import _ from 'lodash';
import { CourseInstances } from '../../../app/imports/api/course/CourseInstanceCollection';
import { Courses } from '../../../app/imports/api/course/CourseCollection';
import { FeedbackInstances } from './FeedbackInstanceCollection';
import { clearFeedbackInstancesMethod } from './FeedbackInstanceCollection.methods';
import { defineMethod } from '../../../app/imports/api/base/BaseCollection.methods';
import { OpportunityInstances } from '../../../app/imports/api/opportunity/OpportunityInstanceCollection';
import { AcademicTerms } from '../../../app/imports/api/academic-term/AcademicTermCollection';
import * as oppUtils from '../../../app/imports/api/opportunity/OpportunityUtilities';
import * as yearUtils from '../../../app/imports/api/degree-plan/AcademicYearUtilities';
import * as planUtils from '../../../app/imports/api/degree-plan/PlanChoiceUtilities';
import { Slugs } from '../../../app/imports/api/slug/SlugCollection';
import { Users } from '../../../app/imports/api/user/UserCollection';
* Provides FeedbackFunctions. Each FeedbackFunction is a method of the singleton instance FeedbackFunctions.
* Each FeedbackFunction accepts a studentID and updates the FeedbackInstanceCollection based upon the current state
* of the student. Normally, the FeedbackFunction will first delete any FeedbackInstances it previously created
* for that student (if any), then add new ones if appropriate.
* Note that FeedbackFunctions call Meteor Methods to define and delete FeedbackInstances, so these functions must
* be called on the client side.
* @example
* import { FeedbackFunctions } from '../feedback/FeedbackFunctions';
* :
* FeedbackFunctions.recommendedCoursesThisAcademicTermByInterest(studentID);
* @class FeedbackFunctions
* @memberOf api/feedback
export class FeedbackFunctionClass {
public feedbackFunctionNames = [
* Checks the student's degree plan to ensure that all the prerequisites are met.
* @param user the student's ID.
public checkPrerequisites(user: string) {
const functionName = 'checkPrerequisites';
const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.WARNING;
const currentAcademicTerm = AcademicTerms.getCurrentAcademicTermDoc();
const studentID = Users.getID(user);
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
// Now iterate through all the CourseInstances associated with this student.
const cis = CourseInstances.find({ studentID }).fetch();
cis.forEach((ci) => {
const academicTerm = AcademicTerms.findDoc(ci.termID);
if (academicTerm.termNumber > currentAcademicTerm.termNumber) {
const academicTermName = AcademicTerms.toString(ci.termID, false);
const course = Courses.findDoc(ci.courseID);
if (course) {
const prereqs = course.prerequisites;
prereqs.forEach((p) => {
const courseID = Slugs.getEntityID(p, 'Course');
const prerequisiteCourse = Courses.findDoc({ _id: courseID });
const preCiIndex = _.findIndex(cis, (obj) => obj.courseID === courseID);
if (preCiIndex !== -1) {
const preCi = cis[preCiIndex];
const preCourse = Courses.findDoc(preCi.courseID);
const preAcademicTerm = AcademicTerms.findDoc(preCi.termID);
if (preAcademicTerm) {
if (preAcademicTerm.termNumber >= academicTerm.termNumber) {
const academicTermName2 = AcademicTerms.toString(preAcademicTerm._id, false);
const description = `${academicTermName}: ${course.num}'s prerequisite ${preCourse.num} is ` +
`after or in ${academicTermName2}.`;
const definitionData = { user, functionName, description, feedbackType };{ collectionName: 'FeedbackInstanceCollection', definitionData });
} else {
const description = `${academicTermName}: Prerequisite ${prerequisiteCourse.num} for ${course.num}` +
' not found.';
const definitionData = { user, functionName, description, feedbackType };{ collectionName: 'FeedbackInstanceCollection', definitionData });
* Checks the student's degree plan to ensure that there aren't too many courses in any one academicTerm.
* @param user the student's ID.
public checkOverloadedAcademicTerms(user: string) {
const functionName = 'checkOverloadedAcademicTerms';
console.log(`Running feedback function ${functionName}`);
const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.WARNING;
const studentID = Users.getID(user);
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
const currentAcademicTerm = AcademicTerms.getCurrentAcademicTermDoc();
const academicTerms = yearUtils.getStudentTerms(user);
let haveOverloaded = false;
let description = 'Your plan is overloaded. ';
academicTerms.forEach((termID) => {
const academicTerm = AcademicTerms.findDoc(termID);
if (academicTerm.termNumber > currentAcademicTerm.termNumber) {
const cis = CourseInstances.find({ studentID, termID, note: /ICS/ }).fetch();
if (cis.length > 2) {
haveOverloaded = true;
description = `${description} ${AcademicTerms.toString(termID, false)}, `;
description = description.substring(0, description.length - 2);
if (haveOverloaded) {
const definitionData = { user, functionName, description, feedbackType };{ collectionName: 'FeedbackInstanceCollection', definitionData });
* Creates recommended courses based upon the student's interests. Only generates feedback if the student's plan
* is missing courses.
