                if (syms[i].indexOf('fcn.')) {
                    return '<span class=\'ec_offset addr addr_' + address_canonicalize(a) + '\'>' + syms[i] + '</span>';
            // Is it data address or code address
            var cl = get_data_type(a);
            if (cl === '') {
                // Just an hex value, not an address
                return '<span class=\'ec_num\'>' + a + '</span>';
            } else if (cl === 'datainstruction') {
                // An address representing data (memory) or code (instruction)
                return '<span class=\'ec_offset addr addr_' + address_canonicalize(a) + '\'>' + a + '</span>';
            } else if (cl === 'datamemory') {
                // return "<span class='ec_dataoffset addr addr_" + address_canonicalize(a) + "'>" + a + "</span>";
                return '<span class=\'ec_dataoffset\'>' + a + '</span>';
        } else {
            // Not an hex value, so a register
            return reps[a];
    return ret.replace(new RegExp(re, 'g'), dorep);

function hex2(a) {
    if (a === undefined) return '__';
    var ret = a.toString(16);
    if (ret.length == 1) return '0' + ret;
    return ret;

function hex(a) {
    if (a === undefined) {
        return '';
    } else {
        if (a < 0) a += 0x100000000;
        return '0x' + a.toString(16);

function get_data_type(v, more) {
    var a = r2.get_address_type(v);
    if (a === '') return '';
    else {
        if (more !== undefined) {
            return 'data' + a + ' addr addr_' + v;
        } else {
            return 'data' + a;

function fnum(a) {
    return parseInt(a, 10);

function get_address_from_class(t, type) {
    if (type === undefined) type = 'addr';
    var prefix = type + '_';
    if (!t) return undefined;
    var l = t.className.split(' ').filter(function(x) { return x.substr(0, prefix.length) == type + '_'; });
    if (l.length != 1) return undefined;
    return l[0].split('_')[1].split(' ')[0];

function rehighlight_iaddress(address, prefix) {
    if (prefix === undefined) prefix = 'addr';
    $('.' + prefix + '_' + address).addClass('autohighlighti');
    if (prefix === 'addr') r2.cmd('s ' + address, function() {});

function rehighlight_id(eid) {
    $('#' + eid).addClass('autohighlighti');

function get_element_by_address(address) {
    var elements = $('.insaddr.addr_' + address);
    if (elements.length === 1) return elements[0];
    else return null;

Element.prototype.documentOffsetTop = function() {
    return this.offsetTop + (this.offsetParent ? this.offsetParent.documentOffsetTop() : 0);

function scroll_to_address(address) {
    var elements = $('.insaddr.addr_' + address);
    if (elements[0] !== null && elements[0] !== undefined) {
        var top = elements[0].documentOffsetTop() - window.innerHeight / 2;
        top = Math.max(0, top);
        $('#main_panel').scrollTo({'top': top, 'left': 0});

function has_scrollbar(divnode) {
    if (divnode.scrollHeight > divnode.clientHeight) return true;
    return false;

function on_scroll(event) {
    // console.log($(event.target).scrollTop());
    if (!r2ui._dis.scrolling) {
        var enyo = $('#radareApp').length ? true : false;
        var panel_disas = false;
        if (!enyo) panel_disas = $('#main_panel').tabs('option', 'active') === 0 ? true : false;
        r2ui._dis.scrolling = true;
        if (r2ui._dis.display == 'flat' && (enyo || panel_disas)) {
            var scroll_offset = null;
            var top_offset = null;
            var addr = null;
            if (enyo) {
                scroll_offset = $('#main_panel').scrollTop();
                top_offset = $('#gbox').height() - $('#main_panel').height() - 10;
                container_element = $('#center_panel');
            } else {
                scroll_offset = $('#center_panel').scrollTop();
                top_offset = $('#gbox').height() - $('#center_panel').height() - 10;
                container_element = $('#disasm_tab');
            if (has_scrollbar($('#center_panel')[0])) {
                if (scroll_offset === 0) {
                    addr = '0x' + r2ui._dis.instructions[0].offset.toString(16);
                    // console.log("Scroll en top", scroll_offset, top_offset, addr);
                    r2.get_disasm_before(addr, 50, function(x) {
                        // console.log(x.length);
                        r2ui._dis.instructions = x.concat(r2ui._dis.instructions);
                    container_element.html('<div id=\'canvas\' class=\'canvas enyo-selectable ec_gui_background\'></div>');
                } else if (scroll_offset > top_offset) {
                    // console.log("Scroll en top", scroll_offset, top_offset)
                    addr = '0x' + r2ui._dis.instructions[r2ui._dis.instructions.length - 1].offset.toString(16);
                    r2.get_disasm_after(addr, 100, function(x) {
                        r2ui._dis.instructions = r2ui._dis.instructions.slice(0, -1).concat(x);
                    container_element.html('<div id=\'canvas\' class=\'canvas enyo-selectable ec_gui_background\'></div>');
        r2ui._dis.scrolling = false;

