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import _ from 'lodash';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Internship } from '../../../typings/radgrad';
import { InterestKeywords } from '../../interest/InterestKeywordCollection';
import slugify, { Slugs } from '../../slug/SlugCollection';
import { getInternAlohaInternshipsMethod } from '../InternshipCollection.methods';

import { matchKeywords } from './match-keywords';
import { Interests } from '../../interest/InterestCollection';

const getInternAlohaInternships = async (url) => {
  const internships = await getInternAlohaInternshipsMethod.callPromise({ url });
  return internships;

const getAllInternAlohaInternships = async () => {
  const internships = [];
  for (const url of Meteor.settings.public.internAlohaUrls) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
    const results = await getInternAlohaInternships(url);
    results.forEach((r) => internships.push(r));
  return internships;

const removeHTMLFromDescription = (internship) => {
  const update = internship;
  const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(internship.description, 'text/html');
  update.description = doc.body.textContent || '';
  return update;

const addInterests = (internship) => {
  const define = internship;
  // get the unique keywords from InterestKeywordCollection
  const keywords = InterestKeywords.getUniqueKeywords();
  const matching = matchKeywords(keywords, internship);
  let interests = [];
  matching.forEach((k) => {
    interests = interests.concat(InterestKeywords.getInterestSlugs(k));
  define.interests = _.uniq(interests);
  define.missedUploads = 0;
  return define;

const updateLocation = (internship) => {
  const update = internship;
  update.location = [internship.location];
  return update;

const shallowEquals = (object1, object2) => {
  const keys1 = Object.keys(object1);
  const keys2 = Object.keys(object2);
  if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
    return false;
  for (const key of keys1) {
    if (object1[key] !== object2[key]) {
      return false;
  return true;

const containsLocation = (locationArr, location) => {
  let found = false;
  locationArr.forEach((l) => {
    if (shallowEquals(l, location)) {
      found = true;
  return found;

export const createGUID = (company: string, position: string, length: number): string => slugify(`${slugify(company)}_${slugify(position)}_${length}`);

export const getInternshipKey = (internship: Internship): string => createGUID(internship.company, internship.position, internship.description.length);

export const getCompanyFromKey = (internshipKey: string): string => internshipKey.split('_')[0];

export const getPositionFromKey = (internshipKey: string): string => internshipKey.split('_')[1];

const buildURLs = (internships) => {
  const groupUrls = {};
  internships.forEach((internship) => {
    const key = getInternshipKey(internship);
    if (!groupUrls[key]) {
      groupUrls[key] = [];
    if (!groupUrls[key].includes(internship.url)) {
  return groupUrls;

const collapse = (groupUrls, internships) => {
  const reduced = {};
  internships.forEach((i) => {
    const key = getInternshipKey(i);
    if (!reduced[key]) {
      const temp = i;
      temp.urls = groupUrls[key];
      reduced[key] = temp;
    } else {
      // check the locations
      const temp = reduced[key];
      if (!Array.isArray(temp.location)) {
      // console.log(temp.location, i.location[0]);
      if (!containsLocation(temp.location, i.location[0])) {
        // console.log(temp.location, i.location[0]);
        // console.log(key, temp.location);
  // console.log(Object.keys(reduced).length);
  return Object.values(reduced);

const addGUID = (internship) => {
  const update = internship;
  const guid = `internship-${getInternshipKey(internship)}`;
  update.guid = guid;
  return update;

// const removeOldInternships = (internships) => {
//   const now = moment();
//   const cutoff = now.subtract(Meteor.settings.public.internship.uploadFilter.number, Meteor.settings.public.internship.uploadFilter.unit);
//   console.log(cutoff.format('YYYY-MM-DD'));
//   const inWindow = internships.filter(i => moment(i.lastScraped).isAfter(cutoff));
//   return inWindow;
// };

export const processInternAlohaInternships = async () => {
  // get the internships
  const rawInternships = await getAllInternAlohaInternships();
  console.log('raw internships', rawInternships.length);
  // add interests
  const withInterests = rawInternships.map((i) => {
    return updateLocation(i);
  // remove uninteresting internships
  const interestingInternships = withInterests.filter((i) => i.interests.length > 0);
  console.log('interesting internships', interestingInternships.length);
  // reduce by grouping urls
  const groupedURLs = buildURLs(interestingInternships);
  let reduced = collapse(groupedURLs, interestingInternships);
  console.log('combined internships', reduced.length);
  // add guid to reduced
  reduced = reduced.map((r) => addGUID(r));
  // console.log(reduced[0]);
  // create an object with all the interests
  const interestMap = {};
  const interests = Interests.findNonRetired();
  interests.forEach(interest => {
    interestMap[Slugs.getNameFromID(interest.slugID)] = [];
  reduced.forEach(internship => {
    // @ts-ignore
    internship.interests.forEach(interest => interestMap[interest].push(internship));
  const returnInternships = [];
  let count = 0;
  const limit = Meteor.settings.public.internshipCountLimit.import;
  while (count < limit) {
    for (const [, value] of Object.entries(interestMap)) {
      // @ts-ignore
      // console.log(key, value.length, count, limit);
      // @ts-ignore
      if (value.length > 0 && count < limit) {
        // @ts-ignore
        const internship = value.shift();
        // console.log(`have seen ${internship.guid}`, _.some(returnInternships, (item) => item.guid === internship.guid));
        // don't add duplicates.
        if (!_.some(returnInternships, (item) => item.guid === internship.guid)) {
  return returnInternships;