* @param user the student's ID.
public generateRecommendedCourse(user: string) {
const functionName = 'generateRecommendedCourse';
console.log(`Running feedback function ${functionName}`);
// const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.RECOMMENDATION;
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
// TODO fix this since we don't have academic plans.
public generateRecommended400LevelCourse(user: string) {
const functionName = 'generateRecommended400LevelCourse';
// console.log(`Running feedback function ${functionName}`);
// const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.RECOMMENDATION;
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
// TODO fix this.
* Creates a recommended opportunities FeedbackInstance for the given student and the current academicTerm.
* @param user the student's ID.
public generateRecommendedCurrentAcademicTermOpportunities(user: string) {
const functionName = 'generateRecommendedCurrentAcademicTermOpportunities';
// console.log(`Running feedback function ${functionName}`);
const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.RECOMMENDATION;
const studentID = Users.getID(user);
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
let bestChoices = oppUtils.getStudentCurrentAcademicTermOpportunityChoices(user);
const basePath = this.getBasePath(user);
const termID = AcademicTerms.getCurrentTermID();
const oppInstances = OpportunityInstances.find({ studentID, termID }).fetch();
if (oppInstances.length === 0) { // only make suggestions if there are no opportunities planned.
// console.log(bestChoices);
if (bestChoices) {
const len = bestChoices.length;
if (len > 3) {
bestChoices = _.drop(bestChoices, len - 3);
let description = 'Consider the following opportunities for this academicTerm: ';
bestChoices.forEach((opp) => {
const slug = Slugs.findDoc(opp.slugID);
description = `${description} \n- [${}](${basePath}explorer/opportunities/${}), `;
description = description.substring(0, description.length - 2);
const definitionData = { user, functionName, description, feedbackType };{ collectionName: 'FeedbackInstanceCollection', definitionData });
* Creates a recommendation for getting to the next RadGrad Level.
* @param user The student's ID.
public generateNextLevelRecommendation(user: string) {
const functionName = 'generateNextLevelRecommendation';
// console.log(`Running feedback function ${functionName}`);
const feedbackType = FeedbackInstances.RECOMMENDATION;
// First clear any feedback instances previously created for this student.{ user, functionName });
const studentProfile = Users.getProfile(user);
// Need to build the route not use current route since might be the Advisor.
const basePath = this.getBasePath(user);
let description = 'Getting to the next Level: ';
switch (studentProfile.level) {
case 0:
description = `${description} Take and pass [ICS 111](${basePath}explorer/courses/ics111) and [ICS 141](${basePath}explorer/courses/ics141)`;
case 1:
description = `${description} Take and pass [ICS 211](${basePath}explorer/courses/ics211) and [ICS 241](${basePath}explorer/courses/ics241)`;
case 2:
description = `${description} Get some innovation and experience [ICE points](${basePath}home/ice)`;
case 3:
description = `${description} Get some more innovation and experience [ICE points](${basePath}home/ice)`;
case 4:
description = `${description} Get some more innovation and experience [ICE points](${basePath}home/ice) and go review something.`;
case 5:
description = `${description} Get some more innovation and experience [ICE points](${basePath}home/ice) and do more reviews.`;
description = '';
if (description) {
const definitionData = { user, functionName, description, feedbackType };{ collectionName: 'FeedbackInstanceCollection', definitionData });
* Returns an array of the course slugs that are missing from the plan.
* @param courseIDs The IDs of the courses taken by the student.
* @param coursesNeeded An array of the course slugs needed for the degree.
* @return {*|Array.<T>}
private missingCourses(courseIDs, coursesNeeded) {
const planChoices = coursesNeeded.splice(0);
courseIDs.forEach((id) => {
const course = Courses.findDoc(id);
const slug = Slugs.getNameFromID(course.slugID);
const index = planUtils.planIndexOf(planChoices, slug);
if (index !== -1) {
planChoices.splice(index, 1);
return planChoices;
private getBasePath(studentID) {
// console.log(studentID);
// const getPosition = (str, subString, index) => {
// return str.split(subString, index).join(subString).length;
// };
// if (FlowRouter.current()) {
// const currentRoute = FlowRouter.current().path;
// if (currentRoute.startsWith('/advisor')) {
// const username = Users.getProfile(studentID).username;
// basePath = `/student/${username}/`;
// } else {
// const index = getPosition(currentRoute, '/', 3);
// basePath = currentRoute.substring(0, index + 1);
// }
// }
return '';
* Singleton instance for all FeedbackFunctions.
* @type {FeedbackFunctionClass}
* @memberOf api/feedback
export const FeedbackFunctions = new FeedbackFunctionClass();