function scroll_to_element(element) {
    var top = element.documentOffsetTop() - (window.innerHeight / 2);
    top = Math.max(0, top);
    $('#main_panel').scrollTo({'top': top, 'left': 0});
    // r2ui._dis.scrollTo(0,top);

function rename(offset, old_value, new_value, space) {
    if (space === undefined) space = 'functions';
    if (space == 'functions') {
        // If current offset is the beginning of a function, rename it with afr
        r2.cmdj('pdfj @ ' + offset + '|', function(x) {
            if (x !== null && x !== undefined) {
                if ('0x' + x.addr.toString(16) === offset) {
                    r2.cmd('afn ' + new_value + ' ' + offset, function() {
    // Otherwise just add a flag
    if (new_value !== '' && old_value !== '') {
        var cmd = 'fs ' + space + ';fr ' + old_value + ' ' + new_value;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function() {});
    } else if (new_value === '' && old_value !== '') {
        var cmd = 'fs ' + space + ';f-@' + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function() {});
    } else if (new_value !== '' && old_value === '') {
        var cmd = 'fs ' + space + ';f ' + new_value + ' @ ' + offset;
        r2.cmd(cmd, function() {});

function address_canonicalize(s) {
    s = s.substr(2);
    while (s.substr(0, 1) == '0') s = s.substr(1);
    s = '0x' + s;
    s = s.toLowerCase();
    return s;

function contains(a, obj) {
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        if (a[i] === obj) {
            return true;
    return false;

function handleInputTextChange() {

function show_contextMenu(x, y) {
    r2ui._dis.showContextMenu(x, y);

function get_offset_flag(offset) {
    var old_value = '';
    r2.cmdj('fs offsets;fj', function(x) {
        for (var i in x) {
            if ('0x' + x[i].offset.toString(16) == offset) {
                old_value = x[i].name;
    return old_value;

function get_symbol_flag(symbol) {
    var full_name = symbol;
    var found = false;
    r2.cmdj('fs symbols;fj', function(x) {
        for (var i in x) {
            if (x[i].name == symbol) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            for (var i in x) {
                if (x[i].name == 'sym.' + symbol) {
                    full_name = 'sym.' + symbol;
    return full_name;

function get_reloc_flag(reloc) {
    var full_name = reloc;
    var found = false;
    r2.cmdj('fs relocs;fj', function(x) {
        for (var i in x) {
            if (x[i].name == reloc) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
            for (var i in x) {
                if (x[i].name == 'reloc.' + reloc) {
                    full_name = 'reloc.' + reloc;
    return full_name;

// Cookies

function createCookie(name, value, days) {
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
        var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
    } else var expires = '';
    document.cookie = name + '=' + value + expires + '; path=/';

function readCookie(name) {
    var nameEQ = name + '=';
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
        if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
    return null;

function eraseCookie(name) {
    createCookie(name, '', -1);

function do_randomcolors() {
    r2.cmd('ecr;ec gui.background rgb:000', function() {

function inColor(x) {
    return 'e scr.color=true;' + x + ';e scr.color=false';