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import moment from 'moment';
import React from 'react';
import { OpportunityInstances } from '../../../api/opportunity/OpportunityInstanceCollection';
import { PublicStats } from '../../../api/public-stats/PublicStatsCollection';
import { updateLastVisited } from '../../../api/user/BaseProfileCollection.methods';
import { StudentProfiles } from '../../../api/user/StudentProfileCollection';
import { Users } from '../../../api/user/UserCollection';
import { Ice, StudentProfile } from '../../../typings/radgrad';
import { DEGREEPLANNER, EXPLORER, ICE, URL_ROLES } from '../../layouts/utilities/route-constants';
import { PAGEIDS } from '../../utilities/PageIDs';
import { Checklist, CHECKSTATE } from './Checklist';
import ProfileFutureOpportunitiesList from '../shared/ProfileFutureOpportunitiesList';
import { DetailsBox } from './DetailsBox';
import { ActionsBox } from './ActionsBox';
import { ChecklistButtonAction, ChecklistButtonLink } from './ChecklistButtons';

export class OpportunitiesChecklist extends Checklist {
  private profile: StudentProfile;

  constructor(student: string) {
    this.name = 'Opportunities';
    this.profile = Users.getProfile(student);
    this.iconName = 'lightbulb';
    this.title[CHECKSTATE.OK] = 'The Opportunities in your Degree Plan appear to be OK';
    this.title[CHECKSTATE.REVIEW] = 'Please confirm that the Opportunities in your Degree Plan are correct';
    this.title[CHECKSTATE.IMPROVE] = 'Please add Opportunities to your Degree Plan';
    // Specify the description for each state.
    this.description[CHECKSTATE.OK] = `Congrats! Your Degree Plan contains Opportunities that should earn you at 
      least 100 Innovation and 100 Experience points, and you've reviewed your Degree Plan within the past six months.`;
    this.description[CHECKSTATE.REVIEW] = (this.isSixMonthsOld(this.profile.lastVisited[PAGEIDS.OPPORTUNITY_BROWSER])) ?
      'It\'s been 6 months since you last reviewed your Degree Plan. Please check it.' :
      'There are new Opportunities. Please review them.';

    this.description[CHECKSTATE.IMPROVE] = `
Adding Opportunities to your Degree Plan helps you balance your curricular and extracurricular activities each semester. It also helps RadGrad provide you with useful recommendations.`;

  public updateState(): void {
    const username = this.profile.username;
    const projectedICE: Ice = StudentProfiles.getProjectedICE(username);
    const lastUpdate = PublicStats.getLastUpdateTimestamp(PublicStats.opportunitiesUpdateTime);
    if (projectedICE.i < 100 || projectedICE.e < 100) {
      this.state = CHECKSTATE.IMPROVE;
    } else if (this.profile.lastVisited[PAGEIDS.OPPORTUNITY_BROWSER]) {
      const lastVisit = moment(this.profile.lastVisited[PAGEIDS.OPPORTUNITY_BROWSER], 'YYYY-MM-DD', true);
      if (lastVisit.isBefore(lastUpdate)) {
        this.state = CHECKSTATE.REVIEW;
      } else if (this.isSixMonthsOld(this.profile.lastVisited[PAGEIDS.OPPORTUNITY_BROWSER])) {
        this.state = CHECKSTATE.REVIEW;
        // TODO check for new opportunity reviews for future opportunity instances.
      } else {
        this.state = CHECKSTATE.OK;
    } else {
      // No lastVisitedOpportunities
      this.state = CHECKSTATE.REVIEW;

  public getDetails(): JSX.Element {
    const upcomingOpportunities = OpportunityInstances.findNonRetired({ studentID: this.profile.userID, verified: false });
    return ((upcomingOpportunities.length === 0) ?
      <DetailsBox description='You have no upcoming opportunities. Please add some!'/> :
      <DetailsBox description='Here are your upcoming Opportunities:'>
        <ProfileFutureOpportunitiesList profile={this.profile} size="medium"/>

  public getActions(): JSX.Element {
    const handleVerification = () => {
      updateLastVisited.callPromise({ pageID: PAGEIDS.OPPORTUNITY_BROWSER });
    switch (this.state) {
      case CHECKSTATE.OK:
        return (
          <ActionsBox description='First, use the Opportunity Explorer to find and add Opportunities to your profile, then use the Degree Planner to add them to your degree plan:'>
            <ChecklistButtonLink url={`/${URL_ROLES.STUDENT}/${this.profile.username}/${EXPLORER.OPPORTUNITIES}`} label='Opportunity Explorer'/>
            <ChecklistButtonLink url={`/${URL_ROLES.STUDENT}/${this.profile.username}/${DEGREEPLANNER}`} label='Degree Planner'/>
        return (
          <ActionsBox description={`Use the Opportunities Explorer to review available Opportunities and add them to your profile. Or, use the Degree Planner to add Opportunities from your profile to your Degree Plan, or to remove Opportunities from your Degree Plan. 
Use the myICE Page to learn more about how Opportunities earn you Innovation and/or Experience points. Click "Opportunities are OK" to confirm that they are OK.`} >
            <ChecklistButtonLink url={`/${URL_ROLES.STUDENT}/${this.profile.username}/${EXPLORER.OPPORTUNITIES}`} label='Opportunities Explorer'/>
            <ChecklistButtonLink url={`/${URL_ROLES.STUDENT}/${this.profile.username}/${DEGREEPLANNER}`} label='Degree Planner'/>
            <ChecklistButtonLink url={`/${URL_ROLES.STUDENT}/${this.profile.username}/${ICE}`} label='ICE Page'/>
            <ChecklistButtonAction onClick={handleVerification} label='Opportunities are OK' id='opportunities-are-ok'/>
        return <React.Fragment/>;